What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

Simple. Trump, like a used car salesman, sold you on Populism and getting rid or the swamp. Then once elected he convinced you that doing the exact opposite of what he was applauded for is good too!

And it worked! The used car was $10,000 but that was before taxes, permaplating, interior protection, and a bumper to bumper warranty. Now it's actually worse than you were told but youve convinced yourself it was the only choice you had.

Actually the main issues for people were the problems we have with immigration and of course the judges, particularly the SC judge.
I think it's the fact that in the past few years, the Democratic party has turned into a hate-sewer of anti-American, anti-free-speech, anti-white-male violence, death threats, riots and psychotic public meltdowns.....a hate sewer which lives on a diet of muslim semen. Therefore it's no surprise they are behaving IDENTICALLY to the muslim inbreds to whom they want to hand their own country. That political RMS Titanic's character STANK SO BAD to me, it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork abbatoir, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. With the Democratic party I've never seen a group of people turn so rancid with their arrogance, their hate and the most self-induced mass-psychosis I've seen in my 40-something years of life.

Democrats have made themselves so anti-social that if you were to go through an entire Oxford English dictionary, EVERY pejorative in this language demonstrably applies to these non-humans. And their sneering, arrogant, ingrate-punk elitism is truly something to behold....words can't do it justice. So in my official capacity as their "white male bogeyman" I wish liberals would die of cancer. So I can not only dance on their graves, but lead an entire C-walking shuffle class across them. Everyone who knows me personally knows I'm an excellent dancer who wears holes in dance floor, lol!
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President Donald Trump is America's Ronald Reagan. President Trump has the same vision for America that President Ronald Reagan had. Make America great again. They have more in common than any other two Presidents in recent American history. I will compare the two as often as I like whether you like it or not.
View attachment 141143

the only thing that trump & reagan had in common was having organic brain syndrome. but i will say that reagan had a true & mutually respected relationship with russia with gorbachev.

trump is a traitorous slimeball committing treason right b4 your very eyes with pootey poot.
First post in this thread

What is the single most important thing that lost it for Hillary/won it for Trump?

Gender, sad but true*

*Ignoring Russia
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I supported Trump from Day 2 and said he could win it based on his response to the howls of outrage regarding his comment that Mexico is sending us rapists. Did he apologize? Not only did he not apologize, he doubled down. That man can win, I said.

That's only part of it. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. People who follow politics understand the motive here which is make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. If Democrats can accomplish that, they have a good chance at making this country a one party government forever.

So the wall, immigration, illegals all tie into this, and that was Trump's strongest message.
That scenario only plays out if minorities are non thinking drones who will only vote Democrat. I don't believe that to be the case.

Then I suggest you check the stats. Every other group besides whites vote a majority Democrat. The Arabs, the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, the Jewish, every other group.

Then you look at how hard the Democrats are pushing for non-white immigrants to enter this country. Add to that their liberal judges who are interfering with Trumps orders such as defunding sanctuary cities, stopping his legal executive order to have a temporary ban on people from terrorists countries, and the defeat of Kate's law. Then of course they are fighting the wall.

It's pretty clear what their goal is at this point.
Minorities know which party is full of racists. Pass the gd 2010 Dem Immigration bill with unfakable SS/ID card and END THIS GOP MESS. The GOP LOVES cheap labor and will keep this going on FOREVER, dupe. Your post is feces lol. FALSE. Stop harrassing worthy taxpayers and END illegal immigration with the card.
Actually isn't it the left wing that is pushing open borders? The only logic is that they need their pools cleaned on the cheap. And there ain't nothing cheaper then a liberal.
Actually, no. That's total bs spin of Hillary taking about her dream of free TRADE, talking to Brazilian bankers. See how brainwashed GOPers are- and many indies and Dems misinformed too. Ain't un-American propaganda great?
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.
The biggest thing is she's sick, she's extremely dishonest, and nobody likes her.
There were obviously hundreds of factors that influenced the results, but I think the most important failure by Clinton was her inability to see that Michigan and Wisconsin were not going for her. i don't know if she could have convinced those people to vote for her, but she could've at least tried.

The other thing? Hillary Clinton herself. Much ado is made about Comey, the email thing, etc. ... but the truth is, she was just an unlikable person without a strong message. Look at Trump; he was walking around with at least as much baggage as her, but he knew how to play a crowd and get people riled up to vote for him. He was still a weak candidate (even Romney received more votes), but she was just pitifully weak. Why vote for Hillary Clinton? Because anything but Donald Trump. That's not enough to get people to vote for you.

