What Is Wrong With America ?

You wanna see what's wrong with America? Go to the CPAC in DC. Many (if not most) of those people should be under the clinical supervision of a doctor with a healthy dose of anti-psychotic medication prescribed, as well. They'd probably thank us all some day, especially if their treatment was a result of Obamacare.
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You wanna see what's wrong with America? Go to the CPAC in DC. Many (if not most) of those people should be under the clinical supervision of a doctor with a healthy dose of anti-psychotic medication prescribed, as well. They'd probably thank us all some day, especially if their treatment was a result of Obamacare.

Bet you dream of the day you can march every last one of them off to a special camp!

Well, you have Obamacare death panels, you can take comfort in that, as you await the second coming of Pol Pot....
You wanna see what's wrong with America? Go to the CPAC in DC. Many (if not most) of those people should be under the clinical supervision of a doctor with a healthy dose of anti-psychotic medication prescribed, as well. They'd probably thank us all some day, especially if their treatment was a result of Obamacare.

Bet you dream of the day you can march every last one of them off to a special camp!

Well, you have Obamacare death panels, you can take comfort in that, as you await the second coming of Pol Pot....

You sound like one of the attendees.
Liberals Without Conservative Supervision: It's what's wrong with America

Trace every bad multi-generational injury inflicted on America to Liberal influence or direct action.


Because Liberals are notoriously short sighted and are biologically incapable of comprehending the consequences of their well intentioned acts beyond the immediate results.

Well, they are SOMETIMES well intentioned.

What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.
You wanna see what's wrong with America? Go to the CPAC in DC. Many (if not most) of those people should be under the clinical supervision of a doctor with a healthy dose of anti-psychotic medication prescribed, as well. They'd probably thank us all some day, especially if their treatment was a result of Obamacare.

You are a Progressivist tool.

Lecture Summary

American political history is defined by three great crises. The first crisis was the American Revolution, which was declared on July 4, 1776 but whose roots can be traced back at least to 1763. That period of crisis ended with the election of Thomas Jefferson as president in what has become known as the “Revolution of 1800.”

The second crisis was the crisis over slavery that culminated in the Civil War. While the Founders had opposed slavery in principle, but had been forced to compromise with the institution in practice for the sake of the Union, the rise of the “positive good” school of slavery in the South marked a turn away from the Founders’ principles, and their practice. In response, Abraham Lincoln explained and defended the Founder’s approach.

The third great crisis, which continues today, is the challenge of Progressivism, a movement founded by Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights. Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

In order to understand fully the previous crises, and to be able to respond well to the current crisis, we must understand the causes of America.

America has four causes—a material cause: primarily the land and the people; an efficient cause: the Founding Founders who led the Revolution in the name of the American people; a formal cause: the Constitution, especially the structure of government it establishes; and a final cause: the principles of free government outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

With this background, we can answer the question: Was the American Founding revolutionary or conservative? In fact it was both: It sought to conserve the oldest and highest law, which according to the Declaration of Independence is “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The Founders compared the natural law to the conventional law under which they lived, and—as described so eloquently and succinctly in the Declaration of Independence—determined that a revolution was justified in the name of this higher law.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses
What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.

Are you some kind of a retard?

I'm just asking.

Nothing good has come from the invasion of Iraq.

Iraq used to be a foil against Iran's ambitions. Now it's Iran's ally.

The Sunni Triangle became a breeding ground for Al Qaeda which is spreading into other countries.

Oh, yeah, 5000 dead Americans and 32,000 wounded Americans and a trillion dollars in needless expendatures.
Liberals Without Conservative Supervision: It's what's wrong with America

Trace every bad multi-generational injury inflicted on America to Liberal influence or direct action.


Because Liberals are notoriously short sighted and are biologically incapable of comprehending the consequences of their well intentioned acts beyond the immediate results.

Well, they are SOMETIMES well intentioned.

What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.
"Eventually". :lmao:

What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.
"Eventually". :lmao:

It is ten + years closer to being conclusive, one way or the other, than it would be if we'd done nothing to clean out that spider's nest when we did.

