What Is Wrong With America ?



JoeAmpad talking out of his ass and making things up again to score points on the Internet.

Yawn, guy, what Romney and Bain did to companies is well documented.

That your moral sense is so skewed that you think Joe Soptic's wife dying was "creative destruction" shows how far we have gotten off track.

It is well documented. And I have forgotten more about Bain than all the slanted made up shit you wallow in.

Yeah, the problem is, you think that what he did at Bain was a good thing, which is pretty screwed up.

Gee, I remember an America where we made things other than Money.
The problem I see with our country is we have allowed our major manufacturing and industrial jobs to be exported out of our country. We need to take them back. Give tax breaks, low intrust loans to build factories, anything we need to do to bring them back. Increase import fees to the point where it is cheaper to build it here. Whatever we pay to bring jobs back will be more than offset by taxes we take in from income tax. Help companies build new steel mills and make sure imported steel is too expensive to import. We are the largest consumer nation in the world, we should make sure what we buy is made here. Doing this would cause difficulties for other nations that now export to us but screw them, they have been screwing us for years now and it's time we put ourselves first again. This could give us full employment with jobs that pay enough to actually support a family. Flipping burgers was never meant to be a job that anyone would choose as a career. It is a job for kids after school and while they go to college. If we could have full employment with well paying jobs, increase our GDP by the amount that we now import we might actually be able to think about paying off that 17.6 trillion we now have to borrow to support the unemployed and under employed.

Those jobs will never come back. Buggy whip manufacturing is gone forever.

Oh, China won't hold the jobs for long, because the labor model doesn't work even with cheap labor. The manufacturing is already coming back - even the scumbags at Apple are "reshoring."

Manufacturing is coming back, not the jobs. A $20 an hour button pusher will never again exist in this nation - or any nation. Sorry, automation makes such a thing stupid.

When a company can make more money using a person rather than a machine, they'll use the person.
Yeah, the problem is, you think that what he did at Bain was a good thing, which is pretty screwed up.

Gee, I remember an America where we made things other than Money.

Yeah, but you were on LSD, so your "memories" are hardly reliable, Comrade JoeB Stalin....

So you think it's a good thing we are losing our manufacturing base to Communist China, and you are calling other people "Communist". Interesting.
When a company can make more money using a person rather than a machine, they'll use the person.

And when horses shit diamonds we'll wear road apple necklaces.

But in real life, automation is making even low cost labor in China a poor proposition. You see, low cost labor has a host of it's own problems, particularly involving quality. Robotics are not only cheaper, but makes for far higher quality than does cheap labor.

I know that at one time a person could sit at a break press and punch a button for 8 hours and make a middle class living - but that is never coming back.

Learn to fix the robots. Learn to program, learn support functions, because that is where the jobs are going.
So you think it's a good thing we are losing our manufacturing base to Communist China, and you are calling other people "Communist". Interesting.

We're not losing our manufacturing base to China. Manufacturing is returning to the USA faster than it left.

But as I told Cutter, the jobs are not coming with it.

Maybe you should learn CAD/CAM?
What will take over Chinese Manufacturing is 3D Printing..

3D Printing is a printer in which you can put all sorts of minerals and it 3D prints the objects as engineered. Basically this means you won't even need Cheap Labor, just people to operate the printer, maintenance people to perform their work when device needs fixing up, engineers, etc.

Companies like BMW, Ford, Caterpillar, John Deere, etc. already use this to make parts for their products.
What will take over Chinese Manufacturing is 3D Printing..

3D Printing is a printer in which you can put all sorts of minerals and it 3D prints the objects as engineered. Basically this means you won't even need Cheap Labor, just people to operate the printer, maintenance people to perform their work when device needs fixing up, engineers, etc.

Companies like BMW, Ford, Caterpillar, John Deere, etc. already use this to make parts for their products.

Why would they not utilize cheap labor to lower their costs ?
What will take over Chinese Manufacturing is 3D Printing..

3D Printing is a printer in which you can put all sorts of minerals and it 3D prints the objects as engineered. Basically this means you won't even need Cheap Labor, just people to operate the printer, maintenance people to perform their work when device needs fixing up, engineers, etc.

