What is wrong with Republicans?

See? You still can't condemn the bigots. Instead, you defend their actions with logical fallacies. Tu quoques, red herrings, straw men.


Like I said before, this thread wasn't written to garner concern over the treatment of this Muslim, it was an attempt to label anyone on this board who didn't directly condemn the behavior. I, for one, will not fall for it.

The bigots have nothing to do with me. Nor I them. I don't feel compelled to comment on things that don't directly affect me personally. By the way, g5, I have defended Muslims on this board in the past (see my conversations with protectionist).

You might want to check that battleship mouth of yours before you go making assumptions about my character again. Got it?
This thread is to draw attention to the OFFICIAL actions of Republican officials in Texas towards a Muslim citizen
Like I said, this thread isn't borne of genuine concern.
The vote is in a couple of hours

Let’s see if Republicans have any dignity
Texas remains a Red State

It is petty hate like this that will lead them to Blue
Dont they understand what being American means?

They don't. They're as bad as the Democrats. Now that they've given up on any semblance of liberty and limited government, I have little hope for this country. And, to be honest, I'm more worried about the Democrat's backlash. They'll use the anger generated by the Trumpster stupidity to fuel a headlong dive into socialism. We are truly fucked.
WTF? We get a lecture on "what it means to be an American" by the party that torched cars and smashed windows on inauguration day, held a facsimile of the President's bloody severed head for a photo op, opened fire on a republican baseball team practicing for a charity game and cheered when a crazy restaurant owner chased the family of the Press Secretary down the street not to mention H'wood celebs threatening the President with everything from arson to kidnapping , assault and murder. Give me a freaking break.
WTF? We get a lecture on "what it means to be an American" by the party that torched cars and smashed windows on inauguration day, held a facsimile of the President's bloody severed head for a photo op, opened fire on a republican baseball team practicing for a charity game and cheered when a crazy restaurant owner chased the family of the Press Secretary down the street not to mention H'wood celebs threatening the President with everything from arson to kidnapping , assault and murder. Give me a freaking break.
Why do you assume all democrats do that stuff?
Hard to believe that in 21st century Texas they would still have a vote from top county Republicans on whether to dismiss a vice chairman because of his religion
In Trump world religious persecution is ok, right Trumpturd?
I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, and I learned how Muslims feel to other religions. They hate all of us, yet you dumbass liberals think if you play nice with them they will be nice to you.

In Trump world religious persecution is ok, right Trumpturd?
I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, and I learned how Muslims feel to other religions. They hate all of us, yet you dumbass liberals think if you play nice with them they will be nice to you.

View attachment 239392
We have Muslims defending our country
We have Muslims in Congress
Here we have a Doctor serving his community

Yet, we still have assholes spreading hate
Basically, the bigoted, ignorant rednecks we've been making fun of for thirty years got mad and voted for the one guy who wasn't making fun of them, the guy who talked like they do.
And I’m an atheist who doesn’t give a shit if I work with a Christian or Muslim because I’m not a drama queen bigot like yourself who expects society to coddle your tender sensibilities.

This post, the irony of ironies. You say you don't mind working with Christians or Muslims, but publicly on this board detest anyone who isn't a Democrat who doesn't precisely match your point of view.

You can't work well with anyone with that kind of mindset.
Lol I detest anyone who is republican. Independent conservatives who hate Trump are fine in my book even if we still have fundamental disagreements.

Wow, that still makes you a bigot. I wonder how you live life in that state of mind? You can't in good conscience sit there and lecture others about bigotry and intolerance when you freely practice it.
Texas Republicans show they are not all batshit crazy

Texas County GOP Rejects Push to Oust Vice-Chairman Shahid Shafi Over His Muslim Faith

I’m glad sanity won out

So, may I ask, what was the point of this thread? Doesn't this disprove your idea that all Republicans are bigots?

49 representatives still voted to get rid of the Muslim ...shows there are still Deplorables in high places

But I am proud of the 139 who still value our Constitution
And I’m an atheist who doesn’t give a shit if I work with a Christian or Muslim because I’m not a drama queen bigot like yourself who expects society to coddle your tender sensibilities.

This post, the irony of ironies. You say you don't mind working with Christians or Muslims, but publicly on this board detest anyone who isn't a Democrat who doesn't precisely match your point of view.

You can't work well with anyone with that kind of mindset.
Lol I detest anyone who is republican. Independent conservatives who hate Trump are fine in my book even if we still have fundamental disagreements.

Wow, that still makes you a bigot. I wonder how you live life in that state of mind? You can't in good conscience sit there and lecture others about bigotry and intolerance when you freely practice it.
Lol are you comparing republicans to black, gay, and Mexican people? You do know that being republican is a choice right?

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