What Is Wrong With America ?

since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.

To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

Your initial claim was that raising the rate on the top 10% by less than 5% would allow us to cut the tax rate for everyone else in the country to nothing. When I told you you were wrong you challenged me to do the math, and claimed that, when you did it, it proved that would be a revenue neutral solution.

You lied, admit it.

By the way, are you aware that the top 20% of wage earners includes a hefty chunk of what is colloquially known as the middle class? I don't feel like going back and reading the entire thread, but I will bet that more than one person has told you that any tax hike on the rich always hits the middle class. In your attempt to defend your lie you proved them right.


Remember when you told me that "In a word" wasn't an argument? Don't you wish you had just kept your ignorant ass mouth shut?

In a word, you, and everyone else who can't do simple math, is what is wrong with this country. You cannot support the welfare state by taxing the rich. You cannot run the government by pretending you can. Anyone with basic math skills knows this.
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The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

This is astounding ignorance. So the "26% average" income tax is the only tax they pay?!? Really @protectionist? Really?

  • So they don't have property tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have gas tax every time they fill up their tank? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have sales tax on every item they purchase? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have payroll tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have state income tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have local tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

So they don't have all of these other taxes as well perfectionist? Really?

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.

Many other states?

Forty three states and the District of Columbia, not to mention a few cities in all of those states, and even a few school districts, have income taxes, If you think that is many I can understand why you think you have all the answers, you are an idiot.
This is astounding ignorance. So the "26% average" income tax is the only tax they pay?!? Really @protectionist? Really?

  • So they don't have property tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have gas tax every time they fill up their tank? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have sales tax on every item they purchase? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have payroll tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have state income tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have local tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

So they don't have all of these other taxes as well perfectionist? Really?

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.

So because you don't own an RV, a watercraft, or a trailer, that means the top 20% doesn't? Really? So then who owns those millions and millions of items if not the wealthy? :cuckoo:

Also, just because you don't pay state or local income tax doesn't mean those of who do not live in Florida don't (because we do, stupid). And because you're a bottom feeder living in government housing, you don't have to pay property tax. But the rest of us do asshat. And that cuts into you're imaginary $5.2 trillion "disposable income".

And by the way chief, I noticed you skipped over payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax (how interesting that you mentioned all of these taxes you don't pay and liquor was not one of them :eusa_whistle:).

So now that I exposed your ignorance and your resulting immature "solutions" - would you like to try again @protectionist? I noticed you didn't offer up a revised "disposable income" total even if you only count sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax. I wonder why that is....? :eek:

The rich people I know use jets, not RVs. As for trailers and watercraft, my personal experience is that they are owned by rednecks.
The problem with America is the majority of people don't give a shit about anyone else but themselves. You see it everyday from how people drive, conduct transactions, and even care for their own family members.

Short post, but you pack a powerful punch here. What you say is true (importantly so) in just about every facet of American life. To give a specific example, I'll present immigration. Immigration is absurd when we have 10 million Americans unemployed. In addition, there is long list of harms to the American people coming from this totally outdated process. Also, why does it happen ? It happens because of just what you say. Here's a list of the people who don't care about all these harms, but are only interested in their own particular vested interest, and support immigration just for that.

1. Businesses hiring immigrants (legal or illegal) as cheap labor, to boost their profits.

2. Churches - to fill empty pews in their declining congregation

3. Unions - to bolster their declining memberships.

4. Democrats - to bolster their vote counts.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations - to bolster the number of their ethnic group.

6. Spanish media - to have somebody to sell to.

Here you go ladies - allow Milton Friedman to teach you a little something about "selfishness" (this is called a reality check):

[ame=http://youtu.be/RWsx1X8PV_A]Milton Friedman - Greed - YouTube[/ame]

Here is the angel who will organize society for us >> ME. That was an easy question. As for the rest of Friedman's rant, who's arguing with him ? I never said capitalism was bad. In fact for 12 years, I was a capitalist myself, and a successful one. In America, we just need to keep a handle on our capitalism, and not let it go haywire. Keyword > moderation (as applies to all things)
Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.

