What is the source of FDR's greatness

What is the source of FDR's greatness

  • Historians say so, who are we to argue we's have to think and who has time for that?

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Denier!

    Votes: 6 75.0%

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Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Historians consistently rank FDR as the Number 1 US President and it's time to ask why. What is the basis for this "Greatness"

Was it his economic record?

Was it his geo-political accomplishments

Are these historians even using the same scale as Americans

Are we "Deniers" for denying the obvious greatness of the man who oversaw an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years, enabled befriended and abetted history's 2 biggest mass murderers, helped enslave 1.5 billion people under the crushing yoke of Communism, ran inhumane experiments on blacks at Tuskegee or interred 110,000 Japanese Americans in camps to help Democrats in the election
"Historians consistently rank FDR as the Number 1 US President and it's time to ask why. What is the basis for this "Greatness""

Obviously, his degree of control of the media. If it were not for the internet, Barak Obama would be viewed as numero uno and FDR would be 'just another President'.
I was going to post this as a separate thread, but it appears to be appropriate for this one:

How Franklin Roosevelt Devastated Black Sharecroppers

In the annals of disastrous liberal economic policies, Franklin Roosevelt’s Agricultural Adjustment Act, which paid landowners not to grow crops, ranks very high. It violated what David Henderson calls “Pillar of Economic Wisdom #9: The only way to increase a nation’s real income is to increase its real output.” Deliberately reducing output, as Roosevelt did on this and other occasions, is profoundly stupid. Henderson explains:

The government’s goal was to reduce output and thus raise prices of crops. This would, no doubt, help farmers [although qua landowners, not qua farmers: more on that anon]. But it hurt people generally. In an era of low production and consumption, you don’t make people in general better off by reducing production and consumption.

And they continue to vote for his party and its similar goals! The article didn't surprise me as I never believed FDR was as great as the liberal media tries to make him out to be. But, decide for yourself. The piece is @ How Franklin Roosevelt Devastated Black Sharecroppers | Power Line

I was going to post this as a separate thread, but it appears to be appropriate for this one:

How Franklin Roosevelt Devastated Black Sharecroppers

In the annals of disastrous liberal economic policies, Franklin Roosevelt’s Agricultural Adjustment Act, which paid landowners not to grow crops, ranks very high. It violated what David Henderson calls “Pillar of Economic Wisdom #9: The only way to increase a nation’s real income is to increase its real output.” Deliberately reducing output, as Roosevelt did on this and other occasions, is profoundly stupid. Henderson explains:

The government’s goal was to reduce output and thus raise prices of crops. This would, no doubt, help farmers [although qua landowners, not qua farmers: more on that anon]. But it hurt people generally. In an era of low production and consumption, you don’t make people in general better off by reducing production and consumption.

And they continue to vote for his party and its similar goals! The article didn't surprise me as I never believed FDR was as great as the liberal media tries to make him out to be. But, decide for yourself. The piece is @ How Franklin Roosevelt Devastated Black Sharecroppers | Power Line


As profoundly stupid as that sounds; people will look back at us and look at stuff like Obamacare and say the same stuff.
People believe myths and people who get handouts from the government look back fondly on the asshole who expanded that practice big time

FDR did not believe in handouts. If people were able to work they had to work. To this end FDR created a few agencies that hired people to work and create a better America. For example, just one agency the WPA produced 650,000 miles of new highways, 124,000 bridges, 1000 miles of airport runways, built or improved 125,000 public buildings, including 41,300 schools, 18,000 playgrounds, 8,000 parks and on and on.That was just one agency, there were others, PWA, builder of dams, TVA, CCC.
People elected FDR four times not because of the handouts but for the hope, historians rate FDR America's best president because of what he did. Republicans bad-mouth FDR for both.
People believe myths and people who get handouts from the government look back fondly on the asshole who expanded that practice big time

FDR did not believe in handouts. If people were able to work they had to work. To this end FDR created a few agencies that hired people to work and create a better America. For example, just one agency the WPA produced 650,000 miles of new highways, 124,000 bridges, 1000 miles of airport runways, built or improved 125,000 public buildings, including 41,300 schools, 18,000 playgrounds, 8,000 parks and on and on.That was just one agency, there were others, PWA, builder of dams, TVA, CCC.
People elected FDR four times not because of the handouts but for the hope, historians rate FDR America's best president because of what he did. Republicans bad-mouth FDR for both.

