What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

there was no hybrid war in Eastern Ukraine,
International body specifically assigned to observe what was going on in Ukraine in accordance with Minsk Agreement says you are full of bullshit.

Russians who led separatists in Ukraine like Gerkin (aka Strelkov) who was sponsored and armed by Russian gov say you are full of shit.

Ukrainians who saw Chechens and Buryatas roll into their cities on Russian army heavy weaponry Say you are full of shit.

Killed and captured active duty Russian army members say you full of bullshit.

I’m going to go out on a limb and just say it - you are def full of bullshit.
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If you have to ask what my problem is with Bandera that shows how stupid you are, he and his movement were part of the Holocaust.

I’m stupid because you don’t know your ass from your face?

Bandera was in a Nazi jail during the Holocaust, for trying to organize Ukrainian independent state.

Take your bs somewhere else Vanya.
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Dumbass until Russia started invading its neighbors (again) Ukraine was committed to neutrality.

NATO doesn’t expand by member countries wanting something, it expands because Russia’s neighbors are concerned about their crazy, aggressive neighbor and want security assurances.

Finland and Sweden saw what happened in Ukraine and dropped their neutrality policies overnight.

Get your cause and effect straight instead eating up Kremlin propaganda like a fucking dupe. Nobody wants anything to do with Russian swamp, least of all to occupy and manage its vast depravity.
As always, you have it backwards.

What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?​


Russia?! I was talking about what Joe Biden has given us. He's made Ukraine a pile of rubble in his zeal to get Putin, that and covering up his family's crimes there.

Moron, it was Russians who invaded Ukraine and is reducing its cities to rubble, not America.

Nobody was “getting” Putin except his insane imperialist ambitions. He was warned by America, EU and other countries what will happen if he invades and that’s exactly what he got.
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Moron, it was Russians who invaded Ukraine and reduced its cities to rubble not America.

Only because Biden financed and backed up Ukraine to try to withstand the siege for years instead of getting in there and brokering a peaceful settlement. Without Joe, this war would have been over by May of 2022, Russia would have taken a little land and 99% of Ukraine would still be intact and thousands alive.

Joe sure must have something big in Ukraine he is covering up!
Only because Biden financed and backed up Ukraine to try to withstand the siege for years instead of getting in there and brokering a peaceful

You have not a single clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Peace was brokered FOR 8 YEARS in the Mink agreement format since Russia invaded, annexed Crimea and was running hybrid warfare campaign in Eastern Ukraine. Russia clearly had no interest in any peace that didn’t involve taking a big chunk of Ukrainian territories and installing a puppet gov in Kiev.

All Ukraine ever got before invasion was some Javelins and an offer for Zelensky gov to evacuate Ukraine when Russian tanks rolled in.
You have not a single clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Lessee: Biden/Obumma in office: Russia takes Crimea. Trump in: all is quiet and peaceful. Biden gets back in, Russia invades rest of Ukraine. Nuff said.

All Biden has done since March of '22 was to inflame and instigate the war enabling maximum destruction.
Lessee: Biden/Obumma in office: Russia takes Crimea. Trump in: all is quiet and peaceful. Biden gets back in, Russia invades rest of Ukraine. Nuff said.

Putin invaded Georgia during Bush administration but I guess two bit know nothing wingnuts like you take whatever loose correlation you can find and think you’ve proved something.

Except for flattery Trump had nothing on Putin that Joe Biden didn’t. In fact it was Trump that was bragging about sending Javelins to Ukraine, so there goes your stupid theory about how Biden arming Ukraine caused Russian invasion.
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The examples from the first post of the thread show that Ukraine is not becoming a democracy. These examples show that Ukraine is becoming a LESS democratic country than it was before February 2014. i.e. before Euromaidan.

But the ideals of freedom and open democracy Ukraine is paying for in blood will not be simply given away when peace is reached.

Ukraine has committed itself to joining EU and there is no way they are getting in without living up to those standards.
You make me repeat the same again and again - see below.

Ukraine was not in state of war in 2014 and it is not in state of war now.

There is martial law in Ukraine and this martial law was declared not in 2014 but in February 2022, see the official website of the President of Ukraine.

And wasn’t it strange for “a country fighting for its very survival” that there were tourists who visited Ukrainian cities between 2014 and February 2022?

And wasn’t it strange that citizens of “a country fighting for its very survival” worried about cruel treatment of animals at that period; see here?
I was a big supporter of the EU, closer links between our peoples and for economic reasons, but it's become too political and just a collection of vassal States, some of those idiots have damaged their own economies just to please the US, the sanctions against Russia have boomeranged, the Germans had cheap Russian gas for years without any problems, they deserve all they get.

Bullshit, far and away most in EU have no problem supporting Ukraine’s righteous fight against the aggression.

Freedom is not free and ridding themselves of Russian entanglements until that country gets its act fucking together is the best they could do for long term peace and economy.

You make me repeat the same again and again - see below.

Ukraine was not in state of war in 2014 and it is not in state of war now.

There is martial law in Ukraine and this martial law was declared not in 2014 but in February 2022, see the official website of the President of Ukraine.

And wasn’t it strange for “a country fighting for its very survival” that there were tourists who visited Ukrainian cities between 2014 and February 2022?

And wasn’t it strange that citizens of “a country fighting for its very survival” worried about cruel treatment of animals at that period; see here?

In 2014 Russians annexed Crimea and through hybrid warfare were taking over cities in eastern Ukraine.

There may not have been martial law until full scale invasion but certainly Ukraine has had their hands full with Russian invasion since 2014.
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In 2014 Russians annexed Crimea and through hybrid warfare were taking over cities in eastern Ukraine.

There may not have been martial law...
Why "may not have been"?

Have you read on the official website of the President of Ukraine - see my post above -about the date, when the martial law had been declared in Ukraine?
Litwin do you understand the title of this thread?

This thread is not about modern Russia, this thread is about modern Ukraine.
Bullshit, far and away most in EU have no problem supporting Ukraine’s righteous fight against the aggression.

Freedom is not free and ridding themselves of Russian entanglements until that country gets its act fucking together is the best they could do for long term peace and economy.

In 2014 Russians annexed Crimea and through hybrid warfare were taking over cities in eastern Ukraine.

There may not have been martial law until full scale invasion but certainly Ukraine has had their hands full with Russian invasion since 2014.
You live in some alternative universe of your own creation, there was no Russian hybrid war, the fact is there was a coup in 2014, the people in Donbass went to sleep one night when they woke up they were told a different Regime was in power, one they didn't vote for or want, so demonstrations took place and Government buildings were taken over, if it was good enough for the Maidan mob it was good enough for those in Donbass, then the Regime in Kiev launched it's so called anti terrorists operation attacking people in Donbass, the people got organised and formed Militias to fight back and resist, big battles at Donetsk airport and Debaltseve where the Ukrainians were beaten, there were no Russians there you moron, Russia secured Crimea because otherwise those quislings in Kiev would have handed it to the US and Nato.

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