What Is Wrong With America ?

a few years ago I did just that and based on tax rates and percentages at that time it was revenue neutral. It amounted to an increase on the the wealthiest 10% of only 2 or 3% and THE REST OF THE NATION would have had to pay NO income taxes to stay
revenue neutral

You did the math, and proved something that everyone else on the planet has missed? Personally, if I did that, I might think I was wrong, not that everyone else is stupid. Then again, I am not an idiot, so I can see why you might go the other way.

do the math yourself, taxing the richest 10% (this is even after they've hid money) just 2 or 3 % more would be enough to cover the rest of the population's taxes. I am sure its gotten even more divergent...i.e. fewer than top 10% say top 8% could cover the rest with just a 2 or 3% increase.

I did the math, and came to the exact same conclusions every economist and politician since the beginning of time has, it won't work.
The thing wrong with America is the left keep saying that the rich do not pay their fair share. They have the highest tax bracket. Actually, if you wanted them to pay their "fair share" they would actually be paying less or if they paid the same the poor and middle class would be paying more. A "fair share" means that everyone pays the SAME PERCENTAGE of taxes. Not only that, but charities would cease to exist without the rich. Businesses and the rich give a good portion of their profits and/or income to charities.

If you want to fix this you stop making charities compete with the federal government, and let the charities do their job. Stop food stamps, stop disability, keep unemployment benefits capped at 6 months, and the government does not pay anything towards this.

Another pet peeve of mine is people who say that people can't live on a full-time minimum wage job. That is absolute BS. They might not be able to get cable TV, the internet, gaming systems, eat out every night, etc. However, they can get food, water, housing, clothes, and transportation. Especially considering they will pay at most 12% in taxes (that's federal, social security, medicare, and state). That equates to $1100 per month. Figure an apartment cost $550, groceries cost $100, heating and water cost $100, gas cost $60, phone bill $40. You have all your needs covered with $260 on other items. You know how you can get more money? You learn skills and you work hard. I am a middle class 34 year old, and paid 19 % in taxes this year.

"NO, a "fair share" does NOT mean everyone pays the same % of taxes. That is exactly the way to be UNfair, and I suspect YOU KNOW IT. And it's not just the left who believe the rich should pay higher taxes. Many conservatives do too. A recent Gallup poll shows 76% of Americans support raising taxes on the rich. You think 76% of Americans are "left" ?"

So, what is a "fair share?" Everyone pays the same amount in taxes? Everyone pays the same percentage in taxes? I'm confused? Fair means everyone gets the EXACT same treatment. It doesn't mean that if you make more money you pay a higher percentage in taxes.

Who decides that you're suddenly "rich?" Is it $200,000; $500,000; $1,000,000? Why not just have everyone make $200,000, and then tax them at 100% over anything after. That would really help our deficit. Why do they need more money? They should be happy with everything they have.

We need to stop spending, and the main areas are welfare and entitlement programs. Welfare alone cost $421 BILLION last year. Medicare, $530 BILLION, and Social Security, $826 BILLION. Now, add all that up, that is $1.777 TRILLION in those payments alone. Wait until the ACA kicks into full affect, and we start bailing out these insurance companies.

Somebody posted government workers, and how much they went up under republican and democratic presidents. So, republicans are guilty of this, too. However, under Clinton, government jobs were reduced, and it was the only time we have actually had a surplus. Coincidence? Also, the country did not go into utter chaos during the shutdown, despite Obama's best efforts when 300,000 workers went on a vacation. You know, it might be time to send those on a permanent vacation. If we cut actual spending, not proposed spending by 10%, it would take us only 3 years to have a surplus. That would mean taking away only $177 billion from the entitlement programs, so we only spend $1.6 trillion. No one wants to do that because they don't want their own programs cut. Republicans wouldn't want to cut $90 billion in defense, and democrats don't want to cut $177 billion in their entitlement programs.
Why would you be obedient to a book?

I've never understood why libtards think they can get away with doing everything they can to make living on earth hell for as many people as they can for their own personal benefit... then when people say we should instead love one another and let people live as they see fit, the libtards pull out the your god is an evil god that makes living on earth hell card. Yeah, like it's god's idea to make hell on earth not theirs.
Because you have to obey what it says in the bible, a book, or in the case of mormons... 2 books.