So because you don't own an RV, a watercraft, or a trailer, that means the top 20% doesn't? Really? So then who owns those millions and millions of items if not the wealthy? :cuckoo:

Also, just because you don't pay state or local income tax doesn't mean those of who do not live in Florida don't (because we do, stupid). And because you're a bottom feeder living in government housing, you don't have to pay property tax. But the rest of us do asshat. And that cuts into you're imaginary $5.2 trillion "disposable income".

And by the way chief, I noticed you skipped over payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax (how interesting that you mentioned all of these taxes you don't pay and liquor was not one of them :eusa_whistle:).

So now that I exposed your ignorance and your resulting immature "solutions" - would you like to try again @protectionist? I noticed you didn't offer up a revised "disposable income" total even if you only count sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax. I wonder why that is....? :eek:

The rich people I know use jets, not RVs. As for trailers and watercraft, my personal experience is that they are owned by rednecks.

Probably true (depending on the type and size of watercraft). Point is, none of these things are owned by very large %s of the American people, and as such are bad examples to try to promote overtaxation.
This is astounding ignorance. So the "26% average" income tax is the only tax they pay?!? Really @protectionist? Really?

  • So they don't have property tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have gas tax every time they fill up their tank? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have sales tax on every item they purchase? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have payroll tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have state income tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.
  • So they don't have local tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

So they don't have all of these other taxes as well perfectionist? Really?

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.

Many other states?

Forty three states and the District of Columbia, not to mention a few cities in all of those states, and even a few school districts, have income taxes, If you think that is many I can understand why you think you have all the answers, you are an idiot.

"That" ? Well yes, 43 states is "many". Now go back and look at how you butchered your post, (to see who the "idiot" is here) :lol:
To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

Your initial claim was that raising the rate on the top 10% by less than 5% would allow us to cut the tax rate for everyone else in the country to nothing. When I told you you were wrong you challenged me to do the math, and claimed that, when you did it, it proved that would be a revenue neutral solution.

You lied, admit it.

By the way, are you aware that the top 20% of wage earners includes a hefty chunk of what is colloquially known as the middle class? I don't feel like going back and reading the entire thread, but I will bet that more than one person has told you that any tax hike on the rich always hits the middle class. In your attempt to defend your lie you proved them right.


Remember when you told me that "In a word" wasn't an argument? Don't you wish you had just kept your ignorant ass mouth shut?

In a word, you, and everyone else who can't do simple math, is what is wrong with this country. You cannot support the welfare state by taxing the rich. You cannot run the government by pretending you can. Anyone with basic math skills knows this.

I challenged you ? I don't recall even talking to you. :lol: I also don't recall saying anything about "raising the rate on the top 10% by less than 5%" What are you referring to ? (Post # please >>>>)

And what you apparently don't know is the massive amount of good that can be done, by just moderate tax increases on the rich (which the great majority of Americans support) And who said anything about "support the welfare state" ?
Answer: you did.

Actually, my prescription to restore the NORMAL taxation in America, would REDUCE the welfare state tremendously, and your prescription to maintain the ABNORMAL low taxation (on the rich) is what is currently perpetuating it. (hint: ICE & CBP)
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So because you don't own an RV, a watercraft, or a trailer, that means the top 20% doesn't? Really? So then who owns those millions and millions of items if not the wealthy? :cuckoo:

Also, just because you don't pay state or local income tax doesn't mean those of who do not live in Florida don't (because we do, stupid). And because you're a bottom feeder living in government housing, you don't have to pay property tax. But the rest of us do asshat. And that cuts into you're imaginary $5.2 trillion "disposable income".

And by the way chief, I noticed you skipped over payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax (how interesting that you mentioned all of these taxes you don't pay and liquor was not one of them :eusa_whistle:).

