What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

Lie. Some of my relatives (there are males) live in Russia. And they freely entered Ukraine in the last year. And you are saying that you are still a Ukrainian citizen and you were forbidden from entering Ukraine? It is not a lie but a pure bullshit
Lie? Just because this info is not the one you like?
The nonsense of the situation is that everything is different from one border post to another. I arrived by plane and in the airport there are the strictest rules though my father, living in Odessa travels by plane all the time without any problems. Why? I don't know...may be because of age.
I was told by friends that if I arrived by car or by train I would most likely was allowed to. But that was inconvenient for me.
Fact is that I was not allowed to visit Ukraine because of idiotism of authorities. That is not about freedom and democracy which they declare.
I also have stories from my Ukrainian friends who saw Russians got out of the bus when crossing the border not allowing them to enter Ukraine.
You may believe it or not. But what is the sense for me to lie?

And I never told that I was citizen of Ukraine. I was born in Odessa and I got passport of the citizen of the USSR. When I studied in university I faced a choice which citizenship to take. I've chosen Russian. Ukraine doesn't allow to have several citizenships while Russia does. But never was a problem! The only thing I couldn't is to vote at Ukrainian elections. Russian passport is much better - it allows much in Russia and we have more countries to visit without visa.

5 million? You could write 10 million, it would be more impressive. I think it is pointless to ask to give some official figures. For example how many Ukrainians have been given a refugee status in Russia.
I have checked fresh statistics and here are some official figures:
600,000 Ukrainians got Russian citizenship in 2014-2015
1,320,000 Ukrainians got official status of refugee.
600,000 Ukrainians are considered to be illegal migrants.
2,500,000 - 3,000,000 (this figure floats time to time) of Ukrainians stay in Russia as temporary workers. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says it is 4 million.

So here are official figures. Go and check them. They are open.

I would also take into account people like me. I am supposed to be Russian citizen but I lived and worked in 2 countries. I will never get into this statistics but I was forced to move, change place of living, working, school for a son... I know many people who used to live like that.
Ukraine was never supposed to be another country. It is historically part of Russia and all this political chess breaks habits, lives...
So, you are an ethnic Russian, and were living in western Ukraine. Your story is similar to many ethnic Ukrainians who lived in Donbas (eastern Ukraine), but in REVERSE.
Under the Russian separatists, directed by Russian "volunteers" from Moscow & other parts of Russia, the Ukrainians living in their own homeland, in Donbas, and who did not want to separate, were also terrorized, killed, or forced to leave. A form of disgusting "ethnic cleansing". Sad!

I'm glad you & family survived & are doing OK now.
Ethnically I am Ukrainian, born by Ukrainians in Ukraine. But I refuse to call myself Ukrainian because I don't admit that such nation exists.

If we go back to 9th century we know that Slavic nations didn't have their centralized government but they had cities from Scandinavia to Kiev at south, Volga at the east and Dnestr at the west. Vikings went to their raids together with Varyags (Slavic warriors from Ladoga, not far from modern Sant Petersburg) and they called Slavic country Gardarika (land of cities), vikings came here to be hired as soldiers of fortune.
In 9th century Ryurik, varyag who is supposed to take part in viking's invasion to Britain and France took power of cityVladimir and joined Slavic cities into a single country. His friend Oleg (his son's Igor mentor) after Ryurik's death took Kiev and called it a capital.
Since that time Ryurik's dynasty ruled Russia with capital in Kiev and from 1147 in Moscow. Kiev was supposed to have not vey safe geographical position. Territory around Kiev and to the west, south and east was a kind of safety buffer, border edge (Okraina). Here appears the name of this region, not country or nation.
Kazaks were warriors who had to protect Russia (Rus') from enemy. They were freed from any tax as a paiment for serving. BTW Kazakhstan took its name from Kazaks in 1925.

If one knows history he will realize that Russians and Ukrainians are one nation, the greatest one, who protected all nations from any evil and who allowed all other nations to keep their culture. That's why we have more than 200 nations in Russia.
We stopped Tatars, who invaded lands from China to Europe, we stopped Osman empire, we stopped Napoleon, Hitler... our army twice freed Western Europe and never tried to invade it.
But all our history we are being lied by British and opposed by them in different places of the world.

Sorry for such a long story but I like history and I am proud of my nation.