Well, you don't have to, but then you wouldn't be a Christian if you didn't.
You did the math, and proved something that everyone else on the planet has missed? Personally, if I did that, I might think I was wrong, not that everyone else is stupid. Then again, I am not an idiot, so I can see why you might go the other way.

do the math yourself, taxing the richest 10% (this is even after they've hid money) just 2 or 3 % more would be enough to cover the rest of the population's taxes. I am sure its gotten even more divergent...i.e. fewer than top 10% say top 8% could cover the rest with just a 2 or 3% increase.

I did the math, and came to the exact same conclusions every economist and politician since the beginning of time has, it won't work.

since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.
do the math yourself, taxing the richest 10% (this is even after they've hid money) just 2 or 3 % more would be enough to cover the rest of the population's taxes. I am sure its gotten even more divergent...i.e. fewer than top 10% say top 8% could cover the rest with just a 2 or 3% increase.

I did the math, and came to the exact same conclusions every economist and politician since the beginning of time has, it won't work.

since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.

To sum it up, you lied.
The problem with America is the majority of people don't give a shit about anyone else but themselves. You see it everyday from how people drive, conduct transactions, and even care for their own family members.

Short post, but you pack a powerful punch here. What you say is true (importantly so) in just about every facet of American life. To give a specific example, I'll present immigration. Immigration is absurd when we have 10 million Americans unemployed. In addition, there is long list of harms to the American people coming from this totally outdated process. Also, why does it happen ? It happens because of just what you say. Here's a list of the people who don't care about all these harms, but are only interested in their own particular vested interest, and support immigration just for that.

1. Businesses hiring immigrants (legal or illegal) as cheap labor, to boost their profits.

2. Churches - to fill empty pews in their declining congregation

3. Unions - to bolster their declining memberships.

4. Democrats - to bolster their vote counts.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations - to bolster the number of their ethnic group.

6. Spanish media - to have somebody to sell to.
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Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

With all due respect - that is an incredibly ignorant ghetto excuse.

I've never been bashed in the face with a baseball bat - and neither have you. Does that mean we can't comprehend how painful it would be? Does that mean we can't possibly know that it will result in serious injury, broken facial bones, and possibly even death?

I've never been set on fire - and neither have you. Does that mean we can't comprehend the excruciating pain?

All it takes are a few basic life experiences to allow you to comprehend situations which you have not experienced exactly for yourself. In other words, you essentially just have to make it to the age of 12.

As far as you job dilemma, the solution is to stop relying on other people to provide a job for you and create your own job. Steve Jobs (and Steve Wozniak) built Apple out of their garage with $0. Bill Gates built Microsoft out of his dorm room with $0. Disney, Mattel, HP, and Amazon were all built out of their founders garage with $0. In short - America has one problem: liberalism. The woe is me, I cant do it but I'm entitled so you owe me mentality. It's a cancer that is destroying America.
I did the math, and came to the exact same conclusions every economist and politician since the beginning of time has, it won't work.

since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.

To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States
The problem with America is the majority of people don't give a shit about anyone else but themselves. You see it everyday from how people drive, conduct transactions, and even care for their own family members.

Short post, but you pack a powerful punch here. What you say is true (importantly so) in just about every facet of American life. To give a specific example, I'll present immigration. Immigration is absurd when we have 10 million Americans unemployed. In addition, there is long list of harms to the American people coming from this totally outdated process. Also, why does it happen ? It happens because of just what you say. Here's a list of the people who don't care about all these harms, but are only interested in their own particular vested interest, and support immigration just for that.

1. Businesses hiring immigrants (legal or illegal) as cheap labor, to boost their profits.

2. Churches - to fill empty pews in their declining congregation

3. Unions - to bolster their declining memberships.

4. Democrats - to bolster their vote counts.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations - to bolster the number of their ethnic group.

