What Is the Worst Prediction From Climate Scientists

Climate Scientists have totally discredited themselves. They sold out to the Environmental Wacko big bucks lobby and now you can't believe a word they say for the most part.

They will sell their "science" to whoever pays the best. Sometimes they just out right lie for the "good of the earth" as we found out in the Climategate emails.

Climate change is real. Been going on for billions of years. AGW is a scam.
You have made claims like this dozens of times. Unfortunately, you have never provided a single shred of evidence to support these accusations.

Flash has totally discredited himself. He sold out to fossil fuel big bucks lobby and now you can't believe a word he says (never could).

He will sell their "science" on every venue he can find. Sometimes, he just lies for the "good of the oil", as we found out in the Exxon revelations.

AGW is real. It's been going on since the steam engine was invented. Deniers are utter fools.

See AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC
Two issues: deniers have a frequent habit of claiming that climate scientists have made predictions that no climate scientist ever set down and you have provided no method with which your audience should judge "worst" of any prediction. This thread is simply more worthless denier bullshit.
And any reference they make contradicts what they are saying; they are amazingly stupid.
Climate Scientists have totally discredited themselves. They sold out to the Environmental Wacko big bucks lobby and now you can't believe a word they say for the most part.

They will sell their "science" to whoever pays the best. Sometimes they just out right lie for the "good of the earth" as we found out in the Climategate emails.

Climate change is real. Been going on for billions of years. AGW is a scam.
If course you have no links, just made up shit. It’s funny, they assume that every climate science institute in the world, our military and every related corp, including the fossil fuel industry itself, are all lying ? Really ?
If course you have no links, just made up shit. It’s funny, they assume that every climate science institute in the world, our military and every related corp, including the fossil fuel industry itself, are all lying ? Really ?
Easily explained. They tout whatever will garner them the most "research" money to keep themselves employed.
Easily explained. They tout whatever will garner them the most "research" money to keep themselves employed.
You’re funny. What garners the most research money you idiot are facts and accurate information .
Are you Fking ignorant ? Your foolish story is that Johns Hopkins, MIT and 30k universities are all getting paid to lie.
You know, the same guys who developed the atom bomb and cures for cancer. Is Hunter paying for this shit ?
How about chem trails ? Are they real too ? Alien abductions ?
All scientists? All research? In every nation? Does that really seem reasonable to you?
Of course. These so-called "scientists" bought the BS touted by the other "climate scientists" and now have to support themselves somehow.
Well, it does to the fools who live and breath with Tucker,
For this thread, I want to know how readers are to judge "worst" wrt predictions and how many deniers will be bringing up the predictions that WUWT and Exxon's PR department have told them about (hyuk hyuk hyuk).
Of course. These so-called "scientists" bought the BS touted by the other "climate scientists" and now have to support themselves somehow.
Nope. It completely fails the sanity test. You advocate the idea because you don't have any other arguments to make. Mountains of evidence and thousands of degreed scientists say you don't have the slightest clue what the fuck you're talking about.
Of course. These so-called "scientists" bought the BS touted by the other "climate scientists" and now have to support themselves somehow.
Do you live under a rock ? People get paid for telling the truth. Only repos get paid by their donors for lying. Lets look at the fallacy of your stupid assertion. It means that every accredited v science institute in the world is paid to lie, and the only ones you want us to believe, know nothing about science. Sounds like you should be locked up in an asylum.
If course you have no links, just made up shit. It’s funny, they assume that every climate science institute in the world, our military and every related corp, including the fossil fuel industry itself, are all lying ? Really ?
You never heard of Climategate I and II where the Wackos admitted they lied and fabricated data?

You never heard of NASA, NOAA or the UN Climate Commission getting caught fabricating data? Just about every time one of these stupid AGW discussions come up those things are referenced and you completely ignore them?

Being fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Of course. These so-called "scientists" bought the BS touted by the other "climate scientists" and now have to support themselves somehow.
So your claim is that every science institute in the world is feeding every gov in the world false information. And you claim that NASA just makes up shit when they provide forecasts to the shipping industry and our military and accordingly to all our allies.

We only pay for research that is falsified and has no use to anyone, anywhere. So you are saying only Trump,the Messiah knows everything,
You never heard of Climategate I and II where the Wackos admitted they lied and fabricated data?

You never heard of NASA, NOAA or the UN Climate Commission getting caught fabricating data? Just about every time one of these stupid AGW discussions come up those things are referenced and you completely ignore them?

Being fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Go ahead fat head. . Show us one link that proves NASA, Johns Hopkins, MIT, cal tech, Harvard, Yale falsified information to the gov. ….go ahead, we’re waiting.
You never heard of Climategate I and II where the Wackos admitted they lied and fabricated data?

You never heard of NASA, NOAA or the UN Climate Commission getting caught fabricating data? Just about every time one of these stupid AGW discussions come up those things are referenced and you completely ignore them?

Being fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
So, instead you want us to believe the guy facing four trials and 91 indictments

Being fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
Thats what trump thinks ….he’s trying to.
For this thread, I want to know how readers are to judge "worst" wrt predictions and how many deniers will be bringing up the predictions that WUWT and Exxon's PR department have told them about (hyuk hyuk hyuk).
Not only that, but even the original findings by Exxon scientists show we are fked.,
Not only that, but even the original findings by Exxon scientists show we are fked.,
BS. They predicted that countries would "disappear" by 2000 because of "rising sea levels"...Sea levels that haven't risen more than a couple inches in the past 400 YEARS...and you BELIE VE this BS?
Do you live under a rock ? People get paid for telling the truth. Only repos get paid by their donors for lying. Lets look at the fallacy of your stupid assertion. It means that every accredited v science institute in the world is paid to lie, and the only ones you want us to believe, know nothing about science. Sounds like you should be locked up in an asylum.
Not "EVERY" ACCREDITED SCIENCE INSTITUTE IN THE WORLD, DOES lie. Quite a number of them refute the BS your "accredited science institutes" are touting.

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