What Is Wrong With America ?

[MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION], have you been a coward your whole life, or just since you became a dumb ass old fart? Theft is theft. You may have some excuse and desire to justify your criminal acts, but redistribution is nothing more than larceny.

Underpaying employees is nothing more than larceny. Now go read those books I assigned you, and come back and report to me. :badgrin:
many suggestions about what is wrong. to me, they all stem from one root cause. lack of responsibility and the lack of proper application of consequences of the actions of those who do not have responsibility.
What Is Wrong With America ?

We have a government that enables and encourages evil corporations like Monsanto to undermine our health and damage the natural environment with Genetically Modified Crops, and the extremely toxic herbicide Roundup?

We have a government that encourages illegal aliens to apply for food stamps and other handouts at taxpayers' expense.

We have a government that promotes dependency rather then self-reliance.

We have a government that keeps finding excuses for not utilizing our enormous oil and natural gas reserves, preferring to keep us dependent on foreign oil.
Ame®icano;8656917 said:
We hear all the time about how Social Security is going to run out of money. On the other side, we never hear about welfare running out of money. What's wrong with America is that while first group worked for their money there is no guarantees they will get it, but the second didn't work for it and there will always be enough money for it.

You make a good point. SS has a fund welfare never did. SS gets a 1.3 COLA raise welfare gets about 30 percent. So those who worked an put into the system get the shaft over those who don't. But then again a good many trying to live off of SS probably are also using welfare.
[MENTION=45665]protectionist[/MENTION], have you been a coward your whole life, or just since you became a dumb ass old fart? Theft is theft. You may have some excuse and desire to justify your criminal acts, but redistribution is nothing more than larceny.

Underpaying employees is nothing more than larceny. Now go read those books I assigned you, and come back and report to me. :badgrin:

What does that mean, underpaying employees? How do you determine when an employee is underpaid and who makes that determination?

In the last company I worked for they were poor mouthing the company which has just bought out other companies causing them to expand greatly. The Union got their contract wages the company employees got much lest of a raise. BUT the CEO got 4 million dollar raise from 6 million. THAT in my opinion is just plain wrong. If the company was doing well, OK but by their mouth and actions the company is not.
What Is Wrong With America ?

Look, you're an idiot are are best ignored, but I think I'll refute your shit this morning.

We have a government that enables and encourages evil corporations like Monsanto to undermine our health and damage the natural environment with Genetically Modified Crops,

The Greeks are credited with the knowledge of grafting. Later studies reveal that the Chinese had this knowledge as well.

But the reality is that humans have been altering the genetic structure of plants and animals since at least 1500 BC.

As we have developed, we have become more sophisticated in our methods. You whine about GMO's - so I'm sure you've never eaten a nectarine, and will not allow roses around you, since neither exist in nature and are a result of human manipulation of plants.

No doubt you're a vegan, you seem the stupid type, so we need not talk about animal husbandry...

and the extremely toxic herbicide Roundup?

There is a classic rock band I really like, Toto. The drummer for the band, Jeff Porcaro, died after exposure to weed killer, back in 1993.

Must have been "Roundup" he was using, right? Well no, it was an "all natural" weed killer made from Nicotine. (think about that, smokers!)

We have a government that encourages illegal aliens to apply for food stamps and other handouts at taxpayers' expense.

Yeah, but they vote democrat, so it's all good.

We have a government that promotes dependency rather then self-reliance.

We have a government that keeps finding excuses for not utilizing our enormous oil and natural gas reserves, preferring to keep us dependent on foreign oil.

No argument here.
What Is Wrong With America ?

Too many guns, a mentality of war and being the world's bully.

I urge you to get rid of any guns you or anyone in your house has, and put up a large sign that reads "Occupants unarmed, there are no firearms in this trailer," so the bad guys know that you're safe. I'm sure they won't take advantage.....
thank you
I feel happy for the information

What Is Wrong With America ?

Look, you're an idiot are are best ignored, but I think I'll refute your shit this morning.

We have a government that enables and encourages evil corporations like Monsanto to undermine our health and damage the natural environment with Genetically Modified Crops,

The Greeks are credited with the knowledge of grafting. Later studies reveal that the Chinese had this knowledge as well.

But the reality is that humans have been altering the genetic structure of plants and animals since at least 1500 BC.

As we have developed, we have become more sophisticated in our methods. You whine about GMO's - so I'm sure you've never eaten a nectarine, and will not allow roses around you, since neither exist in nature and are a result of human manipulation of plants.

