What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

Huh? I am not residing in the USA currently. Trump has better coverage than Verizon.


Far leftists such as this old fart are pissing their pants all over the world.
Intelligent non-dupes everywhere. It sells ads...

Now you are going full senile. Out of interest, how you looked at how age affects IQ?


(The chart is placed too high for the average leftist).

Perhaps you should retire and let us, who haven't still gone full dim take care of the issues. You still have to plenty of time to rejoice how you fucked the upcoming generation in every turn you possibly could with your voting... especially as you walk to the SS office and have our money handed to you... the sole reason for your miserable existence, presumably.
The GOP has been a disaster FOREVER, dupe, but especially since Reagan and the giveaway to the rich with pure bs propaganda....I am retired, don't be a silly punk. The demented are all on the angry idiot GOP team. Proven.

The only thing that is a disaster, and which you have proven to us, is the complete lack of your thinking faculties.

Long 8 years ahead.
the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression...great job! 35 years of wrecking the middle class...and producing so much hate and bs propaganda. Wonderful. Worst, most destructive party in the free world.

Sounds like the Obama presidency and democratic party.

They have made some mistakes, letting the government grow without bounds is perhaps the most colossal failure, failed to conserve anything as the dems enacted more and more free shit policies. But now with Trump, many things will be fixed.
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.

Peddling hope. Obama did it and won, Trump did it and won, neither of them will get anywhere near actually giving that hope out though.
Intelligent non-dupes everywhere. It sells ads...

Now you are going full senile. Out of interest, how you looked at how age affects IQ?


(The chart is placed too high for the average leftist).

Perhaps you should retire and let us, who haven't still gone full dim take care of the issues. You still have to plenty of time to rejoice how you fucked the upcoming generation in every turn you possibly could with your voting... especially as you walk to the SS office and have our money handed to you... the sole reason for your miserable existence, presumably.
The GOP has been a disaster FOREVER, dupe, but especially since Reagan and the giveaway to the rich with pure bs propaganda....I am retired, don't be a silly punk. The demented are all on the angry idiot GOP team. Proven.

The only thing that is a disaster, and which you have proven to us, is the complete lack of your thinking faculties.

Long 8 years ahead.
the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression...great job! 35 years of wrecking the middle class...and producing so much hate and bs propaganda. Wonderful. Worst, most destructive party in the free world.

Sounds like the Obama presidency and democratic party.

They have made some mistakes, letting the government grow without bounds is perhaps the most colossal failure, failed to conserve anything as the dems enacted more and more free shit policies. But now with Trump, many things will be fixed.
Wrong facts again. He passed ACA and was obstructed everywhere else. A disgrace by the New BS GOP.
Now you are going full senile. Out of interest, how you looked at how age affects IQ?


(The chart is placed too high for the average leftist).

Perhaps you should retire and let us, who haven't still gone full dim take care of the issues. You still have to plenty of time to rejoice how you fucked the upcoming generation in every turn you possibly could with your voting... especially as you walk to the SS office and have our money handed to you... the sole reason for your miserable existence, presumably.
The GOP has been a disaster FOREVER, dupe, but especially since Reagan and the giveaway to the rich with pure bs propaganda....I am retired, don't be a silly punk. The demented are all on the angry idiot GOP team. Proven.

The only thing that is a disaster, and which you have proven to us, is the complete lack of your thinking faculties.

Long 8 years ahead.
the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression...great job! 35 years of wrecking the middle class...and producing so much hate and bs propaganda. Wonderful. Worst, most destructive party in the free world.

Sounds like the Obama presidency and democratic party.

They have made some mistakes, letting the government grow without bounds is perhaps the most colossal failure, failed to conserve anything as the dems enacted more and more free shit policies. But now with Trump, many things will be fixed.
Wrong facts again. He passed ACA and was obstructed everywhere else. A disgrace by the New BS GOP.
Gov't shrank under Obama. Grew huge under GOP Reagan and Boosh.
Trump was just a much better bullshit artist than Hillary. He fed off of people's frustrations of government and spoke of conservative values when the country was ready for a more conservative leader. He somehow fooled millions of people into thinking that a New York billionaire was on the level of the American worker. He took the Trump university con to the American public and we fell for it.
The GOP has been a disaster FOREVER, dupe, but especially since Reagan and the giveaway to the rich with pure bs propaganda....I am retired, don't be a silly punk. The demented are all on the angry idiot GOP team. Proven.

The only thing that is a disaster, and which you have proven to us, is the complete lack of your thinking faculties.

