What Is the Worst Prediction From Climate Scientists

Where is your link showing they were wrong …..wherever? BS artist.

Where did I say they were wrong ?

What I said was.....the record that was broken for consecutive 110 days was set in 1974.

If things had been heating up for the past 50 years, why did it take so long. Even a broken clock is right right twice a day (and you don't even get that).
Looking for presumed future outcomes as predicted by alarmists....ones that can be tracked (i.e. sea level rise).

There have been many such predictions that didn't come to pass here is a link to a list of "there will be no summer ice in the artic" prediction, which starts in 1954 and the failures piles up since then.

Ice Free Arctic Forecasts​


and here are more failures from the mouth of warmist/alarmist scientists

Polar Meltdown​

The sun is going to turn into a red giant and swell up larger than the orbit of Venus and maybe even the Earth. That will be a really bad day.
Yup, and there will be a lot of really bad days for our species long before that.
Here is another source that complies a long list of climate-based predictions that have failed over time a blog I used to moderate for about 5 years but quit a month ago.

Failed Prediction Timeline​

All made up shit. None of them have failed.
It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day

The wind can never blow in the wrong direction. It will blow from high pressure to low pressure zones. It will blow from areas of cool air to hotter air.

We can make wrong predictions about where the wind will blow, but the wind and weather are never wrong, just what they are.
It seems that if the wind blows the wrong direction one day, it's all due to AGW.

We won't hit 100 in Phoenix today. We will get up there a little later. This is all normal.

But washing machines are still taking care of the soiled underpants of the alarmists over "Phoenix's record heat", which was only a record in terms of duration about 110. There was one day when the record for that day was broken And BTW, the previous record was set in the 1970's (50 years ago). Still waiting to hear about that.

But....for the sake of discussion, I'd like to know what is the worst projected "disaster" you have read about. Links would be much appreciated.

Lately it seems that some of the scientific community is coming out and saying "Global Warming Yes......Climate Crisis.....No). They have to have some rational for that thinking too. If you come across any, I'd love to hear.
And you have links ? Just bullshit.

What Is the Worst Prediction​

Some rain followed by some sun with the future looking fair .
Possibly more rain and sun .
The wind can never blow in the wrong direction. It will blow from high pressure to low pressure zones. It will blow from areas of cool air to hotter air.

We can make wrong predictions about where the wind will blow, but the wind and weather are never wrong, just what they are.
The same applies to ocean currents. Which are affected by wind. Which are affected by solar radiation.
Two issues: deniers have a frequent habit of claiming that climate scientists have made predictions that no climate scientist ever set down and you have provided no method with which your audience should judge "worst" of any prediction. This thread is simply more worthless denier bullshit.
It's been rising since the end of the last glacial period. The slope flattened out about 6,000 years ago at 3 to 4 mm/yr. If it were to triple by the end of the decade that would get my attention.

That's right.
Same with temperature and melting/sea level of course.
It peeked around 6000 years ago...
Until Lately when Temp has set a New record for our Glacial, and both are accelerating again. Obviously melt lags a bit.
That's why we have the recent headlines of the hottest Global temps in 100,000+ years.
Again, the Human/AGW SPIKE is NOT "Normal interglacial."



Where did I say they were wrong ?

What I said was.....the record that was broken for consecutive 110 days was set in 1974.

If things had been heating up for the past 50 years, why did it take so long. Even a broken clock is right right twice a day (and you don't even get that).
It's been heating up GLOBALLY on average.
That doesn't preclude a record temperature SOMEWHERE/ANYWHERE 50 years ago.
One still has variation especially on a small locale for a small period.
And a record number of days above 110 is more significant to Average temp rise than a single day anomaly.
But neither for one city (.001% of the planet) says much about GLOBAL Warming

You Idiot.
It's been heating up GLOBALLY on average.
That doesn't preclude a record temperature SOMEWHERE/ANYWHERE 50 years ago.
One still has variation especially on a small locale for a small period.
And a record number of days above 110 is more significant to Average temp rise than a single day anomaly.
But neither for one city (.001% of the planet) says much about GLOBAL Warming

You Idiot.
Your global temperature reconstruction is garbage. It smooths out the climate fluctuations shown in NH ice cores and doesn't show that much of the past 10,000 years were warmer than today with less CO2, ya male tit fucker.
apu, which 3rd world shit hole are you from again? Pakistan?
Climate Scientists have totally discredited themselves. They sold out to the Environmental Wacko big bucks lobby and now you can't believe a word they say for the most part.

They will sell their "science" to whoever pays the best. Sometimes they just out right lie for the "good of the earth" as we found out in the Climategate emails.

Climate change is real. Been going on for billions of years. AGW is a scam.
Climate Scientists have totally discredited themselves. They sold out to the Environmental Wacko big bucks lobby and now you can't believe a word they say for the most part.

They will sell their "science" to whoever pays the best. Sometimes they just out right lie for the "good of the earth" as we found out in the Climategate emails.

Climate change is real. Been going on for billions of years. AGW is a scam.
Totally. Anyone who ignores the ocean in their 5C in 77 years gloom and doom projection is a certified moron.
It's been heating up GLOBALLY on average.
That doesn't preclude a record temperature SOMEWHERE/ANYWHERE 50 years ago.
One still has variation especially on a small locale for a small period.
And a record number of days above 110 is more significant to Average temp rise than a single day anomaly.
But neither for one city (.001% of the planet) says much about GLOBAL Warming

You Idiot.
Yes, if it has been heating up on average, where does the 40 degree temperature come from this morning? Come on man, i keep hearing how the USA will dry up and become a desert yet, God never allows that to come true.

If the planet heats up every year, due to man and his CO2, then my temperature should be well over 100 degrees today, not in the 40s....
Two issues: deniers have a frequent habit of claiming that climate scientists have made predictions that no climate scientist ever set down and you have provided no method with which your audience should judge "worst" of any prediction. This thread is simply more worthless denier bullshit.
Why don't you tell us about you 5C projection in 77 years? Because that shit is funny.

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