What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

So in order to prove that I'm being lied to, you link russian state media regurgitating the same garbage fake story I just told you originated from Russia? 🤦‍♀️
How do you know they are Russia backed exactly?
Aside from "making the world safe for democracy" or some similar claptrap, what is the specific goal of U.S.policy towards Ukrainian territory? Is it to restore Ukrainian sovereignty over its 2020 borders with Russia, or is it to restore its sovereignty over Crimea, which was "annexed" by Russia in 2014? Or are we simply giving a blank check to Ukranian President Zelinsky to do whatever he wants?
Ukraine appears to be another conflict where the only constructive US goal being pursued is monetary in nature.

Poland, however, may have a historically constructive project in mind regarding Ukraine:

"In the 1920s, Jozef Pilsudski had a project.

"This is the so-called Intermarium [between the seas].

"It’s an idea that has its origin in the 17th century principality of Poland and Lithuania.

"Today, it would be a matter of uniting the countries between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean into one community. Those are the three seas.

"Pilsudski wanted to restore that.

"And about 15 years ago, at the beginning of the 2000s, Poland redefined the recreation of the Intermarium as a foreign policy goal.8

"In January, an agreement for cooperation between Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine was signed.9

"This corresponds to the first Lublin Triangle, which dates back to the 16th Century.

"It is an alliance that could be one of the first elements of this Intermarium that Poland wants to achieve."

Background and elements of the war in Ukraine | MR Online
The U.S. goal in Ukraine is to help the Ukrainians defeat the Russian invasion.
This isn't exactly true....

It's to weaken the Russians while appearing to uphold our treaty with the Ukranians.

Let me put it this way....
If it was to help the Ukranians there would be a box of hearing protection shipped along side of every case of ammunition. (Guns are loud and former soldiers are always deaf)
Also safety glasses/goggles with every cammo clothing issued.

Helmets/flak jackets are a start....but not really the full safety gear needed by these guys. The number of eye injuries and the hearing loss by these soldiers (men and women) is a staggering amount. Concussions are as common as calluses from digging trenches.

20% of the financial aide pouring into Ukraine is coming from individuals and not governments. Everyone seems to have an angle too....drones, turnaquettes, NVG, and other pieces of gear.

One day this war is going to end and everyone is going to need a job. Eyes and ears are necessary to have one.
Protect a country that is being unjustly invaded….just like we did in Kuwait

Only differences are we did the fighting in Kuwait and there was a Republican in office at the time
What other option did Putin have in February, 2022? Ukraine had massed 100,000 troops on the border with Donbass in the wake of an eight-year war which killed 14,000 primarily ethnic-Russian Ukrainians.

Zelensky threatened to regain control of Crimea as well as eastern Ukraine. In that case, Russia would have lost its only warm water post, and the US goal of constricting Russian access to the the Black Sea would have been complete.
What other option did Putin have in February, 2022? Ukraine had massed 100,000 troops on the border with Donbass in the wake of an eight-year war which killed 14,000 primarily ethnic-Russian Ukrainians.
View attachment 795811
Zelensky threatened to regain control of Crimea as well as eastern Ukraine. In that case, Russia would have lost its only warm water post, and the US goal of constricting Russian access to the the Black Sea would have been complete.
You mean respecting Ukraine borders?

How could Putin do THAT?
You mean respecting Ukraine borders?

How could Putin do THAT?
Before or after the US-instigated coup that drove a democratically elected president from office and replaced him with a far-right puppet government?

Putin responded to a hostile military alliance on his western border that would not have been there absent Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland.
Before or after the US-instigated coup that drove a democratically elected president from office and replaced him with a far-right puppet government?

Putin responded to a hostile military alliance on his western border that would not have been there absent Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland.

US drove a Putin puppet out of office in Ukraine
He currently resides in Moscow
What other option did Putin have in February, 2022? Ukraine had massed 100,000 troops on the border with Donbass in the wake of an eight-year war which killed 14,000 primarily ethnic-Russian Ukrainians.
View attachment 795811
Zelensky threatened to regain control of Crimea as well as eastern Ukraine. In that case, Russia would have lost its only warm water post, and the US goal of constricting Russian access to the the Black Sea would have been complete.

Mined ore and grain had been being blocked since Russia invaded in 2014....using the Crimean ports Russians have an effective blockade for all shipping in and out of Ukraine. So since they control all shipping out of Ukraine they also get to set the prices they would pay for the Ukranian goods exported...(Which were ridiculously low)

All of this was staged and accepted by the Ukranians last president...when Zelenski came into power....the free ride was now over...so Russia thought that they could invade the entire country and fair, free markets would be over. Things at severely discounted prices could resume.
Which rich? Are you claiming that rich Ukrainians benefit from the Russian invasion?
You don't know?
Millions of Ukrainian refugees from the south working for an apple and an egg for those woke Ukrainians living in former Polish-Ukraine.
Thousands of Oligarchs and civil servants - filling their pockets via endless corruption - fed by EU and NATO funds
Property prices, rentals and black market prices skyrocketing in former Polish Ukraine due not being affected by the war - but millions of refugees pressing in.
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Mined ore and grain had been being blocked since Russia invaded in 2014....using the Crimean ports Russians have an effective blockade for all shipping in and out of Ukraine. So since they control all shipping out of Ukraine they also get to set the prices they would pay for the Ukranian goods exported...(Which were ridiculously low)

All of this was staged and accepted by the Ukranians last president...when Zelenski came into power....the free ride was now over...so Russia thought that they could invade the entire country and fair, free markets would be over. Things at severely discounted prices could resume.
How many ports does Ukraine control?
Dry bulk cargo in ukrainian ports – PortEconomics


"Ukraine possesses the most powerful sea port potential among all the countries of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.[1] There are 18 seaports located along the Ukrainian coast."

List of ports in Ukraine - Wikipedia

In 2014 a violent coup supported by the US drove a corrupt, yet democratically elected Ukrainian, president from office.

At that time the Ukrainian population was divided over closer ties with the EU and IMF or traditional trade with their closest neighbor.

One side was willing to settle the issue at the ballot box while the other preferred violent revolution that's led directly to the carnage we see today.

Background and elements of the war in Ukraine | MR Online

"Ukraine only an independent country since 1991​

"When Putin says Ukraine was artificially created by the Soviet Union, he is correct. Ukraine has only been an independent country since 1991.

"That is only 30 years.

"Previously, it did not exist. Today,

"Poland contemplates recovering a part of it, the same with Bulgaria and, even in Hungary people say parts of Ukraine belong to them.

"The same goes for Romania and Moldova. Moldova itself was a part of Romania. All this is an artificial creation of the Soviets, of Stalin.

"It is a simplification to say that the Russians are against Ukraine. It is much more complex. It is precisely these elements that are not only state-bound, but also cultural."
Which rich? Are you claiming that rich Ukrainians benefit from the Russian invasion?
Rich Ukrainians who became richer from food speculation have benefitted from the current conflict in Ukraine:

Top 10 hedge funds made £1.5bn profit from Ukraine war food price spike

"Hedge funds have emerged as some of the biggest winners from the global food price spike that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with the world’s 10 biggest hedge funds alone making profits estimated at nearly $2bn."
Rich Ukrainians who became richer from food speculation have benefitted from the current conflict in Ukraine:

Top 10 hedge funds made £1.5bn profit from Ukraine war food price spike

"Hedge funds have emerged as some of the biggest winners from the global food price spike that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with the world’s 10 biggest hedge funds alone making profits estimated at nearly $2bn."
I still want the United States to give Ukraine the support needed to defeat the Russian invasion.

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