What is your opinion on Serbia?

On here a guy asked me what my first language is and I said serbian and he replied "What the fuck shouldnt we be white phosphoring you guys". Likely he was joking but actually the USA did use toxic bombs in serbia in 1999. Do you anything about Serbia, Serbian culture etc. And what is your opinion on Serbia?

the USA did use toxic bombs in serbia in 1999.

Like what?

I know they did and that many got cancer long after the war. I couldnt find a source by googling which verifies it but it did happen.

I know they did and that many got cancer long after the war.

Yeah, no one got cancer before the war..........
Albanians are the oldest culture there genetically and historically. Most of the Balkans was ruined by the Ottoman occupations and this retarded them and much of the Balkans for the most part. Get rid of the Muslims and that nasty vile cult and in a hundred years or so you'll be fine. They cause most of the problems wherever they reside in large numbers.
On here a guy asked me what my first language is and I said serbian and he replied "What the fuck shouldnt we be white phosphoring you guys". Likely he was joking but actually the USA did use toxic bombs in serbia in 1999. Do you anything about Serbia, Serbian culture etc. And what is your opinion on Serbia?

I've been to Serbia a few times, visited Belgrade twice. The first time I met some guy I had met before somewhere else, and he was with a former US Marine. We went to the war museum and some guy there was gloating over the tail of the stealth fighter there. It's a little weird to have both sides right there.

But generally Serbia is a nice place. I liked Belgrade, never had any problems. This is a certain amount of Nationalism, the Russians started to foment Nationalism in there to try and destroy the Ottoman Empire in the late 1800s and that sort of thing still exists. Milosevic managed to take something and do bad with it, but Serbia seems to have learned from that.
Albanians are the oldest culture there genetically and historically. Most of the Balkans was ruined by the Ottoman occupations and this retarded them and much of the Balkans for the most part. Get rid of the Muslims and in a hundred years or so you'll be fine.
Actually, it was the plague of Soviet Communism which destroyed the Balkans and enslaved the people for generations. .... :cool:
they are. russia and serbia have blood ties but also religion ties them together.
Both are Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Which is why Russia backed the Serbs during the war over Kosovo. .... :cool:

Sure, but the history goes back a long way, but for the reasons of Orthodoxy. But for Russia it was all about destroying its enemy, the Ottoman Empire.
Albanians are the oldest culture there genetically and historically. Most of the Balkans was ruined by the Ottoman occupations and this retarded them and much of the Balkans for the most part. Get rid of the Muslims and in a hundred years or so you'll be fine.
Actually, it was the plague of Soviet Communism which destroyed the Balkans and enslaved the people for generations. .... :cool:

Police states thrive in Islamized countries, true. They were sitting ducks for the Soviets, who themselves backed Islamic states. No surprise they all failed. Stalin wasn't a Communist, in any case, and neither was the Soviet Union.
they are. russia and serbia have blood ties but also religion ties them together.
Both are Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Which is why Russia backed the Serbs during the war over Kosovo. .... :cool:

Sure, but the history goes back a long way, but for the reasons of Orthodoxy. But for Russia it was all about destroying its enemy, the Ottoman Empire.

So was that something bad "destroying the ottoman empire"? You say it as if it was something bad which russia did, also i dont think its only about that, they did had a honest interest in slavic orthodox people from the balkan. Just like UK and USA have a "special relationship" because of shared language and culture. Special Relationship - Wikipedia
On here a guy asked me what my first language is and I said serbian and he replied "What the fuck shouldnt we be white phosphoring you guys". Likely he was joking but actually the USA did use toxic bombs in serbia in 1999. Do you anything about Serbia, Serbian culture etc. And what is your opinion on Serbia?
Not much of an opinion either way.

Serbia is not much on our radar screens

what do you think about serbian-americans

I can't say I have ever met any. In my neighborhood we have lots of slavs- but they are mostly Russians and Ukrainians.

To answer your question- I think of serbian- americans like I do Mexican Americans and Chinese Americans and Arab-Americans- you are Americans.
As for the Roma, they seem to be a criminal plague in every European country they reside. No wonder Hitler rounded them up and put them in camps. .... :cool:

Roma commit only petty crimes, they are less criminal than your blacks.

edit: but you wouldnt dare to say the same about blacks, at least not in public. that its good to round them up.
they are. russia and serbia have blood ties but also religion ties them together.
Both are Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Which is why Russia backed the Serbs during the war over Kosovo. .... :cool:

Sure, but the history goes back a long way, but for the reasons of Orthodoxy. But for Russia it was all about destroying its enemy, the Ottoman Empire.

