What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?
To make Eastern Europe safe and prosperous. Remember there is good reason why freedom loving liberals hate Russians, Republicans not so much.
We spend $850 billion a year on Defense

Much of it is used to acquire weapons that we may someday use against the threat of Russia

Ukraine is using those weapons for us to kill those Russians

Provide Ukraine with the means to feed fend themselves from the Russian aggressor
Where is your proof that any of the funds are going to the wrong people?
The corrupt fascist Tenpercentskyy is exactly "the wrong people" in and of himself.

Of course, the circumstantial evidence is that congressweasels -in both parties- have recoiled in horror over the idea that the weapons and funds be audited.

Where there's smoke....
The goals are to deplete our defenses. Sell off the oil reserves to China and get the maximum kickbacks that Zelensky is willing to part with.
you've got nothing!

What I've got is one of the top 5 most corrupt nations on the planet, led by a total fascist despot acting as though he has the whole western world over a barrel....You really a big enough fool to believe that he and his oligarch cronies aren't getting a big fat skim off the top?

You remind me of a mob lawyer.
Our end-goal in Ukraine? To buy NATO enough time to turn eastern Europe into an inpenetrable bulwark against the Russian barbarians.

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