What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

Ethnically I am Ukrainian, born by Ukrainians in Ukraine. But I refuse to call myself Ukrainian because I don't admit that such nation exists.

If we go back to 9th century ...
If one knows history he will realize that Russians and Ukrainians are one nation, ...

Back to the subject.
In Donbass not Russians came to fight but Ukrainians from west came to fight! Donbass' citizens fight against Kiev. Kiev shots civilians. Recently I posted here video of air strikes over center of Luhansk. And there are many other proves of Ukrainian aggression against civilians.
Of course a lot of refugees from Donbass went to west, I suppose equal quantity as those left for Russia. They run not basing on their political preferences but they chose where it would be easier for them to live - relatives, friends etc.
People living in Donbass are not supposed to be Ukrainians by nazis in Kiev and western Ukraine ...
If you do not think the Ukraine nation should exist, and that Ukrainians are really Russian, then you are obviously "Russian". Are you also a Putin troll paid by the Kremlin?

I know both Russian & Ukrainian immigrants here in USA that would not only disagree with your Russian nationalistic (nazi?) comments, but would label you a traitor if you really were born in Ukraine from ethnic Ukrainian parents. Almost like saying "Russians" are really "Ukrainians" (Kievan-Rus) because Kiev existed hundreds of years before Moscow!
And as stupid as saying Austria is really Germany, or Portugal is really Spain.
If someone agrees the policy of Putin's authorities and defends his points he is certainly a paid troll right?
I simply compare what kind of Russia we had in 90s and how it began to change after his coming.

I never told Ukrainian nation should not exist, I told that I don't admit it is a separate nation. Read my post #204.
Maybe it is a nation....100years old, just like kazakhs, azerbaijanians and some others created in the beginning of 20th century.
You blame me having nazist position but I never placed some nation above others which is the main idea of Nazism. And I live in Russia country of more than 200 nations living together for ages...so "Russian nationalism" in our authority's policy is fake created by your fake media.
Traitors are those your friends who left their motherland in hard years.
You don't "admit" that Ukraine is a separate nation from Russia? LOL!
That is Russian nationalism! Or, are you providing evidence for fake news?
Sorry to remind you, but Ukraine has been a separate independent nation since 1991, and should have been completely independent 100+ years ago, but Russian nationalists imposed their military will to subjugate the Ukrainians, who have their own language & culture.
My Russian friends/dissidents would love to return to Russia, if it was safe for them. They don't want to get hurt or murdered, however; they despise Putin & those who like Stalin, communism, or the policies of Soviet Union.
You are clinic idiot.
Please tell me what is the difference between Russians and Ukrainians ...
as for own language... it is just middle dialect between Russian and Polish. ...

No one is afraid now of visiting Russia if he is not criminal.
You must be an imbecile if you think similarities in language/culture means nations should be combined.
Should Poland be absorbed by the larger nation Russia too? Ukrainian is also similar to Polish.
Should Austria be absorbed by Germany?

Dissidents critical of Putin are afraid to return to Russia. If your brain is strained to understand why, then go ahead and contact Kasparov, or Nemtsov. Maybe not Nemtsov (physicist & Russian statesman), since he is DEAD, like journalists who were critical of Putin.
I didn't say that language's similarities mean anything. That was your stupid conclusion out of my words. I mentioned linguistic theme separately from main reasons for nation to be a nation.
Culture of Ukraine- what is it? Cuisine, traditions, clothes... They are the same as Russian!
Maybe Ukrainians and Russians are different genealogically?

Check the history and find Ukrainians in 19th century or earlier! There are no them! There was great country Rus' (Rossiya). Read my post #204.

Only Clinton has 83 dead on her life root. Seth Rich, Victor Thorn and his lawer... haven't heard that? Your media doesn't allow to mention it?