Back to the subject.
In Donbass not Russians came to fight but Ukrainians from west came to fight! Donbass' citizens fight against Kiev. Kiev shots civilians. Recently I posted here video of air strikes over center of Luhansk. And there are many other proves of Ukrainian aggression against civilians.
Of course a lot of refugees from Donbass went to west, I suppose equal quantity as those left for Russia. They run not basing on their political preferences but they chose where it would be easier for them to live - relatives, friends etc.
People living in Donbass are not supposed to be Ukrainians by nazis in Kiev and western Ukraine and they know it. And that's why they are afraid of nazis' coming there. As well as crimeans were afraid of them and took weapon into their hands until Russian troops stood up to protect them.

So your conclusion is not correct for me. Though from far away, from another continent it probably looks like you had written.
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A form of disgusting "ethnic cleansing". Sad!
"Ethnic cleansing" is absolutely not understandable phrase for Russians.
How on earth is it possible to understand of what nationality you are? We are mixed! For example I have relatives - Georgians, polish and Jew...but most of my ancestors are Russians (Ukrainians).
Especially how can Russians be divided from Ukrainians?

Do you know how a person becomes either Russian or Ukrainian? He simply says which he likes more...on political ground or something else. Just like that! Simply chooses what he likes more and that's all!
A form of disgusting "ethnic cleansing". Sad!
"Ethnic cleansing" is absolutely not understandable phrase for Russians.
How on earth is it possible to understand of what nationality you are? We are mixed! For example I have relatives - Georgians, polish and Jew...but most of my ancestors are Russians (Ukrainians).
Especially how can Russians be divided from Ukrainians?

Do you know how a person becomes either Russian or Ukrainian? He simply says which he likes more...on political ground or something else. Just like that! Simply chooses what he likes more and that's all!

Yes, it's true till the cynic level...
Western ukrainians easily perform ethnic cleansings, because many Russian and Ukrainian people don't know "ukrainian" language (which differ from region to region).

But how could you perform ethnic cleansing from Russia against Ukrainians? It's technically impossible! All of this "Western True Ukrainians" would momentally become a "Russians", not differ from others. I bet 1000$, PK1 momentally become a "true Russian" if the Russian army could really occupy his territory. So, all talking about "ethnical ukrainians", "historic traditions" and so on - just a politic speculation.

Vladimir Putin rescuing an endangered snow leopard, kindness quelling the cat's natural fear of man.
View attachment 127757

Vladimir Putin rescuing an endangered snow leopard, kindness quelling the cat's natural fear of man.
4 months ago that leopard died in car accident (((
2 months ago new road with tunnel under that forest was finished.
It is 200 km away from me

Thanks for the disinformation, CIA disinformation service. You are on the job.
Знаменитый приморский леопард погиб в ДТП — National Geographic Россия

But I am surprised how much time have already passed since that time. Time flies..
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Lie? Just because this info is not the one you like?
The nonsense of the situation is that everything is different from one border post to another. I arrived by plane and in the airport there are the strictest rules though my father, living in Odessa travels by plane all the time without any problems. Why? I don't know...may be because of age.
I was told by friends that if I arrived by car or by train I would most likely was allowed to. But that was inconvenient for me.
Fact is that I was not allowed to visit Ukraine because of idiotism of authorities. That is not about freedom and democracy which they declare.
I also have stories from my Ukrainian friends who saw Russians got out of the bus when crossing the border not allowing them to enter Ukraine.
You may believe it or not. But what is the sense for me to lie?
My mentioned relatives came to Ukraine several times during the last three years – by a train, car, and once by a plane (a male, 25 years old). I was never told that they had had any obstacles to enter Ukraine.

If this really happened to you, then I want to apologize for my assumption. After a couple of years of communicating with the Russians on forums, I have got used to not trusting them.

And I never told that I was citizen of Ukraine. I was born in Odessa and I got passport of the citizen of the USSR. When I studied in university I faced a choice which citizenship to take. I've chosen Russian. Ukraine doesn't allow to have several citizenships while Russia does. But never was a problem! The only thing I couldn't is to vote at Ukrainian elections. Russian passport is much better - it allows much in Russia and we have more countries to visit without visa.

You wrote above this thing:
In 2016 I tried to visit Kiev and was not allowed by kiev's customs. As they said "you are alone without family which means that you are terrorist willing to go to Donbass for fighting against Ukrainian army. Do you understand how government is afraid of its own citizens? So I was forced to take a plane and fly away.

If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, then I don’t understand what the underlined statement is about.

