What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

5:56 p.m. ET, January 19, 2022

Ukraine shocked at Biden "green light to Putin" incursion

From CNN’s Matthew Chance

A Ukrainian official told CNN’s Matthew Chance he is “shocked that the US President Biden would distinguish between incursion and invasion” and suggest that a minor incursion would not trigger sanctions but an invasion would.

“This gives the green light to Putin to enter Ukraine at his pleasure,” the official added.

During his news conference marking one year in office, Biden suggested a "minor incursion" by Russia would elicit a lesser response than a full-scale invasion of the country.

The Ukrainian official added he’d never heard any nuance like this from the US administration before.

“Kyiv is stunned,” he added, referring to the Ukrainian government.

You don't understand wtf you are reading.

By January 19th 2022 Putin has ALREADY ammased troops on Ukraine's border and United States was warning of incoming invasion while trying to dissuade Russia from going through with it.

And even ignoring all that, Putin did not conduct incursion that Biden supposedly greenlighted, it was exactly the full scale invasion Biden has redlighted. What does that mean? That obviously means that no ammount of green or redlighting had any effect of Putin's final descision and your point is bs.

Thhere was only one serious way to prevent invasion - NATO and American troops in Ukraine. NO ONE proposed anything like that, especially not Trump.
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You don't understand wtf you are reading.

By January 19th 2022 Putin has ALREADY ammased troops on Ukraine's border and United States was warning of incoming invasion while trying to dissuade Russia from going through with it.

And even ignoring all that, Putin did not conduct incursion that Biden supposedly greenlighted, it was exactly the full scale invasion Biden has redlighted. What does that mean? That obviously means that no ammount of green or redlighting had any effect of Putin's final descision and your point is bs.

Thhere was only one serious way to prevent invasion - NATO and American troops in Ukraine. NO ONE proposed anything like that, especially not Trump.
You realize that occupying a separate country doesn't automatically make them Russian right? This is even less so when they declare their independence once your government falls apart. Russia once occupied Finland, is Finland Russian?
Russia never really claimed Finland to be Russian. Finland had its own parliament and many other attributes of independence. Whereas Ukraine had been with Russia since the beginning of the Russian state and returned to it in 1654, at the request of the ukrainians, by the way.
Russians and Ukrainians were united by origin and religion. This is why the current nazi leadership in Ukraine seeks to sever Russians from Ukrainians, including by banning the Orthodox church common to russians and ukrainians. The U.S. and the West help them in this abominable endeavor.
Chechnya was an autonomous republic within USSR and wanted it's independance when USSR fell apart. Russians refused and eventually launched a bloody war, which they won on second try.
And the Chechen bandits got it, practically, under the alcoholic traitor Yeltsin. But in 1999 Chechen bandits invaded кussian Dagestan and that was the end of Chechnya's independence.
And the Chechen bandits got it, practically, under the alcoholic traitor Yeltsin. But in 1999 Chechen bandits invaded кussian Dagestan and that was the end of Chechnya's independence.
How did the referendums go? Or is that only something Russians are interested in staging when it comes to annexing other countries?
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How did the referendums go?
In the Crimea? 96 or 98% Approximately the same in Donbass. But of course, this referendum was wrong, because it was in favor of joining Russia.
And if you are such a fan of referendums and the will of the people, the referendum on the preservation of the USSR in the spring of 1991 was mostly in favor of. Also the wrong referendum.
In the Crimea? 96 or 98% Approximately the same in Donbass. But of course, this referendum was wrong, because it was in favor of joining Russia.
And if you are such a fan of referendums and the will of the people, the referendum on the preservation of the USSR in the spring of 1991 was mostly in favor of. Also the wrong referendum.
Are you claiming that ?

Ummmm.....Russian loyalists shouldn't be voting in other nation's elections...which is precisely what you are talking about. Russia paid these people a lot of money to move into these areas and to stir up dissent. It's called settlements. Illegal process of removing the identity of a region. Israel can't do it to Palestinians so Russians can't do it to Ukranians.
In the Crimea? 96 or 98% Approximately the same in Donbass. But of course, this referendum was wrong, because it was in favor of joining Russia.
And if you are such a fan of referendums and the will of the people, the referendum on the preservation of the USSR in the spring of 1991 was mostly in favor of. Also the wrong referendum.