Companies like BMW, Ford, Caterpillar, John Deere, etc. already use this to make parts for their products.

For prototyping, 3D printing is great. But for production, it's way too slow.
Why would they not utilize cheap labor to lower their costs ?

Because it increases, rather than lowers, costs.


Invest a million dollars in one of these, and produce perfect parts every time.
Yeah, the problem is, you think that what he did at Bain was a good thing, which is pretty screwed up.

Gee, I remember an America where we made things other than Money.

Yeah, but you were on LSD, so your "memories" are hardly reliable, Comrade JoeB Stalin....

So you think it's a good thing we are losing our manufacturing base to Communist China, and you are calling other people "Communist". Interesting.

I seriously doubt that the EPA would even allow you to manufacture here cost effectively. Take a look at China, what's going on there appeals to you? Not exactly how I would want to spend my time. How do you suggest addressing that?
I seriously doubt that the EPA would even allow you to manufacture here cost effectively. Take a look at China, what's going on there appeals to you? Not exactly how I would want to spend my time. How do you suggest addressing that?

The USA is the largest producer of manufactured goods in the world.

Facts About Manufacturing, Manufacturing Strategy - National Association of Manufacturers - Manufacturing Association

Manufacturing is expanding in the USA - rapidly.
Ame®icano;8639362 said:
Ame®icano;8638757 said:
Please explain why should rich pay more then what you call average person?

because they have the money

That is not enough to justify taxing them more. My neighbor has an apple tree and I don't, I gotta buy them from groceries store.

Do you think raising taxes on rich would solve the problem?

Let's play with numbers...

All income taxes bring to US government around $1.1 trillion in revenue, or around 28% from which around $930 billion comes from top 1% (those making above $400k).

If you raise taxes on them 10%, government is going to get $93 billion a year more. Since our government is spending around $10.5 billion a day, that money would last less then 9 days.

$93 billion is not even a quarter of annual interest on debt we pay.

Do you really think that problem is in taxation or maybe, just maybe someplace else?

I dont believe your numbers. But even if I did that is not chump change and would help pay down debt. Spending also needs to be cut.....federal spending on roads could be slashed to nothing, That should be handled by the states anyway.

State and local spending on idiotic stadium projects should be outlawed.
Yeah, the problem is, you think that what he did at Bain was a good thing, which is pretty screwed up.

Gee, I remember an America where we made things other than Money.

Dude, you are so full of bullshit, you could fertilize a quarter section just by standing in it.

Staples, for instance, really didn't take off until after they got Bain out of their lives.

The idea for Staples originated in 1985, while founder Thomas G. Stemberg was working on a proposal for a different business. He needed a ribbon for his printer, but was unable to obtain one because his local dealer was closed for the Independence Day holiday. A frustration with the reliance on small stores for critical supplies combined with Stemberg's background in the grocery business led to a vision for an office supply superstore.[6] The first store was opened in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston in 1986. Staples started with backing from private equity firms including Bain Capital; Bain co-founder Mitt Romney served on the company's board of directors for the next 15 years, helping shape their business model.

Staples Inc. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

One of Bain's earliest and most notable venture investments was in Staples, Inc., the office supply retailer. In 1986, Bain provided $4.5 million to two supermarket executives, Leo Kahn and Thomas G. Stemberg, to open an office supply supermarket in Brighton, Massachusetts.[27] The fast-growing retail chain went public in 1989;[28] by 1996, the company had grown to over 1,100 stores,

Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Staples goes from 1 to 1,100 stores, yet according to [MENTION=31057]JoeB131[/MENTION], Staples "really didn't take off" until Bain and Romney left.

I mean, really, you have NO fucking idea what you're talking about. None. Zip, zero, nada. None at all. You just make shit up. You do that over and over again.

Living in the Fog of Hate makes you look foolish.
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Whatever, dude,

Fact is, what put Staples on the Map was the "Easy Button" campaign, which they didn't do until they got rid of the fucking Mormons.

Why don't you man up, and admit Wall Street Screwed up when it let the Mormon Cult hijack the GOP. Now you are stuck with Obama, and you deserve to be.

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