6. Spanish media - to have somebody to sell to.

Here you go ladies - allow Milton Friedman to teach you a little something about "selfishness" (this is called a reality check):

[ame=http://youtu.be/RWsx1X8PV_A]Milton Friedman - Greed - YouTube[/ame]
since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.

To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

This is astounding ignorance. So the "26% average" income tax is the only tax they pay?!? Really [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION]? Really?

  • So they don't have property tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have gas tax every time they fill up their tank? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have sales tax on every item they purchase? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have payroll tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have state income tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have local tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

So they don't have all of these other taxes as well perfectionist? Really?

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
The thing wrong with America is the left keep saying that the rich do not pay their fair share. They have the highest tax bracket. Actually, if you wanted them to pay their "fair share" they would actually be paying less or if they paid the same the poor and middle class would be paying more. A "fair share" means that everyone pays the SAME PERCENTAGE of taxes. Not only that, but charities would cease to exist without the rich. Businesses and the rich give a good portion of their profits and/or income to charities.

If you want to fix this you stop making charities compete with the federal government, and let the charities do their job. Stop food stamps, stop disability, keep unemployment benefits capped at 6 months, and the government does not pay anything towards this.

Another pet peeve of mine is people who say that people can't live on a full-time minimum wage job. That is absolute BS. They might not be able to get cable TV, the internet, gaming systems, eat out every night, etc. However, they can get food, water, housing, clothes, and transportation. Especially considering they will pay at most 12% in taxes (that's federal, social security, medicare, and state). That equates to $1100 per month. Figure an apartment cost $550, groceries cost $100, heating and water cost $100, gas cost $60, phone bill $40. You have all your needs covered with $260 on other items. You know how you can get more money? You learn skills and you work hard. I am a middle class 34 year old, and paid 19 % in taxes this year.

"NO, a "fair share" does NOT mean everyone pays the same % of taxes. That is exactly the way to be UNfair, and I suspect YOU KNOW IT. And it's not just the left who believe the rich should pay higher taxes. Many conservatives do too. A recent Gallup poll shows 76% of Americans support raising taxes on the rich. You think 76% of Americans are "left" ?"

So, what is a "fair share?" Everyone pays the same amount in taxes? Everyone pays the same percentage in taxes? I'm confused? Fair means everyone gets the EXACT same treatment. It doesn't mean that if you make more money you pay a higher percentage in taxes.

Who decides that you're suddenly "rich?" Is it $200,000; $500,000; $1,000,000? Why not just have everyone make $200,000, and then tax them at 100% over anything after. That would really help our deficit. Why do they need more money? They should be happy with everything they have.

We need to stop spending, and the main areas are welfare and entitlement programs. Welfare alone cost $421 BILLION last year. Medicare, $530 BILLION, and Social Security, $826 BILLION. Now, add all that up, that is $1.777 TRILLION in those payments alone. Wait until the ACA kicks into full affect, and we start bailing out these insurance companies.

Somebody posted government workers, and how much they went up under republican and democratic presidents. So, republicans are guilty of this, too. However, under Clinton, government jobs were reduced, and it was the only time we have actually had a surplus. Coincidence? Also, the country did not go into utter chaos during the shutdown, despite Obama's best efforts when 300,000 workers went on a vacation. You know, it might be time to send those on a permanent vacation. If we cut actual spending, not proposed spending by 10%, it would take us only 3 years to have a surplus. That would mean taking away only $177 billion from the entitlement programs, so we only spend $1.6 trillion. No one wants to do that because they don't want their own programs cut. Republicans wouldn't want to cut $90 billion in defense, and democrats don't want to cut $177 billion in their entitlement programs.

1. Never occured to you that raising taxes on the rich could provide this money ? Seems like a viable route, especially since it's supported by 76% of the population (according to a recent Gallup poll. About the same oppose cuts in Social Security, Medicare ,and Veteran benefits.

2. If you're going to steal MY posts (the 1st paragraph of "your" post), you could at least give credit, for the source (Post # 434 on page 29).
Now all you doing is showing exactly how little you have paid attention to the commiecrat proposed budgets, they tell you what they want to do with the extra cash. And you portraying yourself as a expert on taxes that were in effect when you was a toddler is funny as hell. The effective tax rate has changed very little over time on the higher incomes. Personally I think we should hold the feds to the promise they made when the income tax was passed, you know when they said it would only effect the rich and never go above 6% or some crap like that. I think it's time we make a political lie a crime.