I have checked fresh statistics and here are some official figures:
600,000 Ukrainians got Russian citizenship in 2014-2015
1,320,000 Ukrainians got official status of refugee.
600,000 Ukrainians are considered to be illegal migrants.
2,500,000 - 3,000,000 (this figure floats time to time) of Ukrainians stay in Russia as temporary workers. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says it is 4 million.

So here are official figures. Go and check them. They are open.
The weird thing about these figures is that they vary from one source to another. Do you have a direct link to the sites where they exposed? Especially about those who get a refugee status.

And we are talking about people who fled Ukraine and not about those who go to Russia for work, right?
If this really happened to you, then I want to apologize for my assumption. After a couple of years of communicating with the Russians on forums, I have got used to not trusting them.
I had only one try and was unlucky. The most stupid about Ukraine is that rules are changed too often and you never know which surprise is prepared for you for the next time.
There are a lot of cases such as mine.
My friends tell me that now I can visit Ukraine without any problems and I believe them but I don't believe to nazis who rule the country now.

If journalist from western Ukraine spent 2 years in jail for truth about Donbass (Ruslan Kotsaba) is well known case many others are kept silent. Another journalist Anatolia Sharij is forced to live in Europe...check his channel in YouTube, he has many videos with English subtitles. A lot of new you can know from him. These 2 guys always prove their words, never just say.
There are people in Ukraine sitting in jail for their posts in fb.

As for trusting Russians, I don't see any difference between any human beings but I see that some stereotypes do present. And some of them are created artificially. "Never trust Russians" is one of them.
People are different everywhere, points of view are different, political preferences differ... As far as I can judge very few Russians visit foreign forums. They are either so called liberals but in fact people hating Russia and everything Russian or rare idiots like me hoping that their opinion may be heard at the other side of the earth.
Look how many different opinions here, and the same is in Russian forums.

You wrote above this thing:
In 2016 I tried to visit Kiev and was not allowed by kiev's customs. As they said "you are alone without family which means that you are terrorist willing to go to Donbass for fighting against Ukrainian army. Do you understand how government is afraid of its own citizens? So I was forced to take a plane and fly away.

If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, then I don’t understand what the underlined statement is about.
Well I guess you're right. A kind of misunderstanding.. I have all papers - right for living, for any kind of activity in Ukraine but not passport as I didn't want it. But I never supposed myself an alien in the land I was born and was living all my life.

I have checked fresh statistics and here are some official figures:
600,000 Ukrainians got Russian citizenship in 2014-2015
1,320,000 Ukrainians got official status of refugee.
600,000 Ukrainians are considered to be illegal migrants.
2,500,000 - 3,000,000 (this figure floats time to time) of Ukrainians stay in Russia as temporary workers. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says it is 4 million.

So here are official figures. Go and check them. They are open.
The weird thing about these figures is that they vary from one source to another. Do you have a direct link to the sites where they exposed? Especially about those who get a refugee status.

And we are talking about people who fled Ukraine and not about those who go to Russia for work, right?
When writing this post I used 2 sources.
Official site gks.ru showing figures of statistic general office of Russian Federation - GosKomStat (Federal Commetee of Statistics).
And statdata.ru which is not official but there are many figures there from different open sources. It's more convenient for using and their figures are true, checked for many times before.
They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
There are people in Ukraine sitting in jail for their posts in fb.
Could you give some examples?

Well I guess you're right. A kind of misunderstanding.. I have all papers - right for living, for any kind of activity in Ukraine but not passport as I didn't want it. But I never supposed myself an alien in the land I was born and was living all my life.
Nevertheless, you are a foreign citizen for Ukraine. You chose the Russian passport because it was more convenient for you. It was your choice.

When writing this post I used 2 sources.
Official site gks.ru showing figures of statistic general office of Russian Federation - GosKomStat (Federal Commetee of Statistics).
And statdata.ru which is not official but there are many figures there from different open sources. It's more convenient for using and their figures are true, checked for many times before.
They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
Maybe these figures are true, but they don’t match with the figures in your post. It is a link to Rosstat where the figures about the population and migration in Russia are presented (for 2015 year).

There is a chapter Распределение беженцев, вынужденных переселенцев и лиц, получивших временное убежище по странам гражданства и категориям поселений в Российской Федерации, состоящих на учете на 1 января 2016 года
It says that as of the January of 2016 there are 273 refugees from Ukraine and 311 134 those who were given a ‘temporary shelter’.

