What is this thing called, "Affordable Housing" and why is it my problem?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The local Urban Redevelopment Authority wishes to borrow tens of millions of dollars, so that it can promote the creation of "affordable" housing in the County. The loan will be repaid over time by the [taxpayers of the] City (Pittsburgh).

There is a national crisis going on, I am told, and I don't doubt it. The cost of housing keeps going up, while a large swath of the population - growing larger every day - lacks the monthly income to afford it. In a cornucopia of different ways and programs, the taxpayers (Federal, State, Local) are "asked" to contribute to resolving the problem. Residential real estate investors and developers are often told that they must include a percentage of "affordable" units in their proposed developments, to the extent that that requirement often renders the developments un-viable, and they are abandoned or cancelled.

But what would the current situation be if government were completely removed from the housing "equation"?

Imagine a world in which children grow up in a household knowing that in order for them to become "emancipated adults," they will have to have sufficient income to pay rent, utilities, and living expenses on their own. There is no Uncle Sugar who will set them up with food stamps, subsidized housing, welfare payments, MEDICAID, and provide for whatever else one might need to be emancipated from one's parents. Having an illegitimate child will not create a new "household" in and of itself; you would be on your own, with whatever support you could get from family, friends, church, whatever.

Owners of residential investment property would then have a smaller target market, and rents would rise only when there is a population that can afford to pay them.

"Middle Class" and "Working Class" people already live in that world, believe it or not. This is why so many of today's Yoots are remaining in their parents' households until they are well into their twenties and beyond. This may be said to be a "problem," but I as a taxpayer don't have to concern myself with it. In short, it is an expensive proposition to go out on your own today, and this generation is having to wait a decade longer than, say, the Boomers did when they hit their 20's.

It has been observed by people smarter than me that college tuition costs (and college housing costs) are rising much faster than the rate of inflation because the States and Feds are facilitating the payment of these outrageous amounts through grants and loans, without regard to whether the outlays are rational economically. Hence the trillion-dollar student loan "crisis."

The same principle has made it mark on housing costs at the bottom level. There are so many subsidies available that landlords feel free charging inordinate amounts for their units. In fact, millions of Americans have recently experienced substantial increases in their rents when the landlords' costs have barely risen at all. But this is all facilitated by government subsidies at the bottom level.

Why are taxpayers hit with subsidizing the cost of housing for people who have rejected the middle-class values that they themselves live by? If you cannot afford to be economically emancipated, then stay at home, don't have babies, and stop looking to Uncle Sugar to bail you out.

Problem solved.
They are just returning to the liberal ideas of the past- the desire is to warehouse the black people back into the projects.

They'll do it "right" this time, and they won't end up like New Jack City.


The local Urban Redevelopment Authority wishes to borrow tens of millions of dollars, so that it can promote the creation of "affordable" housing in the County. The loan will be repaid over time by the [taxpayers of the] City (Pittsburgh).

There is a national crisis going on, I am told, and I don't doubt it. The cost of housing keeps going up, while a large swath of the population - growing larger every day - lacks the monthly income to afford it. In a cornucopia of different ways and programs, the taxpayers (Federal, State, Local) are "asked" to contribute to resolving the problem. Residential real estate investors and developers are often told that they must include a percentage of "affordable" units in their proposed developments, to the extent that that requirement often renders the developments un-viable, and they are abandoned or cancelled.

But what would the current situation be if government were completely removed from the housing "equation"?

Imagine a world in which children grow up in a household knowing that in order for them to become "emancipated adults," they will have to have sufficient income to pay rent, utilities, and living expenses on their own. There is no Uncle Sugar who will set them up with food stamps, subsidized housing, welfare payments, MEDICAID, and provide for whatever else one might need to be emancipated from one's parents. Having an illegitimate child will not create a new "household" in and of itself; you would be on your own, with whatever support you could get from family, friends, church, whatever.

Owners of residential investment property would then have a smaller target market, and rents would rise only when there is a population that can afford to pay them.

"Middle Class" and "Working Class" people already live in that world, believe it or not. This is why so many of today's Yoots are remaining in their parents' households until they are well into their twenties and beyond. This may be said to be a "problem," but I as a taxpayer don't have to concern myself with it. In short, it is an expensive proposition to go out on your own today, and this generation is having to wait a decade longer than, say, the Boomers did when they hit their 20's.

