What Is Wrong With America ?

I predict he will completely ignore this question or give a non-answer and pretend as though he has refuted it.

Back in the late 80's and Early 90's, The late, great Harry Browne began promoting the revocation of income taxes in favor of a national sales tax. The left came unglued. Taxation is their primary weapon in buying votes and influence. Without the ability to grant tax breaks to donors, the corrupt DC insiders would have to concoct a new game to continue the graft that defines our federal government.

Most of what the left concocts is designed to fool the stupid. If examined closely, the platitudes that come from the left crumble to dust. But few people take the time to examine idiotic statements.

The claim that sales taxes are "regressive" came out of that era. Obviously no one can actually claim that a flat tax is regressive, so the left made claim that the EFFECT was regressive. Protectionist just isn't bright enough to learn his talking points competently. As I quickly demonstrated, sales tax does not have a regressive effect, and in fact has a progressive effect based on the percentage of income that is expended on taxable verses non-taxable goods.
I didn't read this post for 2 reasons.

1. The print is too large, and bothers my eyes.

2. The content is IDIOCY. There was NOTHING "wrong" with my post, and for you to say it was, only makes your post all the more "wrong". You're sinking even further.

You forgot 3: Because you don't want to actually bother discussing the issue. You just want people to blindly accept what you say is truth as truth.

You mean like a mormon pastor does?

And all those websites.............
Conservative Policy Research and Analysis
The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance
Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos
WND - A Free Press for a Free People
Newsmax.com - Breaking news from around the globe: U.S. news, politics, world, health, finance, video, science, technology, live news stream
Glenn Beck
Cato Institute | Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Peace

....................call for things that I support. Stopping immigration, stopping Islamization, stopping terrorism, stopping crime, stopping affirmative action, supporting gun rights, supporting the death penalty, etc.

And all of them HINDER these good positions by stupidly supporting Reaganism and its policies of small, weak govt, low taxes (on the rich), and low spending which deprives the govt from being able to carry out these admirable positions, and ultimately is a victory for left-wing loonies.

So as a result all your support of small, weak govt, low taxes (on the rich), and low spending >>>

the Muslim Brotherhood thanks you, al Qaeda thanks you, the Taliban thanks you, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and MECHA thank you, the ACLU thanks you, the NAACP thanks you, the SPLC thanks you, the SIEU thanks you, and above all, the Democratic Party thanks you (for helping a Muslim Brotherhood supporter become president of the US twice) Pheeeeeww!! (amazing how so many people can be so hoodwinked, for so long)
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.

You're absolutely right...

we should simply take the top 5% of Americans (who incidentally pay more'n 60% of the tax burden), and summarily execute 'em...

yeah, sure... economically, it'd fuck the country up, probably beyond recovery... but at least we'd have had the satisfaction of seeing the fat cats get offed...

Twisting one's ideas into absurdity doesn't so anything but make you look incompetent, as a computer forum poster. So if that be your goal, you've done well. :lol:
So paying someone what the two of you have voluntarily agreed to for the work they've performed is theft, but using force to take money from people and spend it how you please in the name of goverment isn't?

You do realize that is delusional, right?

How delusional is it for you to come in here and make a statement that I have already refuted about 5 times in this thread. (and YOU KNOW IT)

You havent refuted anything. You just repeat your same baseless assertions and pretend that because you've said them again in a new way they are somehow proven. Stop lying to yourself and to others. Stop blaming others for your life's failures and man up.

"New way" ? No. I know of no new way. There need not be any new way. I said that the working poor don't "agree" to a low wage, they simply are forced to accept it, because there is no alternative but other jobs paying the same lousy, low wages. Yrs. I refuted it. About 7 times now (maybe more :lol:)

And it is YOU who needs to stop lying, and man up that your protection of the rich, at the expense of everyone else, and the whole country's national security is WRONG and dangerous. If ever the Muslim loonies defeat us, it will be fools like you, and your insane Reaganism, who were partly to blame for constantly depriving the American people of the funds necessary to keep America safe and secure.
[MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION], have you been a coward your whole life, or just since you became a dumb ass old fart? Theft is theft. You may have some excuse and desire to justify your criminal acts, but redistribution is nothing more than larceny.
[MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION], have you been a coward your whole life, or just since you became a dumb ass old fart? Theft is theft. You may have some excuse and desire to justify your criminal acts, but redistribution is nothing more than larceny.