So was that something bad "destroying the ottoman empire"? You say it as if it was something bad which russia did, also i dont think its only about that, they did had a honest interest in slavic orthodox people from the balkan. Just like UK and USA have a "special relationship" because of shared language and culture. Special Relationship - Wikipedia

I'm not sure where you've managed to conjure up emotion in what I've written. I've merely stated facts.
they are. russia and serbia have blood ties but also religion ties them together.
Both are Eastern Orthodox Christians.

Which is why Russia backed the Serbs during the war over Kosovo. .... :cool:

Sure, but the history goes back a long way, but for the reasons of Orthodoxy. But for Russia it was all about destroying its enemy, the Ottoman Empire.

So was that something bad "destroying the ottoman empire"? You say it as if it was something bad which russia did, also i dont think its only about that, they did had a honest interest in slavic orthodox people from the balkan. Just like UK and USA have a "special relationship" because of shared language and culture. Special Relationship - Wikipedia

I'm not sure where you've managed to conjure up emotion in what I've written. I've merely stated facts.

I read out it, sorry if Im wrong. Many Americans see Russia as imperialist power and a threat, in that context i saw your comment.
On here a guy asked me what my first language is and I said serbian and he replied "What the fuck shouldnt we be white phosphoring you guys". Likely he was joking but actually the USA did use toxic bombs in serbia in 1999. Do you anything about Serbia, Serbian culture etc. And what is your opinion on Serbia?
Here in Australia,we have a large community of Serbians,in fact I played soccer for Mount Lawley Serbia here in my home state of Western Australia,and they are great people and community,unfortunately old enmity still holds against the Croatians(let us all not forget Croatia sided with the Nazis and Serbia with the Allies in WW2)

Americans know little about either community,in fact they know little about anyone.....except themselves...... being kind.......
As for the Roma, they seem to be a criminal plague in every European country they reside. No wonder Hitler rounded them up and put them in camps. .... :cool:

Roma commit only petty crimes, they are less criminal than your blacks.

edit: but you wouldnt dare to say the same about blacks, at least not in public. that its good to round them up.
You don't know Sunni boy

What do you think of 'our blacks'?

You okay with generalizations about African Americans- but not okay with generalizations about Serbs?
On here a guy asked me what my first language is and I said serbian and he replied "What the fuck shouldnt we be white phosphoring you guys". Likely he was joking but actually the USA did use toxic bombs in serbia in 1999. Do you anything about Serbia, Serbian culture etc. And what is your opinion on Serbia?

My neighbor that I feed from time to time is Serbian, so I know a little and hate you guys with a passion...

Kidding about the hate and your people are fine but rough types even for my taste and act too Roma for me...

so you hate both serbs and roma, so you wont like me lol

No, but a little rough for my taste but of course your nation is beautiful. Tito was rough and afterwards it has been hard. Hope one day your people can enjoy prosperity and happiness...
Absolute Nonesence,Although Tito was a Croatian,he brought relative peace and prosperity to this region,created Yugoslavia and cleverly kept the Russian CCCP at arms length.....Yugosliva was made up of many distinct peoples,Macedonians,Slovenes,Croatians,Serbians,Montenegrians,Bosnians,Roma peoples etc,.

As for Bruce's comments......Yet another foul mouthed red neck comment,destined for the Trash Can.....he needs to grow up and grow a backbone,methinks.

Mortimer All of this area is very beautiful indeed including its peoples wether,Serbian Orthodox or Muslim...steve
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As for the Roma, they seem to be a criminal plague in every European country they reside. No wonder Hitler rounded them up and put them in camps. .... :cool:

Roma commit only petty crimes, they are less criminal than your blacks.

edit: but you wouldnt dare to say the same about blacks, at least not in public. that its good to round them up.
You don't know Sunni boy

What do you think of 'our blacks'?

You okay with generalizations about African Americans- but not okay with generalizations about Serbs?

i generalised my people too, i said for example "roma commit petty crime" of course not all roma commit crime, majority doesnt, it was a shitty comparison, i generalised both blacks and roma (my own people). i did it for the sake of the argument, i have no problem with blacks.
As for the Roma, they seem to be a criminal plague in every European country they reside. No wonder Hitler rounded them up and put them in camps. .... :cool:

Roma commit only petty crimes, they are less criminal than your blacks.

edit: but you wouldnt dare to say the same about blacks, at least not in public. that its good to round them up.
You don't know Sunni boy

What do you think of 'our blacks'?

You okay with generalizations about African Americans- but not okay with generalizations about Serbs?

i generalised my people too, i said for example "roma commit petty crime" of course not all roma commit crime, majority doesnt, it was a shitty comparison, i generalised both blacks and roma (my own people). i did it for the sake of the argument, i have no problem with blacks.
Good reply.

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