What Is Wrong With America ?

thats obviously hyperbole, but its a sad statement about you that you probably actually believe it.

Leftism is a psychological disorder. It is driven by obsessive greed and envy, coupled with a basic hatred of one's fellow man.

thats obviously hyperbole, but its a sad statement about you that you probably actually believe it.

It's not hyperbole if it's the truth. Can you provide any evidence to the contrary?
spending on roads needs to be eliminated at the federal level. The states can do this more efficiently.
I can't argue with that for the most part, as well as almost everything else. But interstate commerce and travel is very important for the nation in general. I believe the federal government should play a role as some states may give it less priority or spend their money on everything else under the sun. As hard as that is to believe. :cool:
I must admit, my belief is most things could and should be controlled at the state level. We can only blame ourselves for the increase in federal control of the majority of our lives. The promise of money from the feds was more than we could tolerate. Slowly and surely we have abdicated our responsibilities. It is past time we got them back.
I must admit, my belief is most things could and should be controlled at the state level. We can only blame ourselves for the increase in federal control of the majority of our lives. The promise of money from the feds was more than we could tolerate. Slowly and surely we have abdicated our responsibilities. It is past time we got them back.

The Boiling Frog Syndrome

by Steven Yates

..... the Boiling Frog Syndrome: "If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he’ll jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, it will boil to death. And so it is with inflation. We’ve grown accustomed to inflation over the past 25 years, but that doesn’t mean we don’t continue to be hurt by its effect."

In other words, if people become acclimated to some policy or state of affairs over a sufficient period of time, they come to accept the policy or state of affairs as normal. .

We need to spend on r@d, infrastructure and science we did in the 1950-1970's. This is why we became the only super power ;) America's problem is it has a bunch of idiotic fuckers that want to give everything to the nobility at the top and fuck working on America's edge as a nation.

It is fall-down hilarious how the only solution Dumbocrats pitch for every problem is government spending on roads, choo-choo's, and failed "green technology".

It's astounding what programmed, ignorant zombies these people have become. They think the world's problems can only be solved by government paying a man $130,000 a year to dig a hole and then fill it back in.

Matthew, if you can't come up with anything beyond this failed and tired response, you need some serious help.

How about paying MANY men to patrol America's borders (including ports and airports) ? And paying MANY men to arrest and deport millions of illegal aliens ? And paying MANY men to arrest employers who illegally hire them ? And paying MANY men to build the double fence on the Mexican border (mandated in the 2006 Secure Fence Act, sponsored by Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA) And paying MANY men to create and run immigration courts & jails ? And paying a few men to set up a secure biometric personal ID system ? And paying loyal Americans to join the FBI, so they can do some proper vetting, and get rid of all the Muslim jihadist enemies there, as well as in other parts of the federal govt ?

Lot of jobs needing to be done, besides infrastructure.
We need to spend on r@d, infrastructure and science we did in the 1950-1970's. This is why we became the only super power ;) America's problem is it has a bunch of idiotic fuckers that want to give everything to the nobility at the top and fuck working on America's edge as a nation.
Taxes are supposed to be used for infrastructure, how is it the fault of the top that it isn't being done? And you need to look into how much money the feds waste on stupid research projects. Funding isn't the problem, the hands the money flows through is.

I may not agree with what you said about funding, but I sure DO agree with the last 7 words of your post. :clap2:
When a man (Michael Dunn) is convicted on 3 counts of attempted murder, and sentenced to 60 years in prison (a life sentence), when the prosecution never proved he wasn't acing in self-defense, THAT is something really wrong with America (and needs some scrutiny).
Ame®icano;8639362 said:
because they have the money

That is not enough to justify taxing them more. My neighbor has an apple tree and I don't, I gotta buy them from groceries store.

Do you think raising taxes on rich would solve the problem?

Let's play with numbers...

All income taxes bring to US government around $1.1 trillion in revenue, or around 28% from which around $930 billion comes from top 1% (those making above $400k).

If you raise taxes on them 10%, government is going to get $93 billion a year more. Since our government is spending around $10.5 billion a day, that money would last less then 9 days.

$93 billion is not even a quarter of annual interest on debt we pay.

Do you really think that problem is in taxation or maybe, just maybe someplace else?

I dont believe your numbers. But even if I did that is not chump change and would help pay down debt. Spending also needs to be cut.....federal spending on roads could be slashed to nothing, That should be handled by the states anyway.

State and local spending on idiotic stadium projects should be outlawed.

You don't believe in "my" numbers because they don't back your opinion. It's not that hard to search for it, so knock yourself out.