Traitors like Kasparov, Kasianov and alike often visit Russia without any persecution. They live and work for money got from abroad aiming to ruin Russian economy and to tear Russia into pieces...are they those who Russian people should follow? And still they are not touched if do not violate the law. Traitors like them, and Yeltsin, and Gorbachev ruled the country and it became weak and even ruined, population decreased, huge criminal grew... And they were good for west. Putin started rebuilding of country and he is bad. You simply afraid of Russia!
There is no murders of political opposition and journalists in Russia not more than in the USA. But you will never believe me, just to your fake news. Well, I can't do anything with it. But if you check every case you will easily find who got benefits out of those murders and as a rule it's not Russian authorities.
Shouldn't the Ukraine give its Lvov + Zakarpatie region back to Poland and Slovakia? If I was Putin, I would divide the European Union further, by making such a promise. Your opinion?
Putin was born and lived in the USSR - a country with Lvov and Zakarpat'e in it. So those regions must present by the moment of reunion of Great Russia.
Though Polish may think other way. Lvov region - Galitsiya was region under Russia's power from very long ago. Shall we give them back to Poland just for their possession of them since 1918 till 1939?

Why should Putin state what to do with those regions? He doesn't invade any territories but Ukraine in common will ask Russia soon to take it as a part of Russia, like Crimea did. A long time will pass - about 50 years of suffering people in Ukraine before they understand that it should be done.
Shouldn't the Ukraine give its Lvov + Zakarpatie region back to Poland and Slovakia? If I was Putin, I would divide the European Union further, by making such a promise. Your opinion?
Putin was born and lived in the USSR - a country with Lvov and Zakarpat'e in it. So those regions must present by the moment of reunion of Great Russia.
Though Polish may think other way. Lvov region - Galitsiya was region under Russia's power from very long ago. Shall we give them back to Poland just for their possession of them since 1918 till 1939?

Why should Putin state what to do with those regions? He doesn't invade any territories but Ukraine in common will ask Russia soon to take it as a part of Russia, like Crimea did. A long time will pass - about 50 years of suffering people in Ukraine before they understand that it should be done.

But the point here is Putin's chief enemy, which is the European Union. Putin knows, that the European Union is a snouty stroppy little bully that mugs and intimidates nations. In this analysis, poland's national claims can be used to divide the European Union, which many Poles consider a thieving Franco-German empire.
Shouldn't the Ukraine give its Lvov + Zakarpatie region back to Poland and Slovakia? If I was Putin, I would divide the European Union further, by making such a promise. Your opinion?
I think it is honest, cause these lands were captured due to communism regime, and as far as Ukraine is again it, it should return these lands. So is about eastern part of this country, which was included there by Lenin's government. Originally these are russian lands.
I don't agree that Lvov must belong to Poland.
Historically that region was:
For more than 1000 years region was Slavic, and controlled by Kiev Rus' since Vladimir (10th century).
4 centuries it was Polish.
A bit more than century it was Austrian.
From 1918 till 1939 - Polish again.
And than it was Ukrainian (as Ukrainians appeared as separate nation).

So which point of history would it be honest to take into account?
1941, the year when most of European borders were defined?
Or maybe 1938, a year before the ww2 began?
Or 1914 - before the ww1?
17th century? 10th?
I don't agree that Lvov must belong to Poland.
Historically that region was:
For more than 1000 years region was Slavic, and controlled by Kiev Rus' since Vladimir (10th century).
4 centuries it was Polish.
A bit more than century it was Austrian.
From 1918 till 1939 - Polish again.
And than it was Ukrainian (as Ukrainians appeared as separate nation).

So which point of history would it be honest to take into account?
1941, the year when most of European borders were defined?
Or maybe 1938, a year before the ww2 began?
Or 1914 - before the ww1?
17th century? 10th?

1941 is not when most of European borders were defined, 1947 is.

And why shall we pick that one too?

Putin has an advantages with the existence of the borders itself. The European Union was either dishonest about borders, or failed with them, possibly on purpose. This is probably the best measure of the corruption within the European Union.

Russia is not the only country in Europe that needs to prove that nobody should build a Europe without them.

So, can a European Union be built with any of the 1947 borders? Putin and Russia is the only entente power that is honest enough to declare, that nobody can build a Union of any kind upon nothing but deportations and fire power.