Is it theft when China manipulates our currency depressing specific parts of our labor market?
Why does there need to be a Federal Minimum wage when each state has a different cost of living?

HA HA. Think about it. It should take you 10 seconds to find the answer. :eusa_whistle:

We don't. Wasn't hard at all. But the point wasnt to make me think, but you and others. Unfortunately, I've failed you.

The reason, dummy, is because, the federal minimum establishes that no matter what states do or don't do, there will be at least a proper (as THEY define it) wage for all workers in America.

As for your "point" to make me "think" Reaganistically, HA HA. Yes, you failed, Indeed. But your biggest failure was to even engage in such a Loon activity.

One problem I have with guys like you, is not always being able to figure out if your are >>

1. That incredibly dumb
2. That incredibly insane
3. That incredibly GREEDY.
4. Some combination of these. :cuckoo: :confused: :evil:

In the final analysis however, >> :gives:
Private sales will by their nature be of second hand, smaller items. 46 states have sales tax, all of them rake in huge sums.

Direct tax is corrupt 100% of the time, none so much as "income tax." We have volumes running into hundreds of thousands of pages to deal with income taxe. Why? To cover the thousands of exemptions that have been sold over the years.


Sales and use taxes are blind, thus completely fair. You buy, you pay - end of story.

FALSE! I agree with dcraelin. Generally, sales taxes tend to be regressive. They hit the poor hardest when they are pulling themselves up by their bootstrings and just starting to gain some momentum. This is when they finally are able to buy some new furniture, a TV set, a computer, a guitar, etc. The rich already have all these things. If I was the owner of a home electronics store, who would I rather see get a big tax break ? The rich or the (working) poor ? I'd rather see the working poor get it. They are the ones most likely to come into my store and buy (and pay sales tax)

Also, for what ever spending the rich do engage in, they tend to do a relatively high % of it OUTSIDE the USA (mostly Europe & the Caribbean). The Poorer class does their spending inside their own local community. Inf act, many poor and working class people have never been outside the USA in their whole lives.

DUH! Any taxes at all would hit the people who don't otherwise pay taxes. How stupid are you really? But I guess in your fantasy world people should not be responsible for themselves if they are not responsible for themselves. ROFL

Translation requested. I don't speak Gobbledegook.
I predict he will completely ignore this question or give a non-answer and pretend as though he has refuted it.
Back in the late 80's and Early 90's, The late, great Harry Browne began promoting the revocation of income taxes in favor of a national sales tax. The left came unglued. Taxation is their primary weapon in buying votes and influence. Without the ability to grant tax breaks to donors, the corrupt DC insiders would have to concoct a new game to continue the graft that defines our federal government.
Most of what the left concocts is designed to fool the stupid. If examined closely, the platitudes that come from the left crumble to dust. But few people take the time to examine idiotic statements.
The claim that sales taxes are "regressive" came out of that era. Obviously no one can actually claim that a flat tax is regressive, so the left made claim that the EFFECT was regressive. Protectionist just isn't bright enough to learn his talking points competently. As I quickly demonstrated, sales tax does not have a regressive effect, and in fact has a progressive effect based on the percentage of income that is expended on taxable verses non-taxable goods.

buying votes and influence on tax policy is certainly not the sole province of the "left", "republicans" also do this, probably more.

A sales tax does not prevent this, My home state was solely funded by a sales tax, it was and is riddled with loopholes.

with national sales tax DC would just have to "concoct a new game" as you correctly say

Even with exemptions for food you have a regressive tax, because it still doesnt hit the rich much at all.
buying votes and influence on tax policy is certainly not the sole province of the "left", "republicans" also do this, probably more.

A sales tax does not prevent this, My home state was solely funded by a sales tax, it was and is riddled with loopholes.

with national sales tax DC would just have to "concoct a new game" as you correctly say

Even with exemptions for food you have a regressive tax, because it still doesnt hit the rich much at all.

Yeah, because rich people don't buy anything...

Oh, wait....

ROFL - the stupidity of the left is a wonder to behold.
FALSE! I agree with dcraelin.

Of course you do, but you're maybe 14 and lack any founding in the subject.

Generally, sales taxes tend to be regressive.

How do merchants identify poor people to charge them a higher rate?

Buying a loaf of bread hits "da po" harder than the rich. But you don't actually know the meaning of the words that ThinkProgress has programmed you to spew.

