What Is Trump's Problem With DeSantis?

Dogmaphobe obviously he was a great president, but the true question is, is he going the right way to get elected again? I don't think so. At least I don't think I would vote for him again unless I had no other better options.
Here is what I think. The man is arrogant. He is an egomaniac. He has a take no prisoners approach in all that he does.

When these traits are applied to the role of the presidency, these are GOOD traits, especially when the actual current struggle doesn't involve left and right so much as it does national autonomy vs. Globalism. I want a president who represents US and not Klaus Schab, George Soros and Bill Gates.

The negative side of these traits is that he turns people off by his behavior. It becomes easier for the fifth column media to take him down because of these traits as few people are making the same distinctions as I, namely that between who he is and what he does. Honestly, the man is an asshole, but I would sure prefer to have an asshole in the office who did good things for this country than a nice guy who sold us down the river.

Even worse when the old fool currently selling us down the river isn't actually a nice guy at all, but just a different kind of asshole.
You know I honestly don't get it. I know that they both love America but Trump seems to be putting Trump first lately and ignoring his signature line of putting America first and DeSantis definitely could get the job done just as well.
Ask yourself what everyone's problem is with Trump?
If Trump wasn't running for president, they wouldn't say much about him.
Look at how they've stopped trashing George W. Bush.
6 years ago GWB was the anti-Christ.
The media is currently trying to prop up DeSantis so they can get everyone to dump Trump.
Nobody else is going to campaign against him in the media......so Trump has to do it.
Trump doesn't mean anything by it anyway. It's just politics.
Here for those of you still in the dark about all of this.

I don't think that it has anything to do with being in the dark.
Most people are simply not as naive and fragile as you.
I thought you were going to post something of consequence.
Name one national politician the has a small ego and is not an narcissist. Sure Trump has an ego. You would too if you had accomplished as much as he has.
Trump sucks at real estate. No banks will touch him any more. He's a horrible businessman. He runs businesses into the dirt, and he cheats his investors. He only survives through criminality.

His only real success was as a game show host.

What's more, only a true blue psychopathic masochist would work for Trump at this point. Everyone who worked for him ended up scandalized, disbarred, or jailed, and their reputations forever ruined.

I bet Devin Nunes is feeling like a real idiot for quitting Congress to run Truth Social.
Trump is a loser. He has never won the popular vote.
we don't elect presidents by popular vote. if we did presidents would be elected by Cal, NY, FLA and TX. no other state would matter or have any say in it. The founders got it right when they set up the EC.
Trump is feeble and senile. He needs two hands to lift a bottle of water and walks down gentle inclines like his shoelaces are tied together. The public is onto his self-aggrandizing lies and scams now.

DeSantis is too timid to stand up under the withering fire of the dog-eat-dog primaries and debates. He got completely tongue-tied by a simple question from his challenger which he should have anticipated.

The GOP really needs to start looking around for someone else.

You have a lot of dreams g.
we don't elect presidents by popular vote. if we did presidents would be elected by Cal, NY, FLA and TX. no other state would matter or have any say in it. The founders got it right when they set up the EC.
And the EC kicked Trump's ass over the moon in 2020.

He's a big, fat, loser. Literally.
He sucks at real estate. No banks will touch him any more. He's a horrible businessman.

His only real success was as a game show host.

What's more, only a true blue psychopathic masochist would work for Trump at this point. Everyone who worked for him ended up scandalized, disbarred, or jailed, and their reputations forever ruined.

I bet Devin Nunes is feeling like a real idiot for quitting Congress to run Truth Social.
you are pathetic

lowest unemployment in decades, lowest ever for blacks and women
rising stock market
no new wars
fair trade deals with mexico, canada, and the EU
opened dialog with North Korea
Killed terrorists who had killed americans and allies
and all with no help from congress or the media who lied constantly about what he was doing.

Best president in my lifetime and I have been around since Truman.
we don't elect presidents by popular vote. if we did presidents would be elected by Cal, NY, FLA and TX. no other state would matter or have any say in it. The founders got it right when they set up the EC.
There is of course no popular vote for President.
In 2016 outside of NYCity and LACounty he dominated Clinton.

2020 was no more verifiable than an internet poll.
And the EC kicked Trump's ass over the moon in 2020.

He's a big, fat, loser. Literally.
Wrong, the cheating dominion machines installed the loser Biden. 2020 was a successful coup of the US government, not an actual election.
Name one national politician the has a small ego and is not an narcissist. Sure Trump has an ego. You would too if you had accomplished as much as he has.
Sorry Skippy,
No politician from either party is even close to Trump and his child like ego

Trump lacks humility, compassion, self restraint….
You know I honestly don't get it. I know that they both love America but Trump seems to be putting Trump first lately and ignoring his signature line of putting America first and DeSantis definitely could get the job done just as well.
Trump is in the race and will do exactly as he did in 2016. He plays hard. It will be interesting to see if DeSantis will get into the race. I don't think he has decided yet. If he does, I hope he plays the game more respectfully than Trump. I don't see him winning the nomination but he COULD destroy part of the base that he'd have to depend on if he runs in 28.
Trump, DeSantis,.. ANYBODY has to be better than Biden. I think that we all are pretty much in agreement about that. Almost all of us anyways.
Sorry Skippy,
No politician from either party is even close to Trump and his child like ego

Trump lacks humility, compassion, self restraint….
you lack brains, common sense, and intelligence. you are a brainwashed moron, incapable to thinking for yourself and only able to parrot what is put in your little head by your masters.

Do you really claim that Obozo and crazy hillary do not have huge egos?

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