Long 8 years ahead.
the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression...great job! 35 years of wrecking the middle class...and producing so much hate and bs propaganda. Wonderful. Worst, most destructive party in the free world.

Sounds like the Obama presidency and democratic party.

They have made some mistakes, letting the government grow without bounds is perhaps the most colossal failure, failed to conserve anything as the dems enacted more and more free shit policies. But now with Trump, many things will be fixed.
Wrong facts again. He passed ACA and was obstructed everywhere else. A disgrace by the New BS GOP.
Gov't shrank under Obama. Grew huge under GOP Reagan and Boosh.

Obama spent more than any president in history bar none. Nothing is enough to you leftists...


Climb from 5% to over 40%... who in their right mind let this legalized theft happen?
The only thing that is a disaster, and which you have proven to us, is the complete lack of your thinking faculties.

Long 8 years ahead.
the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression...great job! 35 years of wrecking the middle class...and producing so much hate and bs propaganda. Wonderful. Worst, most destructive party in the free world.

Sounds like the Obama presidency and democratic party.

They have made some mistakes, letting the government grow without bounds is perhaps the most colossal failure, failed to conserve anything as the dems enacted more and more free shit policies. But now with Trump, many things will be fixed.
Wrong facts again. He passed ACA and was obstructed everywhere else. A disgrace by the New BS GOP.
Gov't shrank under Obama. Grew huge under GOP Reagan and Boosh.

Obama spent more than any president in history bar none. Nothing is enough to you leftists...


Climb from 5% to over 40%... who in their right mind let this legalized theft happen?
All to avert ANOTHER full blown corrupt GOP depression, and to help victims with UE and welfare (none because of Obama law).
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.
Hillary wasn't black. That's why she lost.
I disagree with the OP's opinion Bernie would have beaten Trump. Soundly I think was the term used. This country doesn't want a socialist, and thank God for that. Never mind a spineless man. People think Trump is dangerous, OH SHIT, Bernie would have weakened us up but good. The only saving grace would be a Republican congress. As for Bernie's appt. to the supreme court, Trump chose someone who follows the law. Bernie's choice would most surely apply twisted interpretations on the side of socialism, and a dismantling of our Founding Father's intent.

Hillary is a nasty power-hungry bitch. She'd have become a billionaire built on name alone. You know she's lying when her lips move. She, like Bernie entertain racism, feminism, and any other ism that's worth a destruction of country for personal achievement. I'm grateful the Clinton regime was broken, and Trump accomplished just that. destroyed. I wonder if that's in her latest book?

I voted for Trump for many reasons. His lack of PC is refreshing. He's a DC outsider. He gets shit done. He's experienced dealing with people and demands perfection. I agree with most of his positions. He's also entertaining. I could do without some of his antics. He's too thin skinned. On the bright side he says how he feels. People say he's dishonest. Hilarious. He stretches the truth and sometimes plays a game, but more than anything else, Trump is BLUNTLY honest. That too is refreshing.
President Donald Trump is America's Ronald Reagan. President Trump has the same vision for America that President Ronald Reagan had. Make America great again. They have more in common than any other two Presidents in recent American history. I will compare the two as often as I like whether you like it or not.
View attachment 141143
My apologies! I posted this response on the wrong thread!!
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.

Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.
Really? You need yet another thread on this?


1) Hillary ran a terrible campaign.
2) She ignored the midwest.
3) She defended Obama and basically ran as "8 more years"
4) She is one of the most polarizing people in America, not even liked by her own party voters.

Trump didn't win. The Democrats lost.
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.

Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
Right. I'm pretty sure all whites understand at some level the demographic disaster we face, but few whites understand the role Jews play in this. They think it is driven by "liberals" or "the media", or "history" or "Democrats" or "cultural Marxism" something. Because they are unwilling, or unable, to see the problem as it is, they are easily cowed into silence, the ally of ignorance and denial.

The main weapon the Jews use against us is their very effective "maelstrom machine"--the howls of outrage that exceedingly few white persons seem capable of withstanding. All it takes is a few nasty-looking, unpleasant yentas all a-jangle to start screeching "racist" and the Senate Majority Leader is weeping on national television, begging forgiveness, and resigning his seat. Every white person, seemingly, would rather die than have his name in the paper attached to the word "anti-Semite". Anyone who figures that out controls us. The Jews, of course, figured that out long ago.

I don't have that gene. If someone calls me a "racist" or an "anti-Semite" it's as if they called me a "tyrwoolut"--it means nothing. I know who I am and how I treat others and so I shrug and keep talking. But I very rarely see politicians who can do that. Only one that I can think of: former Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado. Until Trump. When he didn't apologize after the whole Mexican rapist thing, I sat up and took notice. This is what we need, I said to myself.