Absolute and utter bullshit

The entitlement engine grew exponentially under FDR... lest we forget the abomination of SS
People believe myths and people who get handouts from the government look back fondly on the asshole who expanded that practice big time

FDR did not believe in handouts. If people were able to work they had to work. To this end FDR created a few agencies that hired people to work and create a better America. For example, just one agency the WPA produced 650,000 miles of new highways, 124,000 bridges, 1000 miles of airport runways, built or improved 125,000 public buildings, including 41,300 schools, 18,000 playgrounds, 8,000 parks and on and on.That was just one agency, there were others, PWA, builder of dams, TVA, CCC.
People elected FDR four times not because of the handouts but for the hope, historians rate FDR America's best president because of what he did. Republicans bad-mouth FDR for both.

Absolute and utter bullshit

The entitlement engine grew exponentially under FDR... lest we forget the abomination of SS

Well history is not everyone's cup of tea, eh?
He saved the Reagan Family, but you don't know this because you get all your information from rightwing media (and is the primary reason that Ronald Reagan supported him and campaigned for Truman).

Ronald Reagan's father was unemployed - and the family was in desperate trouble. FDR's big government provided him with a job at a time when the Reagan family was having trouble surviving. (Read Reagan's first autobiography "Where's the Rest of Me", and you will get the whole story)

Critics of FDR's work programs said that they were basically like government handouts because they were inefficient and were part of a Government structure which taxed the wealthy at a higher rate.

FDR didn't see it as a handout to the Reagan Family. He described it as an investment in Great Americans - i.e., hard working families that had fallen on hard times. FDR said that if you help people during hard times, that they would have a better chance of moving on to do great things. He speculated that if you gave more Americans a chance at success that you might be saving future scientists and maybe even a president. But the whole point was that he saw the good in people. He trusted them. He didn't see the need to call every family that fell on hard times as Welfare Queens. He was willing to use government's resources not just to help mega-corporations or bailout big banks, but also to help decent American families like the Reagans.

(You've been lied to. Turn off talk radio and study history. Your ignorance is killing this nation)

FDR had faith in the American People - that's why he helped the Reagan Family during hard times. He invested in them just like government invests in roads and energy grids.

(Some say the investment paid off)

Ronald Reagan campaigning for Truman because FDR saved his family during the depression
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FDR did not believe in handouts. If people were able to work they had to work. To this end FDR created a few agencies that hired people to work and create a better America. For example, just one agency the WPA produced 650,000 miles of new highways, 124,000 bridges, 1000 miles of airport runways, built or improved 125,000 public buildings, including 41,300 schools, 18,000 playgrounds, 8,000 parks and on and on.That was just one agency, there were others, PWA, builder of dams, TVA, CCC.
People elected FDR four times not because of the handouts but for the hope, historians rate FDR America's best president because of what he did. Republicans bad-mouth FDR for both.

Absolute and utter bullshit

The entitlement engine grew exponentially under FDR... lest we forget the abomination of SS

Well history is not everyone's cup of tea, eh?

Certainly not yours...

FDR opened the floodgates.. and entitlements grew.. and continued to grow even more after him because of the goddamn precedent he created
Absolute and utter bullshit

The entitlement engine grew exponentially under FDR... lest we forget the abomination of SS

Well history is not everyone's cup of tea, eh?

Certainly not yours...

FDR opened the floodgates.. and entitlements grew.. and continued to grow even more after him because of the goddamn precedent he created

Perhaps entitlements began growing when Hamilton put on the first tax to help business during the Washington administration?
He saved the Reagan Family, but you don't know this because you get all your information from rightwing media (and is the primary reason that Ronald Reagan supported him and campaigned for Truman).

Ronald Reagan's father was unemployed - and the family was in desperate trouble. FDR's big government provided him with a job at a time when the Reagan family was having trouble surviving. (Read Reagan's first autobiography "Where's the Rest of Me", and you will get the whole story)

Critics of FDR's work programs said that they were basically like government handouts because they were inefficient and were part of a Government structure which taxed the wealthy at a higher rate.

FDR didn't see it as a handout to the Reagan Family. He described it as an investment in Great Americans - i.e., hard working families that had fallen on hard times. FDR said that if you help people during hard times, that they would have a better chance of moving on to do great things. He speculated that if you gave more Americans a chance at success that you might be saving future scientists and maybe even a president. But the whole point was that he saw the good in people. He trusted them. He didn't see the need to call every family that fell on hard times as Welfare Queens. He was willing to use government's resources not just to help mega-corporations or bailout big banks, but also to help decent American families like the Reagans.

