What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

Hunter Biden is a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK and if COMPROMISED could be USED TO INFLUENCE US POLICY by foreign agents who "OWN" him...
Well I guess we should just jail him for being Biden's son, along with all other presidential relatives from now on. They are "NATIONAL SECURITY RISK!!!" doncha know.
...? How the hell do any of your half baked conspiracy theories dispute that Ukraine defending itself against a Russhist invasion is a righteous cause?
Was the nazis' defense of Berlin righteous cause for you too, you fool?
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Russian media has been fully reduced to being his propaganda machine, constitutional limits on terms thrown out the window, any serious criticism is silenced, any serious political opposition is jailed and killed off.
Stupid Asshole, (I'm sorry, I don't know your middle name, I guess that'll do), but I've seen plenty of pictures of American Nazis marching through the streets and holding party meetings before the war.
But when the war started, all those Nazis and their marches disappeared...
Were the American constitutional limits on free speech were thrown out the window? Is that really possible, Filth?
Well I guess we should just jail him for being Biden's son, along with all other presidential relatives from now on. They are "NATIONAL SECURITY RISK!!!" doncha know.

We should put both in front of firing squads...

Selling out to China for kickbacks is treason.
It is all true and hence cannot be propaganda.


I actually did not support the homO Administration spending my taxdollars on a bio lab in China. YOU DID...

So....it's true because the Kremlin says so? I guess we know who you're rooting for.
It is all true and hence cannot be propaganda.


I actually did not support the homO Administration spending my taxdollars on a bio lab in China. YOU DID...

Why do you keep using the code, "homO?" Is this a Qanon thing? I'll never understand you people.
Was the nazis' defense of Berlin righteous cause for you too, you fool?
Dumbass, Nazis invaded Russia and Russian self-defense was the rightous cause supported by America. Famed Katusha rockets were mounted on...American trucks.

Today Russists have invaded Urkaine and are annexing their lands. YOU are the agressors, YOU are Nazis today, YOU will lose, YOU will pay the reperations for the death and destruction you've caused.
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So....it's true because the Kremlin says so? I guess we know who you're rooting for.

I root for truth and America.

You root for Zionist Fascism, Israel, Ukraine, and Col Tim Osman



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Today Russists have invaded Urkaine and are annexing their lands.

Mostly ethnic Russians live in Crimea, which is disputed land.

Like the DISPUTED "Occupied Territories of Gaza, Golan, and the West Bank."

This is why conversing with you is waste of time - you are batshit crazy, there is no fxing that.


Got all the DNC talking points down, great job POLLY.... wanna cracker?

Trending: Parrot may be called to testify in murder trial - CityNews ...

Stupid Asshole, (I'm sorry, I don't know your middle name, I guess that'll do), but I've seen plenty of pictures of American Nazis marching through the streets and holding party meetings before the war.
But when the war started, all those Nazis and their marches disappeared...

Idiot, do you want me to show you pictures of Russian or American or Canadian neo-nazis?

There were/are fringes like that in every country. Thats not a sane reason to start a war.

The fact that you even bring it up as an excuse speaks to the nonsense that was beat into your head by all the propaganda.
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