What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

I do not believe that justifies the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I do not believe that means that we should not help the Ukrainians defend themselves from the invasion.

Help involves the same rich via the defense industry that profits from the war and BlackRock that's making deals with Zelensky. The costs are passed on as debt to the public.

That's the same public complaining about low-paying jobs, running out of savings, more homeless people, infrastructure falling apart, and debts piling up. Meanwhile, most of them also don't want to send troops, don't want to serve, and are unable to serve due to one or more problems involving obesity, physical or mental illness, unwanted pregnancies, drug or alcohol abuse, low test scores, and criminal records.

Similarly, more are complaining in Europe as they are now forced to buy Russian oil via India, with countries like Japan buying directly from Russia.

Last point: that's the same rich that was manipulating not only Ukraine but also Russia for years, starting with shock therapy and then collusion with Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs, then regime change by funding opposition members.
I do not believe that justifies the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I do not believe that means that we should not help the Ukrainians defend themselves from the invasion.

There would be no war in Ukraine today without US meddling in the domestic politics of another sovereign state on the opposite side of the planet.

Don't believe it?

Name another country besides the US responsible for the killing, maiming, and displacing of millions of innocent civilians thousands of miles from its homeland in pursuit of full spectrum dominance.

'Gods of War': How the US weaponized Ukraine against Russia - The Grayzone

"Since the US-engineered 2013-14 coup in Ukraine, American forces have taught Ukrainians, including neo-Nazi units, how to fight in urban and other civilian areas. Weaponizing Ukraine is part of Washington’s quest for what the Pentagon calls 'full spectrum dominance.'"​


There would be no war in Ukraine today without US meddling in the domestic politics of another sovereign state on the opposite side of the planet.

Don't believe it?

Name another country besides the US responsible for the killing, maiming, and displacing of millions of innocent civilians thousands of miles from its homeland in pursuit of full spectrum dominance.

'Gods of War': How the US weaponized Ukraine against Russia - The Grayzone

"Since the US-engineered 2013-14 coup in Ukraine, American forces have taught Ukrainians, including neo-Nazi units, how to fight in urban and other civilian areas. Weaponizing Ukraine is part of Washington’s quest for what the Pentagon calls 'full spectrum dominance.'"​

Your link is pure political speculation.

Your claim is a pile of bullshit with no evidence to support it

The war is strictly and exclusiv ely on Putin deal with it youngster

There would be no war in Ukraine today without US meddling in the domestic politics of another sovereign state on the opposite side of the planet.

Don't believe it?

Name another country besides the US responsible for the killing, maiming, and displacing of millions of innocent civilians thousands of miles from its homeland in pursuit of full spectrum dominance.

'Gods of War': How the US weaponized Ukraine against Russia - The Grayzone

"Since the US-engineered 2013-14 coup in Ukraine, American forces have taught Ukrainians, including neo-Nazi units, how to fight in urban and other civilian areas. Weaponizing Ukraine is part of Washington’s quest for what the Pentagon calls 'full spectrum dominance.'"​

Very true

That is why we have to maintain our support of Ukraine in its fight against Russian terrorists
Putin seems willing to accept a policy of neutrality for Ukraine similar to the Austrian version at the end of WWII. Obviously, US neocons disagree.
The following link argues against Ukrainian neutrality apparently in support of the new NATO credo: "Keep America In, Russia Down, and China Out"
Austrian neutrality is no model for Ukraine

"Austria divided between the Allied powers between 1945-1955"

Declaration of Neutrality - Wikipedia
"Ich Bin Ein Brinksmaner"

Dividing Berlin was intentionally provocative. It was in the Russian zone, so East Germany should have given up a slice of its territory instead of this absurd partition. The only way it was not absurd was in the thinking of the MI complex, which needed that symbol to become a logo for its massive funding.
The US plan along with NATO is simple.
Give Ukraine the tools to deplete Russian military capabilities while we destroy their economy and invoke sanctions to prevent Russia from rebuilding
Turn Russia into N Korea
Your link is pure political speculation.