So now that I exposed your ignorance and your resulting immature "solutions" - would you like to try again [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION]? I noticed you didn't offer up a revised "disposable income" total even if you only count sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax. I wonder why that is....? :eek:

No need to revise anything. I'm cool with my original. If you're not, that YOUR problem. Touched a raw nerve, eh ? Apparently you're part of that wealthiest 20% of US households. Well, you can just be glad you've got all that money, and take a good look at how you got it (because someday the man upstairs will be looking at it too) :lol:

PS - I don't live in govt housing, and I wouldn't pay property tax or own my own home again if you paid me. As a renter, I don't lower myself to fixing my own residence. I let the help do it, while I swim in one of my 2 pools, relax in my jacuzzi, play a couple of sets on my tennis court, go for a walk or bike through my nature trail, use my exercise room, or just have a drink in my extra large clubhouse, when I don't feel like shooting some baskets on my basketball court.

I haven't seen so many things claimed by a person that didn't own shit in I don't know how long. You pay porperty taxes, maintenance and insurance through your rent so don't play so damned ignorant. Hell from the way you've represented yourself in this thread I'm surprised they even let you outside any more, I damn sure hope you don't drive.
So because you don't own an RV, a watercraft, or a trailer, that means the top 20% doesn't? Really? So then who owns those millions and millions of items if not the wealthy? :cuckoo:

Also, just because you don't pay state or local income tax doesn't mean those of who do not live in Florida don't (because we do, stupid). And because you're a bottom feeder living in government housing, you don't have to pay property tax. But the rest of us do asshat. And that cuts into you're imaginary $5.2 trillion "disposable income".

And by the way chief, I noticed you skipped over payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax (how interesting that you mentioned all of these taxes you don't pay and liquor was not one of them :eusa_whistle:).

So now that I exposed your ignorance and your resulting immature "solutions" - would you like to try again @protectionist? I noticed you didn't offer up a revised "disposable income" total even if you only count sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax. I wonder why that is....? :eek:

The rich people I know use jets, not RVs. As for trailers and watercraft, my personal experience is that they are owned by rednecks.

Probably true (depending on the type and size of watercraft). Point is, none of these things are owned by very large %s of the American people, and as such are bad examples to try to promote overtaxation.

There is no such thing as a bad example to show over taxation if it actually shows over taxation.
Short post, but you pack a powerful punch here. What you say is true (importantly so) in just about every facet of American life. To give a specific example, I'll present immigration. Immigration is absurd when we have 10 million Americans unemployed. In addition, there is long list of harms to the American people coming from this totally outdated process. Also, why does it happen ? It happens because of just what you say. Here's a list of the people who don't care about all these harms, but are only interested in their own particular vested interest, and support immigration just for that.

1. Businesses hiring immigrants (legal or illegal) as cheap labor, to boost their profits.

2. Churches - to fill empty pews in their declining congregation

3. Unions - to bolster their declining memberships.

4. Democrats - to bolster their vote counts.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations - to bolster the number of their ethnic group.

6. Spanish media - to have somebody to sell to.

Here you go ladies - allow Milton Friedman to teach you a little something about "selfishness" (this is called a reality check):

[ame=http://youtu.be/RWsx1X8PV_A]Milton Friedman - Greed - YouTube[/ame]

Here is the angel who will organize society for us >> ME....

And you're claiming you're not an authoritarian?
To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

Your initial claim was that raising the rate on the top 10% by less than 5% would allow us to cut the tax rate for everyone else in the country to nothing. When I told you you were wrong you challenged me to do the math, and claimed that, when you did it, it proved that would be a revenue neutral solution.

You lied, admit it.

By the way, are you aware that the top 20% of wage earners includes a hefty chunk of what is colloquially known as the middle class? I don't feel like going back and reading the entire thread, but I will bet that more than one person has told you that any tax hike on the rich always hits the middle class. In your attempt to defend your lie you proved them right.


