What Is Warfare.

maxo wrote

"... For example, U.S. steel mills didn't ask the Chinese to dump cheap steel here. Not that our "leaders" aren't also to blame..."

This is like saying foreigners/undocumented "took our jobs".

No they didn't. Employers gave away our jobs.

Same with steel. Donald Trump bought inferior Chinese steel. No one forced him to do that. He also has all of his own products made in any and every country EXCEPT the country he hates - the US. You're new to the board so I'll direct you to the link in my sig. Take your time. Look at the hundreds of thousands of jobs he has created - in other countries. Add to that the jobs he and his kids have filled in the US with either documented or foreign workers. Never Americans. Never. And that has not changed. Not even one job.

Yes they did "Take Our Jobs." It doesn't matter who or how. All that matters is that it was done.

Oh really?

So, "they" forced US employers to hire them?

It DOES matter who did it. It also matters whether YOU support it and you do. Just like you support buying stuff made in other countries. You not only support it, you voted for it. Yes, I do know how you vote.

Until you change that fact, you don't have a leg to stand on.

You're just another willfully ignorant RWNJ.

Employers-our capitalist plutocratic government. You're really splitting hairs if you try to separate those things. So in a way, they DID force employers to hire foreign wage slaves. Here is another way the government FORCED employers to do so. By letting some companies import cheap foreign goods, other less treasonous U.S. companies had to do the same. Just to compete.

Next, "I" don't support it. Next, I have no choice but to buy foreign made goods. Go to Wal-Mart and look at the label of any product. Good luck in finding one that isn't made in China. Or some such place. Next, I didn't vote for it. It is you who doesn't have a leg to stand on.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

In regard to paragraph two there is also a fake wealth effect as the cheap goods allow you to buy more with less. Look how cheap computers have become or entertainment systems. So there is this perception of a better standard of living from cheap gadgets. The revenue transferred overseas to China comes back to buy US Bonds to fund more of the same.

In regard to paragraph 3 fell free to stop by and try at your leisure.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the "fake wealth effect." And as to what people can afford to buy, maybe if people here had better jobs, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, the trade deficit causes the U.S. to lose anywhere from 300 billion dollars a year to over 700 billion dollars. Despite the "cheap goods," that is costing up plenty. And eventually it will bite us in the ass. Hard! And I mean really sinking its teeth in.

As for the last part, if enough patriotic Americans come together, you could very well find yourself in front of a firing squad. Or at the end of a noose. Or a human popsicle stick. It depends on how guilty you are.

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

But you voted for cheap shit from overseas.

See post #8.

You know this how?

You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

In regard to paragraph two there is also a fake wealth effect as the cheap goods allow you to buy more with less. Look how cheap computers have become or entertainment systems. So there is this perception of a better standard of living from cheap gadgets. The revenue transferred overseas to China comes back to buy US Bonds to fund more of the same.

In regard to paragraph 3 fell free to stop by and try at your leisure.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the "fake wealth effect." And as to what people can afford to buy, maybe if people here had better jobs, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, the trade deficit causes the U.S. to lose anywhere from 300 billion dollars a year to over 700 billion dollars. Despite the "cheap goods," that is costing up plenty. And eventually it will bite us in the ass. Hard! And I mean really sinking its teeth in.

As for the last part, if enough patriotic Americans come together, you could very well find yourself in front of a firing squad. Or at the end of a noose. Or a human popsicle stick. It depends on how guilty you are.

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

Well we can agree on the "bad thing" part. But no patriotic American would be doing a "hand jive" with anybody. Because they would be White. And that isn't a real part of our culture. Most of the problems that exist in this country is because we live in a multiethnic society.

How you splain this lucy?

Anti-White, jew controlled media.
In regard to paragraph two there is also a fake wealth effect as the cheap goods allow you to buy more with less. Look how cheap computers have become or entertainment systems. So there is this perception of a better standard of living from cheap gadgets. The revenue transferred overseas to China comes back to buy US Bonds to fund more of the same.

