What is the USA becoming?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Contestants...aka "houseguests" on Big Brother have been causing much strife, angst, fist waving, wailing and gnashing of teeth because....they have said "ghetto" on the live feeds, and lately, a white "guest" was singing a song that was rap..and the words had the niggah word in it. So now she is under fire for saying the stupid word which I REFUSE to call the "n word" because its fucking STUPID.

So..of course social media folks are screaming for her to be removed from the show. Personally, I don't give a rats ass since I don't watch it....but I do read the news and it is all over the place about this HORRID crime being committed on a low life show that only the dregs of society would appear on. However, I DO give a shit that a skank that is white cannot sing a song with the niggah word in it since it IS in the lyrics...but...if a black asshole was rapping the song, all would be well with the world.

Which begs the question....has anyone..and I mean ANYONE noticed that little by little..we are becoming a country where there are no more rights? WTF is happening to us?
We are punishing the Opioid abusers by taking away prescriptions from people who suffer debilitating pain.

Stupid. That's what.

Redneck, Honkey, Cowboy, Farmboy, Shitkicker,... it don't matter to me. Some people just let words control them. They all need to get a life...


Contestants...aka "houseguests" on Big Brother have been causing much strife, angst, fist waving, wailing and gnashing of teeth because....they have said "ghetto" on the live feeds, and lately, a white "guest" was singing a song that was rap..and the words had the niggah word in it. So now she is under fire for saying the stupid word which I REFUSE to call the "n word" because its fucking STUPID.

So..of course social media folks are screaming for her to be removed from the show. Personally, I don't give a rats ass since I don't watch it....but I do read the news and it is all over the place about this HORRID crime being committed on a low life show that only the dregs of society would appear on. However, I DO give a shit that a skank that is white cannot sing a song with the niggah word in it since it IS in the lyrics...but...if a black asshole was rapping the song, all would be well with the world.

Which begs the question....has anyone..and I mean ANYONE noticed that little by little..we are becoming a country where there are no more rights? WTF is happening to us?

WTF is this -- a TV show?

Therein might lie the answer.
Big Brother is just one of the many shows currently in production that I do not watch. The only shows that I watch are Blue Bloods, Young Sheldon, Last Man Standing when it returns this fall on the FOX network and the new show named Take Two.

God bless you always!!!

We seem to be moving inexorably toward the day when the gov't controls our rights and freedoms rather than preserving them as originally intended. Little by little, day by day, we are becoming more dependent on gov't and less upon ourselves.
We seem to be moving inexorably toward the day when the gov't controls our rights and freedoms rather than preserving them as originally intended. Little by little, day by day, we are becoming more dependent on gov't and less upon ourselves.
I didn't hear anything about the government here. There is a hue and cry on FB or something, which means the network probably started it to boost ratings, and they'll have to decide whether to boot this woman off the show--sounds like a good juicy drama to me.

I checked out that show once, for about fifteen minutes, and that was plenty. Couple of guys sitting on a couch, a lot of tension about who got invited to someone's dinner, guy #3 comes in and the tension increases. I couldn't believe people want to watch this shit.

There used to be decent shows on television. Now it's the stupidest reality shows and "game" shows I've ever heard of. I haven't even tried checking out 90% of the shows on tv right now.
How the hell anyone could watch these type reality shows is beyond me.

At least the one's where they have to hangout in the Amazon jungle for a couple of weeks in their underwear with a fire starter and a pot is a real challenge.

Hell,American Idol isn't bad if you're into that sort of thing.
But this whole conniving,scamming and back stabbing just isnt my idea of entertainment.
The OP asks whether anyone has noticed that we are gradually losing all of our rights.

Yes, millions of Americans have noticed that trend for decades.

