What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.
See my sig pp1 for what happens when Pubs give away the store ot the greedy idiot rich and giant corporations- all fact....not to mention a corrupt world depression. All Pubs have now is bs and hate propaganda and disgraceful hater dupes...
Looks like the rabbit has gone back down into the rabbit hole. He must be studying economics.

Hey rabbit. Get the econchick to explain it to you.
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

Reaganomics, aka, voodoo economics. It's a made up theory wherein the rich get richer and the basis for the Republican refrain, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
Where is Thumper. He was drunk at 4am posting this bullshit. Now he's gone to the rabbit hole.

You would think a lover of rabbits economic theories would have picked up the slack for him.
"Trickle down economics" is a disparaging description of economic policies designed to enhance the overall level of prosperity in the country (e.g., a tax cut - which, of mathmatical necessity, would go mainly to high-earners). According to critics, the only way "the common man" would benefit from such a measure would be when The Rich spend their additional take-home income on services and locally-manufactured goods, vacation homes and whatnot, thereby creating employment for The Common Man.

Progressives, on the other hand, favor policies whereby The Common Man is empowered to demand more from The Rich and from Corporate America - increases in the Minimum Wage, increased unionization, greater public and quasi-public employment.
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

It's Zeke, toothless stumpbroke weighing in from the trailer park.
Hey, Zeke, a simple "No" to my question would have saved lots of gigabytes.
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

Reaganomics, aka, voodoo economics. It's a made up theory wherein the rich get richer and the basis for the Republican refrain, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".

And that's a "No" for Wrycatcher. Thanks for weighing in with your ignorance, sir.
It's when the rich piss all over the middle class. Hence "trickle down".
Trickle down from the gummint in the form of free shit and it's great. Trickle down from economic prosperity and it's bad. The former buys votes and controls people. The latter does not.
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"Trickle Down" is a Total Bullshit story made up by Liberals. It's on par with McCarthy HUAC blacklisting Hollywood writers
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

"Trickle down" is just a pejorative term that communists use to refer to capitalism. That's all they mean whenever they use the term. They are attacking capitalism, pure and simple. Anyone using the term is a communist.

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