In regard to paragraph 3 fell free to stop by and try at your leisure.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the "fake wealth effect." And as to what people can afford to buy, maybe if people here had better jobs, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, the trade deficit causes the U.S. to lose anywhere from 300 billion dollars a year to over 700 billion dollars. Despite the "cheap goods," that is costing up plenty. And eventually it will bite us in the ass. Hard! And I mean really sinking its teeth in.

As for the last part, if enough patriotic Americans come together, you could very well find yourself in front of a firing squad. Or at the end of a noose. Or a human popsicle stick. It depends on how guilty you are.

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

But you voted for cheap shit from overseas.

See post #8.

You know this how?

In regard to paragraph two there is also a fake wealth effect as the cheap goods allow you to buy more with less. Look how cheap computers have become or entertainment systems. So there is this perception of a better standard of living from cheap gadgets. The revenue transferred overseas to China comes back to buy US Bonds to fund more of the same.

In regard to paragraph 3 fell free to stop by and try at your leisure.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the "fake wealth effect." And as to what people can afford to buy, maybe if people here had better jobs, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, the trade deficit causes the U.S. to lose anywhere from 300 billion dollars a year to over 700 billion dollars. Despite the "cheap goods," that is costing up plenty. And eventually it will bite us in the ass. Hard! And I mean really sinking its teeth in.

As for the last part, if enough patriotic Americans come together, you could very well find yourself in front of a firing squad. Or at the end of a noose. Or a human popsicle stick. It depends on how guilty you are.

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

Well we can agree on the "bad thing" part. But no patriotic American would be doing a "hand jive" with anybody. Because they would be White. And that isn't a real part of our culture. Most of the problems that exist in this country is because we live in a multiethnic society.

How you splain this lucy?

Anti-White, jew controlled media.

George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers jew controlled.

Pligger nease!
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

It is all well and good to play the victim to the horrible people in Washington who shipped our jobs overseas. But you might do a little research first.

Here is your homework question: Which has cost more jobs in the US, automation or sending production overseas?

Sending jobs overseas you fool. Because if they weren't sent overseas, the automation would have existed anyway. For example, coal companies found it was cheaper to plow the tops off mountains to get at coal (and to hell with the environment) rather than hire miners. Coal companies used to employ well over 100,000 people. Today, it is around 30,000.

Next, I have a better question for you. The U.S. loses anywhere from 300 billion dollars to over 700 billion dollars each year just from our trade deficit with China alone. Is that because of automation in the U.S.?

Face it. It is just a rerun of pre Civil War slavery. Though in this case, the jobs went to foreign wage slaves. Also, slave owners in the old South used to have to look out for the welfare and upkeep of their slaves. But the modern American slavers don't have to worry about that. Also, long ago, unions helped put an end to child labor here in the U.S. But there is more than enough of it to be found in the countries we shipped our jobs to.
maxo wrote

"... For example, U.S. steel mills didn't ask the Chinese to dump cheap steel here. Not that our "leaders" aren't also to blame..."

This is like saying foreigners/undocumented "took our jobs".

No they didn't. Employers gave away our jobs.

Same with steel. Donald Trump bought inferior Chinese steel. No one forced him to do that. He also has all of his own products made in any and every country EXCEPT the country he hates - the US. You're new to the board so I'll direct you to the link in my sig. Take your time. Look at the hundreds of thousands of jobs he has created - in other countries. Add to that the jobs he and his kids have filled in the US with either documented or foreign workers. Never Americans. Never. And that has not changed. Not even one job.

Yes they did "Take Our Jobs." It doesn't matter who or how. All that matters is that it was done.

So you don't like the free market and capitalism? Hmmm, I would have picked you as a conservative.

Capitalism is a crime and a disease. For example, ever see the documentary "The Corporation." They correctly pointed out in it that most corporations were psychotic and sociopathic entities. (along with other bad things) If you support our capitalist society and its corporations, you are those things too. How does that make you feel. Probably about as bad as it makes a member of the mafia to be called a criminal.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

Throughout history, warfare has rarely resulted in the total defeat of the enemy and total loss of sovereignty

It is normally used to resolve a dispute and ends in some sort of treaty

America is far from a "defeated country" We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind and the worlds strongest economy. Your gloom and doom is amusing

You are fukin high. Genghis Khan is said to have killed around 30 million people. Also, there were tribes of Indians here in the U.S. that would try to wipe each other out. Sometimes they succeeded. Also, look at the U.S. We spent in todays money 4.1 trillion dollars in WW II. And lost! By backing the Ruskies who were said to have caused the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!