The Jews sat up and took notice, too. That explains the extreme and unrelenting hatred they have thrown at Trump since the day he announced. I can't even express the deep contempt I have for all the white people who obediently follow along.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
Right. I'm pretty sure all whites understand at some level the demographic disaster we face, but few whites understand the role Jews play in this. They think it is driven by "liberals" or "the media", or "history" or "Democrats" or "cultural Marxism" something. Because they are unwilling, or unable, to see the problem as it is, they are easily cowed into silence, the ally of ignorance and denial.

The main weapon the Jews use against us is their very effective "maelstrom machine"--the howls of outrage that exceedingly few white persons seem capable of withstanding. All it takes is a few nasty-looking, unpleasant yentas all a-jangle to start screeching "racist" and the Senate Majority Leader is weeping on national television, begging forgiveness, and resigning his seat. Every white person, seemingly, would rather die than have his name in the paper attached to the word "anti-Semite". Anyone who figures that out controls us. The Jews, of course, figured that out long ago.

I don't have that gene. If someone calls me a "racist" or an "anti-Semite" it's as if they called me a "tyrwoolut"--it means nothing. I know who I am and how I treat others and so I shrug and keep talking. But I very rarely see politicians who can do that. Only one that I can think of: former Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado. Until Trump. When he didn't apologize after the whole Mexican rapist thing, I sat up and took notice. This is what we need, I said to myself.

The Jews sat up and took notice, too. That explains the extreme and unrelenting hatred they have thrown at Trump since the day he announced. I can't even express the deep contempt I have for all the white people who obediently follow along.

I just watched the movie "Get Out" over the weekend. It was about a white girl who brings a black guy home to meet her family. I assumed it was going to have all the typical cliches about race relations. But the movie was really mocking White Liberal elitism. Pretty interesting watch.

I agree with what you said. It was refreshing that Trump took a stance, which you and I know NOT to be racist, and stuck with it even in the face of the other side playing the race card to the extreme. I loved how he even doubled down and basically told Liberals to shove their race and bigot cards up their collective asses.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
Right. I'm pretty sure all whites understand at some level the demographic disaster we face, but few whites understand the role Jews play in this. They think it is driven by "liberals" or "the media", or "history" or "Democrats" or "cultural Marxism" something. Because they are unwilling, or unable, to see the problem as it is, they are easily cowed into silence, the ally of ignorance and denial.

The main weapon the Jews use against us is their very effective "maelstrom machine"--the howls of outrage that exceedingly few white persons seem capable of withstanding. All it takes is a few nasty-looking, unpleasant yentas all a-jangle to start screeching "racist" and the Senate Majority Leader is weeping on national television, begging forgiveness, and resigning his seat. Every white person, seemingly, would rather die than have his name in the paper attached to the word "anti-Semite". Anyone who figures that out controls us. The Jews, of course, figured that out long ago.

I don't have that gene. If someone calls me a "racist" or an "anti-Semite" it's as if they called me a "tyrwoolut"--it means nothing. I know who I am and how I treat others and so I shrug and keep talking. But I very rarely see politicians who can do that. Only one that I can think of: former Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado. Until Trump. When he didn't apologize after the whole Mexican rapist thing, I sat up and took notice. This is what we need, I said to myself.

The Jews sat up and took notice, too. That explains the extreme and unrelenting hatred they have thrown at Trump since the day he announced. I can't even express the deep contempt I have for all the white people who obediently follow along.

The Jewish have little to do with it. Politics is not their thing. They can take care of themselves and their communities and don't need government.

As for the other minority groups, they vote Democrat because Democrats give them things; this is outside of the Asians of course because like the Jews, they are self-supporing and successful people.

White liberals are probably the only people in the world that would hold their arms up in surrender and ask others take everything they worked for. We see that happening here and in Europe. No other group of people would support their governments making them a minority in their own country--only white liberals.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
Minorities know which party is full of racists. Pass the gd 2010 Dem Immigration bill with unfakable SS/ID card and END THIS GOP MESS. The GOP LOVES cheap labor and will keep this going on FOREVER, dupe. Your post is feces lol. FALSE. Stop harrassing worthy taxpayers and END illegal immigration with the card.
Actually isn't it the left wing that is pushing open borders? The only logic is that they need their pools cleaned on the cheap. And there ain't nothing cheaper then a liberal.
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.

Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.

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