What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

'What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?'

I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
I am thinking that the reason they vote the way they do is because they are not informed. Once they realize that the left wing isn't their friend they will turn. Or as they reach economic success they will really realize that the left wing is not their friend. If not then they can't be taught.
What lost it for Hillary?

1. After losing the primary to Obama in 2008, she should have primaried Obama in 2016. It would have proved that she had guts.
Even if she had lost, it would have given her more credibility in 2016.

2. She never learned from the Republicans repeated and failed example that next in line is no guarantee. Especially if you are old and moldy, have nothing else to offer, even if you are a woman.

3, And the most important: Taking usually Democrat swing states for granted.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
I am thinking that the reason they vote the way they do is because they are not informed. Once they realize that the left wing isn't their friend they will turn. Or as they reach economic success they will really realize that the left wing is not their friend. If not then they can't be taught.

That's what the Democrats don't want. It's the reason they try to create as many government dependents as they can. Nobody ever became successful on government programs. I've always said that the greatest nightmare to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.
'What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?'


Hillary's book.jpeg
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
I am thinking that the reason they vote the way they do is because they are not informed. Once they realize that the left wing isn't their friend they will turn. Or as they reach economic success they will really realize that the left wing is not their friend. If not then they can't be taught.

That's what the Democrats don't want. It's the reason they try to create as many government dependents as they can. Nobody ever became successful on government programs. I've always said that the greatest nightmare to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.
if the reports of Hillary's, Bill's and Chelsea's worth are true then government programs certainly paid off for them. Along with all the other two faced rich democrats.
That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
I am thinking that the reason they vote the way they do is because they are not informed. Once they realize that the left wing isn't their friend they will turn. Or as they reach economic success they will really realize that the left wing is not their friend. If not then they can't be taught.

That's what the Democrats don't want. It's the reason they try to create as many government dependents as they can. Nobody ever became successful on government programs. I've always said that the greatest nightmare to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.
if the reports of Hillary's, Bill's and Chelsea's worth are true then government programs certainly paid off for them. Along with all the other two faced rich democrats.

Well......they were not on any government program--they were the government.

The left bought all their lies. Hil-Liar claimed that when they left the White House, they were broke. How does that happen? We have two lawyers here, one of them President of the United States for eight years. The job paid something like 200K a year most all expenses paid, he was governor of Arkansas prior to that, and they were broke???

How would those two have survived outside of government making 40 to 50K a year like many Americans?
The Democrats have been pushing a social agenda that the American people find repulsive:

1. Gay rights - Most Americans are against the persecution of gays and support equality, but most Americans, like myself, think homosexuality is revolting. Democrats putting gay rights as a major issue simply disgusts most Americans.

2. While there is definitely a problem with trigger happy police (a tiny minority of police) and the failure of grand juries to indict officers that should be indicted, the black lives movement has been protesting and rioting each and everytime a police officer uses force against a black person - whether it's justified or not. They effective support extreme criminal behavior. The American people support our police and known the the vast majority perform a very tough job and do it very professionally.

3. Femo_nazis! We're sick of the demonization of males and heterosexuality!

4. The demonization of White people - especially white males.

5. The constant narrative that minorities are persecuted, while in fact minorities are doing very well in the U.S. - at least as compared to the vast majority of countries. Racism nay not quite be dead, but we're a long way from the way we were 50 years ago.

6. The Dems simply ignore working class (i.e. employees) - unless they're a member of some minority.
What won for Trump:

He wants to make America great again, instead of making the shills rich.

What lost it for Clinton:

She wanted to make the shills prosper, at the expense of America.
BS GOP propaganda, dupe. Comey's letter cost Hilary 6-7%. End of story.

Hello again, francoHFW. Where have you been?

It has been a suspiciously long time. With your proclivity for internet verbal diarrhea, your long absence prompts the question:

Have you been retained against your will somewhere?
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
I am thinking that the reason they vote the way they do is because they are not informed. Once they realize that the left wing isn't their friend they will turn. Or as they reach economic success they will really realize that the left wing is not their friend. If not then they can't be taught.

