What Is Wrong With America ?

The key feature of corporatism is its preference for collective rights as opposed to individual rights. That's what I find 'corporatist' about your views. I also find them to be quite authoritarian, despite your denials in that regard. You seem to want a government that 'runs' society, pushing us toward a specific vision of the "good life", rather than one that acts as a referee, protecting our freedom to pursue our own interests and goals. You're definitely not a libertarian.

Libertarian ? You mean like Republicans who want to do drugs ?

I'm not surprised that's your take on it. I guess it's easier than thinking.

It's NOT my "take". It's just a part of the overall picture. My take is what I said in the rest of the post. Why don't you comment on THAT ?

And why the insult ? Just finding it necessary to be an asshole ?
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The only thing wrong with America is the people that don't want to abide by the rules that made us great. Socialism didn't make us great, individualism did.

Today it seems we want more free loading than free markets. We want more guaranteed results than guaranteed freedoms to make those results. We seem to be voting for more what can the government give me as opposed to what can I do for myself.

The problem with the USA isn't the concept, it's how people are not willing to put in the effort to live what was handed to them. The USA only goes wrong when the people demand it.
The thing wrong with America is the left keep saying that the rich do not pay their fair share. They have the highest tax bracket. Actually, if you wanted them to pay their "fair share" they would actually be paying less or if they paid the same the poor and middle class would be paying more. A "fair share" means that everyone pays the SAME PERCENTAGE of taxes. Not only that, but charities would cease to exist without the rich. Businesses and the rich give a good portion of their profits and/or income to charities.

If you want to fix this you stop making charities compete with the federal government, and let the charities do their job. Stop food stamps, stop disability, keep unemployment benefits capped at 6 months, and the government does not pay anything towards this.

Another pet peeve of mine is people who say that people can't live on a full-time minimum wage job. That is absolute BS. They might not be able to get cable TV, the internet, gaming systems, eat out every night, etc. However, they can get food, water, housing, clothes, and transportation. Especially considering they will pay at most 12% in taxes (that's federal, social security, medicare, and state). That equates to $1100 per month. Figure an apartment cost $550, groceries cost $100, heating and water cost $100, gas cost $60, phone bill $40. You have all your needs covered with $260 on other items. You know how you can get more money? You learn skills and you work hard. I am a middle class 34 year old, and paid 19 % in taxes this year.
By the way, this country was founded on the fact that one person could better himself and their family through hard work. Then, after you made your life better, you would help your neighbors who may have fallen on hard times.
Libertarian ? You mean like Republicans who want to do drugs ?

I'm not surprised that's your take on it. I guess it's easier than thinking.

It's NOT my "take". It's just a part of the overall picture. My take is what I said in the rest of the post. Why don't you comment on THAT ?

Because the rest of it was even more obtuse. Libertarians don't argue for the freedom top rape or engage in terrorism.

And why the insult ? Just finding it necessary to be an asshole ?

Heh... right. And referring to Libertarians as 'Republicans who want to do drugs' isn't an insult?

You get what you give. If you make any intelligent comments, I'll respond in kind.
Would you really? Im serious. Bill Gates has done quite a bit to get computers into every home and every walk of life making us more productive, more knowledgible, providing us with more leisure activities and comfort. He his products have served hundreds of millions of people, maybe even billions worldwide.

I know you are a great guy. But have you created a product or service that has helped hundreds of millions of people? I haven't.

Which is precisely why I don't have the money Bill Gates does. And I think it's fair that I don't.

Yes, if life were fair I would be as rich as Bill Gates and so would you.

I, for one, thank God life is not fair.


You thank God that life is not fair. Wow. We've got some very strange people on this board.

No. We just have some people who realize God blesses us with things we dont deserve and if He was fair, we would all be pretty screwed.
Equal rights are important in some things, but there's a time and place for everything. We don't give equal rights to men and women when it comes to moving furniture. Men do the heavy lifting. Women get the lighter pieces. That's life.

I think this is a perfect example of what's wrong with this nation. You think moving furniture has something to do with rights.

I think this is a perfect example of what's wrong with this nation. When you have no clue what I'm talking about, you come in here and comment about it.

lol. I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.

And when you say stupid stuff, don't be surprised that it's commented on by me or someone else.
The key feature of corporatism is its preference for collective rights as opposed to individual rights. That's what I find 'corporatist' about your views. I also find them to be quite authoritarian, despite your denials in that regard. You seem to want a government that 'runs' society, pushing us toward a specific vision of the "good life", rather than one that acts as a referee, protecting our freedom to pursue our own interests and goals. You're definitely not a libertarian.

You find them to be quite authoritarian because they are authoritarian

If you have some complaint about my views express it in specifics.

I have. Multiple times. In this thread.
By the way, this country was founded on the fact that one person could better himself and their family through hard work. Then, after you made your life better, you would help your neighbors who may have fallen on hard times.

You're full of crap, there is no secular obligation to help others, that is a religious tenet. But you're right that's what the country was founded on, because we are a christian nation.
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By the way, this country was founded on the fact that one person could better himself and their family through hard work. Then, after you made your life better, you would help your neighbors who may have fallen on hard times.

You're full of crap, there is no secular obligation to help others, that is a religious tenet. But you're right that's what the country was founded on, because we are a christian nation.