I'm still convinced that Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they could've put out there. I think Bernie would have beat Trump soundly, though I'm not a big fan of his, either.
The biggest thing is she's sick, she's extremely dishonest, and nobody likes her.

there is no more a sicker individual than trump.
Immigration, Hillary is an illegal collaborator. In illegal sanctuary city Portland, OR an illegal who has been deported at least 20 times but released by local authorities in defiance of a federal immigration hold...this illegal brutally attacked a 65-year-old woman. He was taken into custody Monday night on charges that include robbery, kidnapping, burglary and sexual abuse. Its time to begin arresting liberals and charging them as accessories to these crimes by illegals.
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.

Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.

Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.

Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.
I've listened to him for hundreds of hours since he started. TOTALLY FOS, dupe. And hate. Poor America. Luckily, dying off...
Actually, the biggest reason Hillary lost is that it is hard as hell getting Democrats to vote.

If voting was required, republicans would never win another election
Trump was completely accessible in all media outlets (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Hillary sat on her lead and played it safe and wasn't as accessible. Every time I turned on the radio regardless of what station Trump was doing an interview. His message, whether you liked it or not, was getting out there. I sill have no idea what Hillary stood for except trying to tell us Trump was a misogynist. Trump said in the Art Of The Deal that any publicity is good, even negative. I think he proved it.

Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.
Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.
I've listened to him for hundreds of hours since he started. TOTALLY FOS, dupe. And hate. Poor America. Luckily, dying off...

He makes $50 million a year exposing the left, what's not to like?
What won for Trump:

He wants to make America great again, instead of making the shills rich.

What lost it for Clinton:

She wanted to make the shills prosper, at the expense of America.
BS GOP propaganda, dupe. Comey's letter cost Hilary 6-7%. End of story.

Hello again, francoHFW. Where have you been?

It has been a suspiciously long time. With your proclivity for internet verbal diarrhea, your long absence prompts the question:

Have you been retained against your will somewhere?
Totally misinformed as always...
Trump learned that from Howard Stern. He and Trump were buddy buddy and Trump did his show on several occasions. Stern always claimed the key to his success is the amount of people tuning in: half tuned in because they loved him, and half tuned in because they hated him.

Trump packed professional sports arenas while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium. The media knew where their bread was buttered. Trump brought in ratings as he always has.


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.

Rush and Sean, no further media is required.

I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.
I've listened to him for hundreds of hours since he started. TOTALLY FOS, dupe. And hate. Poor America. Luckily, dying off...

He makes $50 million a year exposing the left, what's not to like?
Lying about Dems you mean...character assassination and pure crap....a disgrace. My best friend actualy turned into Rush Limbaugh. Drove off all his friends. Rush and Newt ruined political discourse as well as the country. See sig.

I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.

Rush and Sean, no further media is required.

doubling down on the ridiculousness that is *you* i see?


I recall watching Sean Hannity one night and he was saying that Hillary had an open invitation to come on his show. I was thinking to myself if Hillary became a regular on FoxNews (regardless if FoxNews fans liked her) Trump would have no chance. It was stunning to me that she could not see now much exposure he was getting and didn't try to follow suit.

Another thing, during the primaries the Republicans were on TV debating it seemed like every 2 or 3 weeks. Where were the Democrats? Those Republican debates with Trump, Kasich, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Bush, Fiorina was some pretty good prime-time TV. Aside from Sanders, who the hell was running for the Democrats and what was their message?

It's no secret that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC were in the tank for Hillary which is why the lack of debates. The funny thing is in the end that hurt the Democratic Party.

Hil-Liar would never appear on Sean's show or any other major conservative. She and others are used to getting the softball questions that nobody cared about; questions that they could easily answer or lie about. That would't happen on a conservative show and Democrats know this. It was a good move for her to stay clear of that.
Also, lying Sean deserves no respect...

Franco I should gift you a Rush 24/7 subscription, flip you conservative.

oxyboy is a bloated draft dodging pimple assed 4x married bullshit artist & no surprise you are a ditto head. btw- i tune into his show enough to know i am so fucking right.

Rush and Sean, no further media is required.
Brainwashed function moron...^^^ Politically, of course.

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