What is you favorite kind of pet?

For me it is dogs. I've had one or more for almost my entire life. And still miss the ones I have lost.

Cats are fine. I've lived with them too.

But, thanks to a couple of years working with them, I could see having goats too.
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Such a tossup for me between cats or dogs. I usually have both at the same time but now just a great cat who also returns the gentle love, attention, and affection she receives from me. She just now jumped up onto my office chair to rub my arm and so I feel almost guilty saying I do prefer dogs over cats and I miss dogs very much but can't have over one pet where I live and my girl Scarlet, moved in here with me. She is loved.
For me it is cats.

Some say they are too independent, but my cats give me lots of love and attention, because I give them lots of love and attention.

Garfield by Jim Davis for January 19, 2020 | GoComics.com

I understand why many love dogs, but they are also a different kind of pet. There are a hundred things to love about them, but with that comes the need to walk/exercise them, they absolutely destroy your house. They slobber, drool, wipe their ass on your floor and eat your cushions, shoes and slippers. They are messy. And who wants their big, fat, dirty feet and ass on your lap or in your bed.

Cats are a different kind of pet for a different kind of person. They won't guard your house, defend you against attackers, go hunting, running or long walks, or be the loving companion animal climbing all over you lavishing you with appreciative licking your face buying your love; they are quiet, subtle, soft, clean, and self-maintaining. But to those that know them, they are every bit as loving, cute, playful, appreciative, possessive, and loyal. And small and clean.

A pet is what you make it.
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Favorite??? Not even possible to choose. It's like asking who's your favorite kid...…..which they are considered family and have both.

There are pros & cons of sharing your life with each.

Dogs.......you can take anywhere and come when you call....cats only show up when they feel like it.

Cats.....don't care and remain silent when someone comes to the door or walks down the street or if a leaf flutters by the window. Dogs on the other hand go ballistic

Both will love you unconditionally...……….well except our Jack Russell and sometimes the cat, who both have a mind of their own, but we love them anyway
I understand why many love dogs, but they are also a different kind of pet. There are a hundred things to love about them, but with that comes the need to walk/exercise them, they absolutely destroy your house. They slobber, drool, wipe their ass on your floor and eat your cushions, shoes and slippers. They are messy. And who wants their big, fat, dirty feet and ass on your lap or in your bed.

Not always but some breeds yes I agree.

My last two, still have one, are Hairless Chinese Cresteds. No fur, no fur hair all over like some. Ticks or fleas easily spotted and done away with. As pups one was nutz and destructive, year later he was done with that. They don't ever slobber or drool, don't pant. No mess that messy a damp paper towel can't take care of it. (get food all over when eating but it's real food, human food) My little one I have left is 16, he snores pretty loud though!

Cats? Yeah I love them but not litter boxes!!! And talk about destruction, they don't grow out of it. Don't even mention keep them litter boxes clean, can't happen. Put in fresh litter, they #1 or 2 the house and box is a toxic waste zone. Outside only for catz.
I'm a sucker to pet any dog. I worked out of town for 25 years. I could probably name 4 or 5 people in all those various towns. I can name a dozen dogs I met all over the country.
I understand why many love dogs, but they are also a different kind of pet. There are a hundred things to love about them, but with that comes the need to walk/exercise them, they absolutely destroy your house. They slobber, drool, wipe their ass on your floor and eat your cushions, shoes and slippers. They are messy. And who wants their big, fat, dirty feet and ass on your lap or in your bed.

Not always but some breeds yes I agree.

My last two, still have one, are Hairless Chinese Cresteds. No fur, no fur hair all over like some. Ticks or fleas easily spotted and done away with. As pups one was nutz and destructive, year later he was done with that. They don't ever slobber or drool, don't pant. No mess that messy a damp paper towel can't take care of it. (get food all over when eating but it's real food, human food) My little one I have left is 16, he snores pretty loud though!

Cats? Yeah I love them but not litter boxes!!! And talk about destruction, they don't grow out of it. Don't even mention keep them litter boxes clean, can't happen. Put in fresh litter, they #1 or 2 the house and box is a toxic waste zone. Outside only for catz.
You are so wrong.

I have two indoor cats who are no trouble at all.

First off they have several scratching posts that they really enjoy.

Secondly cat litter really clumps up so that there is absolutely no smell, you can't see what the cats have left behind, and is easily cleaned up with a scooper made to do the job.

My next door neighbors have two wonderful dogs, and they love me because I give them very healthy all pure chicken or beef treats.
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