What Is Wrong With America ?

There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.
23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games
If you think dear leader gutter trash would use higher taxes to reduce the deficit you haven't been paying attention. They are only interested in more money to buy more votes to keep themselves in power to continue the destruction of this country. Polls showing people are in favor of higher taxes that they never expect to have to pay just says what a sad state our country is in.
I don't think it's such a sad state. I think their idea that the rich pay more is the same as the country always was before the movie star tax man came along and turned it all into a train wreck. As for what's going to happen with the added tax $$ after they might come in, that hasn't happened yet, so it's not your position to say what will result. After a big tax increase happens, THEN you can talk about that.

Congress could instruct that EVERY DIME of an increase in taxes on the wealthy could go to debt reduction. But they havent done it, why? Because as Republican writer Kevin Phillips said there is money to be made in trading government debt. Banking lobbyists have high influence in DC.

All the two-faced rhetoric by establishment Republicans over the years has not led to a dime of debt reduction.

here is another reform that needs to be done......take the appointment of federal judges away from the president and Congress .... Do it similarly to how it was done under the Articles of Confederation............get a pool of qualified applicants and then pick a name out of a hat.
Everyone used to pay the same. Because the government used to only and constitutionally lay indirect taxes. Then the income tax comes along and the rich are expected to pay more because they're more successful.
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

In a word, you.

Problem, is you don't make a case in this forum > "in a word".
If you think dear leader gutter trash would use higher taxes to reduce the deficit you haven't been paying attention. They are only interested in more money to buy more votes to keep themselves in power to continue the destruction of this country. Polls showing people are in favor of higher taxes that they never expect to have to pay just says what a sad state our country is in.

I don't think it's such a sad state. I think their idea that the rich pay more is the same as the country always was before the movie star tax man came along and turned it all into a train wreck. As for what's going to happen with the added tax $$ after they might come in, that hasn't happened yet, so it's not your position to say what will result. After a big tax increase happens, THEN you can talk about that.

Now all you doing is showing exactly how little you have paid attention to the commiecrat proposed budgets, they tell you what they want to do with the extra cash. And you portraying yourself as a expert on taxes that were in effect when you was a toddler is funny as hell. The effective tax rate has changed very little over time on the higher incomes. Personally I think we should hold the feds to the promise they made when the income tax was passed, you know when they said it would only effect the rich and never go above 6% or some crap like that. I think it's time we make a political lie a crime.

I long ago, in this thread demolished the "effective tax rate" argument. Read the thread. Also, the only tax increases I have advocated here are ON THE RICH.
You're full of crap, there is no secular obligation to help others, that is a religious tenet. But you're right that's what the country was founded on, because we are a christian nation.

There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

You aren't helping others by giving away other people's money. You help others by giving away your own time and money.

Taking another person's money by force is called Robbery. And we should be seeking to eliminate that from government as much as humanly possible.

All depends on how you define "another person's money", and if you even consider it to ever have really been "another person's money". I'd guess the overwhelming majority of the 76% of Americans, in the Gallup Poll, who said they want tax raises on the rich, don't consider all the money they have, to BE THEIR MONEY. And that it is only in their pockets at all, because they devised clever and tricky ways to deny it to the people who worked for it, and really earned it. And they might even call THAT "Robbery". Is this beginning to focus for you now ?
No, he is not. If God were fair, we would all be bound for Hell. God is merciful.

So the process by which god chooses who goes to hell isn't fair then. If he's so merciful, why does he even send some people to hell? Just plain mean?

Take it up with him.

In the meantime, this is off topic. Bring it up in a thread of your own if you want to discuss.

So why bother to follow anything your god says if when you die, you could be randomly sent to hell... or not?

Believing in this kind of stupidity is what's wrong with America. There, spot on topic.
The problem with America is the majority of people don't give a shit about anyone else but themselves. You see it everyday from how people drive, conduct transactions, and even care for their own family members.
So the process by which god chooses who goes to hell isn't fair then. If he's so merciful, why does he even send some people to hell? Just plain mean?

