What Is Wrong With America ?

Apparently Joebob Smith didn't have that problem

he wasnt a pedophile. Despite rumors.

Right, I'm sure he didn't consummate his marriages to his teenage "wives" until they dinged the magical 18th.


Even if he had relations with his "teenage" wives despite no evidence that he had any relations with anyone but Emma, a teenager is not a child and does not qualify as pedophilia.

But the lack of evidence and the unwillingness to look at what sealings did and didnt do, doesn't help your case either:)
Give the Book of Mormon a chance and read it and you might be surprised and become one.

Ok, so I d/led the BoM onto my iPad and it was nothing but chapter after chapter of some barely legible stories of Nephis... Like a bad Lord of the rings book or something. What am I missing?

Actually reading it, obviously.

But where's the part that makes it all believable? It's just some random stories about people who may or may not have existed. Quite frankly, it sounds made up.
he wasnt a pedophile. Despite rumors.

Right, I'm sure he didn't consummate his marriages to his teenage "wives" until they dinged the magical 18th.


Even if he had relations with his "teenage" wives despite no evidence that he had any relations with anyone but Emma, a teenager is not a child and does not qualify as pedophilia.

Fucking a 14 year old makes a middle-aged man a pedo, period.

Face the truth, Joseph Smith was a horny old fraud that made up stories of magic underpants as a method to get all up in theirs.

Same as many other cult leaders.
This is definitely where our views of government diverge. I don't think of government as a brainless machine, but it is a tool for forcing conformity - and should be used only when conformity is truly necessary. Everyone has a different vision of the 'good life' and we should be free to pursue it free from state coercion.

:disagree: We can't be free from state coercion (keeping in mind that, theoretically at least, WE are the state) as we are subject to the LAWS of all our "states" local, state & national). We coerce ourselves, and each other, and without this, we would have bloody chaos.

Once again, you're misrepresenting my view. I'm not saying we can, or should, be completely free of state coercion. I'm saying it should only be used when necessary. There's no need for all of us to be pursuing the same goals. Government should protect our freedom to pursue our own goals, not dictate to us what they should be.

In a democracy, it is the majority who decides what is "necessary", not you. And since you repeat the same mistake over again, I shall have to correct over again >> Government is US (the people) and YES we should (and do) dictate how things are to be (just like you "dictate" what to eat for dinner tonight).

I'm a bit curious though. Which "goals" are you referring to ?
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What you're saying is you're opposed to majority rule (AKA democracy). As such, you might have 2 choices. You could move to a dictatorship, or you could find a cabin in a remote location (Northern Canada maybe) and live there, away from society entirely.

My favorite mis-attributed quote is "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch." Generally this gets attributed to Ben Franklin, it's actually from James Bovard.

Democracy is nothing but mob rule. A civil society must have protection for the minority interests.

Sounds like you hate democracy too. Should be a few more abandoned cabins up there in the northern Canadian woods. Might need a little repair but hey, at least you won't have to put up with having the majority having their way. It'll be just you, the raccoons, the rabbits, the bears, the snakes, the birds, etc. If you prefer dictatorship, you've got Syria, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Sudan, and Zimbabwe (HA HA HA!)

"Mob rule" - yeah right! Pheeeeww! (high-pitched whistle)
:disagree: We can't be free from state coercion (keeping in mind that, theoretically at least, WE are the state) as we are subject to the LAWS of all our "states" local, state & national). We coerce ourselves, and each other, and without this, we would have bloody chaos.

But we are not the state. We simply authorize it to act for our benefit. There are times (in fact, quite frequently) that the state ignores the people and oppresses them. If it didn't we would still be part of Great Britain.

FALSE! We are a government OF THE PEOPLE. We indeed ARE the state, and only the nonsense talk you post here lessens that. As long as we remember that WE the people are in charge, and we ACTIVELY make that be (by pressuring the representitives), we will not be ignored. If/whenever we are, it is only because we did nothing to prevent being ignored ("the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing")

Americans could well take a lesson from Pete Seeger, who just died yesterday. We may not agree with all of his stances, but we can well admire his participatory spirit and activity.
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But I'll try one more time.

You can "try" or whatever you envision, until you turn blue. I'm not reading one more word of your useless, worthless, idiocy. I didn't create this thread so a jerk can come in here and smudge it up with a bunch of mindless trash. You seem to have mental problems of some sort. They're not my problem. If you want to address THE TOPIC, feel free to do so.
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In my opinion, what is wrong with America but also right with America is it's too much at its own throat.

Also - 99.9999% of people don't understand a debt-based monetary system and think doom and gloom is imminent. Even most of Congress and the Senate don't know much.
Give the Book of Mormon a chance and read it and you might be surprised and become one.

Pedophiles have a knack for persuasion, I hear.

Not in my experience. They usually get found guilty. If they could persuade anyone, they would be out of jail.

Lots of Muslims are not in jail, while pedophilia is part of their ideology (masquerading as a religion). The Koran in verse 33:49 states that no 'Iddah is prescribed for a woman who has not had intimate contact with her husband, but goes on to stipulate the 'Iddah for pre-pubescent girls in verse 65:4, meaning the holiest text of Islam supports marrying and having sex with prepubescent girls. This is definitive proof that the Qur'an endorses pedophilia.

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he wasnt a pedophile. Despite rumors.

Right, I'm sure he didn't consummate his marriages to his teenage "wives" until they dinged the magical 18th.


Even if he had relations with his "teenage" wives despite no evidence that he had any relations with anyone but Emma, a teenager is not a child and does not qualify as pedophilia.

But the lack of evidence and the unwillingness to look at what sealings did and didnt do, doesn't help your case either:)

A teenager might not qualify as meeting the definition of pedophilia, but does meet the definition of a "child"

Child - A person who is below the age of adulthood; a minor (person who is below the legal age of responsibility or accountability).  child - Wiktionary
Sounds like you hate democracy too. Should be a few more abandoned cabins up there in the northern Canadian woods. Might need a little repair but hey, at least you won't have to put up with having the majority having their way. It'll be just you, the raccoons, the rabbits, the bears, the snakes, the birds, etc. If you prefer dictatorship, you've got Syria, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Sudan, and Zimbabwe (HA HA HA!)

"Mob rule" - yeah right! Pheeeeww! (high-pitched whistle)

You're just an ignorant child in mommas basement.

You don't grasp the meaning of the words you use. Smoke another joint and fire up your XBox....

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