What Is Wrong With America ?

Sounds like you hate democracy too. Should be a few more abandoned cabins up there in the northern Canadian woods. Might need a little repair but hey, at least you won't have to put up with having the majority having their way. It'll be just you, the raccoons, the rabbits, the bears, the snakes, the birds, etc. If you prefer dictatorship, you've got Syria, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Sudan, and Zimbabwe (HA HA HA!)

"Mob rule" - yeah right! Pheeeeww! (high-pitched whistle)

You're just an ignorant child in mommas basement.

You don't grasp the meaning of the words you use. Smoke another joint and fire up your XBox....

The form used here, establishes that very content attempted to be expressed in the form. Your self-incriminating style leaves no doubt. :lol: Enough said on this foolishness. Back to the TOPIC.

The more I look into Mormonism the more disgusted I really get. It's more disgusting than anything that people are so brainwash-able, god damn.

The more I look into Mormonism the more disgusted I really get. It's more disgusting than anything that people are so brainwash-able, god damn.

Psst.... The election is over. Romney isn't running against your god anymore.

You are allowed to drop your bigotry against Mormons now. Really, George Soros, the owner of your party, said so!

The more I look into Mormonism the more disgusted I really get. It's more disgusting than anything that people are so brainwash-able, god damn.

Psst.... The election is over. Romney isn't running against your god anymore.

You are allowed to drop your bigotry against Mormons now. Really, George Soros, the owner of your party, said so!

I didn't vote for Obama.

Romney isn't the only Mormon and I wasn't referencing him.

I'm a member of the Independent party.

So much fail in one post, jesus Christ! (of later day saints? :cuckoo:)
I didn't vote for Obama.

Romney isn't the only Mormon and I wasn't referencing him.

I'm a member of the Independent party.

So much fail in one post, jesus Christ! (of later day saints? :cuckoo:)

What amazes me is that Obama won the last election.

Not a person in this forum voted for him but he still won... :dunno:

What was amazing as how faith-based conservatives considered Obama losing as a fait acompli. Meanwhile, the Obama people were in the trenches, running the numbers, spending time in the right precincts, getting out the vote, and double checking their calculations. You know, all that stuff that educated elitist do while REAL Americans follow their gut instincts.
:disagree: We can't be free from state coercion (keeping in mind that, theoretically at least, WE are the state) as we are subject to the LAWS of all our "states" local, state & national). We coerce ourselves, and each other, and without this, we would have bloody chaos.

Once again, you're misrepresenting my view. I'm not saying we can, or should, be completely free of state coercion. I'm saying it should only be used when necessary. There's no need for all of us to be pursuing the same goals. Government should protect our freedom to pursue our own goals, not dictate to us what they should be.

In a democracy, it is the majority who decides what is "necessary", not you.

In a pure democracy, perhaps. But our founders steered clear of such a fiasco, instead choosing a constitutionally limited democratic republic as our form of government. The Constitution states what is necessary, not you, and not the majority.
What was amazing as how faith-based conservatives considered Obama losing as a fait acompli. Meanwhile, the Obama people were in the trenches, running the numbers, spending time in the right precincts, getting out the vote, and double checking their calculations. You know, all that stuff that educated elitist do while REAL Americans follow their gut instincts.

But you didn't vote for him either, right?
What was amazing as how faith-based conservatives considered Obama losing as a fait acompli. Meanwhile, the Obama people were in the trenches, running the numbers, spending time in the right precincts, getting out the vote, and double checking their calculations. You know, all that stuff that educated elitist do while REAL Americans follow their gut instincts.

But you didn't vote for him either, right?

I voted for him... to be tried for treason.

That counts, right?
I didn't vote for Obama.

Romney isn't the only Mormon and I wasn't referencing him.

I'm a member of the Independent party.

So much fail in one post, jesus Christ! (of later day saints? :cuckoo:)

What amazes me is that Obama won the last election.

Not a person in this forum voted for him but he still won... :dunno:

I voted for Obama because he was the only candidate who had a reasonable chance of defeating Mittens.

More Disclosure...
I would have voted for Ron Paul.
Right, I'm sure he didn't consummate his marriages to his teenage "wives" until they dinged the magical 18th.


Even if he had relations with his "teenage" wives despite no evidence that he had any relations with anyone but Emma, a teenager is not a child and does not qualify as pedophilia.

But the lack of evidence and the unwillingness to look at what sealings did and didnt do, doesn't help your case either:)

A teenager might not qualify as meeting the definition of pedophilia, but does meet the definition of a "child"

Child - A person who is below the age of adulthood; a minor (person who is below the legal age of responsibility or accountability).  child - Wiktionary

Wrong again. How can anyone be this wrong all the time.


It's not as hard as you are making it. See the TEEN? That means teenager.

You can be an adult teenager, and you can be a young teenager.