The Iron Curtain was another example of that loss. The Korean and Vietnamese wars are another example of that loss. On at least a couple of occasions, we nearly had nuclear war with Russia. It would have been a BIG loss if that had happened.

As for our military, I saw something on a couple different news types of programs a few years back. They said Chinese hackers had stolen most of, if not all of, our secret military technology. Yet another loss there I would say.

As for our economy, we are over 18 trillion dollars in debt. We also have something around 61 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. In top of that, we have a population of around 319 million people. Our yearly exports are 1 trillion, 612 million. Now look at the much smaller country with far fewer natural resources, Germany.
They have a population of 81 million people. The value of their yearly exports is 1 trillion, 492 million. Then there is Japan. They have a population of 127 million. The yearly value of their exports is 792 billion.

On top of those things, those countries have universal health care. What do we have? 4% of the worlds population but 25% of those in jail. I could go on and on and on and on and on and on. What it amounts to is lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost.
I'm not sure what you're getting at with the "fake wealth effect." And as to what people can afford to buy, maybe if people here had better jobs, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, the trade deficit causes the U.S. to lose anywhere from 300 billion dollars a year to over 700 billion dollars. Despite the "cheap goods," that is costing up plenty. And eventually it will bite us in the ass. Hard! And I mean really sinking its teeth in.

As for the last part, if enough patriotic Americans come together, you could very well find yourself in front of a firing squad. Or at the end of a noose. Or a human popsicle stick. It depends on how guilty you are.

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

But you voted for cheap shit from overseas.

See post #8.

You know this how?

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the "fake wealth effect." And as to what people can afford to buy, maybe if people here had better jobs, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, the trade deficit causes the U.S. to lose anywhere from 300 billion dollars a year to over 700 billion dollars. Despite the "cheap goods," that is costing up plenty. And eventually it will bite us in the ass. Hard! And I mean really sinking its teeth in.

As for the last part, if enough patriotic Americans come together, you could very well find yourself in front of a firing squad. Or at the end of a noose. Or a human popsicle stick. It depends on how guilty you are.

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

Well we can agree on the "bad thing" part. But no patriotic American would be doing a "hand jive" with anybody. Because they would be White. And that isn't a real part of our culture. Most of the problems that exist in this country is because we live in a multiethnic society.

How you splain this lucy?

Anti-White, jew controlled media.

George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers jew controlled.

Pligger nease!

Near the beginning of the movie industry, MGM, Universal, Paramount, Columbia, Warner Brothers, etc were owned by jews. So all of the famous stars that you heard of were jew controlled. Television today basically is. Do you really think the music industry would be any different.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

Throughout history, warfare has rarely resulted in the total defeat of the enemy and total loss of sovereignty

It is normally used to resolve a dispute and ends in some sort of treaty

America is far from a "defeated country" We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind and the worlds strongest economy. Your gloom and doom is amusing

You are fukin high. Genghis Khan is said to have killed around 30 million people. Also, there were tribes of Indians here in the U.S. that would try to wipe each other out. Sometimes they succeeded. Also, look at the U.S. We spent in todays money 4.1 trillion dollars in WW II. And lost! By backing the Ruskies who were said to have caused the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!

The Iron Curtain was another example of that loss. The Korean and Vietnamese wars are another example of that loss. On at least a couple of occasions, we nearly had nuclear war with Russia. It would have been a BIG loss if that had happened.

As for our military, I saw something on a couple different news types of programs a few years back. They said Chinese hackers had stolen most of, if not all of, our secret military technology. Yet another loss there I would say.