That is why they voted for Donald J. Trump in 2016.
Ok folks....this is NOT about a tv show...which Big Brother is. Its about the howlings to remove a girl from the show because she said niggah on the live feed. Um. She was SINGING a song. But, many are now claiming it is hate speech. Um. How can it be hate speech if it on the fucking radio? At least, I assume its on the radio. Some rap "song" if you can call that shit music.
My point is..she is WHITE...said the word "niggah" and all hell is breaking loose. Yet, if it were a black guy on that show singing the song...no problem, right???? This double standard bullshit is WAYYYYY out of hand now.

What is next? The government hands out flyers with banned words or else you get arrested as a racist committing a hate crime? Statues are already being taken down...flags are considered no no, speech is now not so free. Soon the word WHITE will be removed from all books and many other books will be burned because they may be "racist". This is just the start. The #metoo movement went haywire and it started with one schmuck being busted but now....if someone is pissed off at someone else..all they have to do is say that person touched them 40 fucking years ago and on their word alone...the person accused is fucked. Without vaseline so it BURNS forever. On heresay.

Oh, we are so doomed.
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Contestants...aka "houseguests" on Big Brother have been causing much strife, angst, fist waving, wailing and gnashing of teeth because....they have said "ghetto" on the live feeds, and lately, a white "guest" was singing a song that was rap..and the words had the niggah word in it. So now she is under fire for saying the stupid word which I REFUSE to call the "n word" because its fucking STUPID.

So..of course social media folks are screaming for her to be removed from the show. Personally, I don't give a rats ass since I don't watch it....but I do read the news and it is all over the place about this HORRID crime being committed on a low life show that only the dregs of society would appear on. However, I DO give a shit that a skank that is white cannot sing a song with the niggah word in it since it IS in the lyrics...but...if a black asshole was rapping the song, all would be well with the world.

Which begs the question....has anyone..and I mean ANYONE noticed that little by little..we are becoming a country where there are no more rights? WTF is happening to us?
The USA is becoming a 3rd world nation.
  1. a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
How the hell anyone could watch these type reality shows is beyond me.

At least the one's where they have to hangout in the Amazon jungle for a couple of weeks in their underwear with a fire starter and a pot is a real challenge.

Hell,American Idol isn't bad if you're into that sort of thing.
But this whole conniving,scamming and back stabbing just isnt my idea of entertainment.

I used to watch American Idol, or at least the top of my girl's head while it was on. Guess why I suffered through it? :rolleyes:

PS: I really hate/hated that show.
We seem to be moving inexorably toward the day when the gov't controls our rights and freedoms rather than preserving them as originally intended. Little by little, day by day, we are becoming more dependent on gov't and less upon ourselves.
I didn't hear anything about the government here. There is a hue and cry on FB or something, which means the network probably started it to boost ratings, and they'll have to decide whether to boot this woman off the show--sounds like a good juicy drama to me.

I checked out that show once, for about fifteen minutes, and that was plenty. Couple of guys sitting on a couch, a lot of tension about who got invited to someone's dinner, guy #3 comes in and the tension increases. I couldn't believe people want to watch this shit.

There used to be decent shows on television. Now it's the stupidest reality shows and "game" shows I've ever heard of. I haven't even tried checking out 90% of the shows on tv right now.

Yes, TV pretty much sucks.

"Which begs the question....has anyone..and I mean ANYONE noticed that little by little..we are becoming a country where there are no more rights? WTF is happening to us?"

This is what Gracie wrote in her OP, which to me refers to gov't taking away our rights. So I responded in kind. As far as the speech controversy, it feels contrived to me. People of color say words/stuff that I can't and then jump my ass if I do. Seems like a double standard to me, but in the grand order of things it isn't such a big deal. We (whites) shouldn't be using those words and phrases anyway, but OTOH neither should they. And for quite some time in the past they were treated like 2nd class citizens, so I can live with some pushback. It ain't helping that racial divide any though, done is done and the past is past.
Was it this song?

Nm, I already posted it. :D

I watch "America's Got Talent" sometimes. People can be amazing!

Mostly I watch Gunsmoke and Mannix. :abgg2q.jpg:

In b4 "NCIS: Puerto Rico"

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