Eighteen is not a child in any state in the nation.
I didn't vote for Obama.

Romney isn't the only Mormon and I wasn't referencing him.

I'm a member of the Independent party.

So much fail in one post, jesus Christ! (of later day saints? :cuckoo:)

What amazes me is that Obama won the last election.

Not a person in this forum voted for him but he still won... :dunno:

I voted for Obama because he was the only candidate who had a reasonable chance of defeating Mittens.

More Disclosure...
I would have voted for Ron Paul.

The amount of b/s in this post is toxic.

The only people that would have voted for Ron Paul, DID vote for Ron Paul. Period. Anybody claiming they would have is blowing smoke.

Ron stood for peaceful revolution, too damned bad the American people didn't.
But I'll try one more time.

You can "try" or whatever you envision, until you turn blue. I'm not reading one more word of your useless, worthless, idiocy. I didn't create this thread so a jerk can come in here and smudge it up with a bunch of mindless trash. You seem to have mental problems of some sort. They're not my problem. If you want to address THE TOPIC, feel free to do so.
Look at the coward run for the hills when someone puts a spot light on his duplicitous clap trap.
Even if he had relations with his "teenage" wives despite no evidence that he had any relations with anyone but Emma, a teenager is not a child and does not qualify as pedophilia.

But the lack of evidence and the unwillingness to look at what sealings did and didnt do, doesn't help your case either:)

A teenager might not qualify as meeting the definition of pedophilia, but does meet the definition of a "child"

Child - A person who is below the age of adulthood; a minor (person who is below the legal age of responsibility or accountability).  child - Wiktionary

Wrong again. How can anyone be this wrong all the time.


It's not as hard as you are making it. See the TEEN? That means teenager.

You can be an adult teenager, and you can be a young teenager.

Eighteen is not a child in any state in the nation.

Butt out, Joseph Smith was fucking fourteen & sixteen year old children. Take your petty, wannabe point to its own thread. We're talking about sexual predators up in hyur.
I voted for Obama because he was the only candidate who had a reasonable chance of defeating Mittens.

More Disclosure...
I would have voted for Ron Paul.

That makes no sense at all.


Derp, I couldn't get Paul, so I went to the extreme left....
Please be brief. I will briefly state that there probably are 100 things (or more) wrong with America, but I will state just one for now >>

America is too much run by rich people. Members of Congress, the President and Vice-President, and members of the Supreme Court are generally all rich people. What do they know about middle class, lower middle class, and poor people's lives ? How can they make decisions about things they have no experience with, or have long forgotten from years past ? When have these people ever been unemployed, and out looking for a job, with a wide variety of things being used against them ? (credit reports, smear talk from former employers often untrue, etc). The last time I applied for a job I was told I would never get hired because employers require RECENT employment in that job occupation (within last 2 years). There's probably a long list of ways people can be denied a job, that shouldn't exist, and don't make sense.
. Yeah the people I want running The united States are those who don't know anything about making money or building things. You know...the successful! We'd all be better off if the country was run by welfare queens or community organizers.
Even if he had relations with his "teenage" wives despite no evidence that he had any relations with anyone but Emma, a teenager is not a child and does not qualify as pedophilia.

But the lack of evidence and the unwillingness to look at what sealings did and didnt do, doesn't help your case either:)

A teenager might not qualify as meeting the definition of pedophilia, but does meet the definition of a "child"

Child - A person who is below the age of adulthood; a minor (person who is below the legal age of responsibility or accountability).  child - Wiktionary

Wrong again. How can anyone be this wrong all the time.


It's not as hard as you are making it. See the TEEN? That means teenager.

You can be an adult teenager, and you can be a young teenager.

Eighteen is not a child in any state in the nation.

Seventeen is a child in any state in the nation. And for some things, so is 20. I'm beginning to focus on your problems.

1. You can't understand >> Has a teenager of 13 TO 17 reached the age at which legally binding contracts can be entered into ? No. Have they reached the age at which they can join the military ? No. Can they vote ? Can they buy alcoholic beverages ? No. Do they meet the definition of a child. Yes.

2. You don't know how to get lost.
I didn't vote for Obama.

Romney isn't the only Mormon and I wasn't referencing him.

I'm a member of the Independent party.

So much fail in one post, jesus Christ! (of later day saints? :cuckoo:)

What amazes me is that Obama won the last election.

Not a person in this forum voted for him but he still won... :dunno:

Lots of people who might have voted for a Republican on the basis of immigration, national defense, affirmative action, death penalty, gun control, etc, didn't, because they fear Republicans' spending cut mindset. They fear cuts in Social Security (this a huge number of voters), VA benefits, food stamps, etc. They also worry that Republicans talk a good fight on national security, but with all their tax & spending cuts, they won't back it up with the money necessary.

So maybe they didn't vote for Obama (I didn't). But they didn't vote for Romney either ( I didn't)

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