What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

But according to your logic they can because they once occupied Finland, so that makes them Russian. As for Ukraine being part of the Russian state that's not evern remotely true. The Ukranians aka the Cossacks were their own people, with their own language, government and land. Russia occupied and subjugated Ukranians. Your knowledge of Ukraine sounds like it was taught out of a Russian reeducation center. Who knows, maybe that's where you're working out of right now.
The British colonies in North America were completely independent from each other and were based on different religious beliefs. Are they not now part of the United States?
Russia has been the bad guys since the Cold War. So, ever since then we (US Gov't) has pretty much opposed them, not unlike republicans vs democrats. When Putin started the war in Ukraine, politically Biden had to oppose that or look like a pussy. And then he had to back up the rhetoric with war materiel, and hey presto, here we are. Putin should have realized that no US president or European countries could stand by and do nothing while he invaded another country. Hitler taught us that lesson back in the 1930s.

What is the US goal in Ukraine? To save face politically. IMHO, everything else that might be said as far as why we're involved is bullshit.
What is the US goal in Ukraine? To save face politically. IMHO, everything else that might be said as far as why we're involved is bullshit
So the treaty Bill Clinton got them to sign with us (and Russia incidentally) where we said we would do what we are doing is of no consequence?
BTW, Bill Clinton said that he regrets pressuring Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons.
Russia has been the bad guys since the Cold War. So, ever since then we (US Gov't) has pretty much opposed them, not unlike republicans vs democrats. When Putin started the war in Ukraine, politically Biden had to oppose that or look like a pussy. And then he had to back up the rhetoric with war materiel, and hey presto, here we are. Putin should have realized that no US president or European countries could stand by and do nothing while he invaded another country. Hitler taught us that lesson back in the 1930s.

What is the US goal in Ukraine? To save face politically. IMHO, everything else that might be said as far as why we're involved is bullshit.

Trump never learned the lesson of hitler. He’s more interested in fighting on the side of someone like hitler if he could do it without opposition from his own government.
Trump never learned the lesson of hitler. He’s more interested in fighting on the side of someone like hitler if he could do it without opposition from his own government.

So, you're saying Trump would've stood by and done nothing when Putin invaded? Based on what exactly?
So the treaty Bill Clinton got them to sign with us (and Russia incidentally) where we said we would do what we are doing is of no consequence?
BTW, Bill Clinton said that he regrets pressuring Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons.

First of all, what exactly did the US promise to do in that treaty, and 2nd of all was that treaty ratified by Congress? Answer: NO, they didn't, and therefore that treaty is not legally binding and there is no way to enforce it. As far as I can tell, our commitment was to seek action from the UN Security Council in the event of Russian military action in Ukraine. Assurances, but no guarantees. 2nd, when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Obama did nothing cuz he had no political pressure to do anything of consequence. So why are we sending billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, and how long are we going to continue to do that? There's only one reason: Biden looked like shit when he pulled out of Afghanistan, and his decisions regarding Ukraine were/are a reflection of his sagging political image.
The Beginning stages of the counter-offense has begun.

I'm going to watch the battle lines change. Darkness falls on the Russian troops as they don't have sufficient NVG to stay alive. All sold years ago for some vodka.
Russia has been the bad guys since the Cold War. So, ever since then we (US Gov't) has pretty much opposed them, not unlike republicans vs democrats. When Putin started the war in Ukraine, politically Biden had to oppose that or look like a pussy. And then he had to back up the rhetoric with war materiel, and hey presto, here we are. Putin should have realized that no US president or European countries could stand by and do nothing while he invaded another country. Hitler taught us that lesson back in the 1930s.

What is the US goal in Ukraine? To save face politically. IMHO, everything else that might be said as far as why we're involved is bullshit.

Bush and others argued otherwise. It was Clinton who sided with that view, but as part of electioneering:

The U.S. goal in Ukraine is to help the Ukrainians defeat the Russian invasion.

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