What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

Dummy, what is it you think Trump would do that Biden didn't if Putin would somehow ignore raging pandemic in 2020 and go invade Ukraine?
Have you ever heard of asymmetric warfare? In simple terms that even you might understand, it means picking battles that are favorable to you rather than your adversary. This also means gaining the initiative instead of merely reacting to the other side's actions. There are innumerable actions Trump could have taken which would not have damaged our own economy or military capabilities (e.g, cyber warfare, isolating Kaliningrad, etc, etc.).

Knowing this, Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was still President. Your lame assertion that Putin would have invaded Ukraine in 2020 if not for the pandemic reveals nothing more than your growing desperation in trying to find excuses for Biden's appalling performance as President. Why didn't Putin invade in 2017, 2018 or 2019? As for 2020, the pandemic would have made an invasion even easier for Putin. Even you should understand this.
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I root for truth and America.

You root for Zionist Fascism, Israel, Ukraine, and Col Tim Osman



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You’re just another in a long ass line of useful idiots for Moscow. Keeping listening to Q and Putin.

You’re just another in a long ass line of useful idiots for Moscow. Keeping listening to Q and Putin.

Someone is lying, and it is you.

Nothing BUT wrong came out of US after WWII.
And how does that lead you to the conclusion that it's ok for Russia to invade and annex Ukraine?

It's doesn't, you are just deflecting because you can't seem to be able to deal with it.
Have you ever heard of asymmetric warfare? In simple terms that even you might understand, it means picking battles that are favorable to you rather than your adversary. This also means gaining the initiative instead of merely reacting to the other side's actions. There are innumerable actions Trump could have taken which would not have damaged our own economy or military capabilities (e.g, cyber warfare, isolating Kaliningrad, etc, etc.).

Knowing this, Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was still President. Your lame assertion that Putin would have invaded Ukraine in 2020 if not for the pandemic reveals nothing more than your growing desperation in trying to find excuses for Biden's appalling performance as President. Why didn't Putin invade in 2017, 2018 or 2019? As for 2020, the pandemic would have made an invasion even easier for Putin. Even you should understand this.

Thats just a bunch of wishy-washy puff bullshit.

Answer specifically - what would Trump do, that Biden did not?

I've asked this question maybe about 20 times now and not one of you Trumpsters can give a sane answer. All you have is some magical-thinking bs in your head that Trump would do something, you just don't know what.
Have you ever heard of asymmetric warfare? In simple terms that even you might understand, it means picking battles that are favorable to you rather than your adversary. This also means gaining the initiative instead of merely reacting to the other side's actions. There are innumerable actions Trump could have taken which would not have damaged our own economy or military capabilities (e.g, cyber warfare, isolating Kaliningrad, etc, etc.).

Knowing this, Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was still President. Your lame assertion that Putin would have invaded Ukraine in 2020 if not for the pandemic reveals nothing more than your growing desperation in trying to find excuses for Biden's appalling performance as President. Why didn't Putin invade in 2017, 2018 or 2019? As for 2020, the pandemic would have made an invasion even easier for Putin. Even you should understand this.

Cyber warfare to prevent Putin from invading? HAHAHAHAHAHA. What movies have you been watching? I’m behind on my Netflix shows.

NATO is the only thing standing between Putin and his thirst to rebuild the Soviet Union out of all his neighboring countries. And what did trump do ever since he stumbled into the presidency but threatening to leave nato, stating he would not abide by article 5, blackmailing Ukraine into not sending military assets, etc. This was man hell bent on helping Moscow achieve their goals at some point. Why would Putin choose to invade when he had his buddy and lackey sowing chaos among nato Allies? All he had to do was just wait.
NATO is the only thing standing between Putin and his thirst to rebuild the Soviet Union out of all his neighboring countries.
What?! If the U.S. and NATO had not stuck their missiles into these countries, Russia would have lived just fine without them.
What?! If the U.S. and NATO had not stuck their missiles into these countries, Russia would have lived just fine without them.

Bullshit, you've only attacked the countries that DIDN'T get US and NATO missiles.
What?! If the U.S. and NATO had not stuck their missiles into these countries, Russia would have lived just fine without them.

Did Russia live fine with Chechnya? Did Russia live fine with Georgia? The very first thing he did as dictator was invade Chechnya. Who does that on their first day? This man has war on the mind 24/7 because he has a goal to reunite the Soviet Union. You think some orange POS reality show president is going to stand between and destiny? NATO is around so they don't end up like those countries. Making them look like the aggressor when Putin is invading country after country like he's Adolf Hitler is hilarious. After he was done with Ukraine, Moldova was next on his list.
Yeah go ahead and find me that quote.