We can generate as much logic as we want. You have provided a history logic. We can also provide a deportation logic. For example, you may call it logical that in 1947, Germany lost Pomerania because they deported the Polish from there. So now the Ukraine is logical to lose Lvov because they deported the Poles from there.

In any case, a promise by Putin, that Lvov goes back to Poland and Zakarpatie goes back to the countries that had it before the USSR, will effectively reestablish the internal national borders of the European Union, which the European Union has fraudulently maintained, and will become the primary cause of its demise.

But to go back to the history logic, why do you prefer the current border? In fact, why do you need any kind of border? Aren't all the 20th century borders not unique in that they were invented for the purpose of ultra nationalism and for the purpose of ww1-2-...?
I don't agree that Lvov must belong to Poland.
Historically that region was:
For more than 1000 years region was Slavic, and controlled by Kiev Rus' since Vladimir (10th century).
4 centuries it was Polish.
A bit more than century it was Austrian.
From 1918 till 1939 - Polish again.
And than it was Ukrainian (as Ukrainians appeared as separate nation).

So which point of history would it be honest to take into account?
1941, the year when most of European borders were defined?
Or maybe 1938, a year before the ww2 began?
Or 1914 - before the ww1?
17th century? 10th?

1941 is not when most of European borders were defined, 1947 is.

And why shall we pick that one too?

Putin has an advantages with the existence of the borders itself. The European Union was either dishonest about borders, or failed with them, possibly on purpose. This is probably the best measure of the corruption within the European Union.

Russia is not the only country in Europe that needs to prove that nobody should build a Europe without them.

So, can a European Union be built with any of the 1947 borders? Putin and Russia is the only entente power that is honest enough to declare, that nobody can build a Union of any kind upon nothing but deportations and fire power.

We can generate as much logic as we want. You have provided a history logic. We can also provide a deportation logic. For example, you may call it logical that in 1947, Germany lost Pomerania because they deported the Polish from there. So now the Ukraine is logical to lose Lvov because they deported the Poles from there.

In any case, a promise by Putin, that Lvov goes back to Poland and Zakarpatie goes back to the countries that had it before the USSR, will effectively reestablish the internal national borders of the European Union, which the European Union has fraudulently maintained, and will become the primary cause of its demise.

But to go back to the history logic, why do you prefer the current border? In fact, why do you need any kind of border? Aren't all the 20th century borders not unique in that they were invented for the purpose of ultra nationalism and for the purpose of ww1-2-...?
Of course not 1941 it was misprint but you got me right

I don't suppose this idea deserves serious discussion.
Any change of borders mean conflict or even a war. Why would someone wish that in regions that a calm now?
Putin is not able to dictate to Ukraine and Europe where and how they should demarcate their borders.

And I agree with Igrok in his statement that whole Ukraine sooner or later would join Russia. But it won't be very soon and it won't be a kind of annexation but that would be integration. People from western Ukraine are traditionally travel workers...about 30% of them work in Russia. The same quantity- in Europe so they can understand the real picture. EU has no future but Russia does.

And by the way "before the USSR" those territories and the whole Poland was a part of Russian Empire. So if Putin would say that I can't even imagine what kind of hysteria will be in USAEU.
I don't agree that Lvov must belong to Poland.
Historically that region was:
For more than 1000 years region was Slavic, and controlled by Kiev Rus' since Vladimir (10th century).
4 centuries it was Polish.
A bit more than century it was Austrian.
From 1918 till 1939 - Polish again.
And than it was Ukrainian (as Ukrainians appeared as separate nation).

So which point of history would it be honest to take into account?
1941, the year when most of European borders were defined?
Or maybe 1938, a year before the ww2 began?
Or 1914 - before the ww1?
17th century? 10th?

1941 is not when most of European borders were defined, 1947 is.

And why shall we pick that one too?

Putin has an advantages with the existence of the borders itself. The European Union was either dishonest about borders, or failed with them, possibly on purpose. This is probably the best measure of the corruption within the European Union.