There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games
I think this is a perfect example of what's wrong with this nation. You think moving furniture has something to do with rights.

I think this is a perfect example of what's wrong with this nation. When you have no clue what I'm talking about, you come in here and comment about it.

lol. I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.

And when you say stupid stuff, don't be surprised that it's commented on by me or someone else.

it doesn't matter what you think because you obviously have no clue what you;re talking about. And if you think you do, let's hear it, in specifics, Mr Rhetoric.

PS - is THIS >>> http://capitalgainsandgames.com/blo...ay-people-support-higher-taxes-reduce-deficit

what you mean by "stupid stuff" LOL.
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Yes, if life were fair I would be as rich as Bill Gates and so would you.

I, for one, thank God life is not fair.


You thank God that life is not fair. Wow. We've got some very strange people on this board.

No. We just have some people who realize God blesses us with things we dont deserve and if He was fair, we would all be pretty screwed.

What appears to be screwed, is your brain.
The thing wrong with America is the left keep saying that the rich do not pay their fair share. They have the highest tax bracket. Actually, if you wanted them to pay their "fair share" they would actually be paying less or if they paid the same the poor and middle class would be paying more. A "fair share" means that everyone pays the SAME PERCENTAGE of taxes. Not only that, but charities would cease to exist without the rich. Businesses and the rich give a good portion of their profits and/or income to charities.

If you want to fix this you stop making charities compete with the federal government, and let the charities do their job. Stop food stamps, stop disability, keep unemployment benefits capped at 6 months, and the government does not pay anything towards this.

Another pet peeve of mine is people who say that people can't live on a full-time minimum wage job. That is absolute BS. They might not be able to get cable TV, the internet, gaming systems, eat out every night, etc. However, they can get food, water, housing, clothes, and transportation. Especially considering they will pay at most 12% in taxes (that's federal, social security, medicare, and state). That equates to $1100 per month. Figure an apartment cost $550, groceries cost $100, heating and water cost $100, gas cost $60, phone bill $40. You have all your needs covered with $260 on other items. You know how you can get more money? You learn skills and you work hard. I am a middle class 34 year old, and paid 19 % in taxes this year.

NO, a "fair share" does NOT mean everyone pays the same % of taxes. That is exactly the way to be UNfair, and I suspect YOU KNOW IT. And it's not just the left who believe the rich should pay higher taxes. Many conservatives do too. A recent Gallup poll shows 76% of Americans support raising taxes on the rich. You think 76% of Americans are "left" ?

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By the way, this country was founded on the fact that one person could better himself and their family through hard work. Then, after you made your life better, you would help your neighbors who may have fallen on hard times.

You're full of crap, there is no secular obligation to help others, that is a religious tenet. But you're right that's what the country was founded on, because we are a christian nation.

There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

If you think dear leader gutter trash would use higher taxes to reduce the deficit you haven't been paying attention. They are only interested in more money to buy more votes to keep themselves in power to continue the destruction of this country. Polls showing people are in favor of higher taxes that they never expect to have to pay just says what a sad state our country is in.
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

In a word, you.
You're full of crap, there is no secular obligation to help others, that is a religious tenet. But you're right that's what the country was founded on, because we are a christian nation.

There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

If you think dear leader gutter trash would use higher taxes to reduce the deficit you haven't been paying attention. They are only interested in more money to buy more votes to keep themselves in power to continue the destruction of this country. Polls showing people are in favor of higher taxes that they never expect to have to pay just says what a sad state our country is in.

I don't think it's such a sad state. I think their idea that the rich pay more is the same as the country always was before the movie star tax man came along and turned it all into a train wreck. As for what's going to happen with the added tax $$ after they might come in, that hasn't happened yet, so it's not your position to say what will result. After a big tax increase happens, THEN you can talk about that.
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There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

If you think dear leader gutter trash would use higher taxes to reduce the deficit you haven't been paying attention. They are only interested in more money to buy more votes to keep themselves in power to continue the destruction of this country. Polls showing people are in favor of higher taxes that they never expect to have to pay just says what a sad state our country is in.

I don't think it's such a sad state. I think their idea that the rich pay more is the same as the country always was before the movie star tax man came along and turned it all into a train wreck. As for what's going to happen with the added tax $$ after they might come in, that hasn't happened yet, so it's not your position to say what will result. After a big tax increase happens, THEN you can talk about that.

Now all you doing is showing exactly how little you have paid attention to the commiecrat proposed budgets, they tell you what they want to do with the extra cash. And you portraying yourself as a expert on taxes that were in effect when you was a toddler is funny as hell. The effective tax rate has changed very little over time on the higher incomes. Personally I think we should hold the feds to the promise they made when the income tax was passed, you know when they said it would only effect the rich and never go above 6% or some crap like that. I think it's time we make a political lie a crime.
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By the way, this country was founded on the fact that one person could better himself and their family through hard work. Then, after you made your life better, you would help your neighbors who may have fallen on hard times.

You're full of crap, there is no secular obligation to help others, that is a religious tenet. But you're right that's what the country was founded on, because we are a christian nation.

There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

You aren't helping others by giving away other people's money. You help others by giving away your own time and money.

Taking another person's money by force is called Robbery. And we should be seeking to eliminate that from government as much as humanly possible.

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