What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

Polish Myśl Polska writes Ukrainians brought Nazism and venereal diseases to Poland*

You live in some alternative universe of your own creation, there was no Russian hybrid war, the fact is there was a coup in 2014, the people in Donbass went to sleep one night when they woke up they were told a different Regime was in power, one they didn't vote for or want, so demonstrations took place and Government buildings were taken over, if it was good enough for the Maidan mob it was good enough for those in Donbass, then the Regime in Kiev launched it's so called anti terrorists operation attacking people in Donbass, the people got organised and formed Militias to fight back and resist, big battles at Donetsk airport and Debaltseve where the Ukrainians were beaten, there were no Russians there you moron, Russia secured Crimea because otherwise those quislings in Kiev would have handed it to the US and Nato.

Ignoramus go read who Gerkin is and what Chechens and Buryatas were doing riding around on Russian army heavy equipment in Ukraine.

Russian hybrid war in eastern Ukraine is a well documented fact by international observers.

Minsk agreements were between Ukraine and Russian gov not some Donbas miners.
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Ignoramus go read who Gerkin is and what Chechens and Buryatas were doing riding around on Russian army heavy equipment in Ukraine.

Russian hybrid war in eastern Ukraine is a well documented fact by international observers.

Minsk agreements were between Ukraine and Russian gov not some Donbas miners.
Well documented by who? the big story at the time in the West was not about any hybrid war they said Russia had invaded Ukraine which was Bollocks! read Minsk 2, the deal the Ukrainians and their handlers in Germany and france later admitted they had no intention of implementing, Kiev was preparing for war on Donbass.

Minsk II

Representatives of Russia, Ukraine, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the leaders of separatist-held regions Donetsk and Luhansk signed a 13-point agreement in February 2015.

The leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine gathered in Minsk to mark the occasion and issued a declaration of support.

The deal’s 13 points were:

  • Immediate, comprehensive ceasefire.
  • Withdrawal of heavy weapons by both sides.
  • OSCE monitoring.
  • Dialogue on interim self-government for Donetsk and Luhansk, in accordance with Ukrainian law, and acknowledgement of special status by parliament.
  • Pardon, amnesty for fighters.
  • Exchange of hostages, prisoners.
  • Humanitarian assistance.
  • Resumption of socioeconomic ties, including pensions.
  • Ukraine to restore control of state border.
  • Withdrawal of foreign armed formations, military equipment, mercenaries.
  • Constitutional reform in Ukraine including decentralisation, with specific mention of Donetsk and Luhansk.
  • Elections in Donetsk and Luhansk.
  • Intensify Trilateral Contact Group’s work including representatives of Russia, Ukraine and OSCE.
Ukrainian nazis shelled the center of russian city Belgorod.. There is also a hit in the residential sector. All the details later. Just like in Donbass, the bastards can't hit the military and instead shell civilians.
It flew into the center, the footage caught on photos and video. According to updated data, 12 adults and 2 children were killed and 45 injured in a massive shelling of the center of Belgorod by the AFU, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said.
The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Kiev regime attempted to launch an indiscriminate combined strike on the city of Belgorod with two "Olkha" missiles in a banned cluster shell, as well as Czech-made Vampire MLRS rockets.
"The Olkha missiles and most of the Vampire MLRS rockets were intercepted by air defense means. Several rockets and cluster parts from downed Olkha missiles hit the city
The Kyiv regime, which has committed this crime, is trying to divert attention from the defeats at the front and also to provoke us into similar actions.

Russian armed forces are working only on military facilities and the infrastructure directly linked to them.
Russia will continue to act in this way. This crime will not go unpunished.
the ministry said in a statement.
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