In Chenchnya/Groznuy dummy.

Russia has zero right to conduct any referendums in other countries and no one recognizes them as anything but sham.

If America or Japan occupies Russian territory and conducts referendums you would find that legitimate?
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Russia don't. US do.
No moron, no country has a right to conduct successionist referendums in other countries.

It's illegal (aside from Russians running a transparent sham.)

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One of many problems the far-left has is that they simply take their talking points from the legacy media, Democrat Underground, the DailyKOS, and whoever without ever checking them out for themselves. This is a prime example.

"Former President Donald Trump says he made thinly-veiled threats to Nato leaders while he was president, reportedly saying the US would not defend them against Russia if they did not pay up."


It's sad that the far-left folks pretend to not know that the dictators of countries value their public image, their "face" more than anything. President Trump is a master negotiator and knew that what he would say to them in public had nothing to do with what was said and DONE behind closed doors. Are you and your far-left compadres really that ignorant or is it willful ignorance?

We all know full well that you fellows would rather take a sharp stick in the eye rather than to admit that President Trump did anything good, but hey, he was great and it is what it is!

Please, do your own research and come prepared. Calling me a fool and gullible really does nothing to further your position.

What trump has done behind closed doors is blackmail Ukraine. What he has done behind closed doors is have secret meetings with his buddy Putin to make deals at the expense of our country and our allies. Meetings devising up ways to weaken NATO in all likelihood.

As for Trump being a master negotiator, I guess you haven't heard, Mexico isn't paying for the wall. I guess you forgot about the Iran nuclear deal that kept a dangerous and unstable country from developing nuclear weapons, which Trump tore up. What about when he met with Kim Jong Un and didn't receive one single concession as a result? Yup, the art of the deal! Threatening our allies is about as dumb as they come. All it did was make Trump look like a Putin puppet, but this is to be expected of someone who has historically always backed out of deals in which he had to pay. Ask his lawyers :auiqs.jpg:
What trump has done behind closed doors is blackmail Ukraine. What he has done behind closed doors is have secret meetings with his buddy Putin to make deals at the expense of our country and our allies. Meetings devising up ways to weaken NATO in all likelihood.

As for Trump being a master negotiator, I guess you haven't heard, Mexico isn't paying for the wall. I guess you forgot about the Iran nuclear deal that kept a dangerous and unstable country from developing nuclear weapons, which Trump tore up. What about when he met with Kim Jong Un and didn't receive one single concession as a result? Yup, the art of the deal! Threatening our allies is about as dumb as they come. All it did was make Trump look like a Putin puppet, but this is to be expected of someone who has historically always backed out of deals in which he had to pay. Ask his lawyers :auiqs.jpg:
And, it all worked out beautifully. Thank you.

And, it all worked out beautifully. Thank you.


Yes, it worked out beautifully. He made the United States the laughing stock of the world and was voted out of office, and Putin never got what he wanted. The end. Now....

Russia never really claimed Finland to be Russian. Finland had its own parliament and many other attributes of independence. Whereas Ukraine had been with Russia since the beginning of the Russian state and returned to it in 1654, at the request of the ukrainians, by the way.
Russians and Ukrainians were united by origin and religion. This is why the current nazi leadership in Ukraine seeks to sever Russians from Ukrainians, including by banning the Orthodox church common to russians and ukrainians. The U.S. and the West help them in this abominable endeavor.

But according to your logic they can because they once occupied Finland, so that makes them Russian. As for Ukraine being part of the Russian state that's not evern remotely true. The Ukranians aka the Cossacks were their own people, with their own language, government and land. Russia occupied and subjugated Ukranians. Your knowledge of Ukraine sounds like it was taught out of a Russian reeducation center. Who knows, maybe that's where you're working out of right now.

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