What is this on the Ocean Floor?

Mueller was down there looking for Russian collusion.....
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Most people wouldn't believe a little puffer fish created these mandalas on the ocean floor, either, but they do.

Really --- that there is fascinating. More please!

I used to have an aquarium. One time I saw this puffer at the store, they told me it would be very docile. I took it home and immediately after hitting the water it started attacking everything, literally everything in the tank. Had to take it back.
View attachment 213267

Most people wouldn't believe a little puffer fish created these mandalas on the ocean floor, either, but they do.

Really --- that there is fascinating. More please!

I used to have an aquarium. One time I saw this puffer at the store, they told me it would be very docile. I took it home and immediately after hitting the water it started attacking everything, literally everything in the tank. Had to take it back.
What’s This Mysterious Circle on the Seafloor? – National Geographic Blog
Yeah, I tried a little fish tank once, thinking it would be stress reducing. The neons were agressors. As soon as I flushed the pack leader, the next took over. I ended up flushing them all, eventually, and selling the tank at a yard sale.
View attachment 213267

Most people wouldn't believe a little puffer fish created these mandalas on the ocean floor, either, but they do.

Really --- that there is fascinating. More please!

I used to have an aquarium. One time I saw this puffer at the store, they told me it would be very docile. I took it home and immediately after hitting the water it started attacking everything, literally everything in the tank. Had to take it back.
What’s This Mysterious Circle on the Seafloor? – National Geographic Blog
Yeah, I tried a little fish tank once, thinking it would be stress reducing. The neons were agressors. As soon as I flushed the pack leader, the next took over. I ended up flushing them all, eventually, and selling the tank at a yard sale.

Never had aggressive tetras, that's very surprising.
View attachment 213267

Most people wouldn't believe a little puffer fish created these mandalas on the ocean floor, either, but they do.

Really --- that there is fascinating. More please!

I used to have an aquarium. One time I saw this puffer at the store, they told me it would be very docile. I took it home and immediately after hitting the water it started attacking everything, literally everything in the tank. Had to take it back.
What’s This Mysterious Circle on the Seafloor? – National Geographic Blog
Yeah, I tried a little fish tank once, thinking it would be stress reducing. The neons were agressors. As soon as I flushed the pack leader, the next took over. I ended up flushing them all, eventually, and selling the tank at a yard sale.

Never had aggressive tetras, that's very surprising.
Story of my life. I think it was the tetras; maybe that's the ones I remember because they were neon.
Just when you think you've seen it all. If those are "natural" I'm a hobbit

Ah C'mon, Frank! You know what these are! Is this kid in the video ribbing us or stupid? These "footprints" are nothing new at all, they are actually small holes made in the sand by worms that live under the surface. I forget just what they do, but they make these holes and bury deep down and that is their home, then they come up to catch food or something. Pure random chance that they arrange themselves to look like "footsteps." No great discovery here at all, nothing "walking" on the ocean floor.

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