What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Liberalism is trickle up poverty.
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

"Trickle down" is just a pejorative term that communists use to refer to capitalism. That's all they mean whenever they use the term. They are attacking capitalism, pure and simple. Anyone using the term is a communist.

What are you 75 years old?? Communism he says. At least pick a boogeyman from this century.

OK that's a third vote for ignorance from the Left.

Actually our thirty year disastrous embrace of supply side economics demonstrates the ignorance of the right

There was no thirty year disasterous embrace of supply side economics. Besides, we're talking about trickle down economics and you have yet to define what it is.
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

"Trickle down" is just a pejorative term that communists use to refer to capitalism. That's all they mean whenever they use the term. They are attacking capitalism, pure and simple. Anyone using the term is a communist.

What are you 75 years old?? Communism he says. At least pick a boogeyman from this century.

Communists certainly exist in this century. Rebranded Progressives.
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

"Trickle down" is just a pejorative term that communists use to refer to capitalism. That's all they mean whenever they use the term. They are attacking capitalism, pure and simple. Anyone using the term is a communist.

What are you 75 years old?? Communism he says. At least pick a boogeyman from this century.

Communism is still alive and well. Now it goes under the label "progressive" or "liberal."
"Trickle down" is just a pejorative term that communists use to refer to capitalism. That's all they mean whenever they use the term. They are attacking capitalism, pure and simple. Anyone using the term is a communist.

What are you 75 years old?? Communism he says. At least pick a boogeyman from this century.

Communists certainly exist in this century. Rebranded Progressives.

So now we know you don't know what trickle down economics means or communism. But then again you literally are a 75 year old washed up, never-was.
What has happened since Republicans convinced us of the "miracle" of trickle down economics

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The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

I'm not surprised in this Bizzarro World Obama has created that uninformed liberals associate trickle down with the impact of Obama's economic policies.

The correct word to use is sluggish.

As for what it means...the short answer is the exuberance that was the result of Reagan's highly effective economic policies in the 80's.:D
"Trickle down" is just a pejorative term that communists use to refer to capitalism. That's all they mean whenever they use the term. They are attacking capitalism, pure and simple. Anyone using the term is a communist.

What are you 75 years old?? Communism he says. At least pick a boogeyman from this century.

Communism is still alive and well. Now it goes under the label "progressive" or "liberal."

I thought liberals were Nazis?
Trickle down theory is centuries old. Monarchies believed that if the upper class--the royal family and all noblemen--had the wealth, the poor would benefit when said nobles spent money on their wares or hired them for work. This failed since heavy taxation by the king on nobles meant heavy taxation on the poor within the nobles jurisdictions. Royalty and nobles could basically take what they wanted if they had an army, or force someone into free labor with servitude agreements (for example--your father needs medicine--a noblemen would give you money to buy it for 10 years of free labor--same deals were made for "renting" land to farm).
Even as republics and democracies were formed, this theory was used because wealthy families were the only people considered fit to govern. Poor people were considered ignorant and unable to educate, or dangerous when educated.
Considering the US government is an upgraded version of British government, the same idea is used here. The poor supposedly will benefit from the rich when the rich spend and hire. We all know that is not so since many rich farm out jobs to foreign nations and buy foreign made merchandise, and fill their stores with foreign made merchandise for the poor to buy, and refuse to pay a decent wage to US employees without raising prices.
When today's politicians speak of trickle down, they really have no idea what they are talking about. It is actually an insult to the common man.
Trickle down theory is centuries old. Monarchies believed that if the upper class--the royal family and all noblemen--had the wealth, the poor would benefit when said nobles spent money on their wares or hired them for work. This failed since heavy taxation by the king on nobles meant heavy taxation on the poor within the nobles jurisdictions. Royalty and nobles could basically take what they wanted if they had an army, or force someone into free labor with servitude agreements (for example--your father needs medicine--a noblemen would give you money to buy it for 10 years of free labor--same deals were made for "renting" land to farm).
Even as republics and democracies were formed, this theory was used because wealthy families were the only people considered fit to govern. Poor people were considered ignorant and unable to educate, or dangerous when educated.
Considering the US government is an upgraded version of British government, the same idea is used here. The poor supposedly will benefit from the rich when the rich spend and hire. We all know that is not so since many rich farm out jobs to foreign nations and buy foreign made merchandise, and fill their stores with foreign made merchandise for the poor to buy, and refuse to pay a decent wage to US employees without raising prices.
When today's politicians speak of trickle down, they really have no idea what they are talking about. It is actually an insult to the common man.

You don't know what you're talking about. "trickle down" is just a leftwing pejorative for "capitalism." Anyone who uses the term hates capitalism. When they object to what the call "trickle down" they are objecting to the normal workings of the market economy.
What has happened since Republicans convinced us of the "miracle" of trickle down economics


Obviously you haven't seen how the president is crashing and burning in the polls today. Keynsianism is dead.

Obama 40% approval
Congress 14% approval

The Executive Branch is almost three times as popular as the Legislative Branch
Trickle down theory is centuries old. Monarchies believed that if the upper class--the royal family and all noblemen--had the wealth, the poor would benefit when said nobles spent money on their wares or hired them for work. This failed since heavy taxation by the king on nobles meant heavy taxation on the poor within the nobles jurisdictions. Royalty and nobles could basically take what they wanted if they had an army, or force someone into free labor with servitude agreements (for example--your father needs medicine--a noblemen would give you money to buy it for 10 years of free labor--same deals were made for "renting" land to farm).
Even as republics and democracies were formed, this theory was used because wealthy families were the only people considered fit to govern. Poor people were considered ignorant and unable to educate, or dangerous when educated.
Considering the US government is an upgraded version of British government, the same idea is used here. The poor supposedly will benefit from the rich when the rich spend and hire. We all know that is not so since many rich farm out jobs to foreign nations and buy foreign made merchandise, and fill their stores with foreign made merchandise for the poor to buy, and refuse to pay a decent wage to US employees without raising prices.
When today's politicians speak of trickle down, they really have no idea what they are talking about. It is actually an insult to the common man.

You don't know what you're talking about. "trickle down" is just a leftwing pejorative for "capitalism." Anyone who uses the term hates capitalism. When they object to what the call "trickle down" they are objecting to the normal workings of the market economy.

I'm a 4th year political science student. We actually study this shit.

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