No doubt you're a vegan, you seem the stupid type, so we need not talk about animal husbandry...

There is a classic rock band I really like, Toto. The drummer for the band, Jeff Porcaro, died after exposure to weed killer, back in 1993.

Must have been "Roundup" he was using, right? Well no, it was an "all natural" weed killer made from Nicotine. (think about that, smokers!)

We have a government that encourages illegal aliens to apply for food stamps and other handouts at taxpayers' expense.

Yeah, but they vote democrat, so it's all good.

We have a government that promotes dependency rather then self-reliance.

We have a government that keeps finding excuses for not utilizing our enormous oil and natural gas reserves, preferring to keep us dependent on foreign oil.

No argument here.

Look you're a moron but that's expected of you, but I think I'll take time to respond to your shit.

You whine about GMO's - so I'm sure you've never eaten a nectarine, and will not allow roses around you, since neither exist in nature and are a result of human manipulation of plants
I didn't whine about GMO's. I made a comment and you interjected your stupidty. It's obvious to see that you have no clue about GMO's and the dangers that it has on human and animal health. If GMO's were so safe to eat as it is claimed, then why wouldn't a corporation like Monsanto want their product labeled in stores? Because they know that alot of people would reject their GMO products and they would lose billions, and so they continue to fight not to have their crap labeled.

BTW: I have eaten a nectarine before and have a rose bush in my yard.

No doubt you're a vegan, you seem the stupid type,
No doubt you're a moron, you seem the stupid type.

We have a government that encourages illegal aliens to apply for food stamps and other handouts at taxpayers' expense.

Yeah, but they vote democrat, so it's all good.
No it's NOT all good.
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Look you're a moron but that's expected of you, but I think I'll take time to respond to your shit.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....

I didn't whine about GMO's. I made a comment and you interjected your stupidty. It's obvious to see that you have no clue about GMO's and the dangers that it has on human and animal health.

Oh look, a flat Earther is going to spin fiction about the dangers of sailing off the edge of the world.

If GMO's were so safe to eat as it is claimed, then why wouldn't a corporation like Monsanto want their product labeled in stores?

No doubt Monsanto is the boogie man that DailyKOS instructs you to attack, but the largest of the GMO producers is actually Achers-Daniels-Midland, the same ADM that contributes so much to Obama and the DNC.

Everything you put in your mouth is genetically manipulated. That ignorant fools panic over the idea that DNA is directly manipulated instead of cross breeding to achieve the same results is expected. People fear what they don't understand.

Quick, how many cases of illness have been quantitatively linked to GMO's?

I'm sorry, what is that? None? Not even one?

Oh yes, the conspiracy web sites you visit talk about how one guys sister worked with a women who knew a man, who's wife ate an Apple bred by Monsanto and a fell dead with corn stalks growing from her ears..(get it? EARS of corn...) But you can't show even ONE legitimate instance of any sort of issue from GMO's

Do you freak out over fluoride in your water? Are strong teeth a Republican plot hatched by George W. Bush?

Because they know that alot of people would reject their GMO products and they would lose billions, and so they continue to fight not to have their crap labeled.

BTW: I have eaten a nectarine before and have a rose bush in my yard.

No shit? So your opposition to GMO's only extends to Monsanto?

No doubt you're a moron, you seem the stupid type.
No it's NOT all good.

What Is Wrong With America ?

Low average IQ.

Well, that explains how Obama is in office! :thup:

Actually, it explains why people still listen to Palin.

You mean the same person who predicted Russia would invade Ukraine more than 5 years ago while Obama was oblivious last week? :lol:

Palin has run circles around Obama. While Obama has collapsed the U.S. and world economies, given us 8% - 10% unemployment for 5 years, pushed us over the cliff with $7 trillion in deficit spending, and generally bumbled everything he has touched like the amateur community organizer that he is, Palin has pretty much been spot-on with her assessments.

You mean the same person who predicted Russia would invade Ukraine more than 5 years ago while Obama was oblivious last week? :lol:

Palin has run circles around Obama. While Obama has collapsed the U.S. and world economies, given us 8% - 10% unemployment for 5 years, pushed us over the cliff with $7 trillion in deficit spending, and generally bumbled everything he has touched like the amateur community organizer that he is, Palin has pretty much been spot-on with her assessments.

Right. Only in Poodle's Fantasy World is Caribou Barbie Smart.


Palin couldn't find the fucking Ukraine on a map.
I say many thanks for the information, I hope this be a lesson to me about politics, because I am a political zero and I just ordinary workers

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