Second, even if government lays hands on that money, it won't go to pay down the debt, rather they'll use "extra revenue" to expand existing government programs or create new ones.

You say roads should be handled by states. OK. What about education, welfare, health care, police, environmental protection... all that should be handled by states, not federal government. Enumerated powers, Article 1, section 8.
Ame®icano;8638158 said:
No, that's exactly how Bain Capital operated.

Look up KB Toys, AmPad, GS Steel, or any of the other companies Bain looted for a quick profit.

What would happen to those companies without Bain?

Also, about 20% of Bain investments flopped within 10 years. If is so profitable for Bain to close the business, why didn't they close them all?

You have to remember Ame®icano, you're talking to someone who is too lazy to run his own business and provide the good paying jobs he demands other people provide.

He's too lazy to do it - but thinks he has the "right" to force you to do it. :eusa_doh:

I don't know if lazy or incapable. If he was in position to run anything, he wouldn't be bullshitting us here.

Forcing can go only so far. There is a breaking point and if it comes to that, I'm leaving.

Whom they gonna tax then?
We need to spend on r@d, infrastructure and science we did in the 1950-1970's. This is why we became the only super power ;) America's problem is it has a bunch of idiotic fuckers that want to give everything to the nobility at the top and fuck working on America's edge as a nation.

It is fall-down hilarious how the only solution Dumbocrats pitch for every problem is government spending on roads, choo-choo's, and failed "green technology".

It's astounding what programmed, ignorant zombies these people have become. They think the world's problems can only be solved by government paying a man $130,000 a year to dig a hole and then fill it back in.

Matthew, if you can't come up with anything beyond this failed and tired response, you need some serious help.

How about paying MANY men to patrol America's borders (including ports and airports) ? And paying MANY men to arrest and deport millions of illegal aliens ? And paying MANY men to arrest employers who illegally hire them ? And paying MANY men to build the double fence on the Mexican border (mandated in the 2006 Secure Fence Act, sponsored by Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA) And paying MANY men to create and run immigration courts & jails ? And paying a few men to set up a secure biometric personal ID system ? And paying loyal Americans to join the FBI, so they can do some proper vetting, and get rid of all the Muslim jihadist enemies there, as well as in other parts of the federal govt ?

Lot of jobs needing to be done, besides infrastructure.

If you're looking for an argument (and I suspect you are), you won't get one from me. I think every single illegal alien in this country (no matter their nationality) should be hunted down like the dogs that they are and imprisoned. Then deported after their prison term is complete.

In the mean time, I think Mexico should be told that all aid is immediately revoked and diverted to the costs of tracking down and imprisoning any illegal aliens from their nation and will not be reinstated to them until such time as they secure their side of the border and prevent people entering our country from their side.

A criminal is a criminal - and just because the Dumbocrats are desperate for power does not justify allowing (and encouraging) criminal activity.
Ame®icano;8644095 said:
Ame®icano;8638158 said:
What would happen to those companies without Bain?

Also, about 20% of Bain investments flopped within 10 years. If is so profitable for Bain to close the business, why didn't they close them all?

You have to remember Ame®icano, you're talking to someone who is too lazy to run his own business and provide the good paying jobs he demands other people provide.

He's too lazy to do it - but thinks he has the "right" to force you to do it. :eusa_doh:

I don't know if lazy or incapable. If he was in position to run anything, he wouldn't be bullshitting us here.

Forcing can go only so far. There is a breaking point and if it comes to that, I'm leaving.

Whom they gonna tax then?

I just find it infuriating that he believes you and I owe him a six-figure job, yet he refuses to provide even one person with a minimum wage job.

You have no right to bitch about job creators if you're not one yourself. It's absolutely as absurd as me telling a woman she's not breastfeeding properly.

The beauty of America is that if you don't like how America's entrepreneurs are providing jobs, you are free to go out and do it better yourself. Nobody is stopping him from creating a business and providing good paying jobs. He just refuses to do it (like all Dumbocrats).
when a man (michael dunn) is convicted on 3 counts of attempted murder, and sentenced to 60 years in prison (a life sentence), when the prosecution never proved he wasn't acing in self-defense, that is something really wrong with america (and needs some scrutiny).

guilty as charged.


I have no followed the case at all, so I cannot comment on it. However, I did want to mention that I "thanked" protectionist for his post based on the concept - not this specific case. If a prosecution does not prove that someone was acting in self-defense and yet they are still found guilty, that is most definitely a good example of something that is wrong with America today.
when a man (michael dunn) is convicted on 3 counts of attempted murder, and sentenced to 60 years in prison (a life sentence), when the prosecution never proved he wasn't acing in self-defense, that is something really wrong with america (and needs some scrutiny).

guilty as charged.