Remember when you told me that "In a word" wasn't an argument? Don't you wish you had just kept your ignorant ass mouth shut?

In a word, you, and everyone else who can't do simple math, is what is wrong with this country. You cannot support the welfare state by taxing the rich. You cannot run the government by pretending you can. Anyone with basic math skills knows this.

your getting protectionist mixed up with me......I didnt lie.....Thats how I remembered it...and Im still not convinced I was wrong,.... I also remember hearing/reading that the way the stats are kept/recorded changed in the meantime....probably to obscure some of the numbers.

Protectionist, one number you state which I think might be an error is that the wealthiest pay 26% the latest numbers I saw show an actual rate of 20%
since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.

I love it when you Communists just make shit up out of thin air.

A 100% tax on the top 20% of wages would not even pay off the national debt.


There are two types of leftists;


and the abysmally stupid.

Good news, I don't think you're a crook.
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Allow me to offer one solution. How about having the Presidency, Congress, Court judges, and Agency officials not be paid (Anything). Have all the jobs done on a volunteer basis, and stop all money input in elections. And all one term only (eliminating the drive to be re-elected)

That's a recipe for corruption. Have everyone, from the President to the lowest municipal court judge bought off.
since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.

I love it when you Communists just make shit up out of thin air.

A 100% tax on the top 20% of wages would not even pay off the national debt.

There are two types of leftists;


and the abysmally stupid.

Good news, I don't think you're a crook.

Especially since a 100% tax on the top 20% would bring in zero revenue. People would simply stop making that much money.
Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.

Income tax is not intended to tax the wealthy.

Income tax targets the middle class. The very wealthy accrue wealth through investments and appreciation of assets, particularly real property.

When the leadership of the left scream "Punish the rich," what they really seek is to assault the middle class, those who depend on income to maintain a lifestyle.

The petty thugs who rule your party have no desire to harm the truly rich, the George Soros, Andy Grove, Jeff Immelt, and Hollywood crowd. No, why they seek is to pull the ladder up to keep the middle class from accumulating wealth.

Though you lack the intellect to grasp it, what you are really demanding is that we PROTECT the wealthy elite from competition from an upwardly mobile middle class. This is the agenda of the shameful democrats, to crush the middle in order to protect an entrenched elite. Why do you think the obscenely rich are overwhelmingly democrats? Because the democrats serve them.
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Especially since a 100% tax on the top 20% would bring in zero revenue. People would simply stop making that much money.

I bumbled the Stossel link, but he makes the point that if the Obamunists were to confiscate 100% of the assets of the top 10% of the nation, it would offer only $5.2 trillion, less than a third of the Obama debt.
Income tax is not intended to tax the wealthy.

Bullshit. The sixteenth amendment was sold as a "soak the rich scam"

Incomes below $3500 CONSTITUTIONAL GOLD DOLLARS were exempted.

A CONSTITUTIONAL GOLD DOLLAR was worth about 25 of today's federal reserve notes. So that means that the sixteenth amendment should not apply to those making less than

3500 x 25 = 87500 federal reserve notes.

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Bullshit. The sixteenth amendment was sold as a "soak the rich scam"

Incomes below $3500 CONSTITUTIONAL GOLD DOLLARS were exempted.

A CONSTITUTIONAL GOLD DOLLAR was worth about 25 of today's federal reserve notes. So that means that the sixteenth amendment should not apply to those making less than

3500 x 25 = 87500 federal reserve notes.


At the time of the 16th, it was a nominal tax.

Under FDR the income tax morphed into a very different beast and hundreds of thousands of exemptions were added to ensure that the truly wealthy were not affected.

Consider this, Mitt Romney has an income of $1 per year, what is his income tax burden? The truly wealthy accumulate wealth through capital gains and appreciation. We tax capital gains, but it is a tricky balance, it is very easy to stall an economy by punishing investment. We can only tax appreciation if there is a sale, then it is taxed as a capital gain.

Income tax is designed to tax income, and income earners. It is designed to attack the middle class.

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