[ame=http://youtu.be/JgoG5BjFE7w]spider nest found in 'hair ball' - YouTube[/ame]
You wanna see what's wrong with America? Go to the CPAC in DC. Many (if not most) of those people should be under the clinical supervision of a doctor with a healthy dose of anti-psychotic medication prescribed, as well. They'd probably thank us all some day, especially if their treatment was a result of Obamacare.

Bet you dream of the day you can march every last one of them off to a special camp!

Well, you have Obamacare death panels, you can take comfort in that, as you await the second coming of Pol Pot....
Better known as IPAB...Margret Sanger's Dream come true.
What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.
"Eventually". :lmao:

When you are watching episodes of, "My Little Pony" do you get this impatient to know how it ends???

Or do you let it develop as it will and then enjoy it for what it is and was?

Same concept.

You wait until you have something to judge.

Right now it's inconclusive.

Like a half baked pie.

Just be patient, Junior.
What is wrong with AmeriKa????

Scum like Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc get elected by fellow scumbags that have figured out they can live off other people.
What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.

Are you some kind of a retard?

I'm just asking.

Nothing good has come from the invasion of Iraq.

Iraq used to be a foil against Iran's ambitions. Now it's Iran's ally.

The Sunni Triangle became a breeding ground for Al Qaeda which is spreading into other countries.

Oh, yeah, 5000 dead Americans and 32,000 wounded Americans and a trillion dollars in needless expendatures.

Oh, you can't recognize how things could have been MUCH worse if W hadn't taken the actions he did?

If not, then you really have just revealed your lack of intellectual heft. You are unable to recognize the many and HUGE benefits that came about because of President George W. Bush's leadership and far-sighted courage?

You don't get it.

W was the decider. HE got all the intel and (as [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION] would agree, I'm sure) the PDB and information presented to him and he made the best decisions he could to protect, preserve or promote Americans, America, Liberty and the most numbers of lives as possible now and in the future, here at home and around the world.

He had info and thought about that info and you can't imagine it even exists.

W prevented Israel from starting a much larger and much more serious war that could have led to WWIII.

Now that we all know you are a minor leaguer you go on and post as you will and those who find you to be at their level will give your posts the "Likes" they think your level of thought warrants.


What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

You know you can be honest (lots of democrats voted to support sending troops) and not act like a dimwitted child (changing someone's name for the sake of a 'taunt'? really?) and still be a flaming liberal. They won't take away your 'lefty' card if you stop acting like an idiot. Give it a try.
America should revert to one big caring agrian commune....where no ones self esteem can be diminished......lol
Liberals Without Conservative Supervision: It's what's wrong with America

Trace every bad multi-generational injury inflicted on America to Liberal influence or direct action.


Because Liberals are notoriously short sighted and are biologically incapable of comprehending the consequences of their well intentioned acts beyond the immediate results.

Well, they are SOMETIMES well intentioned.

What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.

CORRECT!! With the black flag of al Qaeda now flying over Falluja and Ramadi (which had been won at the cost of 95 American troops killed, and 560 wounded in Falluja, and 80 killed & 200 wounded in Ramadi), this is already evident to have been necessary. Too bad the deaths and wounded in these battles have been wasted by our current political leaders, who constantly defer to the call of peace activists for withdrawl, regardless of the cost of doing that.

If al Qaeda were to gain control over the entire country of Iraq, and its vast oil reserves, that could be disastrous to the USA. Right now, it seems to be headed in that direction.
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What about the Iraq war? That's a multi generational injury inflicted on American by CONSERVATIVES (Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED).

Iraq was NECESSARY. And will eventually be seen as a positive step.

CORRECT!! With the black flag of al Qaeda now flying over Falluja and Ramadi (which had been won at the cost of 95 American troops killed, and 560 wounded in Falluja, and 80 killed & 200 wounded in Ramadi), this is already evident to have been necessary. Too bad the deaths and wounded in these battles have been wasted by our current political leaders, who constantly defer to the call of peace activists for withdrawl, regardless of the cost of doing that.

If al Qaeda were to gain control over the entire country of Iraq, and its vast oil reserves, that could be disastrous to the USA. Right now, it seems to be headed in that direction.

We just made things worse. Probably shouldn't have gone in there in the first place? :D

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