What is this thing about "Blame it on Canada"?

softwaremama said:
Canada is incredibly beautiful and so much of it is unspoiled. But I have to admit I've experienced anti-Americanism from Canadians. And not just in Quebec. Sorry but: they can't stand us, are you kidding?

The Canadians I know in the maritime provinces resent the size and power of the U.S. They come to the U.S. to shop and go to ball games and theaters, but criticize us for not being socialistic and "caring". They seem mired in the gov't taking care of them. People there are often on what they call "The Pokey" (welfare or unemployment of some kind, it would seem, available to those out of work?).

Canadians seem to take extended vacations--for weeks and weeks--very odd. I mean, what companies pay you to do that? Uh, nobody who wants to make money, that's for sure. Rank out and out competitive captialism and entrepreneurial thinking seem to upset them. They are incredulous that there are those who have two weeks' vacation.

It's a perplexing place, not like the U.S. Hey, Kathianne, if they're cousins, they're very distant ones who happen (most of them) to speak English. It's a beautiful, strange, and it's the Twilight Zone. That's been my experience.

Do, do, do, do, do. To say that all Canadians resent American's for the reasons you stated are silly generalizations. This may be the case with the few Canadian's you know, but it doesn't represent all of us. Doomer is right about the west, it's one of the best places to visit in the country, and their views are very different from ours in the east. I've lived all over Canada, and know this first hand.

Sometimes the reactions people get are also in direct to respone of the attitude shown to them - no one likes to be criticized, especially at the game. :baby:
I lived in Minnesota for 10 years and loved out annual vacations into Canada. People were great and so was fishing. I live in Texas now and need a Canadian to explain the "reputation" of some Canadian truck drivers. What is it with those rascals?
dilloduck said:
I lived in Minnesota for 10 years and loved out annual vacations into Canada. People were great and so was fishing. I live in Texas now and need a Canadian to explain the "reputation" of some Canadian truck drivers. What is it with those rascals?

My ex has driven transport for 18 yrs.....I know what his problem is :happy2: As for the others, you'll need to be more specific - what reputaion?
Said1 said:
My ex has driven transport for 18 yrs.....I know what his problem is :happy2: As for the others, you'll need to be more specific - what reputaion?

I keep hearing about the wild "newfie"(i think) drivers. Women drinking etc?
dilloduck said:
I keep hearing about the wild "newfie"(i think) drivers. Women drinking etc?

Wild Newfies hahaha! :beer: Newfies can be a wild bunch, not all, but some. :D I am AMAZED some of the people my ex has worked for haven't killed anyone or themselves. Not all truckers are like that, but I'm sure (and Jeff would probably agree) there are many who have played with their own lives and the lives of others.
Said1 said:
Wild Newfies hahaha! :beer: Newfies can be a wild bunch, not all, but some. :D I am AMAZED some of the people my ex has worked for haven't killed anyone or themselves. Not all truckers are like that, but I'm sure (and Jeff would probably agree) there are many who have played with their own lives and the lives of others.

And the ones that bring hookers with em for extra bucks---now there's a great idea !!!!!
dilloduck said:
And the ones that bring hookers with em for extra bucks---now there's a great idea !!!!!

Never heard of that, although I would doubt Canadians are the only ones guilty of running hookers up and down the highway.
no doubt---thanks to NAFTA we now have mexicans driving around with everything imagineable. Scary!
dilloduck said:
no doubt---thanks to NAFTA we now have mexicans driving around with everything imagineable. Scary!

It's an industry in need of major reform. There are people going up and down the highway here (as well as there to be sure) in all sorts of unimaginable trucks. Not to mention what they are doing in those things. Nothing stopping 4 people (usually non-Canadians) from running one truck 24hrs a day, some don't even stop to take a leak.
Doomer said:
Not the Pokey. Pogey. :) And to most of Canada, especially out west, easterners are considered "defeatists". Also I think some of you seem to forget that Canada, like America, has many different viewpoints. The east is different from Quebec, which is different from Ontario, which is different from the west. This is partly why the different regions of Canada tend to bicker a lot between each other. To really fully understand this, you need to understand our history and politics. But to make it simple. The farther west you go, the less anti-americanism there is.

Doomer, This makes sense. I've only been to western Canada once and it was for a business trip. Everybody I know there is from Nova Scotia or nearby. Trust me, they really don't like Americans. It gets ugly. All a tourist/visitor can do is go on his or her experience, and that's mine.

Pogey? How did it ever get a name like that? Never thought to ask.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Nice to see the truth being spoken for a change...
Said1 said:
Merlin1047 said:
I don't think that Canada is anti-American. I believe that Quebec is anti-American because they are pro-French and the French are anti-American because they long to be the big dog on the European block and think they can do so by posturing against American interests.

Quebecers are pro-French only to the extent of having an independant Quebec. They consider themselves different from Europeans, and would like to have their own nation-state. They are anti-Canadian, anti-American, and anti-European. Not that all Quebecers feel this way, but that is sort of what the seperatist movement is all about.
greeneyez1029 said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: Nice to see the truth being spoken for a change...

Good, you've now met Said. You will probably relate well with Doomer too! Issac is great, just a bit to the left-for an American, not Canadian. Then there is Mr. Marbles....
Kathianne said:
Good, you've now met Said. You will probably relate well with Doomer too! Issac is great, just a bit to the left-for an American, not Canadian. Then there is Mr. Marbles....

Whao, whao, whao. What are you trying to say? It better not be along the lines of radical communist. I'm only pro communist. lol.
MrMarbles said:
Whao, whao, whao. What are you trying to say? It better not be along the lines of radical communist. I'm only pro communist. lol.

:D That's what I meant! How about 'committed socialist'? (and no, not THAT kind of 'committed'.
Kathianne said:
Good, you've now met Said. You will probably relate well with Doomer too! Issac is great, just a bit to the left-for an American, not Canadian. Then there is Mr. Marbles....

Haha it would seem our ENTIRE nation is a bit too "left" for most Americans. :D
Isaac Brock said:
Haha it would seem our ENTIRE nation is a bit too "left" for most Americans. :D

Who you calling a lefty? :cof: You're probably right Isaak, even the most hardline conservatives in Canada would only be moderates by USA's comparison.
Kathianne said:
:D That's what I meant! How about 'committed socialist'? (and no, not THAT kind of 'committed'.

Hhmmm commited socialist...... I'm left, i vote NDP, and actually mean it! But actual socialist, depends on you r definition. :dunno:
MrMarbles said:
Hhmmm commited socialist...... I'm left, i vote NDP, and actually mean it! But actual socialist, depends on you r definition. :dunno:

hey whatever your own lable, fine with me! From what you've written, I do not see an anarchist or problem for my country. ;)
How are you this evening Kathianne? Thanks for familiarizing me with some of the others. :bye1:
Kathianne said:
Good, you've now met Said. You will probably relate well with Doomer too! Issac is great, just a bit to the left-for an American, not Canadian. Then there is Mr. Marbles....

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