What is YouTube to Do When Joe Biden Gets Far More Dislikes Than Likes?

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The ONLY thing a liberal lemming can do, REMOVE THE DISLIKE BUTTON


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Conservatives are so petty

They do the same thing with books written by liberals. Go on Amazon and give one star ratings......even though they didn’t read it.

Like Conservatives can actually read
62 likes, 709 DISLIKES.
And the lemmings believe this man beat the most beloved president in my lifetime!
Who believes that Trump is...

You guys really need to get a grip.
37,000 at a Trump rally.

12, mostly press, at a Biden rally.

Come back to earth
Sure, we don't love and adore Biden. We don't have to flock to him. We don't hang on every word. We don't watch every appearance. We don't have to wear clothes signifying some emotional connection to him.

You guys think that everyone else is supposed to be like you. Thankfully, we are not.
This kind of thing is clearly very important to them. I guess I should be surprised, but...
EVERY wrongdoing by the biased lib press is important to us

and it should be important to you too
Conservatives are so petty

They do the same thing with books written by liberals. Go on Amazon and give one star ratings......even though they didn’t read it.

Like Conservatives can actually read

Or buy pallets of conservative books to get them on the best seller list.

Hey conservatives. The overwhelming majority of America is just that not in to you.

But I digress.

President Biden’s handling of the pandemic and coronavirus economy has helped fuel a 61-percent job approval rating as he enters his third month in office, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research published Wednesday.

The study found an overwhelmingly positive job approval rating among Democrats — 96 percent — despite just 22 percent of Republicans saying they approve of the job he's doing.

Biden’s overall approval from 6 in 10 Americans sits well above ratings measured for his predecessor, former President Trump, at the same point in 2017.

The news service noted that Trump not once reached more than 50 percent in his overall approval rating in any AP-NORC poll during his presidency.

Wednesday’s study found that COVID-19 remains the top issue for Americans after more than a year of the pandemic, with 73 percent of respondents approving of Biden’s handling of COVID-19, including an unusually high amount of support among Republicans polled, with about half approving.

The survey, conducted from March 26 to 29, found bolstered support for Biden on the economy just weeks after the passage of his sweeping $1.9 trillion relief bill, which included additional stimulus payments to Americans, unemployment aid and funding for state and local governments to assist in vaccine distribution.

The AP-NORC poll found that roughly 66 percent of American adults polled now support Biden’s handling of the economy, an increase from 55 percent recorded in February.
That makes youtube fake news. Move over facebook, twitter, google, CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo. We have a new phony in town.
I once saw a Donald Trump post on Facebook with 1.5 million likes.
I went to the kitchen and made a coffee, came back 10 minutes later and it had dropped to 725k likes.
This was before the election.
The ONLY thing a liberal lemming can do, REMOVE THE DISLIKE BUTTON

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Dumbass unemployed/unemployable tRumplings sitting at home spamming the dislike button.
Now you know why you need Voter I.D.
Holy non sequiturs Batman!

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