Zone1 What is Woke Black Conservatism

We as Woke Conservatives are fiscally conservative, we love free markets and personal responsibility, but we also acknowledge the importance race plays in society, and we rebuke the platitudes of white conservative "critical Post racialism theory", but also reject the often dependency based model of white liberals. We are on neither white liberal nor white Conservative plantations, and understand that both seek to merely use us for political gain.
Woke Black Conservatives? Critical Post racialism theory? Often dependency based model of white liberals? I've never seen so much gibberish packed into one post in my 8 years on this board. Congrats Thomas you are the winner! You should get 500 trophy points for Creative Nonsense.
In housing, in employment, in social Dynamics; everything.
More imagination theories. Not all whites get the house, the job, etc. don’t you think it’s possible that blacks, like whites, get denied because of bad credit, lack of financial stability, employment history?

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