What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

There are two main subjects in the first post of this thread – freedom of speech and rights of ethnic minorities in modern Ukraine.

I would like to add some information about these rights.

In 2020 the Law on Indigenous Peoples was passed in Ukraine. Despite the UN definition of Indigenous Peoples (see the official UN website), the Ukrainian authorities have introduced an additional criterion for such Peoples; see below a quote from the Law on Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine on the official website of the Ukrainian Parliament.
Корінний народ України - автохтонна етнічна спільнота, яка... не має власного державного утворення за межами України. (Indigenous People of Ukraine is an autochthonous ethnic community that… does not have its own state entity outside of Ukraine.)

According to this law, ethnic Hungarians are not Indigenous People of Ukraine, although they came to Transcarpathia, which is now a part of Ukraine, in 896 at the latest.

On the other hand, Crimean Tatars, who came to the Crimea only in the 13th century, are Indigenous People of Ukraine according to this Law because they do not have their own state entity outside of Ukraine.

Such a system of division of national minorities in categories is unfair and discriminatory.

For example, each of the three largest peoples of Switzerland (Germans, French and Italians) have their respective state entities outside of Switzerland, but this does not limit their rights.

However, national minorities of Ukraine are currently divided into three groups - Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine have more rights; Non-indigenous Peoples, whose mother tongue is one of the official languages of the EU, have less rights than Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine but more rights than Non-Indigenous Peoples, whose mother tongue is not one of the official languages of the EU, i.e. more rights than e.g. Russians; see the Law on General Secondary Education in Ukraine on the official website of the Ukrainian Parliament.

I know only one another country, where national minorities were divided into three groups having different rights – it was Nazi Germany.

Ethnic Danes, who live in Northern Germany, were in Nazi Germany the so-called Reichsbürger and had more rights; ethnic Poles, who lived in Upper Silesia, were the so-called Staatsangehörige and had less rights than the Reichsbürger but more rights than e.g. Jews.​
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The Ukrainian armed forces are shelling Donetsk with MLRS - there is a serious fire in the Budyonnovskyi district of the city. The rest of the city is noisy at the moment.
Bombing civilians is all the Ukrainian armed forces are capable of doing now. Ukraine has no other "successes".
I am absolutely sure that not all Ukrainians approve of what is happening in the country after 2014. Far from it. But people are highly intimidated, they keep silent or even support the Kiev regime out loud to avoid repression. After the Russian Armed Forces release them, they will be able to tell a lot of things.
Ukraine's Chief Rabbi Yaakov Dov Blaich said the law banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church "makes sense," in meetings with U.S. government officials.
How many like him were killed by ukrainian nazis during the war.... This is just crazy...
The issue of the format of a tribunal over the political leadership of Ukraine is being worked out, the Russian Foreign Ministry's ambassador for special assignments on the crimes of the Kiev regime, Rodion Miroshnik, has told the STV TV channel.

As the diplomat specified, the Ukrainian leadership will be punished for its actions. According to him, in what format this will take place is a political question. "The closer it will be to the end of the special military operation (SMO), the closer it will be to our victory, the faster politicians will come to a consensus on what exactly the tribunal will be," he pointed out.

As Miroshnik specified, the world community needs to determine in which court the process will take place.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitriy Peskov said that the Kiev regime had committed many crimes that would attract an international tribunal.
Where are (pro)-Ukranian users?

Don’t they want to speak about the subject “What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?”?

At first I thought it was some joke but then I heard the morons in chat roulettes in all seriousness talking of Russians having those stupid toilet problems. How could they have fallen down with feeble-mindedness all of a sudden when it was only 30 years ago that we all lived in the same country where those kind of issues had been seemingly solved once and for all? I don't know about the statistics the girl mentioned but never in my entire life have I seen an apartment house without those things whether it was in Ukraine or anywhere in the USSR.
... Russians having those stupid toilet problems.

Has it something to do with the subject of this thread, pls see the thread title?

This thread deals with a murch more important question – Is modern Ukraine really “a developing constitutional democracy” (see the post of AntonToo on the first page)?

Or is modern Ukraine very similar to Nazi Germany (see my post above)?
"according to official"? What official? Whats the the full context?

Stop posting half-baked bullshit.

If Russia wants peace all it has to do is NOT INVADE.

If Russia wants to sleep without wondering all they need to do is take their little green invaders and send them home to their wifes and children. Everyone is real tired of your impearialist bullshit and nobody wants anything to do with your swampy country.
All those clowns in Kiev and the US had to do was not give Russia a reason.
Why is he a scumbag?