I have no followed the case at all, so I cannot comment on it. However, I did want to mention that I "thanked" protectionist for his post based on the concept - not this specific case. If a prosecution does not prove that someone was acting in self-defense and yet they are still found guilty, that is most definitely a good example of something that is wrong with America today.

That was a bullshit case.

One does not have a right in a public place to tell others to lower the music and most definitely one does not have a right to kill all the occupants in the car.

Now, if the kids had broken and entered into his house , played the loud music and refused to leave then it would have been a "stand your ground" case.

Guy, I work in Manufacturing.


Sure you do.

No, it's really not moving back to the US. If China becomes to expensive, the Plutocrats will just move their jobs to Malaysia or Vietnam or Mexico or somewhere else where people are willing to let them use child labor and put carcinogens in the water.

Get back to pushing your broom, moron.
Ame®icano;8643975 said:
Ame®icano;8639362 said:
That is not enough to justify taxing them more. My neighbor has an apple tree and I don't, I gotta buy them from groceries store.
Do you think raising taxes on rich would solve the problem?
Let's play with numbers...
All income taxes bring to US government around $1.1 trillion in revenue, or around 28% from which around $930 billion comes from top 1% (those making above $400k).
If you raise taxes on them 10%, government is going to get $93 billion a year more. Since our government is spending around $10.5 billion a day, that money would last less then 9 days.
$93 billion is not even a quarter of annual interest on debt we pay.
Do you really think that problem is in taxation or maybe, just maybe someplace else?
I dont believe your numbers. But even if I did that is not chump change and would help pay down debt. Spending also needs to be cut.....federal spending on roads could be slashed to nothing, That should be handled by the states anyway.
State and local spending on idiotic stadium projects should be outlawed.
You don't believe in "my" numbers because they don't back your opinion. It's not that hard to search for it, so knock yourself out.
Second, even if government lays hands on that money, it won't go to pay down the debt, rather they'll use "extra revenue" to expand existing government programs or create new ones.
You say roads should be handled by states. OK. What about education, welfare, health care, police, environmental protection... all that should be handled by states, not federal government. Enumerated powers, Article 1, section 8.

Your numbers dont match what ive seen from other sources. I have seen numerous lies put forth by some people especially when it comes to quotes of famous founders on the internet. It's a sad thing nowadays that you cant even trust the numbers and statistics dealing with political subjects.

Any increase in taxes should and could be designated to only pay down debt.

I like a national standard to measure by in education, but not much else needs to be done there at the federal level. I believe police are handled locally. Border stuff is an actual federal responsibility spelled out in the constitution I believe. With national and international companies, its probably more efficient to take care of environmental stuff,(at least some) at the national level. You would probably actually get the companies to agree on that.
guilty as charged.


I have no followed the case at all, so I cannot comment on it. However, I did want to mention that I "thanked" protectionist for his post based on the concept - not this specific case. If a prosecution does not prove that someone was acting in self-defense and yet they are still found guilty, that is most definitely a good example of something that is wrong with America today.

That was a bullshit case.

One does not have a right in a public place to tell others to lower the music and most definitely one does not have a right to kill all the occupants in the car.

Now, if the kids had broken and entered into his house , played the loud music and refused to leave then it would have been a "stand your ground" case.

The hypothetical that Rottweiler mentioned about self-defense, is what is the problem with the Dunn case. It is exactly what has occured here. In no way did the prosecution ever prove that there was no gun in the SUV. That had to happen for a conviction to be made, and it didn't. Even the prosecutor, John Guy, admitted that witness accounts were "inconsistencies."

The real question (if not the ONLY question) is how can the prosecution prove it was not self-defense, when Dunn claimed he saw what looked like a gun ? He can't. How can the prosecution prove the kids in the SUV didn't dump a gun, when they drove away from the shooting scene, to the next shopping plaza, only to return without it ? Note also the cops didn't search the area until 4 days later (which is irrelevant) Something suspicious about that too.

I suspect that the jury may have been influenced by one or two things >>

1. Heavy, biased anti-Dunn propaganda by the ultra-liberal, minority group ass-kissers at MSNBC, HLN, and CNN for two months, before they went in the courtroom.

2. Fear of retaliation from the black community's lunatic fringe, if they voted for acquittal. And as expected, Al Sharpton is foaming at the mouth once again, just like he did over the Zimmerman case. And the black racists are out in force, with all their signs, megaphones, and hot air.

Just going by the rule of law, a conviction in this case should have been impossible.

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