What Is Wrong With America ?

In order for it to be what was wrong with America, it would have to be accurate.


Avatar, you say that god isn't fair, implying that I could be sent to hell randomly, even if I was obedient to the book. You don't think that one nation under an unfair deity isn't a problem for America? :cuckoo:

Do you really think creating a straw man claiming I said something I never said somehow makes it true?
In order for it to be what was wrong with America, it would have to be accurate.


Avatar, you say that god isn't fair, implying that I could be sent to hell randomly, even if I was obedient to the book. You don't think that one nation under an unfair deity isn't a problem for America? :cuckoo:
Why would you be obedient to a book?

I've never understood why libtards think they can get away with doing everything they can to make living on earth hell for as many people as they can for their own personal benefit... then when people say we should instead love one another and let people live as they see fit, the libtards pull out the your god is an evil god that makes living on earth hell card. Yeah, like it's god's idea to make hell on earth not theirs.
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Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

In a word, you.

Problem, is you don't make a case in this forum > "in a word".

You want more words?

Anyone that advocates protectionism is a ignorant fuck that shouldn't be allowed outside his house, much less given the power to choose who runs the country.

If you need more words just let me know.

Avatar, you say that god isn't fair, implying that I could be sent to hell randomly, even if I was obedient to the book. You don't think that one nation under an unfair deity isn't a problem for America? :cuckoo:
Why would you be obedient to a book?

I've never understood why libtards think they can get away with doing everything they can to make living on earth hell for as many people as they can for their own personal benefit... then when people say we should instead love one another and let people live as they see fit, the libtards pull out the your god is an evil god that makes living on earth hell card. Yeah, like it's god's idea to make hell on earth not theirs.
Because you have to obey what it says in the bible, a book, or in the case of mormons... 2 books.
Avatar, you say that god isn't fair, implying that I could be sent to hell randomly, even if I was obedient to the book. You don't think that one nation under an unfair deity isn't a problem for America? :cuckoo:
Why would you be obedient to a book?

I've never understood why libtards think they can get away with doing everything they can to make living on earth hell for as many people as they can for their own personal benefit... then when people say we should instead love one another and let people live as they see fit, the libtards pull out the your god is an evil god that makes living on earth hell card. Yeah, like it's god's idea to make hell on earth not theirs.
Because you have to obey what it says in the bible, a book, or in the case of mormons... 2 books.

Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

the election cheating by republicans over the last 30 years is ruining this country
You aren't helping others by giving away other people's money. You help others by giving away your own time and money.

Taking another person's money by force is called Robbery. And we should be seeking to eliminate that from government as much as humanly possible.

All depends on how you define "another person's money", and if you even consider it to ever have really been "another person's money". I'd guess the overwhelming majority of the 76% of Americans, in the Gallup Poll, who said they want tax raises on the rich, don't consider all the money they have, to BE THEIR MONEY. And that it is only in their pockets at all, because they devised clever and tricky ways to deny it to the people who worked for it, and really earned it. And they might even call THAT "Robbery". Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
since you Dems wish to target the 'evil rich' why don't you just propose to tax just the top rich 10% income earners and eliminate taxes on the other 'non-evil' 90%.....? you'd probably get 90% support...:cool:
or do Dems really define "another person's money" as any money that is not Government money....?

a few years ago I did just that and based on tax rates and percentages at that time it was revenue neutral. It amounted to an increase on the the wealthiest 10% of only 2 or 3% and THE REST OF THE NATION would have had to pay NO income taxes to stay
revenue neutral
OP- Greedy rich people and the disbelief in gov't they love...corporations used to pay 35 per cent of taxes, now 10 per cent, should be 20...the highest tax rate should be 50 or so, not any of the straw horse bs of the dupes...

Breaking for hater dupes- the poorest pay 16 per cent in all taxes and fees, everyone else 21 per cent, the richest have tripled their wealth under voodoo AT LEAST, while the rest and the country are ruined...
All depends on how you define "another person's money", and if you even consider it to ever have really been "another person's money". I'd guess the overwhelming majority of the 76% of Americans, in the Gallup Poll, who said they want tax raises on the rich, don't consider all the money they have, to BE THEIR MONEY. And that it is only in their pockets at all, because they devised clever and tricky ways to deny it to the people who worked for it, and really earned it. And they might even call THAT "Robbery". Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
since you Dems wish to target the 'evil rich' why don't you just propose to tax just the top rich 10% income earners and eliminate taxes on the other 'non-evil' 90%.....? you'd probably get 90% support...:cool:
or do Dems really define "another person's money" as any money that is not Government money....?

a few years ago I did just that and based on tax rates and percentages at that time it was revenue neutral. It amounted to an increase on the the wealthiest 10% of only 2 or 3% and THE REST OF THE NATION would have had to pay NO income taxes to stay
revenue neutral

You did the math, and proved something that everyone else on the planet has missed? Personally, if I did that, I might think I was wrong, not that everyone else is stupid. Then again, I am not an idiot, so I can see why you might go the other way.
since you Dems wish to target the 'evil rich' why don't you just propose to tax just the top rich 10% income earners and eliminate taxes on the other 'non-evil' 90%.....? you'd probably get 90% support...:cool:
or do Dems really define "another person's money" as any money that is not Government money....?

a few years ago I did just that and based on tax rates and percentages at that time it was revenue neutral. It amounted to an increase on the the wealthiest 10% of only 2 or 3% and THE REST OF THE NATION would have had to pay NO income taxes to stay
revenue neutral

You did the math, and proved something that everyone else on the planet has missed? Personally, if I did that, I might think I was wrong, not that everyone else is stupid. Then again, I am not an idiot, so I can see why you might go the other way.

do the math yourself, taxing the richest 10% (this is even after they've hid money) just 2 or 3 % more would be enough to cover the rest of the population's taxes. I am sure its gotten even more divergent...i.e. fewer than top 10% say top 8% could cover the rest with just a 2 or 3% increase.
What Is Wrong With America ?


Congress Defers to President On NSA Reform

Congress is today acting as an advocate for the executive branch’s continuing abuses, and as an opponent to the civil liberties of US citizens. Not only has Congress – with a precious few exceptions – accepted the NSA’s mass spying program on American citizens, it has actually been encouraging the president to continue and expand the program."

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