They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
Thanks, but I don’t need translation. I speak Russian all my life.
There are people in Ukraine sitting in jail for their posts in fb.
Could you give some examples?

Well I guess you're right. A kind of misunderstanding.. I have all papers - right for living, for any kind of activity in Ukraine but not passport as I didn't want it. But I never supposed myself an alien in the land I was born and was living all my life.
Nevertheless, you are a foreign citizen for Ukraine. You chose the Russian passport because it was more convenient for you. It was your choice.

When writing this post I used 2 sources.
Official site gks.ru showing figures of statistic general office of Russian Federation - GosKomStat (Federal Commetee of Statistics).
And statdata.ru which is not official but there are many figures there from different open sources. It's more convenient for using and their figures are true, checked for many times before.
They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
Maybe these figures are true, but they don’t match with the figures in your post. It is a link to Rosstat where the figures about the population and migration in Russia are presented (for 2015 year).

There is a chapter Распределение беженцев, вынужденных переселенцев и лиц, получивших временное убежище по странам гражданства и категориям поселений в Российской Федерации, состоящих на учете на 1 января 2016 года
It says that as of the January of 2016 there are 273 refugees from Ukraine and 311 134 those who were given a ‘temporary shelter’.

They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
Thanks, but I don’t need translation. I speak Russian all my life.
Глава правления банка отправился в СИЗО за пост в Facebook
В Ивано-Франковской области прокурора уволили за посты в Facebook
В Украине подростка посадили на 2,5 года за пост в Facebook
Харьковчанина отправили в тюрьму за посты на Facebook
Is that enough?
I didn't use Russian sources so that there were any suspicions.

And check Kotsaba story thoroughly.

Getting official status of refugee in Russia is rather complicated as this sphere is buerocratic. And most of Ukrainians prefer not to get it, they simply live here and work without any problems. They perfectly know Russian, style of living is the same, no problem in professional spheres as well. A lot is officially said about it.
But 1,330,000 and 311,000 is too large difference. Check the period. Those tables are not so easy to understand.

As for me, even if I am Russian citizen should I be refused in visit without any grounds? Do you think it is normal practice for normal country?
No, not enough. Maybe you didn’t read the articles properly; no one of them got imprisoned purely because of posts in Facebook. Read not only the headlines which were designed to catch the eye.

Getting official status of refugee in Russia is rather complicated as this sphere is buerocratic. And most of Ukrainians prefer not to get it, they simply live here and work without any problems. They perfectly know Russian, style of living is the same, no problem in professional spheres as well. A lot is officially said about it.
But 1,330,000 and 311,000 is too large difference. Check the period. Those tables are not so easy to understand.
Yeah? Then explain that to me. With links and figures, but not with meaningless words.

As for me, even if I am Russian citizen should I be refused in visit without any grounds? Do you think it is normal practice for normal country?
It is not unusual practice. I know examples when some people were refused to enter some countries without explaining, Israel is one of them, for example.
If this really happened to you, then I want to apologize for my assumption. After a couple of years of communicating with the Russians on forums, I have got used to not trusting them.
I had only one try and was unlucky. The most stupid about Ukraine is that rules are changed too often and you never know which surprise is prepared for you for the next time.
There are a lot of cases such as mine.
My friends tell me that now I can visit Ukraine without any problems and I believe them but I don't believe to nazis who rule the country now.

If journalist from western Ukraine spent 2 years in jail for truth about Donbass (Ruslan Kotsaba) is well known case many others are kept silent. Another journalist Anatolia Sharij is forced to live in Europe...check his channel in YouTube, he has many videos with English subtitles. A lot of new you can know from him. These 2 guys always prove their words, never just say.
There are people in Ukraine sitting in jail for their posts in fb.

As for trusting Russians, I don't see any difference between any human beings but I see that some stereotypes do present. And some of them are created artificially. "Never trust Russians" is one of them.
People are different everywhere, points of view are different, political preferences differ... As far as I can judge very few Russians visit foreign forums. They are either so called liberals but in fact people hating Russia and everything Russian or rare idiots like me hoping that their opinion may be heard at the other side of the earth.
Look how many different opinions here, and the same is in Russian forums.

You wrote above this thing:
In 2016 I tried to visit Kiev and was not allowed by kiev's customs. As they said "you are alone without family which means that you are terrorist willing to go to Donbass for fighting against Ukrainian army. Do you understand how government is afraid of its own citizens? So I was forced to take a plane and fly away.