Take it up with him.

In the meantime, this is off topic. Bring it up in a thread of your own if you want to discuss.

So why bother to follow anything your god says if when you die, you could be randomly sent to hell... or not?

Believing in this kind of stupidity is what's wrong with America. There, spot on topic.

If that were really what was wrong with America it might be on topic. Otherwise it is just a stupid statement of opinion by Bumberclyde.
There is, IF the American people say there is. AND THEY DO. By supporting tax increases on the rich.

23 Polls Say People Support Higher Taxes to Reduce the Deficit | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

You aren't helping others by giving away other people's money. You help others by giving away your own time and money.

Taking another person's money by force is called Robbery. And we should be seeking to eliminate that from government as much as humanly possible.

All depends on how you define "another person's money", and if you even consider it to ever have really been "another person's money". I'd guess the overwhelming majority of the 76% of Americans, in the Gallup Poll, who said they want tax raises on the rich, don't consider all the money they have, to BE THEIR MONEY. And that it is only in their pockets at all, because they devised clever and tricky ways to deny it to the people who worked for it, and really earned it. And they might even call THAT "Robbery". Is this beginning to focus for you now ?

since you Dems wish to target the 'evil rich' why don't you just propose to tax just the top rich 10% income earners and eliminate taxes on the other 'non-evil' 90%.....? you'd probably get 90% support...:cool:

or do Dems really define "another person's money" as any money that is not Government money....?
So the process by which god chooses who goes to hell isn't fair then. If he's so merciful, why does he even send some people to hell? Just plain mean?

Take it up with him.

In the meantime, this is off topic. Bring it up in a thread of your own if you want to discuss.

So why bother to follow anything your god says if when you die, you could be randomly sent to hell... or not?

Believing in this kind of stupidity is what's wrong with America. There, spot on topic.

There is nothing random about the afterlife. You'd know this if you studied the scriptures instead of making excuses why you won't.
Take it up with him.

In the meantime, this is off topic. Bring it up in a thread of your own if you want to discuss.

So why bother to follow anything your god says if when you die, you could be randomly sent to hell... or not?

Believing in this kind of stupidity is what's wrong with America. There, spot on topic.

If that were really what was wrong with America it might be on topic. Otherwise it is just a stupid statement of opinion by Bumberclyde.

In order for it to be what was wrong with America, it would have to be accurate.
So why bother to follow anything your god says if when you die, you could be randomly sent to hell... or not?

Believing in this kind of stupidity is what's wrong with America. There, spot on topic.

If that were really what was wrong with America it might be on topic. Otherwise it is just a stupid statement of opinion by Bumberclyde.

In order for it to be what was wrong with America, it would have to be accurate.

I don't think it's such a sad state. I think their idea that the rich pay more is the same as the country always was before the movie star tax man came along and turned it all into a train wreck. As for what's going to happen with the added tax $$ after they might come in, that hasn't happened yet, so it's not your position to say what will result. After a big tax increase happens, THEN you can talk about that.

Now all you doing is showing exactly how little you have paid attention to the commiecrat proposed budgets, they tell you what they want to do with the extra cash. And you portraying yourself as a expert on taxes that were in effect when you was a toddler is funny as hell. The effective tax rate has changed very little over time on the higher incomes. Personally I think we should hold the feds to the promise they made when the income tax was passed, you know when they said it would only effect the rich and never go above 6% or some crap like that. I think it's time we make a political lie a crime.

I long ago, in this thread demolished the "effective tax rate" argument. Read the thread. Also, the only tax increases I have advocated here are ON THE RICH.

You deflect from 1 point of 4 and call that an answer, you're wasting my time.
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If that were really what was wrong with America it might be on topic. Otherwise it is just a stupid statement of opinion by Bumberclyde.

In order for it to be what was wrong with America, it would have to be accurate.


Avatar, you say that god isn't fair, implying that I could be sent to hell randomly, even if I was obedient to the book. You don't think that one nation under an unfair deity isn't a problem for America? :cuckoo:

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