Russia is not the only country in Europe that needs to prove that nobody should build a Europe without them.

So, can a European Union be built with any of the 1947 borders? Putin and Russia is the only entente power that is honest enough to declare, that nobody can build a Union of any kind upon nothing but deportations and fire power.

We can generate as much logic as we want. You have provided a history logic. We can also provide a deportation logic. For example, you may call it logical that in 1947, Germany lost Pomerania because they deported the Polish from there. So now the Ukraine is logical to lose Lvov because they deported the Poles from there.

In any case, a promise by Putin, that Lvov goes back to Poland and Zakarpatie goes back to the countries that had it before the USSR, will effectively reestablish the internal national borders of the European Union, which the European Union has fraudulently maintained, and will become the primary cause of its demise.

But to go back to the history logic, why do you prefer the current border? In fact, why do you need any kind of border? Aren't all the 20th century borders not unique in that they were invented for the purpose of ultra nationalism and for the purpose of ww1-2-...?
Of course not 1941 it was misprint but you got me right

I don't suppose this idea deserves serious discussion.
Any change of borders mean conflict or even a war. Why would someone wish that in regions that a calm now?
Putin is not able to dictate to Ukraine and Europe where and how they should demarcate their borders.

And I agree with Igrok in his statement that whole Ukraine sooner or later would join Russia. But it won't be very soon and it won't be a kind of annexation but that would be integration. People from western Ukraine are traditionally travel workers...about 30% of them work in Russia. The same quantity- in Europe so they can understand the real picture. EU has no future but Russia does.

And by the way "before the USSR" those territories and the whole Poland was a part of Russian Empire. So if Putin would say that I can't even imagine what kind of hysteria will be in USAEU.

As per the deportation history principle above, the Ukraine still must give Lvov and the Karpatians back to its neighbor's. Then they can rejoin Russia, as a new Kiev Rus or something. And it is not true that the region is calm, every country that neighbor's the EU is in a war or another, with the single exception of Belarus.
View attachment 127757

Vladimir Putin rescuing an endangered snow leopard, kindness quelling the cat's natural fear of man.
4 months ago that leopard died in car accident (((
2 months ago new road with tunnel under that forest was finished.
It is 200 km away from me

That's nice.

BTW------ You've been here for over 3 years and you have a very very limited post.
Are they charging you by the character? Just wondering.

Just checked your profile and every time every time I checked someone's profile-------- I became a follower. Not sure why it does that.
Long ago I came here as I was curious what Americans think about some political affairs. Wrote some posts...
After some time passed I recalled it and came here again.
Is it strange?
If you cannot prove that I am being paid for my posts than stop lying! I have static ip, check it and you will see where I am situated geographically. You may make a phone call to me if you wish (but my English is not good).
I haven't caught the idea - after visiting someone's profile you always become a follower...what is that?

Oh my.
Where in my post ------- that I mentioned that you are being paid for your post?
...BTW didn't you just said you escaped from Ukraine because of putin invasion?
I've written the reason of my escape above.
Do you have proves of Putin's invasion?
Even Department of State said that they don't have proves of Russian army presence in Ukraine.

And I ran from Kiev overfilled by nazis backed by USAEU.

Commodities in Russia are soaring, population is dwindling, brain drain------- Sorry but I don't see any good news coming out from Russia but hardship.
Which is true- imported goods became 50% more expensive. And it is one of the main claims to our government and their ruling the economy. But you shouldn't forget that our economy was ruined by you and only after 2001-2002 we started building something. Now we may base mostly on resources but it will not last long, don't worry.
Anyway people do not suffer that much as your media tell. For example the lowest salary in my company is $1000 while 500 is enough for eating and paying for а flat. If you wish I may send you my recent check from supermarket do that you could compare prices.

Population. You got old info.
And thanks for mentioning this subject - in this picture one can notice that situation with population became better after Putin's coming.
View attachment 127435
This is official statistics.
As you can see we are in positive figures now.
And pay attention at 2014 - a lot of people from Ukraine came to Russia.