I long ago, in this thread demolished the "effective tax rate" argument. Read the thread. Also, the only tax increases I have advocated here are ON THE RICH.

You deflect from 1 point of 4 and call that an answer, you're wasting my time.

I haven't "deflected" from anything, and I have no obligation to answer 4 points or 3, or ANY. I talk about whatever I choose. You're free to do the same.
since the beginning of time huh

I ran the numbers again on a later set of data with different results so my memmory may have been somewaht faulty

it would take a 10% increase on the top 20% to make up for the bottom 80% paying ZERO income tax.

To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

You're not very good a math are you. You say you can take 36% and they would still have 90% of their income, exactly how does that work? And why should other citizens be excused from supporting the country. Every wage earner should pay federal income taxes, period end of story, if he can vote he can pay taxes.
To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

This is astounding ignorance. So the "26% average" income tax is the only tax they pay?!? Really [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION]? Really?

  • So they don't have property tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have gas tax every time they fill up their tank? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have sales tax on every item they purchase? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have payroll tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have state income tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have local tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

So they don't have all of these other taxes as well perfectionist? Really?

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.
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To sum it up, you lied.

The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

You're not very good a math are you. You say you can take 36% and they would still have 90% of their income, exactly how does that work? And why should other citizens be excused from supporting the country. Every wage earner should pay federal income taxes, period end of story, if he can vote he can pay taxes.
Intersting how the number 36 is not in my post, but it is in yours. Notice that ? I also didn't say other citizens should be excused from supporting the country. Again, you said that. I didn't. I just left them out for demonstrative purposes.
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The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

You're not very good a math are you. You say you can take 36% and they would still have 90% of their income, exactly how does that work? And why should other citizens be excused from supporting the country. Every wage earner should pay federal income taxes, period end of story, if he can vote he can pay taxes.
Intersting how the number 36 is not in my post, but it is in yours. Notice that ? I also didn't say other citizens should be excused from supporting the country. Again, you said that. I didn't. I just left them out for demonstrative purposes.

26% they already pay and the additional 10% you want them to pay = 36%, like I said math seems to be a bit much for you.
The wealthiest 20% of the US households are set to receive about $6.9 Trillion in personal income this year, half of all national personal income. Their average tax burden is around 26%, or about $1.7 Trillion. This leaves them with $5.2 Trillion of disposable income each year.

The current budget deficit is around $560 Billion, or about 10% of the disposable income of the wealthiest. They could be taxed enough to eliminate the budget deficit and still receive 90% of their income, with the other 80% of Americans not paying a dime.

If you want stats they are at census.gov and bea.gov

U.S. budget deficit plunging in fiscal 2014 - Capitol Report - MarketWatch

Total Personal Income U.S. and All States

This is astounding ignorance. So the "26% average" income tax is the only tax they pay?!? Really [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION]? Really?

  • So they don't have property tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have gas tax every time they fill up their tank? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have sales tax on every item they purchase? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have payroll tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have state income tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

  • So they don't have local tax? That sure as hell cuts into that $5.2 trillion "disposable" income.

So they don't have all of these other taxes as well perfectionist? Really?

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.

So because you don't own an RV, a watercraft, or a trailer, that means the top 20% doesn't? Really? So then who owns those millions and millions of items if not the wealthy? :cuckoo:

Also, just because you don't pay state or local income tax doesn't mean those of who do not live in Florida don't (because we do, stupid). And because you're a bottom feeder living in government housing, you don't have to pay property tax. But the rest of us do asshat. And that cuts into you're imaginary $5.2 trillion "disposable income".

And by the way chief, I noticed you skipped over payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax (how interesting that you mentioned all of these taxes you don't pay and liquor was not one of them :eusa_whistle:).

