What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

She was one of the most corrupt politicians in modern us politics. Otherwise she may have won
What won for Trump:

He wants to make America great again, instead of making the shills rich.

What lost it for Clinton:

She wanted to make the shills prosper, at the expense of America.
BS GOP propaganda, dupe. Comey's letter cost Hilary 6-7%. End of story.

Let me guess where that number is pulled from... the same place the numbers declaring Hillary an absolute winner were pulled from.

Make stupid shit up and lose again in 2020. You might even need to get a job.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
It's a secret CONSPIRACEEE!!!!!!! Anti-white my ass, hater dupe...Anti greedy rich lying GOPers...
What won for Trump:

He wants to make America great again, instead of making the shills rich.

What lost it for Clinton:

She wanted to make the shills prosper, at the expense of America.
BS GOP propaganda, dupe. Comey's letter cost Hilary 6-7%. End of story.

Let me guess where that number is pulled from... the same place the numbers declaring Hillary an absolute winner were pulled from.

Make stupid shit up and lose again in 2020. You might even need to get a job.
Not a chance- retired. Stupid brainwashed functional idiot. Hillary was ahead 9-10 %, I think 3-4% was Trumpers lying to pollsters
Crooked Hillary was dishonest, incompetent and corrupt and she ran a terrible campaign to get the popular vote instead of the Electoral College vote. Dumbass!'

Then of course she ran on a platform to increase taxes, allow open borders, demonize the NRA and bring in a million goddamn Muslim refugees. Who in their right right mind would vote for an idiot like that?

Trump ran on a message that Heartland Americans wanted to hear. Crooked Hillary ran on a message for the scum of America.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
It's a secret CONSPIRACEEE!!!!!!! Anti-white my ass, hater dupe...Anti greedy rich lying GOPers...

And with troll rants like that, you expect everybody to believe your BS story about you being a retired school teacher. What Fn teacher talks like a seven year old?
Trump got the to the left of Clinton on trade and with that won enough of the labor vote in the rust belt to flip 3 states.
Of course, he was FOS and her message was ruined by bs gossip...
Her message? What in the hell was her message? More of the same? Status quo? Support the establishment? She didn't have a message she was so sure but oh so wrong.
You dupes don't even know...See? Higher taxes on the rich, cuts for nonrich, more services (cheap college, 12-15$ min wage, fix ACA, etc.
What won for Trump:

He wants to make America great again, instead of making the shills rich.

What lost it for Clinton:

She wanted to make the shills prosper, at the expense of America.
BS GOP propaganda, dupe. Comey's letter cost Hilary 6-7%. End of story.

Let me guess where that number is pulled from... the same place the numbers declaring Hillary an absolute winner were pulled from.

Make stupid shit up and lose again in 2020. You might even need to get a job.
Not a chance- retired. Stupid brainwashed functional idiot. Hillary was ahead 9-10 %, I think 3-4% was Trumpers lying to pollsters

If that's what your nonsense sources tell you... Just a reminder, Trump is our (great) president now.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
It's a secret CONSPIRACEEE!!!!!!! Anti-white my ass, hater dupe...Anti greedy rich lying GOPers...

And with troll rants like that, you expect everybody to believe your BS story about you being a retired school teacher. What Fn teacher talks like a seven year old?
Type like a 7 year old, you mean...lol. So the rich pay all the taxes, dupe? You do believe our justice system is in league with Hillary, right? I really don't care about your opinion. You're wrong on everything like all the dupes...
I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
Minorities know which party is full of racists. Pass the gd 2010 Dem Immigration bill with unfakable SS/ID card and END THIS GOP MESS. The GOP LOVES cheap labor and will keep this going on FOREVER, dupe. Your post is feces lol. FALSE. Stop harrassing worthy taxpayers and END illegal immigration with the card.
What won for Trump:

He wants to make America great again, instead of making the shills rich.

What lost it for Clinton:

She wanted to make the shills prosper, at the expense of America.
BS GOP propaganda, dupe. Comey's letter cost Hilary 6-7%. End of story.

Let me guess where that number is pulled from... the same place the numbers declaring Hillary an absolute winner were pulled from.

Make stupid shit up and lose again in 2020. You might even need to get a job.
Not a chance- retired. Stupid brainwashed functional idiot. Hillary was ahead 9-10 %, I think 3-4% was Trumpers lying to pollsters

If that's what your nonsense sources tell you... Just a reminder, Trump is our (great) president now.
Breaking: the New BS GOP propaganda machine is only in the US and you dupes are alone in the WORLD...

Huh? I am not residing in the USA currently. Trump has better coverage than Verizon.


Far leftists such as this old fart are pissing their pants all over the world.
BS GOP propaganda, dupe. Comey's letter cost Hilary 6-7%. End of story.

Let me guess where that number is pulled from... the same place the numbers declaring Hillary an absolute winner were pulled from.

Make stupid shit up and lose again in 2020. You might even need to get a job.
Not a chance- retired. Stupid brainwashed functional idiot. Hillary was ahead 9-10 %, I think 3-4% was Trumpers lying to pollsters

If that's what your nonsense sources tell you... Just a reminder, Trump is our (great) president now.
Breaking: the New BS GOP propaganda machine is only in the US and you dupes are alone in the WORLD...

Huh? I am not residing in the USA currently. Trump has better coverage than Verizon.


Far leftists such as this old fart are pissing their pants all over the world.
Intelligent non-dupes everywhere. It sells ads...
Let me guess where that number is pulled from... the same place the numbers declaring Hillary an absolute winner were pulled from.

