What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

Making three banks fail since President Biden took office. That is not debatable.

Can't believe I have to explain this to a presumably semi-functioning adult, but all of economy us not hinged on the president.

For example just because huge COVID recession happened during Trump's presidency, and you can't deny that it did, doesn't mean he caused it.
The democrat goal for the US in Ukraine is to completely deplete US arms to the point where we are defenseless.

....no one has ever proposed giving Ukraine our nukes or to not replenish our arsenal.

How do you come up with this stupid nonsense?

What the hell do you think is in the Ukraine military spending bills? Buying more weapons.
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....no one has ever proposed giving Ukraine our nukes or to not replenish our arsenal.

How do you come up with this stupid nonsense?

What the hell do you think is in the Ukraine military spending bills? Buying more weapons.
Paying salaries, keeping up with pension payments.
Can't believe I have to explain this to a presumably semi-functioning adult, but all of economy us not hinged on the president.

For example just because huge COVID recession happened during Trump's presidency, and you can't deny that it did, doesn't mean he caused it.

Even you know that's just plain goofy.

You can't make this comedy up.

You cannot disprove any of those.


And like all the rest of the supporters of Zionist Fascism here, you cowardly resort to digression and card tossing....
You conveniently left out a "minor" detail. President Trump SAID he would not honor Article 5 IF THE OTHER NATIONS DID NOT MEET their agreed-upon contributions to NATO. Major difference. As a result, the offending nations bellied up to the bar. Did Trump fail to protect any member of NATO?

The "useful idiot's" methods prevented President Putin from invading Ukraine. That is not debatable.

President Biden said a "small" incursion was okay and Putin agreed.

Yeah go ahead and find me that quote.

You’re such a fool and so gullible that you don’t even realize that trump always gives himself an “out” whenever he wants to do something controversial. That whole thing with NATO not spending enough was his out, as weak as it was. Trump has already said that NATO is obsolete and wanted out. That was his real agenda, not strengthening NATO. There was no way every country was magically going to get to 2% of their gdp overnight before he decided to exit NATO and he knew that. These are the things he and Putin discussed in their secret meetings for how he would help him with his “situation.” Friends are supposed to help each other after all, and who’s a greater friend to fascist dictatorships than Donald trump?
You cannot disprove any of those.
I don't need to refute laughable baseless garbage in your head.

You want to come on here and piss yourself day in and out? Be my guest, nobody is going to waste their time on a nutbag like you.
I don't need to refute baseless garbage

Dumbass, biolabs are everywhere. They are basic healthcare facilities that test blood, urine and etc. that may also conduct reasearch.

The conspiracy theories propagated by Russians is that America supposedly ran some sort of bio-weapons program in Ukraine, which is baseless bullshit.
Dumbass, biolabs are everywhere


US taxpayers funded "bio labs" in China and Ukraine during the homO Administration

Hunter Biden got kickbacks from China and Ukraine after the US tax dollars were laundered there...

The American people were never told we were funding "bio labs" in Ukraine and China. Many of us don't think spending US taxdollars on "bio labs" in Ukraine and China was a good idea, explaining why the spending was kept hidden from the American people.

And they are not "everywhere," they are just in countries that PAID OFF HUNTER BIDEN

US taxpayers funded "bio labs" in China and Ukraine during the homO Administration
Moron, us taxpayers have been funding bio labs for a long time now. Epidemiological surveillance is a world-wide effort that involves international healthcare organizations.

Only in your know nothing head is that any news.
us taxpayers have been funding bio labs for a long time now


Document ONE SINGLE US funded bio lab outside US territory before homO was the Cocksucker in Chief...

Start the Jeopardy! music
Hunter Biden is a PRIVATE CITIZEN.

He is not the President, he doesn't work for government, he can get paid by whoever he wants and if he breaks the law he should be prosecuted and serve time like anyone else.

Stop wasting everyone's time with your horseshit already.

Hunter Biden is a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK and if COMPROMISED could be USED TO INFLUENCE US POLICY by foreign agents who "OWN" him...
Here we go again....

These are NOT "conspiracy theories"

homO put US funded bio labs in Ukraine
Hunter Biden got kickbacks from Ukraine
homO and Joe both lied about whether we had US taxpayer funded bio labs in Ukraine
Joe bragged about getting a Ukraine prosecutor fired for investigating Hunter's kickbacks
Joe lied about US troops in Ukraine
The American taxpayer has been bilked close to a $1 trillion for the cause of Zionist Fascism in Ukraine.

You realize you’re pushing Russian propaganda right? Where do you think these stories and those like it originate from? Even the Chinese are using this story on state tv about bio labs. Why is the right wing in this country so enamored with totalitarian regimes that they start spreading their talking points and lies in the west? Hmmm.
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