From outsider what is there for me that Putin is a good guy not a thug-------- considering he currently supply arms to Iran and Syria that supports terrorism in ME and elsewhere in the region.
Just imagine if the US is the not there. The whole ME will be so screwed up as it is with the help of Putin.
All these are simply propaganda words without any proves.
Here is interesting video which make me believe that West is not fatally sick. You still have honest people.

I like her answering questions at 13:30 most of all.
She is saying true facts.

And now just imagine if USA wasn't there what would happen? There won't be a war and suffering people!

Bullshit. So what are the Russians doing in Crimea? Having a party?

Crippling sanctions was only applied after Putin invasion ------------ so blame it on Putin.

Are you denying that Putin is not supplying arms to Syria and Iran?

Russia's population peaked from 149 millions in 1991 to 144 millions in 2015 Crimea included. That's 24 years. Why do you lie?

Russia Expected to Lose 32 Million People by 2050

Russian Demographics: The Perfect Storm | YaleGlobal Online

Russian demographics. Simply check statistics.
Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia
After Putin's coming the situation became changing for better according to figures.
But you will never accept is like a fact.

All I posted in 1-7 points may be checked easily. But in your media truth about Russia is not welcome. They lie much.
Remember how it was in Sochi while Olympics? Fake about double toilets, wolves in hotels and other bs alike. And what people said after returning back to the USA/Canada?

Syria and Iran get Russian weapon on absolutely legal grounds as well as Qatar, Saudi, Pakistan and others get it from on the US.
But in Syria Russia supplies authorities while the USA supplied terrorists.

As for US missile defense the decision to place them in Eastern Europe was in 2007. What invasion to Ukraine are you talking about?
United States national missile defense - Wikipedia

Besides what can you say about Russian invasion to Ukraine in 2014? Do you have any facts?
Even Department of State officially stated that they have no reliable proofs of Russian army's presence in Ukraine. Either you lie or them.
Or maybe you simply blindly believe to your mainstream fake media?

Crimea. What do you know about Crimea?
It's history, real wishes of people living there?
NATO plans of building base in Sevastopol...
How many were killed while this terrible annexation and how people live there today in comparison to Ukraine.

Before writing that bs about Russia you better visit it and check some facts by yourself. If you wish I may meet you in Vladivostok- city I live. You will visit my home, get acquainted to my wife and sons...will see my job that gives me money... do it if you really are looking for truth.

Your opinion is purely obsolete.
Read the link I posted 1991 Russian population was 149 now 144 millions 2015. That's a fact.
EIS missile system was in placed in Poland and Romania only last year. Not 2007. That's a fact.
US supply terrorist in Syria????? Really?

All my post are real facts---- I do not BS.

I'm sure there are people that are doing well in Russia. I never said ALL people in Russia are miserable. Then explain why there is a massive brain drain in Russia?
Are you denying that Russia did not invade Ukraine taking over Crimea? What are you talking about dude? You are in denial bigly like Putin.

Russia's Brain Drain Worse Than Previously Believed - Report
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All my post are real facts---- I do not BS.
Your opinion is purely obsolete.
Are you sure?
I think you say that just because your points of view are the same as those frequently met in mainstream media not because it is true.
How information war is being held? - you say fake often and everywhere and very soon people accept that news as true.

1991 Russian population was 149 now 144 millions 2015.
Wrong comparison.
In 1991 USSR collapsed and serious problems bagan.
Till 1999 liberals led by USA ruled Russia and economy decreased.
From 1999 Putin led country out of your destructive influencе and Russia began its raising slowly step by step.
So when comparing one should take into account that line of 1999. Besides too few time has passed for making some conclusions. And it is important to take into account momentum of all those processes.
Here are the real figures on population of Russia year by year - your figures are wrong.

EIS missile system was in placed in Poland and Romania only last year. Not 2007
It's impossible to make a decision and to build immediately. So decision of placing EIS objects in Eastern Europe was in 2007 and it is not a secret.
This problem was main in almost every official meeting of our foreign ministers.