As for our economy, we are over 18 trillion dollars in debt. We also have something around 61 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. In top of that, we have a population of around 319 million people. Our yearly exports are 1 trillion, 612 million. Now look at the much smaller country with far fewer natural resources, Germany.
They have a population of 81 million people. The value of their yearly exports is 1 trillion, 492 million. Then there is Japan. They have a population of 127 million. The yearly value of their exports is 792 billion.

On top of those things, those countries have universal health care. What do we have? 4% of the worlds population but 25% of those in jail. I could go on and on and on and on and on and on. What it amounts to is lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost.
Damn boi....you are just going all creepy on me
Were there meds you are supposed to be taking?

Genghis Khan did not kill 30 million. The population was too disbursed at the time
Indian warfare is irrelevant
And no, we did not lose WWII. We came out as the only surviving economy after the war and dominated the worlds economy for 25 years.
In case you didn't hear...we won the Cold War comrade
We have a GDP of $19 trillion....more than anywhere else in the world
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maxo wrote

"... For example, U.S. steel mills didn't ask the Chinese to dump cheap steel here. Not that our "leaders" aren't also to blame..."

This is like saying foreigners/undocumented "took our jobs".

No they didn't. Employers gave away our jobs.

Same with steel. Donald Trump bought inferior Chinese steel. No one forced him to do that. He also has all of his own products made in any and every country EXCEPT the country he hates - the US. You're new to the board so I'll direct you to the link in my sig. Take your time. Look at the hundreds of thousands of jobs he has created - in other countries. Add to that the jobs he and his kids have filled in the US with either documented or foreign workers. Never Americans. Never. And that has not changed. Not even one job.

Boy you have that backwards. Like most progressives you can't think for yourself. The fact is the jobs left because of politics. Politicians pass laws that make it uncompetative for a company to do business here, so they leave. obummercare was the latest example of that fact. Detroit was an economic powerhouse, then 50 years of democrat rule crushed it. Have fun there now.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.
Trump will take a political situation that hasn't escalated in 65 years and bring it to live fire in less than six months

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You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.
Trump will take a political situation that hasn't escalated in 65 years and bring it to live fire in less than six months
Please. Trump just happens to be president right now, any president would be tested by this NK loose cannon. It has escalated with Kim ill Jung building atomic bombs he dosen't need or can afford, and ballistic missiles to use those unnecessary weapons, and constant badgering and sword rattling, to boot. Who's the REAL menace here?
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

In regard to paragraph two there is also a fake wealth effect as the cheap goods allow you to buy more with less. Look how cheap computers have become or entertainment systems. So there is this perception of a better standard of living from cheap gadgets. The revenue transferred overseas to China comes back to buy US Bonds to fund more of the same.

In regard to paragraph 3 fell free to stop by and try at your leisure.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the "fake wealth effect." And as to what people can afford to buy, maybe if people here had better jobs, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, the trade deficit causes the U.S. to lose anywhere from 300 billion dollars a year to over 700 billion dollars. Despite the "cheap goods," that is costing up plenty. And eventually it will bite us in the ass. Hard! And I mean really sinking its teeth in.

As for the last part, if enough patriotic Americans come together, you could very well find yourself in front of a firing squad. Or at the end of a noose. Or a human popsicle stick. It depends on how guilty you are.

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

Well we can agree on the "bad thing" part. But no patriotic American would be doing a "hand jive" with anybody. Because they would be White. And that isn't a real part of our culture. Most of the problems that exist in this country is because we live in a multiethnic society.

Most who fight wars are Black, Hispanic, Muslim and many are undocumented.

Most of the problems in this country is because we protect racist scum, trailer trash alt right, kkk, white supremacists.

I'm white but I know this world would be better off without that segment of society.

88% of soldiers in Vietnam were white, Democrats have gotten us into most of the wars we have been in, so I think it's safe to assume your mostly wrong about everything else as well. Instead of offing yourself, why don't you give yourself a second chance and try to make the world a better place instead?
It doesn't bother me that your white, you may need to look into changing your medication though.