If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, then I don’t understand what the underlined statement is about.
Well I guess you're right. A kind of misunderstanding.. I have all papers - right for living, for any kind of activity in Ukraine but not passport as I didn't want it. But I never supposed myself an alien in the land I was born and was living all my life.

I have checked fresh statistics and here are some official figures:
600,000 Ukrainians got Russian citizenship in 2014-2015
1,320,000 Ukrainians got official status of refugee.
600,000 Ukrainians are considered to be illegal migrants.
2,500,000 - 3,000,000 (this figure floats time to time) of Ukrainians stay in Russia as temporary workers. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says it is 4 million.

So here are official figures. Go and check them. They are open.
The weird thing about these figures is that they vary from one source to another. Do you have a direct link to the sites where they exposed? Especially about those who get a refugee status.

And we are talking about people who fled Ukraine and not about those who go to Russia for work, right?
When writing this post I used 2 sources.
Official site gks.ru showing figures of statistic general office of Russian Federation - GosKomStat (Federal Commetee of Statistics).
And statdata.ru which is not official but there are many figures there from different open sources. It's more convenient for using and their figures are true, checked for many times before.
They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
dear Eugene,

according to your feelings, how many Chinese people in russian Far East in comparison to the russian population?

much more interesting subject to discuss
No, not enough. Maybe you didn’t read the articles properly; no one of them got imprisoned purely because of posts in Facebook. Read not only the headlines which were designed to catch the eye.

Getting official status of refugee in Russia is rather complicated as this sphere is buerocratic. And most of Ukrainians prefer not to get it, they simply live here and work without any problems. They perfectly know Russian, style of living is the same, no problem in professional spheres as well. A lot is officially said about it.
But 1,330,000 and 311,000 is too large difference. Check the period. Those tables are not so easy to understand.
Yeah? Then explain that to me. With links and figures, but not with meaningless words.

As for me, even if I am Russian citizen should I be refused in visit without any grounds? Do you think it is normal practice for normal country?
It is not unusual practice. I know examples when some people were refused to enter some countries without explaining, Israel is one of them, for example.
I read those articles and what I read shocked me. For it is normal on one single reason - you try to protect nazi regime of today's Ukraine.
This list I took from fresh search of ukr.net
Looking for inprisoned "purely because of posts in fb" will take more time, I don't collect links. But they were. And many of my friends stopped using social networks because of fear to be persecuted.

Why do you ignore my mentioning of Kotsaba and Sharij?
Kotsaba spent 3,5 year in prison because of his publication in fb.
Sharij is forced to live in Europe because he is not journalist working for mainstream.
Both always prove their words with facts. Both show ugly face of today's regime of Ukraine.

Let's also mention web site 'mirotvorets' created by deputy of internal affairs minister. Names, addresses and phones of antigovernment activists are published there. Several persons were killed by radicals including writer Oles' Buzina.
Is that normal too?

Figures... look thoroughly. I have found all I wanted but you simply don't want to.

Refusal to enter the country is always based on something. Not in my case. And there were numerous of such cases like mine.
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If this really happened to you, then I want to apologize for my assumption. After a couple of years of communicating with the Russians on forums, I have got used to not trusting them.
I had only one try and was unlucky. The most stupid about Ukraine is that rules are changed too often and you never know which surprise is prepared for you for the next time.
There are a lot of cases such as mine.
My friends tell me that now I can visit Ukraine without any problems and I believe them but I don't believe to nazis who rule the country now.

If journalist from western Ukraine spent 2 years in jail for truth about Donbass (Ruslan Kotsaba) is well known case many others are kept silent. Another journalist Anatolia Sharij is forced to live in Europe...check his channel in YouTube, he has many videos with English subtitles. A lot of new you can know from him. These 2 guys always prove their words, never just say.
There are people in Ukraine sitting in jail for their posts in fb.

As for trusting Russians, I don't see any difference between any human beings but I see that some stereotypes do present. And some of them are created artificially. "Never trust Russians" is one of them.
People are different everywhere, points of view are different, political preferences differ... As far as I can judge very few Russians visit foreign forums. They are either so called liberals but in fact people hating Russia and everything Russian or rare idiots like me hoping that their opinion may be heard at the other side of the earth.
Look how many different opinions here, and the same is in Russian forums.

You wrote above this thing:
In 2016 I tried to visit Kiev and was not allowed by kiev's customs. As they said "you are alone without family which means that you are terrorist willing to go to Donbass for fighting against Ukrainian army. Do you understand how government is afraid of its own citizens? So I was forced to take a plane and fly away.