It has been observed by people smarter than me that college tuition costs (and college housing costs) are rising much faster than the rate of inflation because the States and Feds are facilitating the payment of these outrageous amounts through grants and loans, without regard to whether the outlays are rational economically. Hence the trillion-dollar student loan "crisis."

The same principle has made it mark on housing costs at the bottom level. There are so many subsidies available that landlords feel free charging inordinate amounts for their units. In fact, millions of Americans have recently experienced substantial increases in their rents when the landlords' costs have barely risen at all. But this is all facilitated by government subsidies at the bottom level.

Why are taxpayers hit with subsidizing the cost of housing for people who have rejected the middle-class values that they themselves live by? If you cannot afford to be economically emancipated, then stay at home, don't have babies, and stop looking to Uncle Sugar to bail you out.

Problem solved.

I agree with most of this ... except you seem to be putting the entire blame for an unwanted pregnancy all on the one person, "you would be on your own" ... do you mean both parents or just the mother? ... because the problem there is that's it's MORE expensive to enforce child support than it is just paying it ... if you'd ever been through the child support enforcement system, you'd know what I mean ...

Landlords charge what the market will bear ... a rundown shanty connected to a run-down duplex will carry $4,000/mo rent just off Mission Bay ... and you'll have 50 people applying, cash in hand ... that's the market value of that rental unit ... rents are even higher a few blocks north in La Jolla ... no way can a young person afford that, so we don't see many young people in these neighborhoods ... they can live in El Cajon or Spring Valley ... or Los Angeles ...


Sorry, my friend ... when the costs of building materials increases five-fold ... then rents will increase ten-fold ... for margins ... capitalism at it's finest ... the math here is simple ... landlords collect rents on the 1st of each month, and pay bills on the 2nd ... the rest of the month is free ... some of them travel to the State Capitol to lobby, others run and win the seat ... no other profession allows this ... so basically, landlords write the laws, not just landlord-tenant law, but ALL THE LAWS ...

Judges are landlords as well ... why landlords always win in court ... professional courtesy ... the lesson is buy rental units ... I used my own children as collateral ...

The local Urban Redevelopment Authority wishes to borrow tens of millions of dollars, so that it can promote the creation of "affordable" housing in the County. The loan will be repaid over time by the [taxpayers of the] City (Pittsburgh).

There is a national crisis going on, I am told, and I don't doubt it. The cost of housing keeps going up, while a large swath of the population - growing larger every day - lacks the monthly income to afford it. In a cornucopia of different ways and programs, the taxpayers (Federal, State, Local) are "asked" to contribute to resolving the problem. Residential real estate investors and developers are often told that they must include a percentage of "affordable" units in their proposed developments, to the extent that that requirement often renders the developments un-viable, and they are abandoned or cancelled.

But what would the current situation be if government were completely removed from the housing "equation"?

Imagine a world in which children grow up in a household knowing that in order for them to become "emancipated adults," they will have to have sufficient income to pay rent, utilities, and living expenses on their own. There is no Uncle Sugar who will set them up with food stamps, subsidized housing, welfare payments, MEDICAID, and provide for whatever else one might need to be emancipated from one's parents. Having an illegitimate child will not create a new "household" in and of itself; you would be on your own, with whatever support you could get from family, friends, church, whatever.

Owners of residential investment property would then have a smaller target market, and rents would rise only when there is a population that can afford to pay them.

"Middle Class" and "Working Class" people already live in that world, believe it or not. This is why so many of today's Yoots are remaining in their parents' households until they are well into their twenties and beyond. This may be said to be a "problem," but I as a taxpayer don't have to concern myself with it. In short, it is an expensive proposition to go out on your own today, and this generation is having to wait a decade longer than, say, the Boomers did when they hit their 20's.

It has been observed by people smarter than me that college tuition costs (and college housing costs) are rising much faster than the rate of inflation because the States and Feds are facilitating the payment of these outrageous amounts through grants and loans, without regard to whether the outlays are rational economically. Hence the trillion-dollar student loan "crisis."

The same principle has made it mark on housing costs at the bottom level. There are so many subsidies available that landlords feel free charging inordinate amounts for their units. In fact, millions of Americans have recently experienced substantial increases in their rents when the landlords' costs have barely risen at all. But this is all facilitated by government subsidies at the bottom level.