Make stupid shit up and lose again in 2020. You might even need to get a job.
Not a chance- retired. Stupid brainwashed functional idiot. Hillary was ahead 9-10 %, I think 3-4% was Trumpers lying to pollsters

If that's what your nonsense sources tell you... Just a reminder, Trump is our (great) president now.
Breaking: the New BS GOP propaganda machine is only in the US and you dupes are alone in the WORLD...

Huh? I am not residing in the USA currently. Trump has better coverage than Verizon.


Far leftists such as this old fart are pissing their pants all over the world.
Intelligent non-dupes everywhere. It sells ads...

Now you are going full senile. Out of interest, how you looked at how age affects IQ?


(The chart is placed too high for the average leftist).

Perhaps you should retire and let us, who haven't still gone full dim take care of the issues. You still have to plenty of time to rejoice how you fucked the upcoming generation in every turn you possibly could with your voting... especially as you walk to the SS office and have our money handed to you... the sole reason for your miserable existence, presumably.
Not a chance- retired. Stupid brainwashed functional idiot. Hillary was ahead 9-10 %, I think 3-4% was Trumpers lying to pollsters

If that's what your nonsense sources tell you... Just a reminder, Trump is our (great) president now.
Breaking: the New BS GOP propaganda machine is only in the US and you dupes are alone in the WORLD...

Huh? I am not residing in the USA currently. Trump has better coverage than Verizon.


Far leftists such as this old fart are pissing their pants all over the world.
Intelligent non-dupes everywhere. It sells ads...

Now you are going full senile. Out of interest, how you looked at how age affects IQ?


(The chart is placed too high for the average leftist).

Perhaps you should retire and let us, who haven't still gone full dim take care of the issues. You still have to plenty of time to rejoice how you fucked the upcoming generation in every turn you possibly could with your voting... especially as you walk to the SS office and have our money handed to you... the sole reason for your miserable existence, presumably.
The GOP has been a disaster FOREVER, dupe, but especially since Reagan and the giveaway to the rich with pure bs propaganda....I am retired, don't be a silly punk. The demented are all on the angry idiot GOP team. Proven.
If that's what your nonsense sources tell you... Just a reminder, Trump is our (great) president now.
Breaking: the New BS GOP propaganda machine is only in the US and you dupes are alone in the WORLD...

Huh? I am not residing in the USA currently. Trump has better coverage than Verizon.


Far leftists such as this old fart are pissing their pants all over the world.
Intelligent non-dupes everywhere. It sells ads...

Now you are going full senile. Out of interest, how you looked at how age affects IQ?


(The chart is placed too high for the average leftist).

Perhaps you should retire and let us, who haven't still gone full dim take care of the issues. You still have to plenty of time to rejoice how you fucked the upcoming generation in every turn you possibly could with your voting... especially as you walk to the SS office and have our money handed to you... the sole reason for your miserable existence, presumably.
The GOP has been a disaster FOREVER, dupe, but especially since Reagan and the giveaway to the rich with pure bs propaganda....I am retired, don't be a silly punk. The demented are all on the angry idiot GOP team. Proven.

The only thing that is a disaster, and which you have proven to us, is the complete lack of your thinking faculties.

Long 8 years ahead.
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.

3 blue states, (Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania) were won by a mere accumulate vote total of 73K votes.

If not for FBI director James Comey, Hillary Clinton would be the POTUS today. Comey in an unprecedented failure to abide by long standing DOJ protocol released information within 60 days of an election. He did it within 11 days of an election. During those 7 days millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Which is why he is under investigation for his interference into this election.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


Russian Interference: The worst damage was the release of Debbie Wasserman's email, showing her anxiety over Bernie Sanders. Of course she was pissed. Sanders changed his party status to run on the Democrat ticket, and signed off on all DNC rules and those Democrat Super Delegates, and then he started campaigning on a rigged election, even though he got his ass kicked by 3,775,437 votes. Trump swooped in to sweep up the collateral damage. We'll never know how many Sanders supporters voted for Trump but there were plenty on this board threatening to do it because of the way Sanders was campaigning.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote!

There is no doubt that Trump moved into those states promising Steel back from China, Coal miners will never lose their jobs, no more outsourcing of American made auto's. But it ain't gonna happen. Congress is not going to subsidize these industries--nor will they impose tariffs and start a trade war--so Americans will continue to buy foreign made products simply because they don't cost as much.

In reality the only thing Hillary Clinton is guilty of is underestimating the ignorance in this country.

So we're stuck with the Ass Clown


and he has brought a YUUUGGE circus with him.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

Last edited:
Breaking: the New BS GOP propaganda machine is only in the US and you dupes are alone in the WORLD...

Huh? I am not residing in the USA currently. Trump has better coverage than Verizon.


Far leftists such as this old fart are pissing their pants all over the world.
Intelligent non-dupes everywhere. It sells ads...

Now you are going full senile. Out of interest, how you looked at how age affects IQ?


(The chart is placed too high for the average leftist).

Perhaps you should retire and let us, who haven't still gone full dim take care of the issues. You still have to plenty of time to rejoice how you fucked the upcoming generation in every turn you possibly could with your voting... especially as you walk to the SS office and have our money handed to you... the sole reason for your miserable existence, presumably.
The GOP has been a disaster FOREVER, dupe, but especially since Reagan and the giveaway to the rich with pure bs propaganda....I am retired, don't be a silly punk. The demented are all on the angry idiot GOP team. Proven.

The only thing that is a disaster, and which you have proven to us, is the complete lack of your thinking faculties.

Long 8 years ahead.
No- 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression...great job! 35 years of wrecking the middle class...and producing so much hate and bs propaganda. Wonderful. Worst, most destructive party in the free world.

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