What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

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Because is is morally wrong to invade a country that does not pose a threat.

Also, when Russia loses a war Russia become less authoritarian.
Do you know how many nations the US has invaded vs Russia? Is is morally wrong for the US to invade?

Its not possible for Russia to lose. Stop consuming propaganda.
Its not possible for Russia to lose. Stop consuming propaganda
That is propaganda....

Of course Russia is going to lose. It is inevitable. They can't stop the whole world generation after generation. Especially when the GDP of Russia is smaller than Texas or Italy.
Soon enough it will be smaller than Ukraine's.

Get used to the idea. Russia is going into self destruction. It's going to implode on itself from the internal fighting after this war failure is fully realized. The reparations alone are going to keep Russian oil basically free for decades. Russia is going to have to sell off its nuclear arsenal just to have cheese and bread on the table.

Currently the Ruble is at 0.015 Euro. It was at 0.4. No currency can withstand this level of degradation and continue.

It's all over but the fat lady singing and she is warming up.
That is propaganda....

Of course Russia is going to lose. It is inevitable. They can't stop the whole world generation after generation. Especially when the GDP of Russia is smaller than Texas or Italy.
Soon enough it will be smaller than Ukraine's.

Get used to the idea. Russia is going into self destruction. It's going to implode on itself from the internal fighting after this war failure is fully realized. The reparations alone are going to keep Russian oil basically free for decades. Russia is going to have to sell off its nuclear arsenal just to have cheese and bread on the table.

Currently the Ruble is at 0.015 Euro. It was at 0.4. No currency can withstand this level of degradation and continue.

It's all over but the fat lady singing and she is warming up.
Dream on my son.
That is propaganda....

Of course Russia is going to lose. It is inevitable. They can't stop the whole world generation after generation. Especially when the GDP of Russia is smaller than Texas or Italy.
Soon enough it will be smaller than Ukraine's.

Get used to the idea. Russia is going into self destruction. It's going to implode on itself from the internal fighting after this war failure is fully realized. The reparations alone are going to keep Russian oil basically free for decades. Russia is going to have to sell off its nuclear arsenal just to have cheese and bread on the table.

Currently the Ruble is at 0.015 Euro. It was at 0.4. No currency can withstand this level of degradation and continue.

It's all over but the fat lady singing and she is warming up.
We can only hope this dumb provoked war ends soon, while there are still a few Ukrainian men left alive. Stop supporting a blood bath.
Dream on my son.
Germany had similar goals in WWI and WWII. How did that work out? Russia had goals for Afghanistan too....didn't work out for them either. Not going to work this time either. If you want angel food cake stop grabbing the devils food cake mix....not gonna work out for you.

See the writing on the wall. Russia is falling into equipment traps. They are too bulky to move effectively. Mostly because of their military structure. Prigozhin is a prime example of the Cooperation between brigades.

What hasn't been seen yet is the new anti drone air defense net. It will remove all the drones from the sky. That ought to leave Russia scratching their heads...just before they die unfortunately. Their EW is easy to target and destroy...just remember that up to now Ukraine has been given Obsolete weaponry...IOW the old stuff that has gotten replaced by new and better stuff.

Two generations behind weaponry....and only a taste of what is coming.

Russia has a chance....it isn't much of one but it is a chance. If they said "sorry" and did a full out retreat from ALL of Ukrainian's territory....they got a shot at surviving intact as a nation. It will be rough for their new president but he might be able to pull it off.
I'm about sure that Belgarod might not be so forgiving....they might become their own independent republic after being abandoned the way they were by Russia.
Germany had similar goals in WWI and WWII. How did that work out? Russia had goals for Afghanistan too....didn't work out for them either. Not going to work this time either. If you want angel food cake stop grabbing the devils food cake mix....not gonna work out for you.

See the writing on the wall. Russia is falling into equipment traps. They are too bulky to move effectively. Mostly because of their military structure. Prigozhin is a prime example of the Cooperation between brigades.

What hasn't been seen yet is the new anti drone air defense net. It will remove all the drones from the sky. That ought to leave Russia scratching their heads...just before they die unfortunately. Their EW is easy to target and destroy...just remember that up to now Ukraine has been given Obsolete weaponry...IOW the old stuff that has gotten replaced by new and better stuff.