Why are taxpayers hit with subsidizing the cost of housing for people who have rejected the middle-class values that they themselves live by? If you cannot afford to be economically emancipated, then stay at home, don't have babies, and stop looking to Uncle Sugar to bail you out.

Problem solved.

If we want to increase the availability of cheaper housing for Americans, deporting 30 million illegal aliens is a good first step. That will also reduce US emissions of CO2. A win-win!!!
If we want to increase the availability of cheaper housing for Americans, deporting 30 million illegal aliens is a good first step. That will also reduce US emissions of CO2. A win-win!!!

Why do you think illegal immigrants get paid enough to afford rent? ...

If we lose 30 million of our workers, who's going to fill those jobs? ... Mexicans can come and go as they please (within specific time limits), it's the "working" here that's illegal ...
Why do you think illegal immigrants get paid enough to afford rent? ...

If we lose 30 million of our workers, who's going to fill those jobs? ... Mexicans can come and go as they please (within specific time limits), it's the "working" here that's illegal ...

Who is paying their rent?
Who is paying their rent?

The illegal immigrants I rented to paid their own rent ... from their own paycheck ... see, it was the working for money that was a crime, not that they were in the country for longer than allowed ...

Sucks to be a tax-payer isn't it? ...
If we want to increase the availability of cheaper housing for Americans, deporting 30 million illegal aliens is a good first step. That will also reduce US emissions of CO2. A win-win!!!
It will reduce the competition for cheap housing, and prices will drop in response to the lower demand.
The Industrial Revolution destroyed the extended family. Social welfare destroyed the nuclear family. Unaffordable housing is forcing families to stay together longer. That is a good thing. We need more unaffordable housing to restore the extended family which will restore generational wealth. See The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Friedrich Engels to understand why communists want to destroy the family structure.
Social Security, a measure intended to protect the tiny minority of old people who had no family support, ended up destroying the family model that most middle-class people shared. When grandpa gets too old to work, they (Grandma and Grandpa - who would likely expire shortly) came to live with their adult children and grandchildren under a single roof. This model is basically dead now (my father lived with me from the time he retired until he died 12 years later).

That change has had a deleterious effect on the raising of children. Grandparents are now just a tool to spoil the kids with gifts and holidays, and they play no real part in raising the kids.
Don't farm that money out to luxury home builders. They wouldn't know where to start in building low cost housing.

Give it to someone like Habitat for Humanity. they know how to build houses that don't cost a million dollars.

Cleveland teens give abandoned homes second life in new career development program​

Don't farm that money out to luxury home builders. They wouldn't know where to start in building low cost housing.

Give it to someone like Habitat for Humanity. they know how to build houses that don't cost a million dollars.

Cleveland teens give abandoned homes second life in new career development program​

I wonder if this concept will catch on. Turning slums into nice neighborhoods without pricing everyone out of the market. It gives the kids income and skills. It increases the tax base. It is win, win, win.

I hear that Detroit bulldozed over a thousand houses. If only someone there had any vision.
For anyone who was sick they day they taught economics in school ...

Landlords can only charge rent that some people can afford. That means the rents are, by definition, affordable. If no one can afford the rents then they must lower the rent until someone can afford it, or have the house empty with no income.

Now if YOU (because of previous life choices or personal circumstances) can't afford the rent and someone else can that is NOT the problem of the landlord, the paying tenant, and especially not the problem of the taxpayer.

There are always alternatives.

How about I pay for my housing and you pay for yours and the damn government stay out of it?

It is not my responsibility to pay your housing bills.
How about I pay for my housing and you pay for yours and the damn government stay out of it?

It is not my responsibility to pay your housing bills.
That is the nice part of the plan I posted. Housing people could afford without government subsidies.
That is the nice part of the plan I posted. Housing people could afford without government subsidies.
If Potatohead hadn't run up inflation and caused high interest rates more housing would be affordable.
This problem started decades ago.

Interest rates were below 3% when Trump was President and now it 7% with Potatohead as President.

That has really increased the payments on a mortgage and the housing market is hurting because of it.

Where are all the millions of damn Illegal shits that Potatohead allowed to flood into the country going to get housing? Bet we taxpayers will be hit for that also.

Potatohead is an idiot.

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