Your claim is a pile of bullshit with no evidence to support it

The war is strictly and exclusiv ely on Putin deal with it youngster
Point out any specific errors in my link if you can.
Start here:

'Gods of War': How the US weaponized Ukraine against Russia - The Grayzone

"NATO’s own records state that in 1992, 'Just four months after Ukraine’s declaration of independence' from the USSR, 'NATO invited its representative to an extraordinary meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council, the body set up to shape cooperation between NATO and the states of the former Warsaw Pact.'"

"Russia did not propose a similar pact with America’s neighbors."
"Ich Bin Ein Brinksmaner"

Dividing Berlin was intentionally provocative. It was in the Russian zone, so East Germany should have given up a slice of its territory instead of this absurd partition. The only way it was not absurd was in the thinking of the MI complex, which needed that symbol to become a logo for its massive funding.
Why was the Berlin Wall Built? | Gale Archives Explored

"Well before the D-Day invasion of mainland Europe, the three main Allied powers, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union, held high-level discussions to determine how to administer Germany after it had been defeated.

"Eventually it was decided that Germany would be split into four administrative zones, one each for the Soviets, the American, the British, and the French.

"Berlin, as the German capital, was also to be divided into four administrative zones.

"However, Berlin was located deep within the zone allocated to the Soviets, 180 kilometres (110 miles) from the western zones, and this geographical fact was to haunt post-war Germany for many decades."

I've never understood why Stalin agreed to a division of Berlin after the price Soviets paid in defeating Hitler.

Chart: World War II Casualties as a Percentage of Each Country’s Population | TopForeignStocks.com
The US plan along with NATO is simple.
Give Ukraine the tools to deplete Russian military capabilities while we destroy their economy and invoke sanctions to prevent Russia from rebuilding
Turn Russia into N Korea
Would such a plan qualify as imperialism?

The 2014 coup in Ukraine

"The background and implications of the 2014 far-right coup in Kiev, which overthrew the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, is critical for understanding the current Ukraine-Russia war.

"This coup was openly supported by US and European imperialism and implemented primarily by far-right shock troops such as the Right Sector and the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party."
Point out any specific errors in my link if you can.

There is no need to, you are sourcing from a garbage website.


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate The Grayzone Far-Left Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and consistent one-sided reporting.

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It also has a very clear and hardcore Pro-Russia slant. It is absolute garbage and nobody referencing it as you have been should be taken seriously at all.
Point out any specific errors in my link if you can.
Start here:

'Gods of War': How the US weaponized Ukraine against Russia - The Grayzone

"NATO’s own records state that in 1992, 'Just four months after Ukraine’s declaration of independence' from the USSR, 'NATO invited its representative to an extraordinary meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council, the body set up to shape cooperation between NATO and the states of the former Warsaw Pact.'"

"Russia did not propose a similar pact with America’s neighbors."
The error is that assuming such a meeting took place 30 years ago had anything to do with an invasion started last year.
Would such a plan qualify as imperialism?

The 2014 coup in Ukraine

"The background and implications of the 2014 far-right coup in Kiev, which overthrew the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, is critical for understanding the current Ukraine-Russia war.

"This coup was openly supported by US and European imperialism and implemented primarily by far-right shock troops such as the Right Sector and the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party."
Supporting such a coup is not the same as engineering it
There is no need to, you are sourcing from a garbage website.

It also has a very clear and hardcore Pro-Russia slant. It is absolute garbage and nobody referencing it as you have been should be taken seriously at all.
Any claim from a "questionable source" should be easy to refute, yet, so far, all you've managed are childish ad hominem responses; try this one:

'Gods of War': How the US weaponized Ukraine against Russia - The Grayzone

"The US Army says: 'Ukraine has been a military partner of the U.S. dating back to the mid 1990s.'

"In 1998, America’s Special Operations Command Europe hosted a Special Operations Forces (SOF) conference in Stuttgart, Germany. The US Army reports: 'This benchmark even brought military personnel from Moldova, Georgia, and the Ukraine together to view U.S. SOF demonstrations and discuss opportunities for future Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) and Joint Contact Team Program (JCTP) events.'"

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