That's what the Democrats don't want. It's the reason they try to create as many government dependents as they can. Nobody ever became successful on government programs. I've always said that the greatest nightmare to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.
if the reports of Hillary's, Bill's and Chelsea's worth are true then government programs certainly paid off for them. Along with all the other two faced rich democrats.

Well......they were not on any government program--they were the government.

The left bought all their lies. Hil-Liar claimed that when they left the White House, they were broke. How does that happen? We have two lawyers here, one of them President of the United States for eight years. The job paid something like 200K a year most all expenses paid, he was governor of Arkansas prior to that, and they were broke???

How would those two have survived outside of government making 40 to 50K a year like many Americans?
The Clintons are true lawyers, loose with the truth. Much like LBJ they became rich in office and not because they were good at trading cattle futures.
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.
I think the one thing that really hurt Hillary was her Mitt Romney 47 percent moment when she got caught calling Trump supporters deplorable, Un American, and irredeemable. Besides insulting Trump supporters she was also telling those who might have been leaning or considering Trump this was how she felt about them you have to figure that changed some votes and when you consider how close some of the races in the battleground and rustbelt states were that could have flipped them to Trump.
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.

In a word: coal! She was honest; coal has seen its better days in the past. it is being replaced by cleaner and renewable sources to generate electricity.

See: FACT CHECK: Is President Trump Correct That Coal Mines Are Opening?
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.
I think the one thing that really hurt Hillary was her Mitt Romney 47 percent moment when she got caught calling Trump supporters deplorable, Un American, and irredeemable. Besides insulting Trump supporters she was also telling those who might have been leaning or considering Trump this was how she felt about them you have to figure that changed some votes and when you consider how close some of the races in the battleground and rustbelt states were that could have flipped them to Trump.

That was the nail in the coffin. She was so focused on keeping her supporters happy that she forgot about everybody else.
Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
I am thinking that the reason they vote the way they do is because they are not informed. Once they realize that the left wing isn't their friend they will turn. Or as they reach economic success they will really realize that the left wing is not their friend. If not then they can't be taught.

That's what the Democrats don't want. It's the reason they try to create as many government dependents as they can. Nobody ever became successful on government programs. I've always said that the greatest nightmare to a Democrat politician is an informed voter.
if the reports of Hillary's, Bill's and Chelsea's worth are true then government programs certainly paid off for them. Along with all the other two faced rich democrats.

Well......they were not on any government program--they were the government.

The left bought all their lies. Hil-Liar claimed that when they left the White House, they were broke. How does that happen? We have two lawyers here, one of them President of the United States for eight years. The job paid something like 200K a year most all expenses paid, he was governor of Arkansas prior to that, and they were broke???

How would those two have survived outside of government making 40 to 50K a year like many Americans?
The Clintons are true lawyers, loose with the truth. Much like LBJ they became rich in office and not because they were good at trading cattle futures.

Well.........the cattle futures thing I gave her a break on because in commodities, that goes on all the time. I traded commodities for several years and read a lot about it. Inside information is tough to get because it's so regulated, but that's not to say she didn't have a helping hand somewhere. Usually people who trade commodities don't do it once and never again. She probably had an expert that owed the Clinton's a favor or something and he or she gave them the advice.
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.
I think the one thing that really hurt Hillary was her Mitt Romney 47 percent moment when she got caught calling Trump supporters deplorable, Un American, and irredeemable. Besides insulting Trump supporters she was also telling those who might have been leaning or considering Trump this was how she felt about them you have to figure that changed some votes and when you consider how close some of the races in the battleground and rustbelt states were that could have flipped them to Trump.
The Russians made her do it.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
Right. I'm pretty sure all whites understand at some level the demographic disaster we face, but few whites understand the role Jews play in this. They think it is driven by "liberals" or "the media", or "history" or "Democrats" or "cultural Marxism" something. Because they are unwilling, or unable, to see the problem as it is, they are easily cowed into silence, the ally of ignorance and denial.

The main weapon the Jews use against us is their very effective "maelstrom machine"--the howls of outrage that exceedingly few white persons seem capable of withstanding. All it takes is a few nasty-looking, unpleasant yentas all a-jangle to start screeching "racist" and the Senate Majority Leader is weeping on national television, begging forgiveness, and resigning his seat. Every white person, seemingly, would rather die than have his name in the paper attached to the word "anti-Semite". Anyone who figures that out controls us. The Jews, of course, figured that out long ago.

