What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.

Rush and Sean, no further media is required.

doubling down on the ridiculousness that is *you* i see?


Go watch your Maddow recordings, I recommend Nov election night right after the Trump win was called.
Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.

Rush and Sean, no further media is required.
Brainwashed function moron...^^^ Politically, of course.

Fortunately the US Constitution guarantees my right to vote for Trump again in 2020.
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.
The biggest thing is she's sick, she's extremely dishonest, and nobody likes her.

there is no more a sicker individual than trump.
I can think of at least 3 that are sicker.
Here's one of them.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.

Rush and Sean, no further media is required.

doubling down on the ridiculousness that is *you* i see?


Go watch your Maddow recordings, I recommend Nov election night right after the Trump win was called.

lol.... 'election',,,,

tic toc...
Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.
I've listened to him for hundreds of hours since he started. TOTALLY FOS, dupe. And hate. Poor America. Luckily, dying off...

He makes $50 million a year exposing the left, what's not to like?
Lying about Dems you mean...character assassination and pure crap....a disgrace. My best friend actualy turned into Rush Limbaugh. Drove off all his friends. Rush and Newt ruined political discourse as well as the country. See sig.

Fuck you and your "sig" Komrade. You hate the US as founded.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.

Rush and Sean, no further media is required.
Brainwashed function moron...^^^ Politically, of course.

Fortunately the US Constitution guarantees my right to vote for Trump again in 2020.
As a write in

Have fun
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.
I've listened to him for hundreds of hours since he started. TOTALLY FOS, dupe. And hate. Poor America. Luckily, dying off...

He makes $50 million a year exposing the left, what's not to like?
Lying about Dems you mean...character assassination and pure crap....a disgrace. My best friend actualy turned into Rush Limbaugh. Drove off all his friends. Rush and Newt ruined political discourse as well as the country. See sig.

Fuck you and your "sig" Komrade. You hate the US as founded.
All, fact, fool.
I hate what the New BS GOP propaganda machine has done to you and America, dupe. This too shall pass. The big orange idiot is doing a great job of revealing the depth of your idiocy.....
First post in this thread

What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

Gender, sad but true*

*Ignoring Russia
That is so NOT true. If anything, she wouldn't have gotten as far as she did if she weren't a woman.
First post in this thread

What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

Gender, sad but true*

*Ignoring Russia
That is so NOT true. If anything, she wouldn't have gotten as far as she did if she weren't a woman.
THAT crap again...and Obama was nothing either...See misogynist above btw...
Obama became president because he was black, Nothing else. And I can prove it.
President Donald Trump is America's Ronald Reagan. President Trump has the same vision for America that President Ronald Reagan had. Make America great again. They have more in common than any other two Presidents in recent American history. I will compare the two as often as I like whether you like it or not.
View attachment 141143

the only thing that trump & reagan had in common was having organic brain syndrome. but i will say that reagan had a true & mutually respected relationship with russia with gorbachev.

trump is a traitorous slimeball committing treason right b4 your very eyes with pootey poot.

Yet another lib that doesn't know what treason is.

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