Then explain why there is a massive brain drain in Russia?
Late information as well as about population and it only proves that while Russia was ruled by loyal to the US Yeltsin it was in great problem and now the situation is changed for better.

Are you denying that Russia did not invade Ukraine taking over Crimea?
Even US officials never said that they have proved information about Russian army in Ukraine.
Crimea is another story.
Can you imagine invasion with zero victims?
It's too large question for discussion...here are just my thesis:
- Crimea is Russia as long as the USA exists;
- Khrushchev violated the law when gifted Crimea to Ukraine;
- in 1991 Yeltsin had to return Crimea;
- NATO planned to build base in Crimea;
- Ukrainian Nazi moved to Crimea and were met by armed crimeans and ran away;
- Russian army in Crimea was legally and they had legal right to propaganda piece...and they had done it;
- referendum was organized and almost 90% voted for joining Russia.

US supply terrorist in Syria????? Really?
Here is only one article in English. Though there are a lot of read by me in Russian.

Now armored vehicles: Bulgarian arms supplies to Jihadists in Syria doubled: EADaily

I am sure you won't deny that the USA supports rebels in Syria who fight against Syrian government. Those are called terrorists!
Besides US authorities never could divide them from ISIS as Russia asked for many times.
You made one mistake in you speech. It must be "Gorbachev" instead of "Stalin" :)

I didn't read your post (no doubt that it's something really stupid as always :) ), but the only thing that Gorbachev and Stalin have in common is that both were leaders of the party which took power as bandits and ruled the country as bandits. They robbed and killed people in millions and it's the only thing which communists are able to do.
You made one mistake in you speech. It must be "Gorbachev" instead of "Stalin" :)

I didn't read your post (no doubt that it's something really stupid as always :) ), but the only thing that Gorbachev and Stalin have in common is that both were leaders of the party which took power as bandits and ruled the country as bandits. They robbed and killed people in millions and it's the only thing which communists are able to do.
A little boy...stupid one but very funny
Where in my post ------- that I mentioned that you are being paid for your post?
As I mentioned before my English is not so good. I got you wrong. Sorry.

As for you article in The Moscow Times it is the brightest example of how fake news are created.
1. Data in the article is not proved by any links, sources. It is just said that "number of emigrants is..." where have they taken those figures? How? Why are they more accurate than state statistics department?
2. All conclusions of the article create a picture of total disaster.
3. Even the picture is taken very old and the one which allow reader to realize how terrible it is in Russia. For comparison here are pictures of the same place.
IMG_7042.JPG IMG_7043.JPG IMG_7044.JPG

There are some media resources in Russia that shouldn't be taken into account as they survive just thanks to anti Russian rhetoric. Such as The Moscow Times, Dozhd' TVchannel, Echo of Moscow and some others. They simply lie. Or find the worst news to show them as widely as possible.

They try to show Russia as bad as they can...and the picture illustrating the article is the brightest example.
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Can you imagine invasion with zero victims?
If there were no victims, then it means there was no invasion? I think this logic can be understood only by a Russian.

- Khrushchev violated the law when gifted Crimea to Ukraine;
What law he violated?

- Russian army in Crimea was legally and they had legal right to propaganda piece...and they had done it;
They had a right to assault administrative buildings, airports, and Ukrainian military units?

- referendum was organized and almost 90% voted for joining Russia.
I hope you aren’t going to expect that everyone will believe in this referendum, are you? Especially, taking into consideration the fact that no one international organization controlled the voting and the vote counting.
I hope you aren’t going to expect that everyone will believe in this referendum, are you? Especially, taking into consideration the fact that no one international organization controlled the voting and the vote counting.
Is it of even the slightest concern to you, this Crimea brouhaha? Can you remember any American having been blown up by a Russian? Haven’t you noticed there’s a muslim living next door whom you should be apprehensive about.
It was going to happen anyway, legally or not. Russia couldn’t afford American navy be deployed right under its nose, which was inevitably going to happen in 2017 when a deal with Ukraine letting Russian navy deployment in Sevastopol for reasons of Ukraine’s hostile stance towards Russia had no chance of being prolonged. And shove this self righteous talk about what’s right or wrong you know where. There’s a whole bunch of creeps on CNN doing that better than you.
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It was going to happen anyway, legally or not. Russia couldn’t afford American navy be deployed right under its nose, which was inevitably going to happen in 2017 when a deal with Ukraine letting Russian navy deployment in Sevastopol for reasons of Ukraine’s hostile stance towards Russia had no chance of being prolonged.
Are you trying to say that the US was going to build a naval base in Crimea? Leave these fairy tales to your schoolmates.