You’re such a fool and so gullible that you don’t even realize that trump always gives himself an “out” whenever he wants to do something controversial. That whole thing with NATO not spending enough was his out, as weak as it was. Trump has already said that NATO is obsolete and wanted out. That was his real agenda, not strengthening NATO. There was no way every country was magically going to get to 2% of their gdp overnight before he decided to exit NATO and he knew that. These are the things he and Putin discussed in their secret meetings for how he would help him with his “situation.” Friends are supposed to help each other after all, and who’s a greater friend to fascist dictatorships than Donald trump?
One of many problems the far-left has is that they simply take their talking points from the legacy media, Democrat Underground, the DailyKOS, and whoever without ever checking them out for themselves. This is a prime example.

"Former President Donald Trump says he made thinly-veiled threats to Nato leaders while he was president, reportedly saying the US would not defend them against Russia if they did not pay up."


It's sad that the far-left folks pretend to not know that the dictators of countries value their public image, their "face" more than anything. President Trump is a master negotiator and knew that what he would say to them in public had nothing to do with what was said and DONE behind closed doors. Are you and your far-left compadres really that ignorant or is it willful ignorance?

We all know full well that you fellows would rather take a sharp stick in the eye rather than to admit that President Trump did anything good, but hey, he was great and it is what it is!

Please, do your own research and come prepared. Calling me a fool and gullible really does nothing to further your position.
Did Russia live fine with Chechnya? Did Russia live fine with Georgia?
Are you an illiterate idiot? However, the question is rhetorical.
Chechnya was part of Russia. It is enough for a smart person to understand that it is the task of the state to bring order within its borders. For example, like the North did to the South in the history of the USA.
As for Georgia, it attacked Abkhazia and killed russian peacekeepers, who were there on the decision. of the UN.
Hunter Biden is a PRIVATE CITIZEN.

He is not the President, he doesn't work for government, he can get paid by whoever he wants and if he breaks the law he should be prosecuted and serve time like anyone else.

Stop wasting everyone's time with your horseshit already.
That's just goofy. EVEN YOU know better!
Thats just a bunch of wishy-washy puff bullshit.

Answer specifically - what would Trump do, that Biden did not?

I've asked this question maybe about 20 times now and not one of you Trumpsters can give a sane answer. All you have is some magical-thinking bs in your head that Trump would do something, you just don't know what.
Okay, just for you, no "wishy-washy puff bullshit".

Are you really this ignorant or is it willful ignorance? Do you just play ignorant to illicit a fight?

Pretty simple. President Putin did not invade Ukraine during the Trump administration. So obviously, Trump shouldn't have done anything different than he was already doing.

You and I both know that President Trump would not have issued an invitation to President Putin to invade Ukraine.

5:56 p.m. ET, January 19, 2022

Ukraine shocked at Biden "green light to Putin" incursion

From CNN’s Matthew Chance

A Ukrainian official told CNN’s Matthew Chance he is “shocked that the US President Biden would distinguish between incursion and invasion” and suggest that a minor incursion would not trigger sanctions but an invasion would.

“This gives the green light to Putin to enter Ukraine at his pleasure,” the official added.

During his news conference marking one year in office, Biden suggested a "minor incursion" by Russia would elicit a lesser response than a full-scale invasion of the country.

The Ukrainian official added he’d never heard any nuance like this from the US administration before.

“Kyiv is stunned,” he added, referring to the Ukrainian government.

Are you an illiterate idiot? However, the question is rhetorical.
Chechnya was part of Russia. It is enough for a smart person to understand that it is the task of the state to bring order within its borders. For example, like the North did to the South in the history of the USA.
As for Georgia, it attacked Abkhazia and killed russian peacekeepers, who were there on the decision. of the UN.

You realize that occupying a separate country doesn't automatically make them Russian right? This is even less so when they declare their independence once your government falls apart. Russia once occupied Finland, is Finland Russian? Japan once occupied Korea. Is Korea Japanese by that same logic? You are a dumbass. You can make up whatever excuses or euphemisms you want but an invasion is an invasion.
Pretty simple. President Putin did not invade Ukraine during the Trump administration. So obviously, Trump shouldn't have done anything different than he was already doing.

Pretty simple, there was a huge recession during Trump's term, so therefore he caused it. :cuckoo:

When are you going to learn that weak correlation is not a serious proof of causation?

Your baseless assertion that it was Trump that prevented Russian invasion is about as credible as me saying that some moldy cereal in my pantry was stalling the invasion untill I threw it out in 2022.
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Chechnya was part of Russia.

And? Crimea and Donbas are parts of Ukraine, somehow you don't give any crap about that.

Chechnya was an autonomous republic within USSR and wanted it's independance when USSR fell apart. Russians refused and eventually launched a bloody war, which they won on second try.

Lets note that there were exactly zero "referendums" conducted by Russians in Chechnya, and all voting to before the war showed huge majorities favoring independence. So much for that bullshit.

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