(You've been lied to. Turn off talk radio and study history. Your ignorance is killing this nation)

FDR had faith in the American People - that's why he helped the Reagan Family during hard times. He invested in them just like government invests in roads and energy grids.

(Some say the investment paid off)

Ronald Reagan campaigning for Truman because FDR saved his family during the depression
Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948 - YouTube

So keep unemployment at 20% for 7 years and then doling out subsidies, is what made him great

FDR is the prototype for "controlling the narrative" and writing one's own legacy...
Liberals love people who are ruthlessly evil.

When faced with answering for his evil, they have to change the subject and lie about that on top of it.

Nothing good came from that thing, he was the most evil creature to ever be Pres.

The Indians can say other wise, but fdr did it to us all
historians rate FDR America's best president because of what he did.

People who are actually aware of "what he did" can see that he was perhaps the most dangerous villain in US history.
I didn't see any brilliance out of Hoover's policies during the depression that helped. But RWer's claim him as a hero also, but right now they're so politically cannibalistic they are devouring their history to make it look bad on old democratic leaders. You never hear about bad tidings about, Lincoln, Grant or reconstruction and the era leading up to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, "to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies," the first Federal act attempting to regulate trusts.

You see at that time farmers were given land and seed by the Federal Govt, lands were granted to Rail Roads 181 million acres, steam ship subsidies.
FDR really didn't do anything new.

The most perplexing domestic problem Harrison faced was the tariff issue. The high tariff rates in effect had created a surplus of money in the Treasury. Low-tariff advocates argued that the surplus was hurting business. Republican leaders in Congress successfully met the challenge. Representative William McKinley and Senator Nelson W. Aldrich framed a still higher tariff bill; some rates were intentionally prohibitive.

Harrison tried to make the tariff more acceptable by writing in reciprocity provisions. To cope with the Treasury surplus, the tariff was removed from imported raw sugar; sugar growers within the United States were given two cents a pound bounty on their production.
Benjamin Harrison | The White House

These statements of how FDR was a commie lover is nothing new, why these people would tell you your granny was a hooker to make themselves look and feel better about themselves.

Let us look at Hoover and his take on the Soviet Union when the US helped after WWI;

After the Armistice, Hoover, a member of the Supreme Economic Council and head of the American Relief Administration, organized shipments of food for starving millions in central Europe. He extended aid to famine-stricken Soviet Russia in 1921. When a critic inquired if he was not thus helping Bolshevism, Hoover retorted, "Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed!"

Was Hoover a red panty wearing pinko-fag commie!?Like FDR is accused of being?

And after the Depression hit what did Hoover do?

After the crash Hoover announced that while he would keep the Federal budget balanced, he would cut taxes and expand public works spending.

In 1931 repercussions from Europe deepened the crisis, even though the President presented to Congress a program asking for creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to aid business, additional help for farmers facing mortgage foreclosures, banking reform, a loan to states for feeding the unemployed, expansion of public works, and drastic governmental economy.

So was Hoover a bigger commie than FDR, me thinks not.
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historians rate FDR America's best president because of what he did.

People who are actually aware of "what he did" can see that he was perhaps the most dangerous villain in US history.

In the meantime, he was elected four times by the American people, a record, and named by historians as America's greatest president. I would suspect the FDR years have been gone over and over by historians, by Republicans, by conservatives, by Democrats and by liberals, and it comes out the same, America's greatest president. That must hurt somewhat?
People believe myths and people who get handouts from the government look back fondly on the asshole who expanded that practice big time

FDR did not believe in handouts. If people were able to work they had to work. To this end FDR created a few agencies that hired people to work and create a better America. For example, just one agency the WPA produced 650,000 miles of new highways, 124,000 bridges, 1000 miles of airport runways, built or improved 125,000 public buildings, including 41,300 schools, 18,000 playgrounds, 8,000 parks and on and on.That was just one agency, there were others, PWA, builder of dams, TVA, CCC.
People elected FDR four times not because of the handouts but for the hope, historians rate FDR America's best president because of what he did. Republicans bad-mouth FDR for both.

Absolute and utter bullshit

The entitlement engine grew exponentially under FDR... lest we forget the abomination of SS

Of all of FDR's programs, Social Security has probably hurt Republicans the most. We were supposed to go communistic according to Republicans or at least socialistic with the passage of Social Security. That reasoning was based on the premise that socialism always led to communism.

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