And shove this self righteous talk about what’s right or wrong you know where. There’s a whole bunch of creeps on CNN doing that better than you.
Sure, I will. Your opinion is very valuable to me.
It was going to happen anyway, legally or not. Russia couldn’t afford American navy be deployed right under its nose, which was inevitably going to happen in 2017 when a deal with Ukraine letting Russian navy deployment in Sevastopol for reasons of Ukraine’s hostile stance towards Russia had no chance of being prolonged.
Are you trying to say that the US was going to build a naval base in Crimea? Leave these fairy tales to your schoolmates.

I think, generals in US army not so stupid, as you mean... :)
I think that Russia under Putin can be characterized by the following caricature:


  • Russian bear.jpg
    Russian bear.jpg
    381.8 KB · Views: 40
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If there were no victims, then it means there was no invasion? I think this logic can be understood only by a Russian.
If there were not victims there were not resisting from local people. If there were not resistance they were happy.
In Kiev illegal revolution faced resistance and there were victims. But in Crimea most of local people were happy to see Russian soldiers.
I phoned to my friends in Crimea and asked about it. They answered that their women decorated military posts with flowers.
It was not a invasion but freeing.

What law he violated?
The Presidium of the Supreme Council gathered for a session on February 19, 1954 when only 13 of 27 members were present. There was no quorum, but the decision was adopted unanimously.
The earlier published documents, and materials that have emerged more recently, confirm that the transfer of Crimea from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR was carried out in accordance with the 1936 Soviet constitution, which in Article 18 stipulated that "the territory of a Union Republic may not be altered without its consent." The proceedings of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium meeting indicate that both the Russian SFSR and the Ukrainian SSR had given their consent via their republic parliaments.
Still on 27 June 2015 the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation accepted the request of the leader of A Just Russia party Sergey Mironov to evaluate legitimacy of 1954 transfer of Crimea and stated that the transfer violated both Constitution of the Russian SFSR (other languages) and the Constitution of the Soviet Union. The text of the document signed by Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Sabir Kehlerova Mironov stated "Neither the Constitution of the RSFSR or the USSR Constitution do not provide powers of the Presidium Supreme Soviet of the USSR and for the consideration of the changes in the constitutional legal status of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, members of the union republics. In view of the above, the decision adopted in 1954 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Soviet Union on the transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR to the USSR, did not correspond to the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the RSFSR and the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the USSR."

They had a right to assault administrative buildings, airports, and Ukrainian military units?
They had a right to ensure piece and order at the territory of Crimea.
After what was done in Kiev and Donbass that was the only way to avoid war in Crimea. And they had done it successfully- no war and happy population.

I hope you aren’t going to expect that everyone will believe in this referendum, are you? Especially, taking into consideration the fact that no one international organization controlled the voting and the vote counting.
International organizations were invited and some were present there.
That referendum was much more legal than yours in Kosovo.
The only difference is Kosovo was your action and it is correct and legal while Crimea is not yours and on that reason it cannot be correct and legal.

After the referendum several international investigators confirmed that most of Crimeans wanted to join Russia.

Are you trying to say that the US was going to build a naval base in Crimea? Leave these fairy tales to your schoolmates.
Renovation of Sevastopol School #5, Ukraine - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities
And try to find Joe Biden's speech on the 7th of July about Crimea. I cannot find it in English.

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