What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

Just announced anther 400 million, why, according to you Russia is no threat?
It is taking Billions in US and NATO technology just to hold Russia at arm's length and they are holding back. If China supplies them with weapons and manpower I expect to see Ezekiel 38 take place.

In the end, as Turkey, Iran, Russia and their allies descend upon Israel they will be destroyed, not by weapons of man but by The Hand of God.

One does not have to spend this kind of money to hold a paper tiger back.
I'm sure the figures have increased by Billions more in the past month.

US ($115 Billion)
EU institutions ($37.2 billion),
UK ($7.5 billion)
Germany ($5.8 billion)
Canada ($5.1 billion)
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So they are a broke paper tiger that is a threat to Ukraine. Can't make this shit up.

OK, let’s put it in simple terms since you appear to be struggling

Russia is a threat to Ukraine because they are killing people and occupying territory

They are no longer the perceived threat to NATO because they have struggled to defeat an inferior foe in Ukraine
OK, let’s put it in simple terms since you appear to be struggling

Russia is a threat to Ukraine because they are killing people and occupying territory

They are no longer the perceived threat to NATO because they have struggled to defeat an inferior foe in Ukraine
You are as dumb as you look. I take that back. You are a pathological liar.
Russia will always be a threat. They are not even using their most advanced weapons and if China supplies them manpower, Iran and North Korea and China are supplying them weapons and continue to do so, this is WWIII and Joe Biden caused it, like I predicted he would.
You are as dumb as you look. I take that back. You are a pathological liar.
Russia will always be a threat. They are not even using their most advanced weapons and if China supplies them manpower, Iran and North Korea and China are supplying them weapons and continue to do so, this is WWIII and Joe Biden caused it, like I predicted he would.

Russia is like a punched out heavyweight fighter
They have depleted their military and it will take decades to rebuild. Their economy can’t support it

Russia is like a punched out heavyweight fighter
They have depleted their military and it will take decades to rebuild. Their economy can’t support it
When you speak, I picture a forked tongue serpent wrapped around a tree telling Eve, "Surely you will not die!"
Remember: Joe Biden specifically told Putin that a little incursion into Ukraine would be ignored.

Biden has also told The World to Ignore Iran's Nuclear Program.

Joe Biden is an Evil Man.
Trump convinced Putin that NATO was weak and Biden was too ineffective to resist his invasion

The guy YOU VOTED FOR called Putin a Genius

Do you still agree with him?

Yes I do, think about it:

He wasn't going to mess around with Trump in charge because Trump was too unpredictable. So he waited for the dementia patient to take over putting Putin in charge of energy and the ability to go into Ukraine. I don't know if I would label that genius, but certainly pretty smart.
I'm going to give you another chance but I warn you that the ignore period of time will be increased if you go back to the sort of behaviour that I find not suitable.

First, I'm sympathetic to the Ukrainian people who are being used by America as cannon fodder. The popular opinion among those I believe is that the Ukraine doesn't even exist anymore as a nation. Close to half the civilian population has left and they don't intend on going back.

From that you will be able to understand why I'm not sympathetic to America, and conversely my feelings on Russia should be obvious. Russia is left with a choice of either destroying the Ukraine and it's people or being defeated and divided up by America.

My opinion has nothing to do with you personally, and so I expect the same from you!
I'm going to explain to you that I don't give a shit what you do. So I will warn you that my shoe will get shit all over it because I'm going to shove my foot up your ass like I always do when I expose your lies.

That doesn't make any sense at all. What makes more sense is that you are a Russian propaganda troll. How do you like my shoes? :)

Let's see Donald's numb-nut belief #18: America tricked Russia into invading Ukraine because America is the evil Satan.
Trump convinced Putin that NATO was weak and Biden was too ineffective to resist his invasion

The guy YOU VOTED FOR called Putin a Genius

Do you still agree with him?
1. Trump exposed NATO as weak and ineffective. Should he have pretended otherwise?
2. Putin is a genius when compared with Biden.
3. I agreed with almost all of his policies. Why didn't you?
Yes I do, think about it:

He wasn't going to mess around with Trump in charge because Trump was too unpredictable. So he waited for the dementia patient to take over putting Putin in charge of energy and the ability to go into Ukraine. I don't know if I would label that genius, but certainly pretty smart.

So you agree Putin is a Genius for invading a peaceful neighbor, bombing civilians and raping Grandmothers

That is what Trump says
Putin didn't think of going into Ukraine when Trump was in charge
Well, yeah, because Trump promised to destroy NATO and cripple Ukraine, handing it to Putin without a war.

It's not debatable that Trump was the most gutless US president in history. The only question is whether he's the most gutless American citizen of any sort in history. The whole planet knew they could easily manipulate Trump into giving them whatever they wanted, the Taliban being an obvious example.

Strangely, Trump's cultists seem to love him even more for being a cheese-eating surrender-monkey.
Well, yeah, because Trump promised to destroy NATO and cripple Ukraine, handing it to Putin without a war.

It's not debatable that Trump was the most gutless US president in history. The only question is whether he's the most gutless American citizen of any sort in history. The whole planet knew they could easily manipulate Trump into giving them whatever they wanted, the Taliban being an obvious example.

Strangely, Trump's cultists seem to love him even more for being a cheese-eating surrender-monkey.

Surrender? Surrender to whom?

When did Trump promise to destroy NATO?

What did Trump give to the Taliban? What did he give to the "world" that they wanted?
So you agree Putin is a Genius for invading a peaceful neighbor, bombing civilians and raping Grandmothers

That is what Trump says

Saying Putin was smart by conducting himself the way he did is not agreeing with it. Why do you libs lie so much? Is it because that's all you have?
To own it's government and keep it as a Western tentacle extended into Russia backyard.....of course.fornthe purpose of expanding Western corporate interest.
The U.S. goal in Ukraine is to enable the Ukrainians to defend themselves against an invasion.

This is not like the War in Vietnam. In Vietnam we were more interested in defending South Vietnam from Communists than many of the South Vietnamese.

A closer analogy would be to our support for Israel. The Israelis have fought their own wars, but they have fought them with our weapons.

The Ukrainians and the Israelis have told us, "We will fight for our survival. We will appreciate your help, but we will fight without it if we need to."

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