Two generations behind weaponry....and only a taste of what is coming.

Russia has a chance....it isn't much of one but it is a chance. If they said "sorry" and did a full out retreat from ALL of Ukrainian's territory....they got a shot at surviving intact as a nation. It will be rough for their new president but he might be able to pull it off.
I'm about sure that Belgarod might not be so forgiving....they might become their own independent republic after being abandoned the way they were by Russia.
Oh brother…another Godwin dupe.

Shut off the TV and seek independent sources of information. Your IQ will soar zero to who knows?
Oh brother…another Godwin dupe.

Shut off the TV and seek independent sources of information. Your IQ will soar zero to who knows?
So the only voices I hear that are saying anything different are straight out of Russian propaganda networks...
And I don't listen to propaganda....

I look at history, tactics, money and the current situation.

Russia has a slim chance of survival....but it doesn't look like they are going to take it.
So the only voices I hear that are saying anything different are straight out of Russian propaganda networks...
And I don't listen to propaganda....

I look at history, tactics, money and the current situation.

Russia has a slim chance of survival....but it doesn't look like they are going to take it.
Proof you aren’t informed and have slanted sources.
So the only voices I hear that are saying anything different are straight out of Russian propaganda networks...
And I don't listen to propaganda....

I look at history, tactics, money and the current situation.

Russia has a slim chance of survival....but it doesn't look like they are going to take it.
So the only voices I hear that are saying anything different are straight out of Russian propaganda networks...
And I don't listen to propaganda....

I look at history, tactics, money and the current situation.

Russia has a slim chance of survival....but it doesn't look like they are going to take it.
Get informed. This will help.
Get informed. This will help.

So....you want me to listen to Russian propagandists to find out the truth?

And exactly when did Russia ever start telling anything truthful? It wasn't yesterday.
So....you want me to listen to Russian propagandists to find out the truth?

And exactly when did Russia ever start telling anything truthful? It wasn't yesterday.
Truth? You think we get truth from western media. Lol.

Terribly naive.

Read this. Get informed.
Truth? You think we get truth from western media. Lol.

Terribly naive.

Read this. Get informed.

Oliver stone? Really?
You ARE really desperate aren't you?

Why not get Sasha from the corner store as a knowledgeable source....completely unbiased unless you slip him 5 Rubles (about a nickel in US currency)
Probably not. Nevertheless, as long as the Ukrainians are willing to defeat their country I want NATO countries to help with financial and military aid.
Ukraine never had the resources necessary to defeat Russia militarily. The US and NATO know this, yet they still enable another "lost cause" that has already killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and displaced millions more.

This is all being done as part of a long-term western strategy to break up Russia into smaller republics when can then be looted by western economic elites as was done to Russia during the 1990s.

The Harvard Boys Do Russia
Oliver stone? Really?
You ARE really desperate aren't you?

Why not get Sasha from the corner store as a knowledgeable source....completely unbiased unless you slip him 5 Rubles (about a nickel in US currency)
Attack the source. You lose.

This from a real American patriot. Please learn from him.
That is propaganda....

Of course Russia is going to lose. It is inevitable. They can't stop the whole world generation after generation. Especially when the GDP of Russia is smaller than Texas or Italy.
Soon enough it will be smaller than Ukraine's.

Get used to the idea. Russia is going into self destruction. It's going to implode on itself from the internal fighting after this war failure is fully realized. The reparations alone are going to keep Russian oil basically free for decades. Russia is going to have to sell off its nuclear arsenal just to have cheese and bread on the table.

Currently the Ruble is at 0.015 Euro. It was at 0.4. No currency can withstand this level of degradation and continue.

It's all over but the fat lady singing and she is warming up.

GDP Data for Russia and Ukraine

"Ukraine’s GDP was $155.5 billion USD at the end of 2020, while Russia’s GDP stood at $1.48 trillion.

"The annexation of Crimea in 2014 coupled with plummeting oil prices in 2014-2015 cut Ukraine’s GDP by over 50% from its all-time high in just two years.

"Though Russia’s economy is about ten times larger than Ukraine’s in terms of GDP, Ukraine’s GDP grew 70.8% from 2015 to 2020 while Russia’s advanced only 8.8% in that same time frame. Both economies have progressed in near-perfect correlation since 1989."


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