What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?

Protect a country that is being unjustly invaded….just like we did in Kuwait

Only differences are we did the fighting in Kuwait and there was a Republican in office at the time
This is a topic that has the wheels turning in American minds. Best if I just leave it alone to see if it can ripen on the tree, before the patriots dash it to the ground?
Why are you sympathetic towards Russia?
Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?

Jews Matter, Americans do NOT.
Why are you sympathetic towards Russia?
I'm going to give you another chance but I warn you that the ignore period of time will be increased if you go back to the sort of behaviour that I find not suitable.

First, I'm sympathetic to the Ukrainian people who are being used by America as cannon fodder. The popular opinion among those I believe is that the Ukraine doesn't even exist anymore as a nation. Close to half the civilian population has left and they don't intend on going back.

From that you will be able to understand why I'm not sympathetic to America, and conversely my feelings on Russia should be obvious. Russia is left with a choice of either destroying the Ukraine and it's people or being defeated and divided up by America.

My opinion has nothing to do with you personally, and so I expect the same from you!
I'm going to give you another chance but I warn you that the ignore period of time will be increased if you go back to the sort of behaviour that I find not suitable.

First, I'm sympathetic to the Ukrainian people who are being used by America as cannon fodder. The popular opinion among those I believe is that the Ukraine doesn't even exist anymore as a nation. Close to half the civilian population has left and they don't intend on going back.

From that you will be able to understand why I'm not sympathetic to America, and conversely my feelings on Russia should be obvious. Russia is left with a choice of either destroying the Ukraine and it's people or being defeated and divided up by America.

My opinion has nothing to do with you personally, and so I expect the same from you!
My question is: What are Russia's true goals for the war in Ukraine?
So far none of their actual actions have reflected any of their stated goals. I know what they have said. But if those goals were the truth then why haven't they actually done anything to accomplish them? They have gone about this entirely the wrong way if they were truly interested in demilitarizing Ukraine.
Russian economy is in the toilet.
The sanctions are getting increasingly difficult to work around.
The EU (including India) is calling for reparations already.
The Ukranian military is united and functioning stronger than ever.
Everyone left in Ukraine is thumbing their nose at Russia in complete defiance.
Even Belarus is cooling their relationship with Russia.

None of the Russian objectives are being met...in fact just the opposite.

If they were looking for resources Russia has destroyed every bit of supporting infrastructure that would allow them to exploit those resources with entire villages being turned into rubble.

So other than just starting a very expensive war with Ukraine and causing hardship on their own citizens and Oligarchs....they really don't seem interested in doing their stated goals.
This is a topic that has the wheels turning in American minds. Best if I just leave it alone to see if it can ripen on the tree, before the patriots dash it to the ground?

The only thing ripening is fresh laundered bills to the big guy, seasoned senators and nato and european twits. And of course a corrupt ukrainian govt.
Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?
The answer is common sense, something that you haven't any, common or otherwise.
Protect a country that is being unjustly invaded….just like we did in Kuwait

Only differences are we did the fighting in Kuwait and there was a Republican in office at the time
The issue is that we seem to go from war to war with most undeclared. We have wasted so many trillions of dollars.
Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?

To repay Ukraine for their energy company giving Biden's son a no-show job for $83,000 a month and to keep Zelenskyy's trap shut on why they hired a burned out drug addict instead of a competent US attorney.
Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?
I think it is rather funny that they turned tail and ran out of Afghanistan so quickly, letting the Taliban terrorists take over the country and giving them billions of dollars of US military equipment but Ukraine must defended, no matter how much it costs or how long it takes.

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