Because he belives Ukraine to be a sovereign nation that should defend itself against facist invaders? :cuckoo:

The question is what the fuck did they teach you? All the talk about your grandfathers defending motherland from Nazis and you still haven't learned to not invade other countries.

Has it something to do with the subject of this thread, pls see the thread title?

This thread deals with a murch more important question – Is modern Ukraine really “a developing constitutional democracy” (see the post of AntonToo on the first page)?

Or is modern Ukraine very similar to Nazi Germany (see my post above)?
When Ukraine became independent it had a chance to be a democracy, but from day one it was infested with corruption and over time the Bandera credo infested parts of the Country, i remember the Orange President he started the canonization of Bandera and the Galician SS, it culminated with the Western backed coup in 2014, Kiev waged war on it's own citizens in Donbass and that is why we are where we are today, Ukraine will be lucky if it still exists this time next year.
When Ukraine became independent it had a chance to be a democracy, but from day one it was infested with corruption and over time the Bandera credo infested parts of the Country, i remember the Orange President he started the canonization of Bandera and the Galician SS, it culminated with the Western backed coup in 2014, Kiev waged war on it's own citizens in Donbass and that is why we are where we are today, Ukraine will be lucky if it still exists this time next year.

Your thinking is naive, no country becomes a worthwhile democracy overnight, especially so while their powerful autocrat neighbor constantly tries to steer it back into it’s corrupt, autocratic fold.

And what is your problem with Bandera exactly?

Russians hate the way he was against living under Soviet (and Polish, and Nazi) boot before it was cool, but in the end USSR has gone the way of other failed empires and Bondera’s cause of Ukrainian independence has prevailed.
All those clowns in Kiev and the US had to do was not give Russia a reason.

Kinda like a woman that wore the wrong clothes.

It’s her fault a maniac raped and robed her, right retard?

Russia annexed Crimea and was conducting hybrid warefare in eastern Ukraine BECAUSE IT COULD, Putin who believes a country Ukraine doesn’t exist, that it’s just a Russian province, doesn’t need any reason, he just needed means.

Ukraines fatal mistake was trying to play nice with a crazy “brother” next door instead doing the smart thing like Baltic countries and joining NATO.

They are paying for that with their blood now.
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Kinda like a woman that wore the wrong clothes.

It’s her fault a maniac raped and robed her, right retard?

Russia annexed Crimea and was conducting hybrid warefare in eastern Ukraine BECAUSE IT COULD, Putin who believes a country Ukraine doesn’t exist, that it’s just a Russian province, doesn’t need any reason, he just needed means.

Ukraines fatal mistake was trying to play nice with a crazy “brother” next door instead doing the smart thing like Baltic countries and joining NATO.

They are paying for that with their blood now.
No it isn't,there was no hybrid war in Eastern Ukraine, i told you what happened Bandera boy, Nato were hell bent on establishing themselves on Russia's border, the puppet coup Regime in Ukraine attacked people in Donbass because they were not having it, the elected Government was overthrown by those fascists with western help, Nazi goons were let loose on Donbass raping killing etc, then the DPR militia kicked their arse at Donetsk airport and Debalseve, if Russia had not taken action in Crimea the base at Sevastopol would now be a Nato base, if you ever thought Russia would tolerate that go see a trick cyclist you muppet.
Your thinking is naive, no country becomes a worthwhile democracy overnight, especially so while their powerful autocrat neighbor constantly tries to steer it back into it’s corrupt, autocratic fold.

And what is your problem with Bandera exactly?

Russians hate the way he was against living under Soviet (and Polish, and Nazi) boot before it was cool, but in the end USSR has gone the way of other failed empires and Bondera’s cause of Ukrainian independence has prevailed.
If you have to ask what my problem is with Bandera that shows how stupid you are, he and his movement were part of the Holocaust, not to mention thousands of Poles murdered, Ukraine became a corrupt toxic state after independence, but it's all Russia's fault, you allowed a bunch of foreign carpet baggers and Oligarchs to loot the Country, well you will have to live with it, and by the look of it you have not learned a damn thing.
No it isn't,there was no hybrid war in Eastern Ukraine, i told you what happened Bandera boy, Nato were hell bent on establishing themselves on Russia's border, the puppet coup Regime in Ukraine attacked people in Donbass because they were not having it, the elected Government was overthrown by those fascists with western help, Nazi goons were let loose on Donbass raping killing etc, then the DPR militia kicked their arse at Donetsk airport and Debalseve, if Russia had not taken action in Crimea the base at Sevastopol would now be a Nato base, if you ever thought Russia would tolerate that go see a trick cyclist you muppet.
Oh come on. Ukraine had ever had slim chances, at best, to become a NATO member.

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