What is wrong with Republicans?

Dont they understand what being American means?

A Texas county GOP's faction seeks to remove 'unsuitable' Muslim vice chair

Tarrant county Republicans in Texas will vote Thursday on an effort by a faction to remove their vice chairman, Shahid Shafi, because he's Muslim.

Fort Worth is the largest city in Tarrant county.

The campaign against Shafi, a trauma surgeon and member of the Southlake City Council, was mounted by a small group of Republicans led by Dorrie O'Brien, a precinct chairman from Grand Prairie.

O’Brien writes on Facebook that she “never doubted” her side has the votes to remove Shafi from his post.”

“We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable.

What the hell is up with America? Electing Muslims to the house, and to make matters worse they aren't even the craziest members. This is not the American way.

Indeed it's a pleasure as leftists reveal that they don't actually have a problem with Christians because of the religiosity. What is a problem is that these people are decent, hard working and loyal. Islam on the other hand has murderous values so of course the left loves it.
Without even reading the rest of this topic, I bet not one single pseudocon who thinks they are a Republican repudiated this fucking bigoted asshole.


The only asshole here you and the leftists. It wasn't my plan to replace the Americans with any 3rd world creature you can find. This sure is the result.

Also, it's not me that is the racist. These 3rd world creatures that leftist import vote only for their own - which is how so many idiots got elected. No problem with few Muslims here and there even though Islam is obviously completely at odds with American values.
Winner, winner....we got another one

Any other racists out there dont want Muslims in their party?

Idiot, Islam is not a race. damn, you get dumber with each new post.
Dont they understand what being American means?

A Texas county GOP's faction seeks to remove 'unsuitable' Muslim vice chair

Tarrant county Republicans in Texas will vote Thursday on an effort by a faction to remove their vice chairman, Shahid Shafi, because he's Muslim.

Fort Worth is the largest city in Tarrant county.

The campaign against Shafi, a trauma surgeon and member of the Southlake City Council, was mounted by a small group of Republicans led by Dorrie O'Brien, a precinct chairman from Grand Prairie.

O’Brien writes on Facebook that she “never doubted” her side has the votes to remove Shafi from his post.”

“We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable.

Yep, that's stupid and unconstitutional. The would have to articulate official misconduct to even think of such a thing.

Thank you. I know you and I butt heads a lot, but thank you for having the courage to stand up for the Muslim and the Constitution.

muslims consider gays like you as human garbage that must be killed. Ready to jump off a roof? Ready to cover all the women you know with black sheets so only their eyes show?
Yeah, we aren’t muslims.
In Trump world religious persecution is ok, right Trumpturd?
We aren’t a Muslim nation. Never have been. If we were your wife would have been sold to you and looking through eye slits in her mask. You wouldn’t be voting, you wouldn’t be allowed to make up stupid words like trumpturd. Trump would be your mullah and you would be put to death for saying that.

This is a Christian nation. It’s what allows you to act like you do.
I'm sure the Jews appreciate you saying we are a Christian nation. And the Muslims. And the Hindus. And all the other religious creeds.

You people don't even realize how divisive and assholish you sound, do you.
I don t see how anyone can swear to defend the Constitution and then claim we are a Christian nation

our body of law and basic beliefs of right and wrong come from judeo/Christian religious teachings. Hindus, Buddhists, and others are basically the same as judeo/Christian. Islamic teachings are different, gays are to be killed, women are considered to be property, the Koran is the constitution and the law in islam.

try to learn something before posting bullshit.
Congress shall pass no laws regarding the establishment of religion

Republicans need to read the First Amendment
Dont they understand what being American means?

A Texas county GOP's faction seeks to remove 'unsuitable' Muslim vice chair

Tarrant county Republicans in Texas will vote Thursday on an effort by a faction to remove their vice chairman, Shahid Shafi, because he's Muslim.

Fort Worth is the largest city in Tarrant county.

The campaign against Shafi, a trauma surgeon and member of the Southlake City Council, was mounted by a small group of Republicans led by Dorrie O'Brien, a precinct chairman from Grand Prairie.

O’Brien writes on Facebook that she “never doubted” her side has the votes to remove Shafi from his post.”

“We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable.

Yep, that's stupid and unconstitutional. The would have to articulate official misconduct to even think of such a thing.

Thank you. I know you and I butt heads a lot, but thank you for having the courage to stand up for the Muslim and the Constitution.

muslims consider gays like you as human garbage that must be killed. Ready to jump off a roof? Ready to cover all the women you know with black sheets so only their eyes show?

Has nothing to do with Muslims in the US
Republicans hate gays also. Yet, we allow them to hold office
Dont they understand what being American means?

A Texas county GOP's faction seeks to remove 'unsuitable' Muslim vice chair

Tarrant county Republicans in Texas will vote Thursday on an effort by a faction to remove their vice chairman, Shahid Shafi, because he's Muslim.

Fort Worth is the largest city in Tarrant county.

The campaign against Shafi, a trauma surgeon and member of the Southlake City Council, was mounted by a small group of Republicans led by Dorrie O'Brien, a precinct chairman from Grand Prairie.