You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.
Trump will take a political situation that hasn't escalated in 65 years and bring it to live fire in less than six months
Please. Trump just happens to be president right now, any president would be tested by this NK loose cannon. It has escalated with Kim ill Jung building atomic bombs he dosen't need or can afford, and ballistic missiles to use those unnecessary weapons, and constant badgering and sword rattling, to boot. Who's the REAL menace here?

Trump is one of the least capable leaders in the world to handle a situation like that

How would Trump have handled the Pueblo situation?
I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

But you voted for cheap shit from overseas.

See post #8.

You know this how?

I was trying to convey that cheap goods from overseas (e.g. China) make people feel wealthy because their money buys more.
This is a bad thing.

I am clean as a whistle bro.
The patriotic Americans would being doing the hand jive with me.

Well we can agree on the "bad thing" part. But no patriotic American would be doing a "hand jive" with anybody. Because they would be White. And that isn't a real part of our culture. Most of the problems that exist in this country is because we live in a multiethnic society.

How you splain this lucy?

Anti-White, jew controlled media.

George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers jew controlled.

Pligger nease!

Near the beginning of the movie industry, MGM, Universal, Paramount, Columbia, Warner Brothers, etc were owned by jews. So all of the famous stars that you heard of were jew controlled. Television today basically is. Do you really think the music industry would be any different.

You sound paranoid bro.

Put down the pipe.

Turn it up and listen to Lonesome George and Bo Diddley.

You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.
Trump will take a political situation that hasn't escalated in 65 years and bring it to live fire in less than six months


And your hero neville obummer should have dealt with it before it ever got this far. Just think if chamberlain had had a set of balls on him. Hitler would have never gotten off the ground, but no, like your emasculated hero, obummer, good ole neville let hitler grow in power and millions died because of it. You silly people are all the same. You can't see the forest for the trees and you're experts at whistling past the grave of your own making.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.

Throughout history, warfare has rarely resulted in the total defeat of the enemy and total loss of sovereignty

It is normally used to resolve a dispute and ends in some sort of treaty

America is far from a "defeated country" We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind and the worlds strongest economy. Your gloom and doom is amusing

You are fukin high. Genghis Khan is said to have killed around 30 million people. Also, there were tribes of Indians here in the U.S. that would try to wipe each other out. Sometimes they succeeded. Also, look at the U.S. We spent in todays money 4.1 trillion dollars in WW II. And lost! By backing the Ruskies who were said to have caused the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!

The Iron Curtain was another example of that loss. The Korean and Vietnamese wars are another example of that loss. On at least a couple of occasions, we nearly had nuclear war with Russia. It would have been a BIG loss if that had happened.

As for our military, I saw something on a couple different news types of programs a few years back. They said Chinese hackers had stolen most of, if not all of, our secret military technology. Yet another loss there I would say.

As for our economy, we are over 18 trillion dollars in debt. We also have something around 61 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. In top of that, we have a population of around 319 million people. Our yearly exports are 1 trillion, 612 million. Now look at the much smaller country with far fewer natural resources, Germany.
They have a population of 81 million people. The value of their yearly exports is 1 trillion, 492 million. Then there is Japan. They have a population of 127 million. The yearly value of their exports is 792 billion.

On top of those things, those countries have universal health care. What do we have? 4% of the worlds population but 25% of those in jail. I could go on and on and on and on and on and on. What it amounts to is lost, lost, lost, lost, lost, lost.
Damn boi....you are just going all creepy on me
Were there meds you are supposed to be taking?

Genghis Khan did not kill 30 million. The population was too disbursed at the time
Indian warfare is irrelevant
And no, we did not lose WWII. We came out as the only surviving economy after the war and dominated the worlds economy for 25 years.
In case you didn't hear...we won the Cold War comrade
We have a GDP of $19 trillion....more than anywhere else in the world

Where are the meds you should be taking. Next, the 30 million killed thing with Genghis Khan was a conservative number. He may very well have killed millions more. Next, Indian warfare is relevant to what you thought warfare meant. Next, screw your "economy" thing. I TOLD you the many ways in which we lost WW II. Tell me any single one of them that you think is untrue. Next, that there even was a "cold war" is just another example of how we lost.