I don't have that gene. If someone calls me a "racist" or an "anti-Semite" it's as if they called me a "tyrwoolut"--it means nothing. I know who I am and how I treat others and so I shrug and keep talking. But I very rarely see politicians who can do that. Only one that I can think of: former Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado. Until Trump. When he didn't apologize after the whole Mexican rapist thing, I sat up and took notice. This is what we need, I said to myself.

The Jews sat up and took notice, too. That explains the extreme and unrelenting hatred they have thrown at Trump since the day he announced. I can't even express the deep contempt I have for all the white people who obediently follow along.

The Jewish have little to do with it. Politics is not their thing. They can take care of themselves and their communities and don't need government.

As for the other minority groups, they vote Democrat because Democrats give them things; this is outside of the Asians of course because like the Jews, they are self-supporing and successful people.

White liberals are probably the only people in the world that would hold their arms up in surrender and ask others take everything they worked for. We see that happening here and in Europe. No other group of people would support their governments making them a minority in their own country--only white liberals.
Oh my God. Believe me. Jews have everything to do with it. Are you from Shaker Heights? The "government" isn't going to decide to do anything. It's the people in the government who decide things. And it was the Jews in the government who got the 1965 Immigration Act passed--the sole reason we are becoming a minority in our own country. And in Europe, why are the Muslims and Africans pouring into far away Europe instead of next-door Israel, or Saudi Arabia, or Iran? Who is funding the NGOs sending the boats to the shores of North Africa? Jews.

The Jewish-owned New York Times doesn't report it, but it's true. The Jewish-controlled Hollywood makes lots of movies about WWII and Nazis, but no one knows about the Jewish Bolshevik slaughter of 20 million white Christian Russians between 1917 - 1928--66 million before the Soviet Union finally collapsed. 66 million--thats eleven whole Holocausts, and not even one movie? Surely SOMETHING dramatic must have happened during that bloodbath.

We all know the Communists were "anti-God" and so they killed priests and destroyed churches. Thousands. And hunted the clergy like animals, slaughtering them and their families when found. Did you know, no synagogues were destroyed? No rabbis killed?

Why are we so ignorant about this? Only a few of the moderators on this board are Jews, but they all censor me or support the ones who do, or call me an anti-Semite. Why? What if what I am saying is just true? Are certain truths forbidden? Is there a tree of knowledge we must avoid?

You cannot hope to be well-informed on the demographic defeat of whites in America unless you understand the Jewish role in it. Like Bolshevism, without the Jews it would not have happened.

Read the scholarly and exhaustive Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review
Simple. Trump, like a used car salesman, sold you on Populism and getting rid or the swamp. Then once elected he convinced you that doing the exact opposite of what he was applauded for is good too!

And it worked! The used car was $10,000 but that was before taxes, permaplating, interior protection, and a bumper to bumper warranty. Now it's actually worse than you were told but youve convinced yourself it was the only choice you had.
Many reason, that being said there was one "most important" factor in my opinion. Establishment vs non-establishment businessman.

It was not a year to be an establishment candidate and it was made even more glaring when you have a pro-American, billionaire, household name like Trump who is about as unorthodox and anti-establishment as you could get for someone so well known. Look at Sanders, without super delegates and the total bias against him, he probably beats Hillary and quite possibly Trump. Thankfully he lost. America becoming like Europe?? That cannot happen.

Not only did Trump know how to exploit the anti-establishment sentiment, he pointed out how absurd America was being treated and making "deals" in the world. He immediately walks away from TPP and the Paris Accord, and is now going after NAFTA. Unfortunately, the border tariff didn't have support, that would have helped American workers immensely.
Simple. Trump, like a used car salesman, sold you on Populism and getting rid or the swamp. Then once elected he convinced you that doing the exact opposite of what he was applauded for is good too!

And it worked! The used car was $10,000 but that was before taxes, permaplating, interior protection, and a bumper to bumper warranty. Now it's actually worse than you were told but youve convinced yourself it was the only choice you had.
That's because it was the only choice we had.

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