So now that I exposed your ignorance and your resulting immature "solutions" - would you like to try again [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION]? I noticed you didn't offer up a revised "disposable income" total even if you only count sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax. I wonder why that is....? :eek:
You're not very good a math are you. You say you can take 36% and they would still have 90% of their income, exactly how does that work? And why should other citizens be excused from supporting the country. Every wage earner should pay federal income taxes, period end of story, if he can vote he can pay taxes.
Intersting how the number 36 is not in my post, but it is in yours. Notice that ? I also didn't say other citizens should be excused from supporting the country. Again, you said that. I didn't. I just left them out for demonstrative purposes.

26% they already pay and the additional 10% you want them to pay = 36%, like I said math seems to be a bit much for you.

She's a typical immature and uninformed liberal. Anyone who says "the average tax bill is 26%" is an absolute buffoon. The fact is, if you add up your income tax at all 3 levels (federal, state, local), property tax, sales tax, gas tax, 911 tax (yep - check your cell phone bill), and all of the other greedy liberal taxes, the average person is paying 60% in taxes. It's just an undeniable fact.
Intersting how the number 36 is not in my post, but it is in yours. Notice that ? I also didn't say other citizens should be excused from supporting the country. Again, you said that. I didn't. I just left them out for demonstrative purposes.

26% they already pay and the additional 10% you want them to pay = 36%, like I said math seems to be a bit much for you.

She's a typical immature and uninformed liberal. Anyone who says "the average tax bill is 26%" is an absolute buffoon. The fact is, if you add up your income tax at all 3 levels (federal, state, local), property tax, sales tax, gas tax, 911 tax (yep - check your cell phone bill), and all of the other greedy liberal taxes, the average person is paying 60% in taxes. It's just an undeniable fact.

It's an easily deniable myth. Your list was a joke, as I already showed.

And I'm neither a "she", or a "liberal".
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Here in Florida, (and many other states) NO they don't pay a state income tax, and NO they don't pay a local income tax, and NO, the great majority don't pay toll bridge taxes, watercraft registration taxes, trailer registration tax, toll tunnel tax, RV tax, and many of the taxes you've dredged up here.

Fact is, very few people pay all these taxes (or even a fraction of them). I haven't paid a bridge toll since 1989, when moved from California to Florida. Haven't paid a tunnel toll since 1977 (if I even paid one then). I don't own an RV, a watercraft, a trailer, or many of the other ding-dong things on your list, and I haven't paid a sales tax on a vehicle since 2009, and won't again for a few more years. I'm also a renter. Don't pay property tax, and I'm sure not looking to get married again, any time soon. :lol:

You wasted perfectly good post space. Hell of a nice try though.

So because you don't own an RV, a watercraft, or a trailer, that means the top 20% doesn't? Really? So then who owns those millions and millions of items if not the wealthy? :cuckoo:

Also, just because you don't pay state or local income tax doesn't mean those of who do not live in Florida don't (because we do, stupid). And because you're a bottom feeder living in government housing, you don't have to pay property tax. But the rest of us do asshat. And that cuts into you're imaginary $5.2 trillion "disposable income".

And by the way chief, I noticed you skipped over payroll tax, sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax (how interesting that you mentioned all of these taxes you don't pay and liquor was not one of them :eusa_whistle:).

So now that I exposed your ignorance and your resulting immature "solutions" - would you like to try again [MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION]? I noticed you didn't offer up a revised "disposable income" total even if you only count sales tax, gas tax, and liquor tax. I wonder why that is....? :eek:

No need to revise anything. I'm cool with my original. If you're not, that YOUR problem. Touched a raw nerve, eh ? Apparently you're part of that wealthiest 20% of US households. Well, you can just be glad you've got all that money, and take a good look at how you got it (because someday the man upstairs will be looking at it too) :lol:

PS - I don't live in govt housing, and I wouldn't pay property tax or own my own home again if you paid me. As a renter, I don't lower myself to fixing my own residence. I let the help do it, while I swim in one of my 2 pools, relax in my jacuzzi, play a couple of sets on my tennis court, go for a walk or bike through my nature trail, use my exercise room, or just have a drink in my extra large clubhouse, when I don't feel like shooting some baskets on my basketball court.
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