Next, the U.S. is a large country with much in the way of natural resources and arable land. As well as us having a population of 319 million people. THAT explains the American GDP you mentioned. Not our economic superiority. And as I pointed out with the yearly value of the exports of the much smaller countries, Germany and Japan, with lower populations and far fewer resources, they kick our ass economically like an adult could kick a new born babies ass.
maxo wrote

"... For example, U.S. steel mills didn't ask the Chinese to dump cheap steel here. Not that our "leaders" aren't also to blame..."

This is like saying foreigners/undocumented "took our jobs".

No they didn't. Employers gave away our jobs.

Same with steel. Donald Trump bought inferior Chinese steel. No one forced him to do that. He also has all of his own products made in any and every country EXCEPT the country he hates - the US. You're new to the board so I'll direct you to the link in my sig. Take your time. Look at the hundreds of thousands of jobs he has created - in other countries. Add to that the jobs he and his kids have filled in the US with either documented or foreign workers. Never Americans. Never. And that has not changed. Not even one job.

Boy you have that backwards. Like most progressives you can't think for yourself. The fact is the jobs left because of politics. Politicians pass laws that make it uncompetative for a company to do business here, so they leave. obummercare was the latest example of that fact. Detroit was an economic powerhouse, then 50 years of democrat rule crushed it. Have fun there now.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.

There is only one layer to the question of what defeat means. That is whether or not you are defeated. For example, birds in a flock can chase off birds of a different species that try to join their flock. The other birds in that flock would probably consider the birds that did the chasing as heroes. Also, fish in a school of fish would probably chase off a different species of fish that tried to join their school. The other fish in the school would probably consider the fish that did the chasing to be heroes. But if a White person did the same with non-whites, he would be charged with a hate crime and be sent to a living hell for a very very long time.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.
Trump will take a political situation that hasn't escalated in 65 years and bring it to live fire in less than six months


And your hero neville obummer should have dealt with it before it ever got this far. Just think if chamberlain had had a set of balls on him. Hitler would have never gotten off the ground, but no, like your emasculated hero, obummer, good ole neville let hitler grow in power and millions died because of it. You silly people are all the same. You can't see the forest for the trees and you're experts at whistling past the grave of your own making.

I'm just wondering. Does being a moderator REQUIRE you to be a lying moron? (or are you just jewish) In WW II, WE were the bad guys!!! For example, I will show you a picture and quote of a Russian jew who was the head of the NKVD. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrate the deaths of over 10 million people! I will also include a picture of a few of his victims. They didn't get to be in such shape overnight.
You all probably know to some extant. It is defeating your enemy through organized military action. But here comes the interesting point. What does being defeated mean. Well for one thing, it means losing sovereignty over your own country and people. It also means of course losing the lives of your soldiers as well as a lot of destruction. But people come and go. And there is always some sort of destruction going on somewhere in our country. So if you are defeated through non military action, it doesn't really matter. Does it.

I am talking to you as a defeated American citizen in a defeated American country. Take all the American jobs that have been lost to overseas wage slaves. Such as China. Leaving us with mostly low wage Mc Jobs. Then these countries often dump cheaply made goods here to destroy what industry is left. Making us in fact the slaves of those countries. Because without their goods, where would we be. China for instance couldn't do any better if they defeated us militarily. Unless their aim was to kill American to boot. But then, there would be less of us to buy their goods.

The treasonous scumbags in Washington that allowed this to happen should be taken out and shot! Or hung. Or impaled. But here is a problem with that. Which is that those things should also be done to most of you! Because you allowed it to happen.
There is a lot of layers to that question. But it comes down to an old quote by von Clausewitz: War is diplomacy by other means, I am seeing this with North Korea right now. Provocations followed by provocations. Kim ill Jung is a suicidal maniac.Trump, as rash as he is, isn't the man to mess with right now.
Trump will take a political situation that hasn't escalated in 65 years and bring it to live fire in less than six months


It won't happen. Why? Because he would have to fight his way through S. Korea to do it.

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