Further, what you claim is false. Generally, sales and use taxes are structured in such a way that necessities are exempt. I will use California as example. Food and medicine are exempt.

Lower income families spend a greater percentage of their income on food than do more affluent people. Thus, a greater percentage is tax exempt, creating a PROGRESSIVE effect to the taxation. More affluent people buy more discretionary items, which are taxed, and thus pay a greater share of the taxes. Virtually everything business buys is taxed - since they generally don't buy groceries.

This is when they finally are able to buy some new furniture, a TV set, a computer, a guitar, etc. The rich already have all these things. If I was the owner of a home electronics store, who would I rather see get a big tax break ?

New furniture is a luxury.

You will never own a store of any sort, you lack the mind for it. And what would you like? To take from others and give to yourself, like all leftists.

The rich or the (working) poor ? I'd rather see the working poor get it. They are the ones most likely to come into my store and buy (and pay sales tax)

Also, for what ever spending the rich do engage in, they tend to do a relatively high % of it OUTSIDE THE USA (mostly Europe & the Caribbean). The Poorer class does their spending inside their own local community. In fact, many poor and working class people have never been outside the USA, in their whole lives.

You're an idiot. You smoke a great deal of dope and engage in foolish fantasy, then log on to the leftist hate sites and imagine the bullshit they spew is factual.
If you're trying to pass this pile of crap off as a refute for my post which you quoted, I feel sorry for you. Seriously. Another example of a post trounced by the quote it was supposed to refute. :lol: All one needs to do is read this :lame2: thing, and then go back and read my post # 790, which clearly refutes it, in all it's LAMEness.
buying votes and influence on tax policy is certainly not the sole province of the "left", "republicans" also do this, probably more.

A sales tax does not prevent this, My home state was solely funded by a sales tax, it was and is riddled with loopholes.

with national sales tax DC would just have to "concoct a new game" as you correctly say

Even with exemptions for food you have a regressive tax, because it still doesnt hit the rich much at all.

Yeah, because rich people don't buy anything...

Oh, wait....

ROFL - the stupidity of the left is a wonder to behold.

I think they save a greater percentage then middle income people, have greater tax-exempt investments etc.

what about my other points?
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You're an idiot. You smoke a great deal of dope and engage in foolish fantasy, then log on to the leftist hate sites and imagine the bullshit they spew is factual.

The policies of the left (support immigration, support Islamization, support affirmative action, etc) are being enhanced by your Reaganistic policies, depriving the American people of ICE agents, CBP officers, Mexican border fence, immigration courts & jails, military funding, Law enforcement, legal teams to oppose NAACP, ACLU, etc

The Muslim Brotherhood thanks you, al Qaeda thanks you, the Taliban thanks you, La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, and MECHA thank you, the ACLU thanks you, the NAACP thanks you, the SPLC thanks you, the SIEU thanks you, and above all, the Democratic Party thanks you.
If you're trying to pass this pile of crap off as a refute for my post which you quoted, I feel sorry for you. Seriously. Another example of a post trounced by the quote it was supposed to refute. :lol: All one needs to do is read this :lame2: thing, and then go back and read my post # 790, which clearly refutes it, in all it's LAMEness.

Son, you're a mindless little OWS monkey who thinks that smoking dope is a contribution to society. Then you become enraged that no one bought you an XBox One with all the new games - NO FAIR. The "rich people" are ripping you off, because they have the new games and you don't...

Fuck off, and grow up.
I didn't read this post for 2 reasons.

1. The print is too large, and bothers my eyes.

2. The content is IDIOCY. There was NOTHING "wrong" with my post, and for you to say it was, only makes your post all the more "wrong". You're sinking even further.

You forgot 3: Because you don't want to actually bother discussing the issue. You just want people to blindly accept what you say is truth as truth.

Oh but (as YOU KNOW) I HAVE discussed it. Especially in the previous post >> # 817. :lol:
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I think they save a greater percentage then middle income people, have greater tax-exempt investments etc.

Who do you think "they" are? Do you think that everyone is the owned of the democratic party, George Soros, with billions? Hardly, the "rich" that you of the left target to fleece are mostly those of us making about $250K a year.

Currently, your owner pays nothing in federal taxes - he owns your party, which writes tax law to ensure he pays nothing. With a sales tax, he would have no way to escape, because the tax is transactional, not direct. This is the main reason that you are instructed by the hive to oppose sales and use taxes.

what about my other points?

They were not worth addressing.

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