If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, then I don’t understand what the underlined statement is about.
Well I guess you're right. A kind of misunderstanding.. I have all papers - right for living, for any kind of activity in Ukraine but not passport as I didn't want it. But I never supposed myself an alien in the land I was born and was living all my life.

I have checked fresh statistics and here are some official figures:
600,000 Ukrainians got Russian citizenship in 2014-2015
1,320,000 Ukrainians got official status of refugee.
600,000 Ukrainians are considered to be illegal migrants.
2,500,000 - 3,000,000 (this figure floats time to time) of Ukrainians stay in Russia as temporary workers. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says it is 4 million.

So here are official figures. Go and check them. They are open.
The weird thing about these figures is that they vary from one source to another. Do you have a direct link to the sites where they exposed? Especially about those who get a refugee status.

And we are talking about people who fled Ukraine and not about those who go to Russia for work, right?
When writing this post I used 2 sources.
Official site gks.ru showing figures of statistic general office of Russian Federation - GosKomStat (Federal Commetee of Statistics).
And statdata.ru which is not official but there are many figures there from different open sources. It's more convenient for using and their figures are true, checked for many times before.
They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
dear Eugene,

according to your feelings, how many Chinese people in russian Far East in comparison to the russian population?

much more interesting subject to discuss
Not so much in fact. Less than 1%.
But we have many Uzbeks here last 5-7 years.
If this really happened to you, then I want to apologize for my assumption. After a couple of years of communicating with the Russians on forums, I have got used to not trusting them.
I had only one try and was unlucky. The most stupid about Ukraine is that rules are changed too often and you never know which surprise is prepared for you for the next time.
There are a lot of cases such as mine.
My friends tell me that now I can visit Ukraine without any problems and I believe them but I don't believe to nazis who rule the country now.

If journalist from western Ukraine spent 2 years in jail for truth about Donbass (Ruslan Kotsaba) is well known case many others are kept silent. Another journalist Anatolia Sharij is forced to live in Europe...check his channel in YouTube, he has many videos with English subtitles. A lot of new you can know from him. These 2 guys always prove their words, never just say.
There are people in Ukraine sitting in jail for their posts in fb.

As for trusting Russians, I don't see any difference between any human beings but I see that some stereotypes do present. And some of them are created artificially. "Never trust Russians" is one of them.
People are different everywhere, points of view are different, political preferences differ... As far as I can judge very few Russians visit foreign forums. They are either so called liberals but in fact people hating Russia and everything Russian or rare idiots like me hoping that their opinion may be heard at the other side of the earth.
Look how many different opinions here, and the same is in Russian forums.

You wrote above this thing:
In 2016 I tried to visit Kiev and was not allowed by kiev's customs. As they said "you are alone without family which means that you are terrorist willing to go to Donbass for fighting against Ukrainian army. Do you understand how government is afraid of its own citizens? So I was forced to take a plane and fly away.

If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, then I don’t understand what the underlined statement is about.
Well I guess you're right. A kind of misunderstanding.. I have all papers - right for living, for any kind of activity in Ukraine but not passport as I didn't want it. But I never supposed myself an alien in the land I was born and was living all my life.

I have checked fresh statistics and here are some official figures:
600,000 Ukrainians got Russian citizenship in 2014-2015
1,320,000 Ukrainians got official status of refugee.
600,000 Ukrainians are considered to be illegal migrants.
2,500,000 - 3,000,000 (this figure floats time to time) of Ukrainians stay in Russia as temporary workers. Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says it is 4 million.

So here are official figures. Go and check them. They are open.
The weird thing about these figures is that they vary from one source to another. Do you have a direct link to the sites where they exposed? Especially about those who get a refugee status.

And we are talking about people who fled Ukraine and not about those who go to Russia for work, right?
When writing this post I used 2 sources.
Official site gks.ru showing figures of statistic general office of Russian Federation - GosKomStat (Federal Commetee of Statistics).
And statdata.ru which is not official but there are many figures there from different open sources. It's more convenient for using and their figures are true, checked for many times before.
They are both Russian. Try to use online translation.
dear Eugene,

according to your feelings, how many Chinese people in russian Far East in comparison to the russian population?

much more interesting subject to discuss
Not so much in fact. Less than 1%.
But we have many Uzbeks here last 5-7 years.

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