O’Brien writes on Facebook that she “never doubted” her side has the votes to remove Shafi from his post.”

“We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable.

What the hell is up with America? Electing Muslims to the house, and to make matters worse they aren't even the craziest members. This is not the American way.

Indeed it's a pleasure as leftists reveal that they don't actually have a problem with Christians because of the religiosity. What is a problem is that these people are decent, hard working and loyal. Islam on the other hand has murderous values so of course the left loves it.
Without even reading the rest of this topic, I bet not one single pseudocon who thinks they are a Republican repudiated this fucking bigoted asshole.


The only asshole here you and the leftists. It wasn't my plan to replace the Americans with any 3rd world creature you can find. This sure is the result.

Also, it's not me that is the racist. These 3rd world creatures that leftist import vote only for their own - which is how so many idiots got elected. No problem with few Muslims here and there even though Islam is obviously completely at odds with American values.
Winner, winner....we got another one

Any other racists out there dont want Muslims in their party?

Idiot, Islam is not a race. damn, you get dumber with each new post.
I am using racist in a broader sense to cover race, religion and sexual orientation. Would you feel better if I just call you a fucking bigot?
Dont they understand what being American means?

A Texas county GOP's faction seeks to remove 'unsuitable' Muslim vice chair

Tarrant county Republicans in Texas will vote Thursday on an effort by a faction to remove their vice chairman, Shahid Shafi, because he's Muslim.

Fort Worth is the largest city in Tarrant county.

The campaign against Shafi, a trauma surgeon and member of the Southlake City Council, was mounted by a small group of Republicans led by Dorrie O'Brien, a precinct chairman from Grand Prairie.

O’Brien writes on Facebook that she “never doubted” her side has the votes to remove Shafi from his post.”

“We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable.

Yep, that's stupid and unconstitutional. The would have to articulate official misconduct to even think of such a thing.

Thank you. I know you and I butt heads a lot, but thank you for having the courage to stand up for the Muslim and the Constitution.

What's right is right, simple as that. If he were trying to force his religious doctrine on public policy it "might" be a different story, I didn't see any indication of that.

Interesting items form the article posted in the OP.

(1) Tarrant county Republicans in Texas will vote Thursday on an effort by a faction to remove their vice chairman, Shahid Shafi, because he's Muslim.

(2) “We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable."

(3) Shafi emigrated to the U.S. from Pakistan in 1990 and became a naturalized citizen in 2009, the Texas Tribune reports.

So, what do we get from this?
(1) Tarrant County Republicans hate Muslims.
(2) Tarrant County Republicans believe Muslims are up to nefarious deeds.
(3) Tarrant County Republicans hate LEGAL immigrants, even when the LEGAL immigrant performs all aspects of said immigration legally, and according to immigration law.
(4) Tarrant County Republicans seem to be really big ass holes.
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What the hell is up with America? Electing Muslims to the house, and to make matters worse they aren't even the craziest members. This is not the American way.

Indeed it's a pleasure as leftists reveal that they don't actually have a problem with Christians because of the religiosity. What is a problem is that these people are decent, hard working and loyal. Islam on the other hand has murderous values so of course the left loves it.
Without even reading the rest of this topic, I bet not one single pseudocon who thinks they are a Republican repudiated this fucking bigoted asshole.


The only asshole here you and the leftists. It wasn't my plan to replace the Americans with any 3rd world creature you can find. This sure is the result.

Also, it's not me that is the racist. These 3rd world creatures that leftist import vote only for their own - which is how so many idiots got elected. No problem with few Muslims here and there even though Islam is obviously completely at odds with American values.
Winner, winner....we got another one

Any other racists out there dont want Muslims in their party?

Idiot, Islam is not a race. damn, you get dumber with each new post.
I am using racist in a broader sense to cover race, religion and sexual orientation. Would you feel better if I just call you a fucking bigot?

So in this definition of "racism" you are racist in not one or two, but THREE different ways!

Hates whites... CHECK!
Hates Christians... CHECK!
Hates straight males... CHECK!

I mean I know you hate yourself belonging to those categories, but no reason to be excessively hard. The old definition where you were just a plain racist was fine.
Without even reading the rest of this topic, I bet not one single pseudocon who thinks they are a Republican repudiated this fucking bigoted asshole.


The only asshole here you and the leftists. It wasn't my plan to replace the Americans with any 3rd world creature you can find. This sure is the result.

Also, it's not me that is the racist. These 3rd world creatures that leftist import vote only for their own - which is how so many idiots got elected. No problem with few Muslims here and there even though Islam is obviously completely at odds with American values.
Winner, winner....we got another one

Any other racists out there dont want Muslims in their party?

Idiot, Islam is not a race. damn, you get dumber with each new post.
I am using racist in a broader sense to cover race, religion and sexual orientation. Would you feel better if I just call you a fucking bigot?

So in this definition of "racism" you are racist in not one or two, but THREE different ways!

Hates whites... CHECK!
Hates Christians... CHECK!
Hates straight males... CHECK!

I mean I know you hate yourself belonging to those categories, but no reason to be excessively hard. The old definition where you were just a plain racist was fine.
LOL RW got real quiet all of a sudden.

My work here is done.
Actually, you are a chickenshit who could not bring himself to condemn the actions of the Republicans in the OP.

This is how fuckwits like you participate in the corruption and ultimate destruction of a party. Both by being racists and bigots, and by being fucking cowardly retards who don't stand up to the racists and bigots.

You are the worst sort of submissive cuckhold fuckwad.

Yanno, I don't bother to treat disingenuous threads like these seriously. When they are intended to pigeonhole people based on their responses and nothing more, they are not worth it.

You on the other hand, g5, are from what I can see, self righteous and overly zealous. Claiming the middle ground when in fact you jump to either side on a whim. This thread for example, you jump in to condemn me and support the OP without so much as a second thought as to the true intentions behind the thread itself.

Was he really concerned with how the Republicans treated this Muslim woman, or was he concerned with nothing more than labeling people from the opposing side?

Oh by the way, I left the Republican Party in 2012. The party had already destroyed itself then. I prefer independent thought over being swayed by the political wind.

Ha. Submissive? Me? I will refrain from getting into the mud with you.
Love this!

Keep the hate coming Republicans!

I am Not a Republican and I find your accusation of DJT as a child molester to be both vile and uncalled for. People like you are what is wrong with this country. Not the Republicans.
See? You still can't condemn the bigots. Instead, you defend their actions with logical fallacies. Tu quoques, red herrings, straw men.


Like I said before, this thread wasn't written to garner concern over the treatment of this Muslim, it was an attempt to label anyone on this board who didn't directly condemn the behavior. I, for one, will not fall for it.

The bigots have nothing to do with me. Nor I them. I don't feel compelled to comment on things that don't directly affect me personally. By the way, g5, I have defended Muslims on this board in the past (see my conversations with protectionist).

You might want to check that battleship mouth of yours before you go making assumptions about my character again. Got it?
And I’m an atheist who doesn’t give a shit if I work with a Christian or Muslim because I’m not a drama queen bigot like yourself who expects society to coddle your tender sensibilities.

This post, the irony of ironies. You say you don't mind working with Christians or Muslims, but publicly on this board detest anyone who isn't a Democrat who doesn't precisely match your point of view.

You can't work well with anyone with that kind of mindset.
Love this!

Keep the hate coming Republicans!

I am Not a Republican and I find your accusation of DJT as a child molester to be both vile and uncalled for. People like you are what is wrong with this country. Not the Republicans.
I find his photos and crude sexual comments about his daughter to be offensive......as would most adults
See? You still can't condemn the bigots. Instead, you defend their actions with logical fallacies. Tu quoques, red herrings, straw men.


Like I said before, this thread wasn't written to garner concern over the treatment of this Muslim, it was an attempt to label anyone on this board who didn't directly condemn the behavior. I, for one, will not fall for it.

The bigots have nothing to do with me. Nor I them. I don't feel compelled to comment on things that don't directly affect me personally. By the way, g5, I have defended Muslims on this board in the past (see my conversations with protectionist).

You might want to check that battleship mouth of yours before you go making assumptions about my character again. Got it?
This thread is to draw attention to the OFFICIAL actions of Republican officials in Texas towards a Muslim citizen
Love this!

Keep the hate coming Republicans!

I am Not a Republican and I find your accusation of DJT as a child molester to be both vile and uncalled for. People like you are what is wrong with this country. Not the Republicans.
I find his photos and crude sexual comments about his daughter to be offensive......as would most adults

Examples? While I worry about our economy, illegal immigration, high cost of tuition and healthcare, unstable Middle East and Terrorism you worry about men peeing in women’s bathrooms. You are the epitome of what is wrong with America NOT the Republicans.
See? You still can't condemn the bigots. Instead, you defend their actions with logical fallacies. Tu quoques, red herrings, straw men.


Like I said before, this thread wasn't written to garner concern over the treatment of this Muslim, it was an attempt to label anyone on this board who didn't directly condemn the behavior. I, for one, will not fall for it.

The bigots have nothing to do with me. Nor I them. I don't feel compelled to comment on things that don't directly affect me personally. By the way, g5, I have defended Muslims on this board in the past (see my conversations with protectionist).

You might want to check that battleship mouth of yours before you go making assumptions about my character again. Got it?
This thread is to draw attention to the OFFICIAL actions of Republican officials in Texas towards a Muslim citizen
Like I said, this thread isn't borne of genuine concern.
And I’m an atheist who doesn’t give a shit if I work with a Christian or Muslim because I’m not a drama queen bigot like yourself who expects society to coddle your tender sensibilities.

This post, the irony of ironies. You say you don't mind working with Christians or Muslims, but publicly on this board detest anyone who isn't a Democrat who doesn't precisely match your point of view.

You can't work well with anyone with that kind of mindset.
Lol I detest anyone who is republican. Independent conservatives who hate Trump are fine in my book even if we still have fundamental disagreements.

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